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Kubera Season 2 discussion raws

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    Fingerling Potato

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Actually thinking over it some more, I don't think it was Kali. Because earlier, Yuta sensed his mother's presence in the hide of bondage, if I remember correctly, and you'd think he would be able to sense it even more strongly if Kali herself was resting inside of Leez. So, no clue what is going on.

Edited by QueenOfRandomness, 07 January 2014 - 01:01 AM.



    Couch Potato

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What's RWF?  :huh:





The most handsome Korean/English bilingual bird flying around, of course.  

Edited by Random-Webtoon-Fan, 07 January 2014 - 01:24 AM.



    Mashed Potato

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Actually thinking over it some more, I don't think it was Kali. Because earlier, Yuta sensed his mother's presence in the hide of bondage, if I remember correctly, and you'd think he would be able to sense it even more strongly if Kali herself was resting inside of Leez. So, no clue what is going on.

Very, very good point. :) More than that, Yuta was able to sense the Hide coming for a good few minutes before it hit.  He'd notice trace remains of his mother if she were the culprit, I think, at that close range.  Well, most likely. :mellow:


The most handsome Korean/English bilingual bird flying around, of course. 

Who forgot to mention a severe case of swollen head, apparently. <digs ribs> ;)



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.



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Maruna lands in front of Yuta, and asks him if he's Jatayu. Yuta smiles and confirms to his Hyung-nim (big brother) that he's Jatayu. He's still only 2nd stage so he probably didn't change much from before. However, Hyung-nim grew to 4th-stage since! Awesome! Looking in Leez' direction, Yuta then suggests leaving that place as soon as possible, since they might get noticed by humans and get bothered by needless fights. Hyung-nim shouldn't go to the level of dealing with humans, so he should just leave that girl alone. Looking at Yuta though, Maruna is thinking: ... is not. One of the other two. Jatayu? Kalavinka? Is that the real name (not sure about this part)? ... doesn't believe. He's been lied to. So the children of Garuda... as well. A single failure... there isn't. (broken sentences, no idea what they mean D: Help!) Maruna clenches his fists.

ReadingFish have done it best. Can't put it better myself.
(Sorry 동사서독, but google translate simply sucks too much to rely on Korean translation.)

the shocked Yuta clutches his chest, asking him why, saying that he didn't need to do that to meet up (?).

Yuta says they did not have to do such things to meet again.

Yuta notes that they shouldn't have met up in the first place (?).

Yuta says their reunion must not be prioty

So, um, what do we call Yuta from now on? Just Yuta? Jatayu? Jatayuta? Jatayutaja? Man, I'm so used to Yuta, or maybe I just like it more because it's shorter to type. Worst is, if I got that part right, this may Also be a fake name. >_>;

Yuta. Just like we call Leez just as Leez not to confuse from God Kubera

Oh by the way, Maruna did say he had to kill "humans" in plural (the 들 after 인간 is used for plural). It seems to further support the theory that perhaps, there are multiple targets.

Or he is just mindlessly following orders.

RWF, when you have time, please look over Maruna's little bits of sentences again. ;_; It seems to imply that there's something going on with at least one of the siblings, which probably ties in to what Ravana mentioned to Vinata at the end of the finite (about one of the children being the "real" deal or something like that).

Again, Readingfish did it best.

Edited by Random-Webtoon-Fan, 07 January 2014 - 01:39 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Great chapter and thanks for the  translation Mizura.  :D


So does anyone want to take a guess on how many more chapters we have until Yuta transcends to the next stage. There can't be too many left if the prediction that Vishnu told Kasak proves to be true.



And about the whole Yuta cowering from Gandal thing. I thought that was due to the nature of being part Chaos, or specifically the creature he is. Just like how his hunger can drive him to indiscriminately attack and eat anything near him. It can also elicit such a feeling a fear when faced with such an overwhelming opponent.



    Couch Potato

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Who forgot to mention a severe case of swollen head, apparently. <digs ribs> ;)


But I am telling the fact!

