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[RP] Blades of Fealty

Blades of Fealty Roleplay In-Character

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, I must now ask that you head to your quarters. We are embarking shortly for our great crusade." Echoed throughout the ship. The people sighed knowing that the festivities were over and reluctantly left to their living quarters. 

"I guess I should go rest then." Gale said as he heard the words through the contraption. He observed the mass of people walking out and dissipating. Only a few were left standing on the hall. The chit-chat then died off, it was silent. 

"Silence is a good thing for a change." he noted as he still heard the ringing inside his ears. He wandered off to find his quarters and sleep.


Gale certainly found his quarters have a little hopeless wandering across the airship, but it didn't take that long to find it. It was small, but it was home. At least this felt like luxury to a vagabond like him. But he felt restless, he didn't want to sleep like he previously felt. He just sat on his bed thinking deeply on what is going to happen in the crusade. Maybe just thinking only about the worse things could happen is not that wise, but, it couldn't get off his mind. But his objective stayed clear, redemption, and that is what he will do not matter what. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




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"Tyr, if it really is Rayne and her companions who are responsible for this attack, then we have to let the prince know." Sashya said softly as she lightly guided Tyr through the ship and into the residential area, their hands laced together; neither wanting to part ways for fear of another separation. 


"Sashya, I think Aera went to go report to both the navigator and captain, so it wouldn't be too much to assume that they would tell the prince, right? They made an announcement that we should head to our quarters, and while i'm all for meeting the prince, I want to catch up with you first. We'll have more time to speak with the prince later. Let me lead the way, I managed to drop by my quarters earlier, and they are just like home." Tyr said with a warm smile, a wave of nostalgia pouring over his mind, as he mentally thumbed through the memories in his head of the times they had played in the snow when they were younger; of the times they hunted together, facing down some of the most dangerous beasts the Northern Marches had to offer. Tyr's body bore many scars from such hunts, but he wore them like a badge of honor, each faded claw gash to dull teeth marks having a story behind it. Sashya was in nearly every one of those stories, helping Tyr out when he was in serious danger, or vice versa. The fact that Sashya never once got injured to a creature while on a hunting trip with Tyr spoke volumes.


As Tyr led Sashya to his quarters in the section saved for children of the Seven Holy Knights, he couldn't shake an uneasy feeling in his gut, like this crusade was not going to be short or clean. 


Upon making it to Tyr's room, Tyr shut the door in the face of the Ephesusian guards and gave Sashya a quick, tight hug. "I missed you so much... That arrow you fired the day you were taken away has long been an important item to me, just looking at it gives me comfort that I can carry on as the warrior that everyone knows me to be. It eases the fear that... Maybe, just maybe i'm not worthy of fighting alongside these people." Tyr said, mentioning his doubtful tendency. This doubt stemmed from Tyr's fear of defeat. Tyr never lost fights, only rarely did he draw, and that was with the likes of Magnar and Renmutsu. In Tyr's mind, he HAD to be better, he had to be a step ahead of everyone else in order to not be overshadowed by his mother's legacy. He would become known as Tyr The Grey Wolf, rather than Tyr The Grey Wolf, son of The Valkyrie, Freya The Raven. As he grew up, Tyr exceeded all expectations people had of him however, as he exceeded those expectations, the bar kept getting raised as people expected him to accomplish whatever he set out to do. Crush a bandit hideout? Easy, how about a bandit headquarters? Hunt down some fabled beast in the woods? Sure. The pressure has continued to weigh on Tyr's mind, restraining him and depriving him of the freedom he values so much. While he physically had freedom, he had built a mental cage for himself without even realizing it. The only person who knew of these psychological struggles was Sashya, and the only one who knew of her ability to sniff out magic was Tyr.

Edited by Orcraniil, 16 August 2013 - 01:25 PM.




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"Ah, so she's nothing but a traitor."


Though agitated, her brother's presence eased Aera's worries considerably; the fierce look vanished from the princess' previously stormy eyes.


"Lysander, you really should stop sneaking up on people like that."


Feigning displeasure, she leans against his chair and makes a face at him.


"You really know everything, don't you, brother?"


For some reason, Aera had no qualms with that. Other people feared Lysander, calling him names like the Prince of the Shadows or something along those lines, but she knew they were wrong. He was the light, couldn't they see that? The light that would finally purge the darkness in their world lay in his hands. What more did they want?


She never had to say these thoughts out loud; Aera's trusting smile was more than enough.


The smile only widened when her gaze passed over two of his closest friends. Caius, Hadrian, and even Magnar, who was not present... these were the people who were going to change the world. She was more than honored to lend her sword to this cause. Even die for it.


Though she never expressed her last thought; doing so would probably result in her suspension from field missions.


"Ah, the skies. I can't believe we're actually flying!"


She was about to congratulate the Captain when she realized that other than the dance, she hadn't seen much of him in the dining hall.


"Isn't he hungry?"


"Oh, Hadrian. I believe I didn't see you eat at all. Was the food not to your liking?"

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Despite her assurances, Lily could tell that Magnar was still very worried about her. His face was pale, as if suppressing great fear or anger. Possibly both.


“The one who put you in this state is still outside, I guess, but he said that if you want to settle the score, then meet him on the deck in an hour,” Magnar said darkly. He spoke then of delivering death upon this evil sorcerer, fury filling his words with violence. Lily was surprised to see him so affected by her brush with death. They were friends, yes, but nothing more. They had talked at length few times, and she saw him not at all while she was at the Academy.


“Magnar,” she said calmly, “Let it go for now.” She had no desire to fight a dark sorcerer in this weakened state. She wanted her vengeance, yes, but she wanted it at full strength and on her terms. “I will not forget this. Later, this foul mage will taste my wrath. But not today,” Lily concluded. After a moment had passed, he nodded, though with apparent reluctance. His hands still tightly gripped the swords at his belt.


A cry came from the hallway. “Rayne of the Bloody Mist, prepare yourself!” Lily’s eyes widened in surprise as three figures rushed into the room, bristling with weaponry. She recognized Aera with considerable relief, and found a spell of immolation on her lips. She had almost uttered it; luckily for the princess and her companions, and the sake of everyone on board the Dawn, she had not.


Speaking of companions, one of them was the grey-haired man she’d seen in the banquet room earlier. He was staring at Lily and Camus in a way that made her remember that she was still holding her fiance’s hand. She blushed and dropped it, just in time to find herself being wrapped in a tight hug by Aera. The hug almost toppled her over, and for a brief moment she missed the support of Camus’s grip. Banishing such thoughts from her mind, she smiled and returned the enthusiastic embrace. “Aera,” she laughed, “I’m glad to see you.” Lily looked at the others in the room questioningly. “But who, may I ask, are these?”


The man walked forward in response. “I am Tyr,” he said in a deep voice, “some know me as ‘The Grey Wolf,’ for obvious reasons. But introductions aside, are you two okay? You look like you’ve been through hell.” She scarcely needed the reminder. Her searing headache was more than enough to keep her recent experience at the edge of her thoughts.


The princess released her and took a step back, giving the pair of them that speculative look that Lily was beginning to hate. “Well, well” she drawled. “I simply must see the both of you on the dance floor.”


Lily pointedly ignored her. She gave a small, and rather unsteady curtsy. “I am Lady Liliana Celestine Mercia Freesia. It is a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Lily.” She hesitated, and glanced over where Aera had cornered Camus and was speaking in a low voice. “And that is my fiance,” she said finally, “Lord Camus of Leviathos.”


