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30th Floor Workshop Battle : (Spoilers/Discussion/Predictions)

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Grace Mirchea Luslec

Grace Mirchea Luslec

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someone an irregular is more taboo than helping a terrorist group who's main aim is to take over the established government by kill all the leading figures.
arie hon is not discriminated against and I belive it was stated he was friends with urek mazino or atleast gave him the 77th floor

Zahard's empire is an evil empire if FUG is a terrorist group.  No terrorism if both groups are evil.


Goodbye! This was the last straw:

Grace Mirchea Luslec, on 05 Oct 2013 - 21:07, said:snapback.png

Off topic and I want to put this out there. Rachel > Koon

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The Ostrich Sage

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Zahard's empire is an evil empire if FUG is a terrorist group. No terrorism if both groups are evil.

groups within an empire doing bad things does not make the whole empire evil we know parts are evil but as a whole I dont think it is evil and fug still is a terrorist group no matter if the empire is evil or not, fug still fits the definition of a terrorist group but your opinon is your opinion

Edited by The Ostrich Sage, 06 July 2013 - 04:34 PM.

Grace Mirchea Luslec

Grace Mirchea Luslec

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groups within an empire doing bad things does not make the whole empire evil we know parts are evil but as a whole I dont think it is evil and fug still is a terrorist group no matter if the empire is evil or not, fug still fits the definition of a terrorist group but your opinon is your opinion

The Great Families know about those small groups, you're guilty of the atrocity if you know about it and chose to do nothing. It's your opinion that you think FUG fits the definition of a terrorist group and it's my opinion that Zahard fits the description of a evil empire.


Goodbye! This was the last straw:

Grace Mirchea Luslec, on 05 Oct 2013 - 21:07, said:snapback.png

Off topic and I want to put this out there. Rachel > Koon

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Honestly, you're both right. Nothing is that black and white in the Tower. Zahard's Empire does rotten, evil things and so does FUG.



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Lol at people thinking FUG is a bunch of flowers and rainbows, they're as bad as the Zahard Empire.




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Well, with the next release expected soon, we'll get to see a lot more, I think miseng akraptor and wangnan will win this round.





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Well, I predicted it would be Miseng, Wangnan and Akraptor who won the first plug round. I was wrong about Miseng and misguessed on Prince, but two out of three isn't bad. I certainly would have made profit betting! hahaha


Well, I think this was a nice chapter to read, so, I'll so a basic recap. 249 regulars from the One Shot are competing in the first round of the Workshop Battle. Prince, Akraptor and Wangnan are already going to round 2.


10 of those regulars brings the total for the first around to 239 at 8 contestants per plug game mini round. So their are going to be 30 (29.875) rounds before round two. Making approximately 90 regulars available from the pool for round 2. Team sizes look like they will be about 15 team members per Team Leader.


Since 30 rounds is a lot to draw, it looks like SIU is going to compress them all to get to the meat of this game, so I expect the first round to be wrapped up in 2-3 more releases.


Goseng and Hyorang in the 4th match, and I wonder if they will have any dialogue to move their little romance forward. Yihwa and Quaetro in the 5th match up and Barghav the mad dog in the 6th match. I hope we find out a little more about other matchups, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.




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10 of those regulars brings the total for the first around to 239 at 8 contestants per plug game mini round. So their are going to be 30 (29.875) rounds before round two. Making approximately 90 regulars available from the pool for round 2. Team sizes look like they will be about 15 team members per Team Leader.

I'm rather assuming we'll have standard eight-person teams. There's nothing stating that all the Regulars in the pool will actually be picked for teams. Some of them are just going to get cut and sent packing, I imagine.

Also, and now for my newest and unquestionably truest prediction. Gas Bill wins the Workshop Battle. Because dammit.



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After the betting rounds, IIRC, there will be a bidding round to select teams. The bids for stars and superstar regulars are going to be very high. So, there is a high probability that there is only one super star per team.


Super Stars:

Viole, Androssi, Mad Dog, Anak, Ran + a new character



Yeon, Chang, Quatro, Novik, Verdi, Cassano, Teddy + a couple of new characters


Above Average:

Bee girl, Prince, Arkraptor, Rak leader, Yuto, Bunny ears + some new characters



Wangnan, Glasses + a lot of other new characters


The best bidder should try to get atleast 1 superstar, 1 star, many above-average regulars and very few average regulars.