See any bird flying around this forum? That can do Korean/English?



Edited by Random-Webtoon-Fan, 07 January 2014 - 01:53 AM.




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I get that it will determine his future, but I hate indecisive people, like first he was cowering in fear over Gandal. Then he acted like he wanted to be the one who kills Leez, then he can't decide who's team he's on. It's really annoying.
I never said he had to fight either, but he needs to pick a side and go with it. Not avoid a situation when it's get tough.

never mind his age


lets say you have 2 children, one dying of a disease and maybe only has a few days/weeks.  only a donor of a certain organ can save them.  But that child is far down on the list and will not receive a new organ in time.  Suddenly your other child volunteers to be a donor and and proves to be a good match.  But the extra organ surgery removal is very dangerous and has a lower survival rate.


Which child do you kill?


Oh right you just pick a side and go with it, fuck yeah!



    Sweet Potato

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thanks for the summary Mizura!!


Oh well, I hate seeing Leez snap out of it........i guess it's still too early for a fight to the death. Too bad.  >_<




    Fingerling Potato

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Darn it, has there ever been a part of the the webtoon where there are so many characters that we don't know what's going? First Teo, then Gandharva, no clue what Ran is up to, or Kubera, and Kasak just now arrived, and we don't know what took him so long and AHHH. So much we don't know!



    Couch Potato

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Btw, it seems Yuta's presence snap Leez out of 'blackout' seems to imply the Voice was using some sort of trasedental or magic to control Leez.



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Thank you sooo much for the help, Readingfish and RWF! It's been awhile since you were active here Readingfish, I thought you abandoned us. xD I fixed my post based on both your help, thank yooou!


... lol, Jatayu airlines. xD


Ah-hah! If we connect this: "If [something] were to fail, there will no longer be {DDD}." to what Kalavinka told Kasak, then perhaps, the end of the sentence is "there will no longer be a Garuda clan." Omg I love this series. One vague wall of text, and a whole new section of mystery pops out. Until now we thought that Garuda's children were living more or less simple happy lives, until the Power of the Name business. Now it turns out that even when they were together, there was something going on with them, and they were likely hiding things from each other. Even so, they treasured each other. It makes me think a bit of Leez' group: they hide things from one another and have reasons for suspicion, but they still care about one another above all (well, to a certain point).


I'm starting to finally get a better vision of why Maruna is a main character thanks to this. The whispers suggests that Maruna isn't "it", but perhaps there's something going on with all three children. Man, I used to think that Kalavinka was just the one who hid the Name, but I didn't suspect that even her name may be Fake. So many fake names going around. What the Heck is going on? x'P By the way, as to why he's doing all this, I suspect it's just personal. With his mother dead and his father in a coma, Maruna must be feeling very lonely and lost right now. By meeting up with his siblings again, they could maybe come to a decision together, and at the very least it'd give him a goal to focus on in the meantime. At this point, anything must seem better than just sitting around in a dying clan (the clan probably isn't in a good shape either), especially after what happened to the Gandharva clan. Mind you, Maruna's decision might still be a really stupid one, but from his POV it must have seemed like preferable to doing nothing.


About Yuta's indecisiveness, again, I wasn't too fond of it either, but I still think it's understandable. There are many characters in this series who behave in a way that would really annoy me in another series. However, the Weight of their decisions in this series makes it understandable, I think. For example, Asha is grumpy, but heck I'd be grumpy too if my whole planet was blown up and I was left swearing revenge while holding my mother's severed head and a really dubious God shows up to make a dubious offer where he's obviously just using me and which will drain my life away, plus the current planet may be at a similar risk and the one girl who may solve this whole mess is ignorant as heck and disappears regularly to meet who-knows-who. Maruna seems like a huge jerk, but eeeh I'd probably be a jerk to humans too if I were this powerful immortal being facing the equivalent of insects who betrayed my race and sided with the horrendeous Gods instead (well I probably wouldn't be such a jerk but still). Gandharva seems really indecisive, but heck he's already lost everything, what do you want him to do? And God Kubera is backstabbing everyone, but there seems to be things affecting all existence at stake, so, you know.