Tyr inclined his head politely. The woman who hadn’t been introduced moved to confer with the northerner, and Lily realized that she recognized her. She was Sashya Ephesus, daughter of Artemis, Master of the Hunt and one of her own mother’s companions on the last crusade. She had seen her, occasionally, while at court, and had even talked to her once or twice. The golden-haired woman had always seemed very unhappy, though. Lily had always felt bad for her, and purposefully drew away many of the noblemen interested in her, for their own sake as much as Sashya’s. She did not want to dance with them, and the poor fops would not have born the sting of rejection well.


Her reminiscence was interrupted by a sharp stab of pain. Lily winced and put a hand on her forehead. Aera, catching sight of the motion, snapped a small vial off of a necklace, saying,”Lily. Here, take this.” Lily accepted it, but inspected the greenish liquid inside suspiciously. “it’s not exactly an antidote for magical ailments,” she went on, “but it’ll help you feel better.”


Ye gods, this had better not be some strange liquor. In this circumstance, she doubted that the princess would hand her a vial of alcohol. “Thank you,” she said politely. Lily wasn’t sure she wanted to drink whatever was responsible for that ghastly color. As she glared at the mixture, she listened to the others discussing what should be done about the incident regarding the necromancer that had tried to kill her. Finally, she gathered her courage and drank a mouthful of it, and nearly spat it all out upon tasting it. Seven days of darkness, it was foul! Lily managed one more quick swig before giving up on drinking all of the vial’s contents. However, her headache eased a bit, and her legs no longer threatened to give way. Frowning, she heard Aera and Camus discussing sending her to bed. And having Magnar carry her up to her room.


Before she could inform Aera of the disgusting nature of her potion and the error of her assumptions--that she needed to be treated like she was deathly ill--the princess left the room with a determined stride. Tyr and Sashya left a moment later, hand-in-hand, Lily noticed. This left her alone in the room with two men with concerned looks on their faces. She made a decision.

“I am going up to my suite to rest,” she announced, “and I do not need any assistance in getting there. I am perfectly capable of walking there myself.”

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Diabolical Rhapsody

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The Re-awakening
Unbeknownst to himself and consumed by rage, Magnar was still rooted in the engine room, his back to Lily and Camus.
Lily's gentle voice bounced of him, it seemed to come from a distance as his fury was still blinding Magnar, Unknowingly he may have nodded as Lily had stopped speaking.
Aera, Sashya and Tyr had also come into the room without his notice. He just stood rooted to the spot, his guilt and shame mocking him, singeing his pride, blasting the reassurances he had of his strength.
The fact was clear to him, he was not strong enough to protect those who he considered friends, even more so, those who he was tasked to protect. He had been made a fool thrice today already and that was hurting the giant's resolve. First Renly that Scoundrel, made  a fool of his guards, then a necromancer did such abominable act upon Lily and now his trusted soldier Garm was not their to protect Aera. His anger and frustration was consuming him, he longed to wield Mjolnir and strike fear in the denizens that had taken the ship, he maybe considered Lysander's pet dog, but they should know that he wouldn't think twice about ripping them to shreds should they even think of harming the ones he has sworn to protect with his life. Such thoughts permeated his minds as he stood still like a rock amidst people he could call friends.
Aera said something to him before darting off, he could follow her actions but words didn't seem to pass through the rage that was consuming him, then Camus spoke to him, his voice clear and tone requesting Magnar's help
"Sir Magnar, your revenge will have to wait. I need your help to carry Lady Lily to the living chambers. Staying in this place will hinder her recovery." that seemed to break the phantasm in which Magnar was lost,  followed by Sashya's gentle touch on his forearm and equally soothing words as if trying to placate him and pull him out of his dreamy world that seemed to crush his ego.
Snapping out of it, he nodded to Sashya and then replied to Camus
'Just Magnar will do my lord, my station is lower in rank to you and thus doesn't warrant the use of Sir' he added in his usual gruff tone,
now in control of his emotions, eyes swollen yet free from tears.
'Shall I carry my lady to her room then.'He continued talking to Camus, as Camus nodded at his proposal he turned to face Lily.
'Pardon my digression my lady, I sha.....' he was stopped mid speech as Lily announced her decision, looking right back at Magnar and speaking with confidence.
“I am going up to my suite to rest......and I do not need any assistance in getting there. I am perfectly capable of walking there myself.”
'As my lady commands then' Magnar said, he had regained his composure and the mask of formal etiquette was back on.
'I shall request my lord to accompany my lady to her suite, as the one most knowledgeable on magic I think your assistance may still be needed' Magnar said to Camus
'I shall see to it that all things are in order' he said before turning to go out. Magnar exited the engine room and signalled a guard,
as the guard came upto him he said 'run to the residential quarters and make sure that everything is in order for Lady freesia to lodge, call a medic while you are at it, ask him to wait there until she arrives'
turning to face Angus and Alina he ordered 'I now grant you full authority to use force as you deem fit in regard to protect this installation, I shall take all responsibilities for your actions' looking at both of them
'Take no prisoners and fight to your last breath, I shall see you soon.' he said before turning back to the engine room.
Tyr and Sashya had gone ahead of them and he knew their capabilities didn't warrant much precaution, atleast not in the state he was in.
coming inside he said to Lily 'My lady, please advance to your quarters, I do hope it suits your tastes' giving a curt bow.
he waited for Lily and Camus to step out of the engine room and maintaining a standard guarding distance Magnar walked behind them to the quarters.
After Lily had settled down in her suite, Magnar left immediately. While coming upon the quarters he had seen how Tyr had shut the door on the Ephesusian guards, he let a small smile appear on his countenance.
Coming up to the guards who still were outside the Wolf's door he ordered to them 'In order to do your duty well, join the others at sentry duty, no harm shall come to your mistress here, I shall face Lord Ephesus myself if it does.'
with this he knocked on the door once, not waiting for it to be answered he thundered 'I have a cauldron full of goulash in my room that I learned from your mother, Tyr, if you get hungry help yourself to it' he paused before adding
'It's cooked in bison's blood as these numbskulls couldn't find a bear' before he strode to his room.
Once inside he took off his family finery and the white shirt underneath to reveal a body crafted in war, countless scars adorned his torso like the three on his face. He unbraided his hair and gave them a nice  whip...he walked up to the larger weapon stand and took out Mjolnir, the weapon he crafted 5 years ago in the winter marches, it had not seen action after that half day spar with Tyr. Upon the insistence of Ras, Magnar had modified it to be a bit more balanced and easier to weild, in order to make it balanced he had fused a counter weight at the handle-end of the hammer.
He gave out a wry smile as he looked at his weapon, a part of his soul, a reflection of his principles, his essence. He glanced at the engraving written on its shaft, 'Unyielding even in death' it read in Old Norse, the language of the warriors of Winter Marches, his second home. His guilt resurfaced as the events of the day passed his eyes, Magnar was a harsh man but he reserved his harshest for himself and that brought forth a lot of self-doubt and loathing to how soft he has become. The sons of these nobles and men throughout the capital feared him and yet called him names behind his back, years of peace had diminished their awe and now he was just a loyal dog of the prince for them.
His anger was growing again, tears were filling his eyes, they were not of sorrow but of loathing, if this day was a sign of more to come he knew that he has to awaken the beast again, 'The Behemoth' the sobriquet was earned on the battlefield, to be precise in the battle to save the lands of Lord Gryphon from falling into the hands of revolting faction, Caius's genius knowledge mining had thrown a startling report of a possible ambush waiting for the Prince's forces, danger of falling in a pincer and sustaining heavy casualties the prince sent out Magnar along with 100 of his loyal northern reinforcements to meet the enemy at Gryphon pass. The enemy was numbered at 10,000 and Magnar and the war-crazy band were only 100 men, a huge mismatch and a certain victory for the revolting nobles; a gross miscalculation on the Nobles' side, they fell upon the enemy like ravaging fiends and it was a massacre, had death weilded a Hammer , Magnar would have challenged his position that day, drenched in blood from head to toe and breathing in big heaves it seemed a great unfathomable monster was beside them. He gained a fitting sobriquet 'The Behemoth'and his weapon of choice  was raised from a humble tool to a fearsome weapon, but it seems that all that glory had been forgotten.
Although the Prince and probably Caius still trusted his ability, his own trust was beginning to be shaking now, He decided that if he wants to uphold the blood oath he had taken in front of his father he needed to practise at the earnest. Pouring himself a large bowl of the stew he sat down taking big sips, finishing it he turned to his closet and took out the armor he had kept there this morning. Getting fully ready, he marched out holding his hammer over his shoulder and closing the door loudly behind him.
He passed the sentries and descended to the second level where the training room was located, coming up to the guard, he said in a booming voice 'Make sure I am not disturbed unless called by the Prince, Princess or the children of the seven.' before adding 'I shall have your head otherwise' glaring hard at the guard who was bewildered from a sudden change in his commander's personality. He pushed open the doors of the training room, a large round room with targets for practice, any class could practice here, whether archers, warriors or mages. He knelt on the floor and prayed 'First Emperor bring me death before dishonor' . He walked into the range meant for warriors, with a deep breath he started swinging letting his rage channel his movements.

