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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Have you ever...

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    Playa Potato

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Yep. It became popular for some reason a couple of years ago. Jealous, I memorised the simplest solution and kept on solving till I could do it in <5 minutes. Pretty useless for a speed cubing perspective, but at least I can claim to be a man of various talents. I’m sure I’ve lost that particular skill by now though. I still have a cube without the middle segment of each face, lying nearby. Fun to just toss around.

Have you ever placed first place in a sporting event?

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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ha! i'd die before i participate in sporting events

have you ever beaten yourself up for not trying hard enough



    Fingerling Potato

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Of course. Finding a balance between trying too hard and too little is one of those personal struggles that happens in most people's lives, isn't it?

Have you ever dug a hole big enough to sit in?



    Playa Potato

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No, I don't have any shovels.


Have you ever experienced extreme happiness followed by despairing sadness (in that order) on the same day?

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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like being told i have gotten a new job but realize that i now need to work twice as hard as before


have you turned edgy after reading a really sad book



    Playa Potato

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I don't read sad books


Have you turned happy after reading a happy book?



    Fingerling Potato

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Of course >w< silly.

Though, there's an interesting problem I have where if I'm too upset I don't always want to read happy things because I might ruin them. Sometimes this backfires because I end up reading things that are worse than I expected and my mood just gets more muddled.

...Which is why it's important to have a few series like Dakara Miyoko Desi on reserve (that have background sadness but can usually be relied upon to be ultimately happy).

Have you ever thought, "this is it, my latent magical powers are going to activate now?"

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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sure, whenever i kill my friend i hope for a sharingan awakening

have you ever received a gift from someone you hate



    Playa Potato

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I think I will, soon. I plan to smile and wave, like a certain group of penguins.


Have you ever wanted to run away from a conversation?



    Fingerling Potato

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Frequently! Unfortunately actually running just makes things worse the next time you have to speak to them.

Have you ever played with watercolor paints?



    Playa Potato

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Yes. I don't know why, but I always imagined myself doing something beautiful with them, but I just ended up messing around and ended up with dirty sheets of paper, dirty clothes and a dirty room. Also with that paint smell on me.


Have you ever met someone who deliberately raises the tension?

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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i'm usually the one who does that, online at least


have you ever bought something only to regret it a few moments later...

like, why do i have to jump onto the 4k large screen tv bandwagon (just because all my other friends have them?)

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 23 May 2018 - 05:34 PM.



    Playa Potato

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Usually only with things like pens. *skritch scratch*


Have you ever avoided a song for a long time, and listened to it later and regretted avoiding it?

PItiful Boar

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more like i deliberately avoided it for long enough so i can actually forget it


i tend to be pretty obsessive, listening it over and over again, depending on the mood


have you ever found a new song so good you just have to listen to it over and over again?



    Playa Potato

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I thought that's how everyone did it till they got sick of it. Anything I do listen to, I do it that way.


Have you 'saved' a song so that you could still enjoy it later? (Like not yet bored of it. I only did this with Arakawa Under the Bridge ed, but I kind of forgot about it anyway)



    Fingerling Potato

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Yup. More than 50% of the time I end up over-listening to it eventually anyway, but prolonging the period where it really hits me is sometimes nice.

The only song I can currently think of that I currently have on such a "reserve" is this one, which is not an anime song.

(Though my days of doing much of anything with anime ops and eds are pretty much over anyway. I used to have quite a collection...)

[I] imagined myself doing something beautiful with them, but I just ended up messing around and ended up with dirty sheets of paper, dirty clothes and a dirty room. Also with that paint smell on me.

They teach you that all the colours mixed together is black but watercolors taught me it's a sort of muddy greyish-brown. owo

Have you ever tired to swim in a bathtub?

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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(Though my days of doing much of anything with anime ops and eds are pretty much over anyway. I used to have quite a collection...)


OMG excommunicated! 

and yeah, listened to your so called music... started out good but then degenerated into some kind of weird confused battle music

the best ending music i've gotten is from blue gender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccAuSX4eoh4


i was never tired enough to swim in a bathtub. I might be so tired to sleep. And is it possible that I floated? maybe? can't remember when that was the last time though. maybe in a hotel where i'm not paying the water fees. 


Have you ever tried to piss in a pool

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 23 May 2018 - 08:11 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Ugh... I shall neither confirm, nor deny anything that might or might not have happened when I was a kid. v.v;

weird confused battle music

Yup, something like that. I'm aware my taste in music is pretty strange and uncultured. That particular artist normally churns out music for commerical use in movie trailers.
Have you ever eaten a bug? (I have. But only the once, at least intentionally. And only because my college cafeteria was strange enough to serve them that night.)



    Playa Potato

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I have got a couple of ‘C’s in my mouth, but I was able to safely spit them out, no harm done.

Have you ever tried to stop a bad habit?

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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cockroaches? crickets? cicada? u have to be a bit more specific, because cockroaches are yummy, especially when they're immersed in chocolate

(i'm not joking, all chocolate contain minute traces of cockroaches)


what would you consider to be a bad habit, like abusing drugs? driving fast car? enjoying fast women? how about sleeping on a irregular schedule, is that a bad habit? 


have you ever tried to stop somebody else's bad habit?