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Kubera Season 2 discussion raws

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    Fingerling Potato

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You have to remember that Yuta didn't know much about Maruna's reasoning for why he did what he did. Through talking to him, he now knows what being on maruna's side entails.

Yuta's not being rash about such an important decision, I'm sure when push comes to shove he will make his choice.

Edited by Tatiyanna, 06 January 2014 - 06:08 PM.



    Russet Potato

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Leez in that last panel has the same expression Teo did during the Sagara-Teo-Gandharva confrontation. I really hope that isn't some sort of subtle foreshadowing.


Also, Jatayu is a really cute name. And it works for Yuta's current name.



    Fingerling Potato

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Maybe the reason 'other Leez' wasn't happy was because it's actually Kali, and Yuta's never supposed to see his mother again, and thus had to stop possessing Leez. Which, if that is the case it's pretty screwed up, trying to get your son's brother killed.




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Mizura, keep calling him Yuta... Leez is rly named Kubera, not leez... yet we call her Leez:P



    Russet Potato

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thanks Mizura


at first I was mad that it cut off the first part and went to a random second part but the new guy that showed up is really hot so i'm ok with that :D 

lol roll lol



    Mashed Potato

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Maybe the reason 'other Leez' wasn't happy was because it's actually Kali, and Yuta's never supposed to see his mother again, and thus had to stop possessing Leez. Which, if that is the case it's pretty screwed up, trying to get your son's brother killed.

Even more screwed up: from inside the girl he sees as either a potential girlfriend, snack... or both. <_<



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.



    Fingerling Potato

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So why _is_ Maruna ignoring his father's orders and tracking down his siblings despite the importance of them staying apart.  Part of his behaviour in this chapter is rather weird.



    Mashed Potato

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So why _is_ Maruna ignoring his father's orders and tracking down his siblings despite the importance of them staying apart.  Part of his behaviour in this chapter is rather weird.

From the look of it, he doesn't seem to think it matters much any more and is prioritising what he would prefer. :mellow: Dunno how he could think that, but he might have reasons. <shrugs> Maybe even decent reasons.  Well, in his mind, anyway.


Like most people, he might have part of the picture few others do... yet, is missing sodding great big chunks, too. -_-



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.

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kishi just forgot the genius part...

Yea exactly left that somewhere a while back.


Maybe the reason 'other Leez' wasn't happy was because it's actually Kali, and Yuta's never supposed to see his mother again, and thus had to stop possessing Leez. Which, if that is the case it's pretty screwed up, trying to get your son's brother killed.

I don't know I suspect it has more to do with Yuta being a Chaos half. Kali is a Primeval God and so far they've been shown to be extremely knowledgeable I don't think a an appearance of her son leaves her trembling and acting the way she did. That also makes me think its not Ananta anymore because the Strongest being in the Universe cannot believably be scared of a Chaos half no matter how strong he can be he's not that strong yet.



    Mashed Potato

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I don't know I suspect it has more to do with Yuta being a Chaos half. Kali is a Primeval God and so far they've been shown to be extremely knowledgeable I don't think a an appearance of her son leaves her trembling and acting the way she did. That also makes me think its not Ananta anymore because the Strongest being in the Universe cannot believably be scared of a Chaos half no matter how strong he can be he's not that strong yet.

Uh... Yuta is something a bit more unusual than "just a Half". <_< That's been plain for a while.  What he actually is is still up for debate.


And, I don't know where you're getting "scared" from, mate. :mellow: That reaction might be caution for a number of reasons.  Or "oh, crap: if he's here, then Shiva can't be far behind because <blank>" -- or whatever: the amount we don't know about Yuta is just as massive as the stuff we don't know about Leez.  A supposed-to-be-dead Nastika isn't a usual situation, either... if that is Ananta.  And, dead-ish might come with a drop in potential power level.  Or, whomever is within Leez can only use her potential (even if it does seem to be at maximum efficiency), rather than their own. -_-


There's a lot to not know about this situation, so trying to work out the reasons for caution are just as difficult as trying to work out what is actually going on. :) But, there's one thing we do know: many Sura are after Leez for a reason.  Maybe confirmation that she has a passenger on board is a bit dangerous with that in mind... and, could well ensure it becoming toast time for both of them if any find out. <_<


In which case, I'd clam up tight if there's a guy wandering about who could stop transcendentals dead (and, who might well remember a change in personality thanks to being over-the-heels in puppy love with the main one, so he'd be able to chalk it up for what it means, too). :lol: Maruna had no such risk: he doesn't have a clue what Leez is usually like (and was close to being carved into chunks).