Edited by Diabolical Rhapsodii, 17 August 2013 - 04:30 AM.



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The Illuminati

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Reflections and a dinner plate.


Maiev was loathe to admit it, but things were not proceeding as smoothly as she had forseen. For whatever strange reason her simple mind could not fathom, the heroes had sent their children to fight monsters while they themselves sat on their ten fingers. Five, in the case of one. How? How was it that those with the most experience had excused themselves from this fight? Did they believe that fighting in a petty war made these children slayers of demons? Fighting men and battling creatures of Dusk were not one and the same. No, not at all.


And not only had they sent children, but all of their children it seemed! She could not understand the madness behind this. Grooming an heir only to send them off to die. If their expedition ended in failure, many noble lines would be cut short. 


'Unless that is their true intention. After all, the young prince has been mustering quite the fortune, fame, and loyalty by putting those faithful to him in positions of power. Would it truly be such a leap to believe that the boy's mother or father might wish him dead?' Maiev smiled at the thought. She had a low opinion of royals, and in her mind they would sooner kill their own than lose their titles. It was all too delicious!


Some strange, little man sitting across from her smiled in response to her curled lips. It reminded her yet again how all men believed themselves irresistible to women. Quickly, her eyes took him in before returning to his face, and then looking away again. With that simple gesture he was on her hook. Her smile grew as she struggled with her laughter, and began moving her fingers to focus her mind. So easy.


'...yes, now where was I? Yes, of course! These airships,' she thought. The prince was intent on foregoing the very challenges that would test their resolves and strengthen their minds. Instead sailing directly into the heart of darkness. Suicide. Luckily, with the Dusk Emblem shattered (or whatever it was called), the evil protecting each shard should be more manageable. But how many times could these men wade into shadow before their sanity gave way?


​Just then, she noticed a familiar face approach the prince causing her to smile yet again. There were several others she knew personally, but she avoided their gazes. She had only joined the crusade in hopes of meeting the Empress of Light. Now she would have to leave before the airship and try another way of...


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I must now ask that you head to your quarters. We are embarking shortly for our great crusade." It was Caius. She had been too slow and now she was duty-bound to see this mission through to the end. Thinking quickly however, she realized there was yet hope for success. Surely the Empress would greet the returning champions personally. There in lay Maiev's opportunity.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



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With his statement Sashya allowed Tyr to lead her to his room, the guards trailing behind as always, grateful that Tyr wanted to spend time with her as much as she did with him. the idea of being in a room very much like home was going to be like a bit of heaven, though she felt a slight pang in the region of her heart. How she missed being there, hunting with Tyr and the tribe. One day she would be able to return with him, as soon as she could get rid of the guards her father had stuck her with.


Within the confines of Tyr's room and out from under the watchful gaze of her guards, Sashya was finally able to relax and return Tyr's embrace happily. Then she released him, her palm lightly thumping his chest as she playfully glared up at him. He was taller than she remembered, towering over her by almost a foot, but he was still the same Wolf, and for that, she was grateful.



"Tyr, you are more than worthy of fighting by their sides, you always have been. You are Tyr, The Grey Wolf of The Winter Marches, and should anyone say differently, they shall find themselves pinned to the wall by an arrow in their blasphemous tongues." She smiled at him and gently touched his cheek. "You've nothing to fear, I promise. Never once have I thought you any less than the proud warrior that you are. And I missed you too."


The thought that he had treasured her arrow so much had faint color rising up in her cheeks, and she hid her face from him with another hug, fearing he would see it. It was bad enough that the princess probably knew, but she was terrified at the idea that her best friend would find out and drift away from her. As she forced her wayward emotions under control she backed away from him to look around the room. Indeed it was exactly like home, and she smiled happily. While she removed her weapons and cloak her thoughts turned to Tyr.


She knew what he was fearing; the one thing that had always plagued his heart fro as long as she could remember, the fear that he would always fall under his mother's shadow, but she could see that there was something else bothering him, though she was fairly certain she knew what it was. The same thing that was bothering her. What else was going to happen? There had already been one attack, but what was Rayne truly planning, and how were they going to be able to thwart her efforts to ruin everything? Was Rayne really behind it all as Sashya had heard, or was there something far more sinister at work? Something that was casting a dark foreboding shadow upon the Third Crusade.


As she set the weapons aside she flopped onto the fur lined bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Yep, this is exactly like home. So soft it feels like I'm laying on clouds. Much better than sleeping in a tree, I can tell you that." She sat up and crossed her legs, her hands folded in her lap as her golden gaze locked on his face. "So, tell me what has been happening at home the last four years."


Before Tyr had the chance to reply, there was a knock on the door and Magnar's voice thundered through the heavy door. "I have a cauldron full of goulash in my room that I learned from your mother, Tyr, if you get hungry help yourself to it." There was a slight pause before he added, "It's cooked in bison's blood as these numbskulls couldn't find a bear."


Sashya burst out laughing, the sound startling her since it had been so long since she had had any reason to since her father had taken her away from Tyr. As her laughter died away to a few giggles she looked over at him, a grin pasted on her face. "Well, looks like we have our kind of meal waiting for us." She wanted to spend more time with him, though, so she just sat there making no effort to get up.

Edited by Maia, 17 August 2013 - 09:33 PM.


