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What superpower do you ALREADY have?

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    Russet Potato

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The ability to receive gifts from others. Its kind of strange, but for some reason, people tend to give me things that hold personal value to them. Things they made, gifts that were passed onto them by people they respected, small items they own that they somehow feel like I could use.

I've collected a lot of precious and important memories from people like that. And I try to give them away to new owners who will value and treasure them whenever I can. But not before I write down what it was I was given, from whom, and what it meant to them.

Its an interesting cycle. I feel very lucky to be a part of it.

"Life isn't about lasting through the storms, its about learning to dance in the rain."

Ravenous Raven

Ravenous Raven

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The ability to receive gifts from others. Its kind of strange, but for some reason, people tend to give me things that hold personal value to them. Things they made, gifts that were passed onto them by people they respected, small items they own that they somehow feel like I could use.
I've collected a lot of precious and important memories from people like that. And I try to give them away to new owners who will value and treasure them whenever I can. But not before I write down what it was I was given, from whom, and what it meant to them.
Its an interesting cycle. I feel very lucky to be a part of it.

That sounds really awesome. I would love if you were the main character of a manga. :>

With any member of my family, I can send them a message with my mind. It's not like words, it's only like feelings and impressions; vague stuff, basically. One time I was walking, and I started getting fierce period cramps. I started to freak out because I was still a mile from the house, and I remember concentrating really hard and trying to send a message to my mom, I kept repeating in my head something like 'I'm on the north road. Help.'

About ten minutes later my dad came and picked me up in the car, saying that my mom was really worried about me for no reason.
My sister calls it kithing, and apparently most of my family can do it go each other.




    Fingerling Potato

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I'm a Max Repel. Instead of repelling pokemon I repel people.



"The Bird of Hermes Is My Name

Eating My Wings To Make Me Tame"



    Baked Potato

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I can tap into a person's innermost circles and draw out their deepest secrets to then use to my advantage.

No, but seriously, people find me very reliable for some reason; they can get pretty comfortable with me once they get to know me. I know a lot of very personal stuff about a lot of my friends. I guess maybe I'm just that easy to talk to, or it's some sort of hypnotizing aura I give off... I'm fairly good at cheering people up, too. Usually, all it takes is listening.

Also, I can fart on command.

In fact, that one's pretty badass (lol geddit). I should've mentioned that one first.

Oh right, someone mentioned they've got a light step - I have that, too. Several years of living upstairs with a squeaky floor above a stepfather who very easily gets raging angry if he gets woken up too early has burned into my backbone to practically cover up my presence when I move around.




    Baked Potato

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I can make any female turn gay with the tactics I use.

Third year of college


groups I work for:




    Fried Potato

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I can make everybody around me turn into a otaku ;l3

                              tumblr_mj1tf4Zx0V1s6wcafo1_500.gif                             tumblr_nda9f1laEv1s74qeso2_250.png



Joshua Langford

Joshua Langford

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I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlebars, no handlebars. JK


Amazingly I can lose all sense of shame and pull off astonishing feats no sane man would ever think of! \o/

Edited by Joshua Langford, 15 April 2014 - 10:19 PM.




    Russet Potato

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I am able to adjust to my surroundings and fall asleep be it a noisy cafe, next to a human which snores echo trough the walls or on a super uncomfortable bus chair surrounded by human specimens yelling for no reason. But as soon as my alarm goes on I wake up.


Horripilating Sea Cucumber

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

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I am able to store food all over an area where I will frequent even if it is not a place for eating.



    Russet Potato

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Being invisible. 8D


Ravenous Raven

Ravenous Raven

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Eating pretty much any food that's gone bad and not caring. I feel like my family's garbage disposal unit. :/




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Then I'm your counterpart, the bottomless pit.


I do care when food is gone bad, but I can keep eating as long as there's excess food~

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    Potato Spud

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I can last at least 2 days without eating something. (Though this could happen if I ate a big meal a day before that. >w>")




    Fried Potato

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I can last at least 2 days without eating something. (Though this could happen if I ate a big meal a day before that. >w>")

My father was one fucking month without eating literally anything.

I can know what person it is that is in a normal range of distance just by how they step. If I know them well, that is.








    Russet Potato

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The power to turn into a beluga whale

Ravenous Raven

Ravenous Raven

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My father was one fucking month without eating literally anything.

My mom does that too, for lent.


...I lasted two days. Because I'm a wimps. lol




    Russet Potato

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Sensitive eyesight + Trained rhythm gaming reflexes = killing flies with a bb gun or swatting them out of the air easily

It's gotten to the point where I use two fly swatters to kill them faster, and it actually works.

The story that has not yet finished...?


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The power to sleep only for 5 hrs a day.



    Russet Potato

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The power to sleep only for 5 hrs a day.

Rather than a power, this is more like my weakness. I can't sleep more than 5 hours at a time. I need about 30 or so minutes between sleeping periods or else I get really groggy. 5 hours isn't a hard rule, but 6 hours of sleep definitely leaves me groggy and sluggish until my next sleeping cycle.

The story that has not yet finished...?


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Rather than a power, this is more like my weakness. I can't sleep more than 5 hours at a time. I need about 30 or so minutes between sleeping periods or else I get really groggy. 5 hours isn't a hard rule, but 6 hours of sleep definitely leaves me groggy and sluggish until my next sleeping cycle.

I had to work hard on that, I used to sleep 8-9 hrs a day