Edited by Euodiachloris, 06 January 2014 - 10:48 PM.



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.



    ~A Majestic Ray of Light in the Dark of the Internet~ ☼_☼

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Yuta and Maruna realize God Kubera has been playing a double game. Yuta takes the sword of Re from Leez and goes to visit dad with Maruna, leaving Kalavinka inaccessible in the human realm. Leez never gets her revenge, and opens a mushroom restaurant in Kalibloom.


One Last God Kubera: Happy ending 1.

Lonely Birthday

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Damnit, don't stop there! Nuuh! T__T



Summary: Yuta knows that his decision will determine the outcome of his growth, but he can't bring himself to give up one of the two. He can't. 'Leez' is trembling all over, wondering why he showed up now. Suddenly, she reverts to her normal self, and is surprised that she had another blackout. Looking at the Sword of Re in her hand, she then wonders when she went to get it, then wonders why her vigor has been depleted.

Maruna lands in front of Yuta, and asks him if he's Jatayu. Yuta smiles and confirms to his Hyung-nim (big brother) that he's Jatayu. He's still only 2nd stage so he probably didn't change much from before. However, Hyung-nim grew to 4th-stage since! Awesome! Looking in Leez' direction, Yuta then suggests leaving that place as soon as possible, since they might get noticed by humans and get bothered by needless fights. Hyung-nim shouldn't go to the level of dealing with humans, so he should just leave that girl alone. Looking at Yuta though, Maruna is thinking: ... is not. One of the other two. Jatayu? Kalavinka? Is that the real name (not sure about this part)? ... doesn't believe. He's been lied to. So the children of Garuda... as well. A single failure... there isn't. (broken sentences, no idea what they mean D: Help!) Maruna clenches his fists.

Yuta calls Maruna. Maruna then asks him to come to the Sura realm. He explains that Father succumbed right after the Cataclysm. He isn't dead, but he's in a very bad condition. Yuta notes that he had no idea. Maruna smiles and (omg he Can smile) says it's fine. They have someone to open a path to the Sura realm. Maruna is helping him now. They should look for Kalavinka then all go to the Sura realm together. Yuta looks surprised, then asks if perhaps, the help involves... Maruna says that it isn't a big deal. They just have to follow instructions and kill some humans. Yuta is shocked. Looking sideways, Maruna continues that it's been a very easy task, because everyone died in one shot from his transcendentals. Although that human was lucky and escaped alive, he can kill her now so... the shocked Yuta clutches his chest, asking him why, saying that he didn't need to do that to meet up (?). Confused, Maruna asks what he means. In order to meet up, so what if a few humans die? They'll look for Kalavinka, then return to the nest. Jatayu shouldn't think of anything else. Still clutching his chest, Yuta notes that they shouldn't have met up in the first place (?). Otherwise, why did they have to break up? Because of the Power of the Name, it would have been dangerous for them to be together, so they were separated. But if they got back together on purpose... no, it wasn't right. Yuta thinks of their goodbye scene. Maruna doesn't respond. Yuta continues that he was also looking for Hyung-nim, and it was nice to meet him, but he thinks they shouldn't act like this. They certainly shouldn't get back together with Kalavinka (?). They should only greet one another occasionally, not bother getting back together. So, Hyung-nim should stop killing humans. However, Maruna tells him, let's go back. Smiling, he says he wants to go back to the happy days from before (holy cow he really Does know how to smile, doesn't he get cramps from never smiling?).

At that moment Leez tells Yuta to stand back. He shouldn't approach carelessly. That person isn't a Half, but a Superior Sura. She stands protectively in front of him, then thinks to herself that she's so sleepy that it's hard to stand. How did she become like this? She tells Yuta to run away quickly, leaving Yuta speechless (well, moreso than usual). Maruna is just confused by the fact she called him 'Yuta'.