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Diabolical Rhapsody

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​The Righteous Psychopath 
As if on turn Caius's announcement ringed through the airship. That was all the prodding Iblis needed to get moving, the giant had rushed inside the room in panic, he shook his head knowing what  that man would find there. There was only one thing on his mind now, Rayne, she was a friend and an absolute necessity for his soul harvests. The souls he had collected in his 10 years alone were exceeded in just 5 years being around her.
He had got an idea of the ship layout from a map earlier and knew that their quarters were somewhere on the same level as the engine room. The party of 6 behind them had started to move again and from the sounds it seemed that they had one more now, all the more reason to go away from here quickly. He had decided that he would take a room forcefully in the service quarters to avoid an easy flush out if their pursuers came searching. Taking the staircase and glancing at Rayne, who seemed to shifting in and out of consciousness he made his way to the service quarters on the level above. 
Once there, he started walking straight through the corridor, the security wasn't much dense here. Apart from the occasional surprised looks of the service staff his presence wasn't objected to, maybe due to his fearsome visage that everyone shirked from taking an incentive. He came upon a fork with rooms running in both directions, taking on the more deserted one Iblis started walking, still occasionally stealing a glance at Rayne, worrying for her state.
When he had come far enough from the fork he stopped, he had thought of using his corrosive touch to work through the door but some muffled voices caught his attention. There were two voices, a muffled scream or shout for help and a low pitched grunt, in the shadows he could make out two people, one forced to the floor and other obviously forcing upon it. Immediately the picture was clear in his mind, he let Rayne hover near the door and went with padded steps to the scene careful as to not to draw attention, when the scene cleared his anger shot up some notches. What seemed like a noble's son was forcing himself upon a maid, covering her mouth with his hands as he ravaged her.
With rage filling Iblis, he muttered a spell under his breath as dark violet vines sprouted from his right hand, in one swift move he stabbed the ravaging man-beast in the neck and pushed his simultaneously to the side. Surprised by unseen help the lady let out a gasp as tears doubled their flow down her cheeks. Iblis offered his hand for her to get up. The demure lady grabbed it like someone grabs onto a log when drowning in the river. He pulled her up, took her into the shadows and whispered in a masked voice 'I would need you to show me your room, I have a friend who is in need of help, consider this returning of favor' trying his best to mask his usual eerie tone. The girl nodded still too shaken to speak a word and led him and Rayne to her room.
Once inside Iblis said to the girl in his masked voice 'I am a necromancer and I'll be in this room for an hour at max, you can go change but make sure no one disturbs me' he paused then added
'You can go and kill that noble if you want as payment for what he did to you, otherwise I'll consume him in half an hour'
The girl stood shell-shocked as she now saw his visage clearly. Iblis came up to her and said 'Do not be afraid, I don't harm women or rather women who are not nobles' he said in his usual voice.
'Now go and get changed, forget everything if you want to remain weak or else be strong and kill every man who forces you against your wish' he said to her as he gently prodded her to her cloth rack. 
He turned his attention to Rayne and took off his cloak from her, laying her gently on the bed of the lady he just helped, he clicked his fingers to dissipate the runes he had placed on her blades, he didn't want her blades to cut through the bed.
Getting away from the bed, he went on to check on the unconscious noble he had left in the side of alleyway, he ripped of his shirt and started marking symbols on him with his ritual knife, once done he went back to the room. He locked the door from inside and sat down on the floor cross-legged and pulled out a Ghoul's tooth from his cloak. Drawing a ritual circle from his blood, he placed the blood soaked tooth in the center and began his ritual for making a charm for Rayne.

Edited by Diabolical Rhapsodii, 17 August 2013 - 04:41 AM.



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"Ladies and Gentlemen, I must now ask that you head to your quarters. We are embarking shortly for our great crusade." a voice said, echoing throughout. Nobles and wanted men alike went back to their living quarters one by one but, Ren decided to wait until he was the last one to leave. After a while luckily, he arrived back at his and Garm's living quarters without any mishap happening. The room was roomy that it could keep Ren's armor and blades with lots of space to spare. 


Ren's head dove first into the bed. The fluff, softness and comfortable feeling the bed gave was a feeling Ren hadn't felt in a long time. Though the grass and base trunk of trees was ok for Ren, there was nothing that would beat a nice warm bed with company along. Ren turned and stared for awhile on the ceiling. It was mysterious how in all places he could have ended up to it would be the capital of Empyria. And along with it he would meet friends along the way like Garm and Tyr. And here currently on the airship was a collection of those with ambition and those of great capability like Valerius.


Ren then turned to look at the armor adjacent to him. It was his mentor's armor given to him. Vermillion told Ren that the armor was the twin brother of Yamato's armor as it was forged from the same material. "I only hold one deep regret until this day, and that was when i didn't come with him when he said it. Now i'm old and i can't go there to find the answers." was what Ren reminisced of Vermillion. He sighed as another thing after another popped up as his objective. "Come what may and with luck i may grant your wish master" he mumbled as he closed his eyes and entered deep slumber.






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~



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Aera had arrived before her brother in a panic."Caius... Hadrian... something's happened in the engine room. Lily was attacked."


Lily. It was obvious what had shaken the young princess. Camus will have handled it by now, assuming Lily didn't just fix it herself. Yes Caius knew all too well what had happened to Lily. Hiding his magic all this time didn't make it disappear.


"Rayne. The Bloody Mist. Who is she?"


As the Dauntless Ingenue stared into the depths of the Courtier's eyes seeking answers, her brother arrived to provide them.


"She is the daughter of Artemis, father and mother’s Master of the Hunt. She is a wanted criminal known for having betrayed the empire. She is a spoiled brat that ran away because she could not handle the pressure of the expectations placed on her due to her birth. She scorns the people of Empyria because she is afraid to confront her own shortcomings, and thus passes the blame onto others".


Lysander was right of course. But both men knew it was never so simple. Caius bowed lightly at the prince's entrance, rolling his eyes lightly at the spinning throne and the childish antics it inspired.


"Don’t worry, Aera, the situation will be handled. Rayne the Bloody Mist cannot harm us here. So let us not worry about her for now".


Caius now did something he almost never did in the company of outsiders. He hugged Aera. One arm gently held the princess whilst the other brushed away a lock of hair that had fallen out of place in her haste. "Lily will be fine Little Knight" Caius' nickname for the valorous young royal. "It's already taken care of".


That Caius showed this display of affection, or even emotion for that matter, to anyone outside his inner circle was extremely rare. Maybe he trusted Hadrian and his men more than they thought? Perhaps he just wanted to show off to the pompous Warlord. One more possibility remained, but likely only Lysander could tell what it was. "Everything's going to be alright".




So that was the reason.


Little White Lie.

Edited by Inumori, 18 August 2013 - 01:56 AM.

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief

The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Long Goodbyes, and Sweet Hellos.


Maiev-Dalal had made it safely back her quarters after the announcement. Seemingly, without being detected by anyone she knew or those who may know of her connection to The Handmaiden. Initially, she planned to board the sky ship... 'Or was it an airship?' ...under a presumed name. But seeing so many disgraced warriors, thieves, and other relatives of The Warlocks of Dusk strut around proudly, she decided to use the name her sister had birthed her.


She still was not sure how she would face those she knew intimately - Renly in particular. Then again, he was constantly surrounded by woman eager for his affections. Her comings and goings should be beneath his notice. Of course, men had this way about them. They boasted that they did not care from whence a wench came or to where she flew. Yet if she tried to leave, they would sooner break her legs than suffer such an insult to their good name. Maiev had met many such people - men and women alike. It was such a curious thing.


More importantly, she had evaded the man from the dining hall. Originally, she planned to lure him to some place secluded. Then cast a spell on his person that would leave him stuck to the ceiling for a bit. In the end, she decided not to be mean and behave herself. She had, after all, urged him on a bit. Not that men needed urging. Still, the next time they met, she would have to give an account of her behavior. Perhaps say that she was sorry, but uninterested and apologize. If he was decent, that would be the end of it. She doubted either would be the case.