If a bidder goes for many star regulars, he/she may be left with just enough points to fill up the rest of the slots with average or below average regulars which may not augur well for them in the team tournament.


Koon spent a lot of time trying to recruit strong regulars for his team in 25F. So, he definitely has better knowledge of powerful regulars. Hence, he will be able to make a great team by bidding for many above-average regulars who may not be very popular but are quite good nonetheless.

rak n' roll

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The 6 superstars (1 per team) are Viole, Mad Dog, Androssi, Anak, Ran, Chang.


These are pretty well set in stone based on the "top-5" that we've been hearing about since Ran's character was introduced, reinforced when Chang made his appearance, and confirmed when we got the silhouettes a few chapters ago.


[edit]: hit post before well, making my post!

Edited by rak n' roll, 07 July 2013 - 06:43 PM.




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After the betting rounds, IIRC, there will be a bidding round to select teams. The bids for stars and superstar regulars are going to be very high. So, there is a high probability that there is only one super star per team.


Super Stars:

Viole, Androssi, Mad Dog, Anak, Ran + a new character



Yeon, Chang, Quatro, Novik, Verdi, Cassano, Teddy + a couple of new characters


Above Average:

Bee girl, Prince, Arkraptor, Rak leader, Yuto, Bunny ears + some new characters



Wangnan, Glasses + a lot of other new characters


The best bidder should try to get atleast 1 superstar, 1 star, many above-average regulars and very few average regulars.

If a bidder goes for many star regulars, he/she may be left with just enough points to fill up the rest of the slots with average or below average regulars which may not augur well for them in the team tournament.


Koon spent a lot of time trying to recruit strong regulars for his team in 25F. So, he definitely has better knowledge of powerful regulars. Hence, he will be able to make a great team by bidding for many above-average regulars who may not be very popular but are quite good nonetheless.

I think Koon just won a lot of money this round, and like it's been stated, he is a notorious gambler. SIU also said he was going to resolve all of the character issues and a 15 person team size seems optimal for setting this up. Koon also fights dirty, so it's entirely possible that he'll gamble and win enough money to recruit everyone from tanksooyook as extras.


I think Koon will bid for Androssi and Viole and recruit them both, he won't allow reflejo the ability to recruit him. We also can kind of guess that reflejo and  even leesoo aren't going to try to recruit miseng or goseng or even yihwa, so it's easy for koon to form a team of his choosing. I think it might be amusing if Ran ends up on the same team as anak, but part of me thinks that reflejo won't also bid for androssi or anak because they are connected to zahard.


Grace Mirchea Luslec

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Chart on how I see it going, just an example.  No reason to go crazy


Grade rank of characters in the games.


S-rank  =  Viole, Androssi and G.G     75% of your winnings

A-rank =  Anak, Ran, Novick and etc  50% of your winnings

B-rank = Horyang, Cassano and etc  25% of your winnings

C-rank = etc                                        15% of your winnings

D-rank = etc                                        10% of your winnings


  • Say one bidder, bids for Viole with 75% of his earnings just to be sure to get Viole. He will only have 25% of his money/winnings left and can either take one B or one C and a D or two Ds to fill out his team.  That will either be a three person team or four person team (including team leader).
  • Say the second bidder doesn't want an S-rank especially since Viole was taken.  He will just go for two A-ranks for a three person team(including team leader) or he can go one A and two Bs.
  • Now we can have one bidder who chooses mass numbers over strength.  He can just use his winnings and just bid/recruit 10 D-ranks for an eleven person team(including team leader).


This isn't an exact example, but it could work that way.  I just think the teams will have odd numbers depending on who you recruit and how much other people want him.


Goodbye! This was the last straw:

Grace Mirchea Luslec, on 05 Oct 2013 - 21:07, said:snapback.png

Off topic and I want to put this out there. Rachel > Koon

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this is why i wonder what is the point of plug game if no matter how teams win they can be destroyed so easily later 

Edited by salvatore022, 07 July 2013 - 08:23 PM.

rak n' roll

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this is why i wonder what is the point of plug game if no matter how teams win they can be destroyed so easily later 


Hmm?  The point of the plug game is to make Madorako more money.  Lots more money.