Outside of Kalibloom, a person asks the representative-nim about the purpose of the heavy-looking cloak. Lutz explains that his brother sent it to him to have it modified. The girl replies that she envies the representative-nim's brother, since he can get items modified directly by the Priest of Creation. A man notes that there's trouble. From there on, they shouldn't be able to see the stars because of the influence of the Chaos barrier. Since the stars are visible, there must be a problem with the barrier. The girl notes that they'd better hurry then. If the barrier of Chaos is broken anyway, should they teleport again? The man doesn't want to risk it, since the Chaos barrier interferes with calculations, so they may die, so... the girl still objects that they shouldn't be walking if there's a problem with the city. Since the calculations are complex, they could first experiment with a relatively safe spell... Hearing that, Lutz asks to borrow the girl's staff for a while. The girl is surprised, since it's just going to fall apart, but Lutz says it's fine, since he isn't going to fight with it. He casts Hoti Indra Bhavati Brahma, then notes that there are no problems with the calculations. The barrier of Chaos is completely broken. The others watch, surprised, as the staff changes (into a much cooler xD) shape. The girl starts stuttering, and Lutz asks her if he should change it back if she doesn't like it, which she quickly denies. Lutz then says they should head straight for the Temple. At that point, someone shouts to look at the sky. Lutz looks up, and is surprised to see Kasak (about time! He seems to be alone, drats).

D'aww, Leez wanted to protect Yuta to let him escape. :( Yuta didn't have the courage to just tell Maruna that Leez is his friend and that he should leave her alone. Bleah. >_>

So, um, what do we call Yuta from now on? Just Yuta? Jatayu? Jatayuta? Jatayutaja? Man, I'm so used to Yuta, or maybe I just like it more because it's shorter to type. Worst is, if I got that part right, this may Also be a fake name. >_>;

Oh by the way, Maruna did say he had to kill "humans" in plural (the 들 after 인간 is used for plural). It seems to further support the theory that perhaps, there are multiple targets.

RWF, when you have time, please look over Maruna's little bits of sentences again. ;_; It seems to imply that there's something going on with at least one of the siblings, which probably ties in to what Ravana mentioned to Vinata at the end of the finite (about one of the children being the "real" deal or something like that).

What's RWF?  :huh:



    Russet Potato

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What's RWF?  :huh:




    Fingerling Potato

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Yuta and Maruna realize God Kubera has been playing a double game. Yuta takes the sword of Re from Leez and goes to visit dad with Maruna, leaving Kalavinka inaccessible in the human realm. Leez never gets her revenge, and opens a mushroom restaurant in Kalibloom.


One Last God Kubera: Happy ending 1.

Alexander has nothing to do now and decides to start working on Leez's restaurant as the manager, fixing Leez's clumsy screw ups or disposing of rowdy costumers.

Yuta comes back after a few years to return the sword he no longer needs, only to accidentally meet leez.

They decide to become mushroom hunters, travelling together in search of mushrooms while leaving the restaurant in Alexander's care.



    Russet Potato

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So why _is_ Maruna ignoring his father's orders and tracking down his siblings despite the importance of them staying apart.  Part of his behaviour in this chapter is rather weird.

Well, we knew that Maruna's sister believes that Maruna would be a 'enemy in a beautiful package', so it was hinted at.




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 Maruna is thinking: ... is not. One of the other two. Jatayu? Kalavinka? Is that the real name (not sure about this part)? ... doesn't believe. He's been lied to. So the children of Garuda... as well. A single failure... there isn't. (broken sentences, no idea what they mean D: Help!)


Just like how Tobi's real name was (O)bito, Yuta's real name is (Ja)tayu, Geniuses must think alike!

I borrowed your raws and did some Google manipulations:


"No... there are two others. Jatayu? Kalavinka? Are those real names? Please don't think like that... You have been lied to. You're the only son of Garuda. But in the case of a failure... no, this can't be."


I think Maruna thinks that his position as the eldest might have been led him to think that he would become king of the Garuda clan, but that might not be the case. And he is especially sensitive towards the fact that Jatayu seems to have a different name. 


Ah... power of the name, pitting brothers at war since time immemorial...



I think that this part with the fuzzy green background is the biggest mystery that we have in this chapter.  Personally, this is just my opinion, but I'm starting to think that even Maruna's name ("Maruna") is a fake name.  (I also think that Jatayu is faker than Yuta.)