​Now in her room, she closed the door securely behind her, making sure it was locked. Since she had not actually planned on joining the crusade, her cabin was threadbare of any personality. That which she had brought was simply to avoid suspicion and doubt. On a wooden desk by the only window in the room... 'Not of the best quality..,' she thought with a smile ...was the potted plant she had brought on board. She called him 'Heka', named after an old god of magic and healing. 'Great for thee.' Beside the single bed, was a lonely case with several outfits. Her years as a servant prevented her from just randomly throwing things within. Lastly was a lone book she had bought, and walked aboard with. Between the eyeglasses, fine clothes, thee-bush, and book in hand, she looked the part of a naive noble woman out for an extended Sunday walk. 'Better to be stared at lustfully. If at all.'


​To the right of the door was a mirror, to the door's left a wardrobe, and on the wall behind the bed - a crest of the empire. 'Home, Sweet Home,' she thought turning to look in the mirror. She was still surprised to see Renly at the feast. Perhaps he only meant to come aboard for business, and quickly disembark there after. Or had he truly planned to battle duskborne for a few gold coins? Sometimes the man was so base, and other times he was quite the enigma.


​Taking stock of her appearance, she began fidgeting with the little details like her glasses and hair. Then played with her face by making strange faces at herself. Finally she let herself smile for a bit. Those muscle were so underused that if she smiled too long her face would actually hurt. Nana had always told that she was pretty, that pretty girls should always smile. Growing up, she could only muster silent glares. Now, so many years later, a smile seemed like such a small thing to do. Even laughing seemed to come more naturally to her as she got older. Leaving the city was the greatest thing that ever could have happened to her.


Upon her return from the country, she immediately bought her Nana's service contract and set the poor woman free to live in her own house and lands. Nana had cried tears of joy when they were reunited, believing Maiev had perished in the wars. Then she quickly cried huge, chest-heaving sobs for Maiev's hair that was no longer resided in this realm. Maiev had never cut it, wearing it long in silent protest to the world she believed hated her. But she no longer felt burdened by such things. Cutting her hair was just symbolic of her internal growth. Maiev laughed remembering how Nana had gotten a bottle of wine, and poured it out in remembrance of the raven locks. Looking in the mirror at her smiling face, she had to admit Nana was right again. "You are beautiful." she whispered to herself. She would never admit it outloud, but in private at least...



​Then, there came the questions about the money. Sighing deeply, Maiev recalled the worried look on her dear Nana's face. She didn't dare tell her the truth, lest it break her heart. Instead, she lied in part, and credited the small fortune as the work of her good deeds done across the country side over the years. Which was true - in part. Walking towards the bed and sitting down as she adjusted the rapier on her hip, she caressed the soft sheets through the white leather gloves. She wanted her Nana to be happy and free, it was the least she could in payment for the old woman's kindness and loyalty to her family. For that, nothing was beneath her. Whether sleeping with pigs, or stealing from the dead.


​With the old woman taken cared of now, there was only one thing left for Maiev to do. Crossing legs and perching her chin on her right hand, she knew she had to do it before her heart got too soft. She had seen a better side to life, a better way to live. But none of that would bring back the death. Neither would killing the Empress of Light. But it didn't matter anymore. If there was a higher power, it should have protected The Handmaiden. At the very least the seven should brought back her body for a proper burial, and a hero's return. Instead... Maiev didn't even know, she could only assume that The Handmaiden lay where she fell, her belly full of cold steel. Even cattle are treated better than that.


​Letting the images fill her mind and consume her heart, hot tears slid slow but freely from her eyes. There was no right and wrong in this world, only power. And she would take that power for her sister, for her Nana, and for herself. And once the empress was dead, death would be her sweet reward. Opening eyes that had closed on their, she hardened her heart for the journey ahead as purple magic leaked from her silent glare. 'No more tears...'

Edited by Naifu, 17 August 2013 - 11:14 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash


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Terra Lifebane

The corridors on the skyship were annoying. Terra found herself struggling to tell them apart. She'd left the cool windy deck to find her sleeping quarters but was having difficulty. Unlike her home in the convent, everything here seemed so foreign and strange. Something about that most recent thought nagged at her mind. A voice drifted through a large pair of double doors as she passed by it."...never been done before! For now, we must return to our quarters. The crusade has now offi..." This meant it was time for bed anyway - Terra complimented herself on her excellent timing. Clearly she was incredibly talented at keeping her body-clock in check. A healthy body made a healthy mind and Terra was so healthy she could kill germs with a withering glare.

With a start Terra broke from her deluded self-praise to realize she was in front of the door to her quarters. Promptly she entered and discovered there were two beds - she would be sharing with someone else. Briefly she considered staying awake to welcome then but quickly dismissed the idea. She needed her sleep. Terra changed into pyjamas and pinned a note to the outside of the door naming the room 'Fort Kickass'. Content that she had done everything that needed doing, Terra curled up underneath her blanket and went to sleep. She was still cold from her trip on the decks and so she kept the covers over her head to warm up.

As sleep took her she realized what the odd thought had been. She'd called the convent 'home'. It would be nice to properly go home, she thought, to see her mother and sister again. It had been a long time since she'd seen them.




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Feeling movement, She opens her eyes, vision still a blur, and sees what looks like a mans face looking right at her. "Wh...what's going....on?" Rayne asked as her eyes began feeling heavy again as she continued to fight against going under again. Turning her head to the side, she could see them walking past what seemed like a corridor. Just as she could hear a scream and another muffled sound from a distance, she was out again.


Waking up sometime later, she jolts out of the bed holding her head. "Where in...the hell am I?" she questioned as she looked around to see an unfamiliar room until she saw Iblis sitting on the floor beside a circle of blood and his shirt ripped. Great..."....doing another ritual I see." She mumbled as she sat up, attracting Iblis' gaze. Giving him a dumb look, "I know i know, you think I should lay back down. But I can't rest until I...blow off some steem." Rayne mumbled with a slight grin as she tried to keep her eyes open. "Don't worry....I feel a bit better. Enough for a....walk at least. This drug....hasn't beaten me just yet. Anyways....I'll be back." she said without giving Iblis a chance to state his objections as she busted the door open.


As she walked through, she noticed a clearly shaken and terrified woman trying to change. Taking a look at the girl and back towards, she gave him another dumb looking before shaking her head out and walking out of the room. Walking around corridor upon corridor of rooms....That arrogant piece of shit is going to pay....just you wait, when I find you I'm gonna k....Stopping in her tracks, she looks up to find numerous guards surrounding a certain section of the ship. "Hmm..." Looking at the number thats standing there and how they're not letting anyone else pass by them....That must be where all the 'special' ones are staying. "Heh.." With a smirk, she make sure her gauntlets are on and places her arms at her side as she gently walks up to the section.


"Halt!!! This section is reserved and not meant for the normal guests. I'm going to have to ask you to turn around and walk away or else!" The guard demanded as the others blocked her path and tightly gripped their weapons. "Oh? But I'm anything but normal. Don't tell me you have no idea who i am?" Rayne said as she pretended to act distraught "Y-You see....I am supposed to be here....I am a child of one of the holy knights-" she continued as her tone grew more serious "Hah, Nice try. Like we haven't heard that excuse before. We've had our fair share of guest try to get back here with the same exact line. Please leave this-" The guard tried to say as he was cut off by Rayne's hand. "You know...It's quite rude to cut a lady off when she is speaking. Such a poor fool you are not to know who I am." She said with delight as the guards froze. Removing her hood, she reveals her face. Reaching for their weapons. "I....it can't be. You're..." Before they could finish and raise their weapons, Rayne pulls out her arms from under her cloak and cuts them down with her blades.


