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What superpower do you ALREADY have?

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    Potato Spud

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Apparently, I have mind control powers, and just never knew it... because I've suddenly become a half decent salesman... 

Author of The Iron Teeth, a dark fantasy web serial with comedy and goblins.

Orange orange

Orange orange

    Fingerling Potato

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Does this mean you get paid more, and thus amass an even greater wealth? A wealth which some might even call a treasure, which would make you a treasure goblin! (Sorry for the bad joke. I blame Diablo for it.)
Does anyone know of a children's book containing a cannibal pirate captain who tricks a priest into eating his own servant? I know it exists, but have forgotten the name.

Dead Night

Dead Night

    Potato Spud

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I have the ability to see my own future. Small glimpses, but its really freaky... Most people think you see like major events, but its literally anything, and its all sub conscious. It isn't really a "superpower" either its more of an annoyance than anything else. 



    Russet Potato

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I have the ability to lose small pieces of skin, and regrow them within a week


and  .... The ability to choke on water. It's impressive in a way.


I have the ability to see my own future. Small glimpses, but its really freaky... Most people think you see like major events, but its literally anything, and its all sub conscious. It isn't really a "superpower" either its more of an annoyance than anything else. 


Yep. I get that too. First one I saw was really underwhelming. Showed my mom mopping the floor.

It can be useful though. I've avoided dropping silverware on my foot twice thanks to it.

But it can get confusing too. One of those times, with a butter knife, I saw it three times, three different ways... Have you heard of the move Inception? It was like that (the concept of the movie).


I saw that I saw that I dropped the knife, and what I did in that version.

(version 1: dropped the knife. ;  version 2: saw that I dropped the knife, failed to prevent it, dropped the knife ; version 3: saw version 2 and by extension version 1 and managed to avoid dropping the knife.)


It's kindof sad though that that is the biggest use I've gotten out of it in all this time...

On the Con side, Science is always implying that if this happens to you, its because your brain is stupid, and if you believe anything else, you're crazy. For awhile I believed Science on this, but stuff keeps stacking up that doesn't make sense with that explanation, so I don't believe it. [quietly yells]: Call me crazy if you want, Science!

Edited by shelly, 22 March 2016 - 10:55 AM.



    Mashed Potato

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Pre-conception/deduction ability to almost everything, meaning i always think i already know the future but always getting surprised again and again by the canon future. 



    Fingerling Potato

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I've always had problems detecting the temperature. I only notice it when there are extremes, and usually I get a headache just beforehand. It's weird, but I think it's interesting. Animals apparently love me. They seem drawn to me somehow. It was the same with my mom. I have very quick reflexes. Sometimes so quick, I don't even know what happened right away.

Blog: A Day in the Life...

Art: My dA

My first novel: Alliance

My second novel: Sweet Endless Terror



    Fingerling Potato

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Does dreaming of the future count?  I always seem to relive things it's cool I guess.

I also stepped out of my body before.  I only started doing that after sun gazing a long time.


Don't think I can ever be atheist cause of things like that lol.    



    Russet Potato

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This might sound weird, but I'd say that my creative power combined with my mild autism from my Aspergers is my superpower. With it, I can easily visualise almost anything, at any time, and develop it into some sort of complicated and emotional journey. Sure, it does mean that I get easily distracted and I'm a bit socially awkward, but I consider that a small price to pay for ultimate creativity and development within a private mental realm. 



    Potato Spud

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Last time I posted I said I can create and destroy worlds.

Well, another power this writer has is to look into different point of views  :batoto_028: 

How is it like to be a teenage girl, a rocket scientist, a general, and etc. It's fun, but mentally draining as well this power is.

This is my story. If you liked it, vote, comment, and share.

TheRiverKing was here



    Potato Spud

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I have superpower to tell a joke so lame, people who hear it look at me funny