Here's my translation of the part in question, but since "..." is Currygom intentionally leaving something out (such as a name), I will use a placeholder (such as "{AAA}") for every instance of "...". Please note though that some of the blanks might be for the same 'name' that has been left out.  Also, due to the contents of this part, I feel that these lines are not of Maruna thinking, but rather Maruna remembering what someone said to him.  Also, please note that these sentences are pretty dry, and not necessarily continuous.



{AAA} is not it. One of the other two.


Jatayu? Kalavinka? Do you really think that those are their real names?


Don't trust {BBB}. You are being deceived./You have been fooled.


Right now, {CCC} is Garuda's only son.


If [something] were to fail, there will no longer be {DDD}.



So if the same person or name fits into the blanks ("...") denoted by AAA and CCC, I would guess that Maruna fits into that spot. But! If Maruna's name was really "Maruna", then there would have been no need for a blank there... is how I'm basing off my theories.



Also, wikipedia entry on Jatayu is quite interesting! It says that Jatayu was a demi-god who was the nephew of Garuda: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jatayu

(But of course, always remember that the World of and the story of Kubera does not follow the story of traditional Hindu/Indian mythologies/legends/theologies/stories...)

And it seems there used to be a "Jatayu Airlines", a company based in Indonesia! :



..Hope this helps.

Edited by Readingfish, 06 January 2014 - 11:11 PM.






    Russet Potato

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Thanks for the summary Mizura! And nice to know Yuta's name finally, tho tbh I'd rather call him Yuta, now that we've been so used to that.


Tho I have a feeling that that's a fake name as well. Because i mean, before I got the impression that Yuta's name was "not to be said out loud" or something like that.... idk I always just associated his name with the power of the name....... tho I doubt they have anything to do with each other lol  


and yeah I kinda get why Yuta is being so indecisive. Although it's important for him to decide quickly, it's a decision that is going to affect the rest of his life and everyone he cares about. 

Also, wikipedia entry on Jatayu is quite interesting! It says that Jatayu was a demi-god who was the nephew of Garuda: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jatayu

(But of course, always remember that the World of and the story of Kubera does not follow the story of traditional Hindu/Indian mythologies/legends/theologies/stories...)

And it seems there used to be a "Jatayu Airlines", a company based in Indonesia! :



..Hope this helps.

hmmmm talking about indian mythology, originally, Jayatu dies protecting a woman....... 


I know that the story in Kubera has literally like no relation to indian mythology, but I wonder if Yuta will ever end up like that..... idk ofc this is pure speculation 

Edited by AishiteruJae, 06 January 2014 - 11:28 PM.

currently reading <3 : Trump, The Gamer, Kubera, TAL , Black Haze , Looking for a Father, Dream of a Girl, Aletheia , Don't Cry Bureum , Last Game , Legend of the Sun Knight , A Thousand Year Ninetails , Tiara , Pinocchio , Pandora Hearts , Taiyou no Ie , Twelve NIghts , Wedding Season 2 , Love so Life , Mrs. Angel , Like a bird <3  



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I too would be covering in fear is someone that should be impossible for me to defeat but is weakened to the state that I can actually win suddenly turns into a hundred KILOMETERS tall ice dragon with tentacles that starts destroying everything on the surroundings.

And about the choice. Think about this: The kind, cool, older brother that took care of you even if nobody else in your family did, that you idolized since you have memory, and that you have been looking for him for years suddenly shows up as the killer the family of the girl you love and is also about kill her. To make things even more complicated he doesnt look at the girl as an equal but merely as a bug, and he doesnt wants to kill her for fun neither, its just that he he needs to in order to get the help he needed to find you and your missing sister. How would you not be indecisive about what to do??!?

"The world isn't beautiful, therefore it is"
Kino 's motto. Series: Kino no tabi

And this writer dreams to find the true meaning of that phrase




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I can't wait to see what role Kalavinka has to play! 

LOVE this series! 



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I too would be covering in fear is someone that should be impossible for me to defeat but is weakened to the state that I can actually win suddenly turns into a hundred KILOMETERS tall ice dragon with tentacles that starts destroying everything on the surroundings.



Quote for the truth :D

I'm italian, so please excuse me if my english is not very good, feel free to correct me.


Kubera ITA