Noticing that one of them still lives, she walks towards him while lick the blood that runs down each of her blades before stopping in-front of the terrifed guard.

Looking into the mans eyes as she grins as she raises her blades into the air, "Maybe in the next life, you'll show some respect, maggot. Now Die." As she finishes him off with one more swing. Wiping her blade with the inside part of her cloak, she resumes walking down the hallway. "While that was filling....It's not anywhere near enough..." Stopping as she noticed a couple of guards stationed outside a room when something on their uniforms catches her eyes. Looking down, she recognizes the Ephesus family crest when her eyes light up. "No way...That means....the one in that room is...." Sashya...hmm? With a devilish grin, "Well....I was hoping i'd come across Caius's room but this will do...Oh...it will.-kekeke-" As she approached the room, when the guards finally noticed her presence...."Ha-" The guards stopped mid-word when they looked at the womans blood stained cloak and then back at her face...Terrified..."Lady....Lady Ephesus?!!! Wh-What are you d..." Their voices faded off once they watched her raise her blades up. "No.....please.....NOOOO!!!!!!" They shrieked as her blades made contact with their flesh as they fell to the ground.


Just as she was about to break open the door she heard a hoard of guards starting to swarm the location. "Rayne Of The Bloody Mist, Put your hands behind your head and get on the ground and surrender!!!" The reinforcement guards damanded. "Heh....?" She stumbled as her head started pounding as her vision got worse. Fuck, Fucking pests. They dare to interrupt my......tsk. Dipping her fingers in the fallen guards blood. She writes "I'm Waiting....R.E." With no more time, she ran as fast her her weakened state would allow. As her conditioned got worse, she started to breathe harder as she turned at another corridor as they guards continued to chase her. "Ugh..." Stopping as she leaned against a wall... Maybe this wasn't a good idea....But....It's Too late for that now...Smacking her face a few times, in attempt to stop her from passing out, she stands back up, stumbles, before continuing to run.


The Epic Of X:


Sir Flash™

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~Rustling air, vibrations on the floor awoke a mysterious man in white clothing. Face covered, he remained hidden so no one would detect him or feel his presence. He was calm, cool and collected, feeling parched he drunk some of his own water then ate a bit of jerky. But soon his instincts would kick in as he could just tell something bad was about to happen to the ship he had hitched a ride on. What would happen to this mysterious guy as danger lingered closer and closer, each second. Only time would tell and that time was about to arrive.~

Edited by Sir Flash™, 18 August 2013 - 03:14 AM.

Musician King's SoundCloud: 







    Baked Potato

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Lily sat at an elegant writing desk, carefully recording the events of the morning. When she had first arrived at the Academy, she had been told that keeping a journal would be beneficial to her, as she would draw upon her experiences to master the magical elements. Writing in her journal soon became a habit, and she found solace in putting down her thoughts on paper. Sunlight slanted across the pages of the leather-bound book from a small porthole behind her, and warmed her hand as she wrote.


Leaving the engine room had been a great relief. Why they had decided that that unstable piece of machinery was fit to fly-- with a number of talented mages on board, no less-- was beyond her. Her magic lay peacefully now, no longer drawn towards the pulsing magic of the engine.


She had let Magnar and Camus escort her upstairs to her suite, being too tired to protest their company. And, given the recent attack on her person, she figured having the two of them with her would serve to discourage any further assault. There had been a healer waiting outside her suite, but after gritting her teeth through his quick inspection, he had agreed with what Lily had been saying all along: she was physically unhurt, and all she needed was rest, and meditation to get her magic back in order. She had sent her escorts away with a promise to contact them if anything else happened, as if she wasn’t an adult woman fully capable of taking care of herself.


There had been a sign stuck to the door of the suite. It read ‘Fort Kickass.’ Lily had frowned in disapproval, wondering who had placed the sign there, as she plucked it from its perch. The pins left a mark on the new door.


She had entered the rooms, and smiled upon seeing them. The main room was filled with beautifully carved furniture, upholstered with rich fabrics in soft purples. The spacious parlor was filled with light, which caught sparkled through a cut-crystal vase, filled with stalks of blooming freesia. Little rainbows danced on the floor. It smelled homey, like polished wood and a hint of rosemary.


The mystery of the sign on the door was solved when she entered a room, seeking her bedroom. Inside, someone lay sleeping. Lily’s eyes had widened in surprise, then she put two and two together. Her little sister, Terra. She recognized the blonde hair spread across the pillow. Well, at least there wasn’t a stranger in her rooms. But Terra should not have been here. This was far too dangerous, and she was far too young. She had decided to let her sister sleep for now, and had crept back out of the room. When she awoke, Lily had a lecture waiting that would burn her ears.

For now, however, she had other things occupying her mind. The dark sorcerer in the hallway, the crusade lying before them. Her fiance. She sighed, and got up from the desk to change into her robes. Hopefully, meditation would help her sort out her feelings.

Avatar by Molnar Eszter

Previous Avatars • Music for February 21...not picked out yet.

Crouching Bacon

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Aera's eyes widened considerably, her mouth agape. A slight flush warms her previously pale complexion, as she leaned into the noble arms wrapped gently around her. The troubles of late were easily forgotten in a single kind gesture; she closed her eyes and wrapped an arm around him as well.


"Come now, Caius. What's gotten into you?"


Still, she held him all the more tighter, relishing the warmth of Caius's gentle hug. She remembers how, even when they were children, his arms– which were quite scrawny back then– still managed to make the world seem like a beautifully simple place.


Her mind drifts, a faint memory playing in her head.





"Ah, take a look at that!"


Dirty little fingers pointed up at the sky, where a summit loomed over the horizon. The tiny, yet unmistakable figure of two great birds flew around it, their piercing cries shattering the silence. Caius arrived just in time to find her sitting high up in the branches, knife in one hand and a small plate of clear glass in the other, which made things from afar appear close– a gift from her brother.


"Eagles, Aera. I've said this before: come back, now."


Aera stuck her tongue out at the young noble below; he was right, but being right was hardly an excuse to kill the fun. Tomorrow would mark the tenth day in her silent war against the Emperor; forcing her to sit through lessons in matters she could care less about was bad enough, but this– this was far too much.


"Why can't I just do as I please? Lysander is good at everything, he's going to be king anyway."


The leaves rustled as Caius pulled himself up the tree, sitting on a sturdy branch nearby. He stared at her wordlessly; she avoided his gaze, looking intently away into the far-off horizon.


"What are you staring at?"


"Little Knight, come down from the tree."


A cryptic smirk smeared itself across his lips, and he jumped down the trees, then looked up at Aera. Above them, the setting sun turned everything into smoldering gold.


"I'm not leaving. I can't give your brother the satisfaction of you getting the better of me."


After gathering some dried sticks and a few dried leaves, in a while the boy had a small fire. He crouched down, protecting the growing flame with his hands. Aera jumped down the tree, intent on making him go back empty-handed.


"Well, I'm not going back."


"Don't you miss your brother? Your friends? Life as a vagabond can get pretty lonesome, Aera."


The scratches on his wrist and the shadows under his eyes told her that it was about time to stop this foolishness. No wonder the wolves never descended upon her. Someone was watching.