Because even if the "gamblers" participating in the game are limited as to what they can bet and win, that doesn't mean the gamblers watching the tournament are, too.


It appears that each participating "gambler" gets one chance to pick one of up to three winners.  For example, Leesoo picked Miseng, while Koon picked Prince.  Leesoo lost, Koon won.  It's fairly simple, and the awards are figured so that longshot bets can win bigger pots.


However, the betting pools among the rankers, regulars, and inhabitants aboard Archimedes can be way more complex than just a pick-em.  


This could include betting for the trifecta in a round, betting that only one winner will emerge, betting that one player will KO another specific player, betting which "gamblers" will advance, who will drop their plug, who will use a signature move to win, etc.  


The possibilities, as well as the lines and potential winnings, are almost endless.



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i mean my question , betting outside the tournament i see it ok but inside the tournament among the regulars , if fug team wins each round but reflejo loses the bet and koon buys  viole is just  pointless , what is in it for madarako regulars bet , ?

rak n' roll

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i mean my question , betting outside the tournament i see it ok but inside the tournament among the regulars , if fug team wins each round but reflejo loses the bet and koon buys  viole is just  pointless , what is in it for madarako regulars bet , ?


Well, that's a risk.  


Or rather, it would be, if organized crime wasn't notorious for "fixing" sporting events.  And there's no reason to think the "fix" isn't in, on the Archimedes.  


Reflejo could have a detailed list of who's planning to lose on purpose because FUG's promised to give them something.  Or even just promised not to do something particularly horrible and permanent.  


Mad Dog -- who Mei noted "went out at midnight to cool off" -- could now have some detailed marching orders on who is okay to "accidentally" kill during the games.  Perhaps some members of Team Tangsuyuk or Mr. Mask in the second round?


We don't know the details, but it's relatively naive to think that this is all just a simple, fair competition.


One thing's for sure, though...if Hatchuling's on board, he's going to win way more than he did off Quant.



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Well, that's a risk.  



We don't know the details, but it's relatively naive to think that this is all just a simple, fair competition.


One thing's for sure, though...if Hatchuling's on board, he's going to win way more than he did off Quant.

well you are right , something is there so until we get more details it is just wrong to think too much  and hachuling been among those rankers , i bet he left all the work to lero-ro and having some fun :lol:




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I know a lot of us have read Hunter X Hunter, so the bidding scene for Paradise Island comes to mind. Koon will find out how much everyone has and push them just over every time, or (Like in Storage wars -RIP History Channel-) make everyone lose more money on what they want than necessary. I see Anak and Ran as quiet unknowns and I don't see Lesoo being able to maintain Androssi on his team. In fact, the irony would be to have Androssi on FUGs team. High irony indeed.

But, it'll probably be:


Androssi/Chang: Koon

Anak/Laure: Ship

Mad Dog: Mei


As most people will try to buy back those who have been on their teams more than anything else.

Grace Mirchea Luslec

Grace Mirchea Luslec

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I know a lot of us have read Hunter X Hunter, so the bidding scene for Paradise Island comes to mind. Koon will find out how much everyone has and push them just over every time, or (Like in Storage wars -RIP History Channel-) make everyone lose more money on what they want than necessary. I see Anak and Ran as quiet unknowns and I don't see Lesoo being able to maintain Androssi on his team. In fact, the irony would be to have Androssi on FUGs team. High irony indeed.

But, it'll probably be:


Androssi/Chang: Koon

Anak/Laure: Ship

Mad Dog: Mei


As most people will try to buy back those who have been on their teams more than anything else.

It's not going to be that simple.  It's a bid system to the highest bidder, not who you want on your team the most with no funds.

Edited by Grace Mirchea Luslec, 07 July 2013 - 10:31 PM.


Goodbye! This was the last straw:

Grace Mirchea Luslec, on 05 Oct 2013 - 21:07, said:snapback.png

Off topic and I want to put this out there. Rachel > Koon

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if hwa ryun was one of those gamblers :batoto_022:  and also i bet reflejo bet on akraptor

Edited by salvatore022, 07 July 2013 - 11:07 PM.