I mean, everything becomes more understandable when you have a planet or two, a few races and maybe the whole order of the Universe at stake. >_>;;


AHHH. So much we don't know!

Kubera in a line: "Aaah! So much we don't know!" xD



Yuta and Maruna realize God Kubera has been playing a double game. Yuta takes the sword of Re from Leez and goes to visit dad with Maruna, leaving Kalavinka inaccessible in the human realm. Leez never gets her revenge, and opens a mushroom restaurant in Kalibloom.


One Last God Kubera: Happy ending 1.

First though, they should remember that it's bad to waste food, and finish that Snake buffet before they leave. ^^

Edited by Mizura, 07 January 2014 - 02:52 AM.


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
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    Mashed Potato

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Hmmm, well there was this one time at band camp...........

How about you buddy ?
It's nothing wrong with being afraid of someone stronger than you, it's only natural. But you can't then turn around and be like "you can't die by anyone else's hand but mine " to someone weaker than you


lol that creepy line he said back then maybe is still inside your head , maybe he meant it is better of dying in the future than dying today , Huh! it is still creepy

Edited by salvatore, 07 January 2014 - 03:56 AM.




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Thank you sooo much for the help, Readingfish and RWF! It's been awhile since you were active here Readingfish, I thought you abandoned us. xD I fixed my post based on both your help, thank yooou!

<3 <3  I was a little late to the party for awhile, and then there wasn't much for me to do but lurk while waiting for the next chapters.. >.< ~~

Ah-hah! If we connect this: "If [something] were to fail, there will no longer be {DDD}." to what Kalavinka told Kasak, then perhaps, the end of the sentence is "there will no longer be a Garuda clan." Omg I love this series. One vague wall of text, and a whole new section of mystery pops out. Until now we thought that Garuda's children were living more or less simple happy lives, until the Power of the Name business. Now it turns out that even when they were together, there was something going on with them, and they were likely hiding things from each other. Even so, they treasured each other. It makes me think a bit of Leez' group: they hide things from one another and have reasons for suspicion, but they still care about one another above all (well, to a certain point).
I'm starting to finally get a better vision of why Maruna is a main character thanks to this. The whispers suggests that Maruna isn't "it", but perhaps there's something going on with all three children. Man, I used to think that Kalavinka was just the one who hid the Name, but I didn't suspect that even her name may be Fake. So many fake names going around. What the Heck is going on? x'P By the way, as to why he's doing all this, I suspect it's just personal. With his mother dead and his father in a coma, Maruna must be feeling very lonely and lost right now. By meeting up with his siblings again, they could maybe come to a decision together, and at the very least it'd give him a goal to focus on in the meantime. At this point, anything must seem better than just sitting around in a dying clan (the clan probably isn't in a good shape either), especially after what happened to the Gandharva clan. Mind you, Maruna's decision might still be a really stupid one, but from his POV it must have seemed like preferable to doing nothing.

 I was thinking that if we project human behavior onto Maruna, his life trajectory is exactly like that of a troubled teenager in a serious/dark movie: One parent dead, the other in a coma; the only thing he can do to look out for himself and find his lost siblings is to do what the "higher ups" tell him to do in what might be a gang warfare... and he does these tasks without even realizing or caring that he is committing crimes... o_o
It's also almost ironic that Maruna's actions are based on a desire to go back to those happy times.  It seems Yuta is wiser in this regard- I might be projecting too much, but it seems that he can see that you can't go back, and that things can't revert to how they were before.

First though, they should remember that it's bad to waste food, and finish that Snake buffet before they leave. ^^

Ah, some brotherly bonding over some good food? They're Maruna's favorites, and Yuta seems to enjoy them enough to want some more... <3






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First though, they should remember that it's bad to waste food, and finish that Snake buffet before they leave. ^^



Wonder if they like dragon barbecued  snake .