With a huff, she stamped out the fire Caius made. The two retraced their steps back to the castle grounds, arguing loudly throughout the walk.




"Lily will be fine Little Knight. It's already taken care of."


Of course it would be. Nothing ever passed his grasp; the talons of eagles, once they find prey, never let go.


"Everything's going to be all right."


"I know it will."


Even lies could become the truth, with a little effort and some time. Aera took the courtier's words to heart, and laid her worries to rest for the time being. Now was not the time to look backwards into the past; the bright future lay ahead.

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"



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The Witching Hour


Hadrian turned his head slightly behind him to give the princess a knowing smile. “I appreciate your concern, princess but…” He faced forward, staring out of the large window that gave every person in the bridge a grand view of the sky and the earth below. “…with what is about to happen, I think it was wise of me not to eat just yet.


Captain, preparations have been made.” One of the bridge crew announced.


The Warlord grinned triumphantly, and promptly set himself down on the captain’s chair. A buckle and strap was then fastened securely around his waist, and he gripped the arms of his seat before finally ordering, “Then let us all take off to new heights, gentlemen.” Hadrian idly wondered if anyone would understand his pun in the next few moments.


Slowly, the airship lurched upward, beginning its ascent. However, that was not altogether unpleasant; it would be the next phase of the operation. Suddenly, without warning, the airship began to pick up speed. A thunderous roar could be heard at the airship’s rear, and coloured smoke began to rise from the vessel’s sides—they were signals to the rest of the fleet. The speed of the airship then swiftly sped up more than ever, ascending to the heavens even faster.


For many aboard the The Dawn, they would soon feel a slight unpleasantness. Their ears began to pop from the pressure of entering a higher altitude that man had never done before. Bodies would feel a bit lighter as they rapidly increased their height. On the bridge, the view was spectacular. The clouds were quickly moving past them as if they were entering the fog.


We’re approaching the optimal height, captain.” A member of the bridge said.


Hadrian could barely contain himself in his seat; he was just too excited. “Excellent, reduce the speed to two levels above cruising level.


The bridge crew acknowledged their orders and went to work. The Dawn then broke through the clouds that had engulfed them, and now they were now all sitting in the heavens. Below them, they were drifting through a sea of clouds, and above them were the stars that were still visible in the early morning sky. It was a truly spectacular sight.


So Aera,” Hadrian called out to her in a casual manner, ignoring all formality. “Let me be the first to welcome you to heaven.


Windows were lined across all the ship, and despite being a compromising part to the airship’s integrity, the prince had insisted for every room to have a window to see the grand view outside. Naturally, every single person on the ship would be able to witness the magnificent beauty that men and women of the empire could now see thanks to his vision.


Truly, it was awesome.




Many hours later, it was now midnight. In just under seven hours, it would be exactly a full day since the Prince’s airship fleet had taken off from Empyrean, the capital of the empire, and began the Third Crusade into the Dusk. Much to Hadrian’s chagrin, he had spent a majority of his time stuck on the bridge to keep watch of their flight. According to the calculations, it would be roughly a few more days before they would near the Vale of Dusk, the final battlefield where the Princess of Light and the Seven Holy Knights shattered the Dusk Emblem, and defeated the Six Warlocks of Dusk.


His falcon, Falkner, was perched on the prince’s chair behind him deep in thought. At least that is what Hadrian believed. He would never claim to know the thoughts of animals, let alone his intelligent falcon. Falkner was a mysterious, but loyal companion. Hadrian leaned against his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was true, after all. The Dusk drove you to madness. The boredom of this flight so far was making him think about the minds of animals! He needed a break.


I’m heading down to the kitchens for some food,” Hadrian announced as he stood up. “Any of you want to come along?” The members of the bridge mumbled out denials, and others were too tired to even give a proper response and just yawned. “Suit yourselves then. Try not to crash the ship while I’m gone.


The Warlord left the bridge with his faithful falcon in tow. The trip to the kitchens was uneventful, and the chefs brought aboard were more than happy to give the captain of the airship a snack. Hadrian was polite enough not to demand a cooked meal; he simply took some fresh-baked bread (thank you magical stasis charms) to eat. He was gone no more than thirty minutes before he reluctantly returned to his post.


Falkner shrieked atop his shoulder as the lift carried them to the top floor. Hadrian cringed in pain from how loud the cry was, and glanced worriedly at his avian friend. The falcon suddenly propelled itself from Hadrian, and flapped its wings frantically.


Hadrian frowned. “What’s the matter, Falkner?


It cried out again, resisting Hadrian’s attempts to reach for it. With its sharp beak, it suddenly nipped his fingers. The Warlord hissed in pain, and tended to his wound. His finger was bleeding, but only slightly. Confusion ran through his mind; Falkner had never hurt him before! Not even during the days when he was still training the bird did it ever do that. What could possibly have driven Falkner to do such a thing?


The lift to the top level opened up, and revealed a startling sight. The hallway leading to the bridge was littered with numerous corpses of the crew he had just left behind. Many were slumped down against the walls, blood seeping from wounds. However, there were many more that seemed to have fallen mid-run, collapsing when they were nearing the lift.


They were running away from something…” Hadrian commented. As ghastly as the sight before him was, he ignored the numerous cadavers to focus on the matter at hand: No one was controlling the ship. Falkner shrieked again as if warning him not to go out further, but Hadrian had his pride. He ignored his companion’s cries, and hurriedly made his way to the bridge, stepping over the bodies of several of his men.


He felt a dark, putrid presence emanating from within the bridge, and Hadrian was reluctant to enter. With a steel resolve, Hadrian reminded himself of his mission and calmed his nerves. The Warlord entered the bridge to find nothing but more corpses. Several were slumped over their stations, hinting that whoever had done this had snuck up on them before chaos broke loose. He looked all over the bridge, trying to find the culprit of the massacre, but found no one.


The captain strode to his station, and quickly switched the automatic flying system on. The speed of the vessel was soon reduced, but it was the price to pay to make sure the ship didn’t crash immediately. In the corner of his eye, Hadrian noticed someone stirring. A breath of relief was released. Someone had survived! Hopefully, he could tell them what happened on the bridge in the brief period he was gone. Hadrian walked over to the man, and kneeled down before him.


Good to see you’re alive,” he told him sincerely.


The stirring man lifted his head, revealing a decrepit rotting face. A moan escaped the man’s slashed throat. Suddenly, without warning, the moving cadaver sprung on Hadrian. He did not see it coming.




An explosion awoke every person on The Dawn.


One of the four other airships suddenly came aflame, and all members of the fleet that had a window could see it become a ball of fire that was soon hurtling down to the earth. The darkness of night made it bright, eliciting the attention of all that could witness it.


Prince Lysander, Caius, Magnar, and Camus were in the war room in the middle level of the residential area, having a discussion when they caught sight of the ship from Lysander’s window. The prince, appearing calm as always, did not appear perturbed by the sudden event. However, for all those in the room, they could see his eyes harden at the sight of it. The heir of the empire turned to his comrades, and quickly gave out his orders, Magnar, Camus, check the engine room in case a few rats try to take advantage of this. Caius, contact Hadrian and get in touch with the other ships. I’ll lead the guards to enforce order in the ship.




Rayne would awake to find herself in a cell. She had stirred not from getting enough rest, but rather the flurry of excitement that was happening around her. Soldiers were making their way past her cell, and if she had memorised the ship accurately, then she would be in the middle level of the residential area. No doubt she was being kept in the brig all thanks to that point she was given. However, with all the chaos that was happening, she had no doubt she could escape while everyone was too busy to keep an eye on her.




