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Who is mysterious controller of Leez? (Possible spoilers)

Kubera Leez

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Poll: Who is Leez's mysterious controler? (188 member(s) have cast votes)

Who is the 'being' that is controling Leez since Frozern Tears (13)?

  1. God Kubera (42 votes [22.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 22.34%

  2. Rao Leez (14 votes [7.45%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.45%

  3. Ananta (62 votes [32.98%])

    Percentage of vote: 32.98%

  4. Future/Other Leez (17 votes [9.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.04%

  5. Kali (21 votes [11.17%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.17%

  6. Visnu (6 votes [3.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.19%

  7. Someone else? (If more then three, the person will be added) (18 votes [9.57%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.57%

  8. Vayu (2 votes [1.06%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.06%

  9. Anna Haias (6 votes [3.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.19%

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Ichiban US Otaku

Ichiban US Otaku

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Shiva - one of the four primeval gods along with visnu, kali and brahma. He disappeared in N0 along with visnu and kali. Also, the Sword of Re was made to kill him but it proved to be useless against shiva so kali threw it away.

Alex - God Kubera's nickname. Alex/Alexander was the name that Leez came up with when God Kubera refuses to tell her his name.

Thank you :lol:

Ria Arekushisu

Ria Arekushisu

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Some facts about this whatever it is.



From last chapter, it seems it was one of her blackouts.  Which we might have first seen in

-Season 1 Chap 3 (Going down cliff without remembering how)


-between Season 1 Chap 17~18 (When she carried Asha and jumped over a wall but forgot what happened.)

This is long, long before she 

-met God Kubea, Yuta etc

-found Golden Knight/Sword of Re.


This mysterious being seems to give some power boost while controlling Leez as well as

-Know how to use Golden Knight and Sword of Re's trasedentals

-Also know how to use them affectively against fighting Suras.

-Know some trick to 'infinite vigor recharge' by using the fact humans regain vigor when happy.

-Know Asha is using Leez for some reasons.

-Value's Leez's choice above all else, even if that might lead to her death.

-Is sorry for unable to give Leez a happier life.

-Apparently disspelled by Yuta's anti magic/trasendental power


 I don't know if dispelled is quite the right word... More like driven away by Leez's feelings for Yuta... but still.. I couldn't choose between Ananta or God Kubera



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I don't remember reading it anywhere so if I'm wrong please point it to me but, has anyone ever considered the fact that it could be, well not only one controller but many controllers unified in one?What I mean by that is that it could be a single "controller" consisting of many parts of the personality of different people (but not "all" the "mind" for each). This could explain the whole seemingly contradictory parts of the personality of this controller, who cares for Leez but at the same time might send her right to her death. As for the actual possibility of it being done, I personally think that if, for example Visnu(random guess) made possible for Leez to have a second personality or Kali with the whole Taraka buisness, then the "multi" theory is not so far away.



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I don't remember reading it anywhere so if I'm wrong please point it to me but, has anyone ever considered the fact that it could be, well not only one controller but many controllers unified in one?What I mean by that is that it could be a single "controller" consisting of many parts of the personality of different people (but not "all" the "mind" for each). This could explain the whole seemingly contradictory parts of the personality of this controller, who cares for Leez but at the same time might send her right to her death. As for the actual possibility of it being done, I personally think that if, for example Visnu(random guess) made possible for Leez to have a second personality or Kali with the whole Taraka buisness, then the "multi" theory is not so far away.

The 'controller' keeps on using '나' which is 'me' for referring itself. So I doubt it.



    Russet Potato

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I think after rereading things, it's probably Ananta.


In this page, we see someone who seems to be talking about Leez the way her controller did; although we see them from behind, those arms make it clear it's Ananta -- nobody else has arms like those.


This would also imply, based on the dialog, that Ananta possessed Asha in that scene the same way he possessed Leez later on, trying to kill Leez to spare her whatever is going to come.


However, I don't see how Ananta could still be alive.  Unlike gods and humans, who can resurrect or reincarnate respectively, Sura don't leave anything behind when they die; they perish along with the power of their name.

Edited by Giantess, 10 April 2014 - 12:45 AM.

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The problem is trying to work out whether it is a case of Ananta-in-Leez just kicking her awake.  And Sombody-else-in-Asha.  Or... just Asha. <_< It's not like she hasn't shown odd behaviour off her own bat that could be interpreted as having a passenger on board.  Or just her weighing agendas.


Or, if what remains of Ananta is split among several people.  Perhaps along with the Power of the Name? <shrugs>


...Still too little to go on. -_-

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~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


Scanlation-author collaboration not possible?  Nope: it's doable... try Trace and vote with your feet to try to get more like this.



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Come to think of it, some Sura (like Garuda himself or Shuri) who´re no longer around to take care of things (for whatever reason) may be a possibility, too.