Jatayu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mythological Story : Jatayu


How to Book Travel on Jatayu Airlines | eHow


Well an Eagle and a Vulture as brothers .

Edited by battradio, 07 January 2014 - 04:42 AM.



    Couch Potato

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I was thinking that if we project human behavior onto Maruna, his life trajectory is exactly like that of a troubled teenager in a serious/dark movie: One parent dead, the other in a coma; the only thing he can do to look out for himself and find his lost siblings is to do what the "higher ups" tell him to do in what might be a gang warfare... and he does these tasks without even realizing or caring that he is committing crimes... o_o
It's also almost ironic that Maruna's actions are based on a desire to go back to those happy times.  It seems Yuta is wiser in this regard- I might be projecting too much, but it seems that he can see that you can't go back, and that things can't revert to how they were before.


Hahaha, Maruna in a gang. This series does have enough drama to fill even real-life dramas. xD I always thought that the finite could pass off as a gang story (ex-gangster gets mistaken by a girl as the one who murdered her family, said ex-gangster kills his jealous-ex whom he thinks Is responsible, however said jealous-ex is actually the girl's last living relative and was trying to protect her, and of course the true culprit is the male protagonist's best friend who fed information to a rival gang to have the girl's family killed off).


Maruna doesn't seem to care about his father much though. Man, I'm now really curious to see how things were with the Garuda children back then. Judging from the epilogue of the finite, other clans were aware of this whole business. I'm curious to see how things were back then. And I'm really hyped to see Kalavinka's role in all this. If this were a gang story, Kalavinka would be pulling the strings in some other clan. Kasak whom Maruna tried to beat up for information would turn out to actually be her bodyguard or something. xD


I sometimes wonder if the Ananta clan Upani fodders are among the most unfortunate of the lot. They finally get to leave the sucky Sura realm, and go to a supposedly easy planet with only humans, only to find themselves fried by the God of Fire and a Dragon Half to serve as a free buffet to just about everyone, including their ally. x'D


For some reason, the Jatayu airlines bit cracks me up. xD Well, since it's probably yet Another fake name, we're still left to guess his Real real name. And now we have to guess if Kalavinka has a real name too. D':


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



    Baked Potato

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So when is Gandharva going to get back up and start interrupting/joining the reunion? He can't be dead, Currygom brushed past his death way too easily.

First Ideal of the Knights Radiant:

Life before death
Strength before weakness
Journey before destination



    Couch Potato

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So when is Gandharva going to get back up and start interrupting/joining the reunion? He can't be dead, Currygom brushed past his death way too easily.


what is bothering me is that Leez was supposed to meet with Teo, God Kubera himself told her... what will happen now?


About Ghandarva, i'm afraid that we won't see him for a while, sadly...

I'm italian, so please excuse me if my english is not very good, feel free to correct me.


Kubera ITA



    Mashed Potato

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what is bothering me is that Leez was supposed to meet with Teo, God Kubera himself told her... what will happen now?

He only told her that he knew of somebody with compatible skills who could train her if she wished. That doesn't equate with "you'll meet her". -_- And, could have been code for "and, should she not be alive when you decide, well... she'll have trained others enough". <_<

Also, Insight has limits: we don't know what Mister knew at that point. <shrugs>



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.



    Fingerling Potato

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What if Kasak is late because he went to take Kalavinka for an happy family reunion?


Considering he's hearringless he could have taken just a piece of her, which brings to a not so happy reunion...




    Baked Potato

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Nastika as powerful as Gandharva´re initially supposed to possess the raw destructive power to destroy planets and even stars. Yuta´s obviously going to be scared about a threat like that.


A while ago, even Kasak´s been considering to take his daughter and flee the planet if things turn for the worse.

Edited by Akasha, 07 January 2014 - 10:52 PM.