It had all happened so fast. One moment, in the top level of the residential area, everyone was all happily conversing with one another in the large common room with each other. Suddenly, rotting men and women had appeared from the lift when one noble was trying to head down below, promptly being devoured. Quickly, the guards, the nobles, and the children of the Seven Holy Knights had barricaded themselves in the inner room of the common room. They had shut the door, but they could hear the moans of the living cadavers on the other side as they banged away at the door.


They were trapped!




Meanwhile, in the lowest level of the residential area, a man wielding two swords was killing several mercenaries and criminals. He stood amidst corpses, his sword crossed in an x shape as he waited for the several men and women to attack him. His eyes were dead and his skin was cold, pale as the snow. However, everyone who saw his face knew who it was. How could they not? They had seen the portraits. They had read the books. They had heard of all the stories.


This was the Warlock of Dusk, Eckhart Lyon the Swordsman!




OOCSnap! Things are happening! Hadrian is the first casualty!


Top Level Residential Area People: You're stuck trapped waiting for the zombies to break through the door and barricade. It seems you have to wait for reinforcements... or you can make your own escape. Remember... fighting isn't the only option if you're creative.


Mid Level Residential Area People: Everything is getting chaotic! Do what you have to do. Also, this is where the Super Necro Bros. are at as well.


Low Level Residential Area People: Don't pursue Lu Bu (The Swordsman).

Edited by Liar, 18 August 2013 - 07:27 AM.



    Fried Potato

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Garm Vauxof Bernard


Moments after his first "real" battle ended


The bout has started once again, this time it is Valerius versus a mage-looking man draped in a cloak. As the challenger climbed to the stage, the crowd's cheer begin to get louder and louder. This hinders Garm's search for his armor even more. He can barely move around now that everyone is swarming closer to the stage. And then..


"Hey, isn't that the loser from before?" A rude remark assaulted him from behind. A man, a pirate or marauder judging from his look, is sneering at him. This is something Garm expected: a shameless cutthroat picking on the losing side to show who's the boss. It still hurt to be called a loser right in your face though. He is about to ignore the man when he continued, "For a loser like him to be an imperial guardsman, oh how far has the empire fallen!"


"Says the bigger loser who doesn't even have the balls to challenge Sir Valerius," says Garm with a sneer. He wouldn't mind people calling him a loser, or telling him that his skill is lacking. Insulting the empire on the other hand, is something he cannot ignore. Such disrespect must be quelled before it could spread.


Unsurprisingly, the man draws his blade and walks towards the unarmed guardsman. Face red with anger, the bandit roars, "How dare you mock me! Don't you know who I am?"


The man himself seems to be a rather experienced swordsman, but what attracts Garm's attention the most is the blade he is wielding. 60-70 cm long, single edged, has no guard, and is made of black steel with white mottles reminiscent of flowing water; a Damascus blade. Still, a bandit is just a bandit, even if he is a famous tomb raider who wield a famous ancient sword. With that in mind, Garm replied with the sincerest of tone, "...A nameless bandit?"


"Oh, that's it you little runt! You're dead meat!" Fueled by anger, the bandit lunged towards Garm with sword raised in the air, ready to cleave the boy in two. Fast as the attack is, it is no match to the speed Valerius displayed. Furthermore, an attack driven by fury is pretty easy to read. And let's not forget that he is fighting one of the best swordsman in the guards' rank. Add the three, and what would he get? An easy victory? No, that does not sound right. Oh yeah, a crushing defeat.


In reaction to the attack, Garm charges towards the man, and stopped just inches away from his body. Sounds familiar? But the similarity ends there. As Valerius has said, Garm's footwork is not up to a master's standard yet. And so, he need to improvise for the skill to work. He take another half-step towards the man, lowers his body out of his opponent's field of vision, and from there, he launched a palm strike to the man's unguarded chin. The shock is strong enough to dislocate one's jaw, and of course, is enough to knock the bandit out of his consciousness. After a short pause, the man crumples to the ground, his mouth foaming.


"It seems that the imperial guard is still good enough to keep you in check isn't it, Mr. Bandit?" says Garm as he stretches his body lazily. "I'm confiscating this sword. Oh, and your cloak as well, if you don't mind". Having finished his 'confiscation', he walks out to the corridor to look for the princess. Instead, he finds into the boy he met earlier before the duel. "Ko? What are you doing out here? Wait, let's talk in my room. The airship is about to take off, it is not safe to be in the corridor like this."



Updated Garm's equipment and appearance to match his new outfit

Edited by fayrbrant, 18 August 2013 - 08:54 AM.

Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

    Fried Potato

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  • Locationin Oblivion, checking out the tapestry.
Preparing the Stand
Magnar was in the war-room with Lysander, Caius and Camus when a deafening explosion ripped through the night sky. Catching glimpse through the window in the room, as a fire-engulfed air-ship seemed to sink through the clouds to the ground below.
Magnar looked at Lysander for his orders, he knew his prince was a man who had experience and maturity beyond his years and then so as to not disappoint him Lysander spoke “Magnar, Camus, check the engine room in case a few rats try to take advantage of this. Caius, contact Hadrian and get in touch with the other ships. I’ll lead the guards to enforce order in the ship.”
Magnar gave a salute as he turned to leave, Camus silently followed him behind, his face a bit pale. Magnar knew that the events of the morning were probably still running through Camus's mind.
He spoke in a low friendly tone 'Camus, I think I can handle the emergency alone, you need to go upstairs and check on Lily' as he signalled to the guards stationed outside the War-room.
'Take a company of 20 men and escort Lord Camus upstairs, we need someone expert in magic to assess the situation upstairs.' Making sure that guards didn't know Camus's true motive.
Turning to Camus he spoke 'My friend hurry up there to your love, I won't forgive myself if some harm comes upon her person' 
'But make sure to make your way to the engine room once the situation is sorted there, I have a foreboding that I won't be among the living if you don't hurry'. Saying that Magnar turned to leave for the engine room marching towards the alternate stairs to it.



If you have the time: 




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The Summoner


"My friend hurry up there to your love, I won't forgive myself if some harm comes upon her person"


"My.. Love?" Magnar's words has struck home. Camus is worried of Lily's safety, yes, but love? It has never occurred to him before. He loves Lily? Come to think of it, he had never been able to think properly whenever Lily were nearby, had he not? But that doesn't matter for the time being. He needs to make sure that Lily and everyone else is safe. Then he will have time to contemplate as much as he likes. Having sorted his mind, Camus give Magnar a nod, sends the twenty people assigned to protect him to make way, and readies one of his best spell. The spell that brought him to the rise of fame as the crimson sorcerer.


With his mind now in utter silence, Camus gently releases his magic to the surrounding area, causing mysterious glows to appear out of nowhere. This gentle light then converges on Sylvan, his faithful familiar, transforming her into something entirely different. With eyes glowing with a gentle light, mane flowing like a majestic coat of the kings, and fangs as sharp as a master-crafted swords, this form is indeed a harmony of beauty and power befitting of the title 'Tempest'.


Having given Sylvan a gentle pet, Camus then turned towards the direction Magnar ran off to. "Sylvan, please take a good care of that man". He then turned around to leave for the upper floor. Before doing so, however, he whispered dearly to his one and only friend that neither hates nor fear him in his days of seclusion. "And return to me safely, you hear?"



Added image for Sylvan's appearance in Camus' info cache

Edited by fayrbrant, 18 August 2013 - 11:45 AM.