Edited by Akasha, 12 April 2014 - 02:33 PM.




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I think it's either Ananta, Visnu, or Kali. My reasons:

  • Ananta: He seems to play a huge role in Leez's life/path/situation. We've yet to see what kind of role, though.
  • Kali: Leez bears some connection to Kali as she wields the Sword of Re and later acquires the Hide of Bondage. On top of this, when it was Leez vs. Maruna, Leez (or rather whoever was controlling her) seemed shocked that Yuta made an appearance (seems the person knows Yuta).
  • Visnu: When it was first revealed that Leez has an "alter ego", this person said they respect the path Leez chose, much like how Visnu always talks about people's paths. On top of this, Asha seemed upset that this person chose to side with Leez, so it made me think she knew this person (or at least know of).

Edited by NomenHicInserto, 17 April 2014 - 06:42 AM.

"People only know what you tell them."



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I have to go with the Ananta theory for this one also. Since:


- He showed up in Leez's dream and said that he pitied her too much. He specifically said that he didn't care anymore (yeah, well, a Nastika wouldn't care about a human as you guys have pointed out), but that sympathy must come from the fact that he was once also too trusting and was betrayed/ got used by the people around him and Leez reminded him too much of, well, himself.

- The fact that that person has already taken over Leez's body way before Leez met God Kubera might also justify the point on why Ananta (in her dream) would pity her too much. It might be because he has been within Leez for a long time, watching her grow up and this is why he wanted Leez to be happy (and not betrayed). His words "Personally, I don't care anymore." also supported the idea that he has been watching (over) Leez.

- During the fight with Sagara in the Temple of Chaos, possessed Leez used an Earth transcendental (the gravity one, what's its name...?) when Sagara specifically pointed out that the Golden Knight shouldn't have that transcendental. Supported the idea that the person possessing Leez might be one with Earth attribution. Might be God Kubera, considering how the hell did he know and just suddenly popped out of nowhere saving Leez, JIT too, unless he has some sort of connection to Leez through the PotN or just highly intuitive about Leez... 


The theory about Ananta being alive somewhere is highly probable too, since he was supposed to be 'the strongest one', dying like he did was a real shame (and too easy) D:


Well. :I

Edited by cookiekrio, 13 May 2015 - 09:32 AM.

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*chants* Yuta Yuta Yuta Yuta Yutaaaaaa <333

Yuta is my bae and muse for life OuO


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    Russet Potato

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It's probably a God, in my opinion. Asha couldn't speak about her meeting with the one possessing Leez. (Ex: after Leez jumped through a wall, asha was forbidden to speak.)

And it's probably not God Kubera nor Agni.
When two people met the same god, they can talk about him. So it must be a god that Leez haven't met yet.

I voted for Kali. (All the chaos items must have a reason. But I'm not sure about "sorry I could not give you a better future". That doesn't sound like Kali.)

A person brought up the Name itself, I think that's very interesting.

Or Shiva.



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I have to go with the Ananta theory for this one also. Since:


- He showed up in Leez's dream and said that he pitied her too much. He specifically said that he didn't care anymore (yeah, well, a Nastika wouldn't care about a human as you guys have pointed out), but that sympathy must come from the fact that he was once also too trusting and was betrayed/ got used by the people around him and Leez reminded him too much of, well, himself.

- The fact that that person has already taken over Leez's body way before Leez met God Kubera might also justify the point on why Ananta (in her dream) would pity her too much. It might be because he has been within Leez for a long time, watching her grow up and this is why he wanted Leez to be happy (and not betrayed). His words "Personally, I don't care anymore." also supported the idea that he has been watching (over) Leez.

- During the fight with Sagara in the Temple of Chaos, possessed Leez used an Earth transcendental (the gravity one, what's its name...?) when Sagara specifically pointed out that the Golden Knight shouldn't have that transcendental. Supported the idea that the person possessing Leez might be one with Earth attribution. Might be God Kubera, considering how the hell did he know and just suddenly popped out of nowhere saving Leez, JIT too, unless he has some sort of connection to Leez through the PotN or just highly intuitive about Leez... 


The theory about Ananta being alive somewhere is highly probable too, since he was supposed to be 'the strongest one', dying like he did was a real shame (and too easy) D:


Well. :I


Second all of this.



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Although I'm in the Ananta camp, I'll also throw in another possibility: that person is an ancestor of Leez or a previous name holder who used to own the Sword of Re, which is why the person is able to use it so well. This person was caught up in the Power of the Name business and died, but his/her obsession grew after death, resulting in the person haunting Leez so to say.

This person may be a she. Ananta may be referring to her when he talks about the one who will lose once again.

Alternatively, this may be a future Leez who has already reset the past several times to avoid the worst outcome. Ananta saw these attempts and knows that the current attempt will fail too, hence the pity part.

Hey, just throwing out ideas.
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