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What superpower do you ALREADY have?

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    Baked Potato

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The demonic ability to copy word per word of anything I seem once


Ravenous Raven

Ravenous Raven

    Fried Potato

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Ah, yes


Cold resistance here, I'd go outside in a T-shirt at around 10 degrees celcius.

And actually feel fine about it... Have I mentioned I love winter?

I love winter, too.


My brother and I once had a 'run around barefoot in the snow for as long as you can without chickening out' contest. We grabbed a couple of PVC pipes and jousted for a hour and a half. We came inside because we were tired and sweating, not cold.


In fact, my cousin (who has feet that feels like icicles) like to hug me because she says I feel warm.




    Baked Potato

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Temperature monitor, I can maintain my temperature and be able to wear long sleeves and long pants year round.




    Fingerling Potato

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I'm good at games -_-' and from the age of 5... And I have a good taste for food and beauty.

Also... I can know the personality of people after a short time of interaction (well I think)



    Potato Spud

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    Potato Spud

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-Being able to eat raw meat
-complete a game in a day if wanting
-x-ray(we all have x-ray, true fact.)
-survive in cold weather.
-eating hard edible material(EDIBLE, I AM NOT GAJEEL WHO EATS METAL)



    Fingerling Potato

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Hmm... Im pretty sure i have the Superpower of Misfortune, to me and other. I can't have  1 hour of Luck around me, either someone trips, drops valuables or worst around me XS


I guess another ability is to eat ice cube non-stop, Like full on chomp them... Im eating one as i type this... I swear It's not "Ice".... 

Party, Whirlwind Style





    Fingerling Potato

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Ability to fall asleep anywhere anytime




    Fingerling Potato

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Ability to fall asleep anywhere anytime


Could I have that super power? Suffering with Insomnia right now XC

Party, Whirlwind Style





    Baked Potato

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Ability to turn all joys to ash with just a few words. It's not a very popular superpower. Fortunately, there are times when this power stays hidden and I can sort of hold a normal conversation. Also small children appear almost immune to its effects.


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I have the ability to eat as much as I want including large amounts of junk food, carbs, high fat foods, etc, without gaining any weight.

Though I'm screwed when I get to middle age where my metabolism will slow down and I will probably be a blob of flesh with diabetes and heart disease due to high consumption of cholesterol that I've been eating recently....



    Russet Potato

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Ability to make annoying fggt scared shizless by threatening them with sauce bottle. Just discovered this yesterday. The way i discover it was not so pleasant though.

And the ability to eat 3-4 peoples share of food in one go, and i never get fat.

And the power to laugh and make my friends join me laughing while watching horror story.





    Potato Spud

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in a world that everyone have a superpower, the extordinally one is the one whom has not.






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huh? i hven't post? The power to forget the 2nd task i am suppose to do after fin doing the 1st after 3mins, lol.....



    Baked Potato

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Whenever I make food, it always ends up tasting really great. Even the one time I failed at making shortbread cookies (I forgot the sugar, ha), I left what I'd baked out on the counter and came back later to find that my family was eating them all anyway. Maybe I just use good recipes? But even when I deviate from the recipe, or do stuff like not use a timer when I stick stuff in the oven, and just take them out when I think they're done, things always turn out well.

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Fried Potato

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I shoot laser beams from my fingers

Bobby W.

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    Russet Potato

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I can do... ordinary things that extraordinary people can't do ordinarily,.. lol

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein



    Russet Potato

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The power to edit posts!

Edited by shelly, 14 June 2014 - 12:28 PM.



    Baked Potato

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I am really well rounded ? I am a genarlists skills in bits of everything




    Fried Potato

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Intuitive math. Even when not knowing a math, I seem to get a general outline for any calculations I should be looking for... O__O

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