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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.7 - 929votes)


Alt Names: alt キングダムalt Chiến quốcalt 王者天下alt El Reinoalt History of Qinalt Il Regnoalt Kaharianalt Karaļvalstsalt Karalystėalt Kerajaanalt Kongerigealt Koninkrijkalt Krallıkalt Królestwoalt Royaumealt Tsardomalt مملكةalt Кралствоalt Царствоalt ממלכהalt امپراطوری
Author: Hara Yasuhisa
Artist: Hara Yasuhisa
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Millions of years have passed since the times of legends, when the worlds of man and gods were still the same. In these times it was the desires of man that moved the world. It is the era of the 500 year war: The warring states period. Kingdom is the story of a young boy named Shin who grew into a great general and all the trials and bloodshed that lead him there.

Won the 17th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award Grand Prize.


> Kingdom one-shots:
1. Li Mu
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/li-mu-r9692 )
2. Meng Wu and Chu Zi (Note: Contain spoilers to future events of the main story)
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/meng-wu-and-chu-zi-r10078 )
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when kyoukai thinking about children, i wonder if she's thinking about making a children with shin or something :P


Their kid would be a true monster :P

when the were talking about kyoukai in the camp


that was pretty much a death flag D:

Well you know how some cultures have circumcision rituals? Pretty much the same ritual except, instead of throwing away the foreskin, they throw way the baby.


Disclaimer: I am not an expert on ancient Chinese amazon-type tribes.


Nah, if the clan is as isolated as depicted here, they must have a captive supply of males for breeding, and their birthrate must be quite high seeing as it is that the majority of girls in the tribe never even reach adulthood. Male babies are probably allowed to live as breeding supply and to do the menial labor, seeing as the roles are reversed and the only thing the women actually do is go around killing people.


Also, it's implied that the Shiyuu and Bushin had the same origins and use the exact same technique, except that the Bushin have unlimited (or just very long) breath. At some point in the past, the villages might have been more balanced societies.

I will be very sad if Kyoukai die.

I knew he'd get a promotion but was it only me expecting for him to get promoted straight to general at least?

Well, I can't wait for the episodes with Kyoukai to get back to them... seeing Kyoukai back to them will relieve my heart, I miss seeing her being part of the team.

when kyoukai thinking about children, i wonder if she's thinking about making a children with shin or something :P


Can't be with anyone else. Lucky bastard guy. Reminds me of how Kyou wanted to become Ouki's wife too. Shin really is following in Ouki's footsteps if Kyoukai's serious about this. He managed to captivate a strong and beautiful woman who wants to have his child just like his mentor.

Well, it was the most brutal era in china history closely followed Northern and Southern dynasties era.


A female baby born in amazon like tribe? How? What if they got a male baby?


Well you know how some cultures have circumcision rituals? Pretty much the same ritual except, instead of throwing away the foreskin, they throw way the baby.


Disclaimer: I am not an expert on ancient Chinese amazon-type tribes.

Damn, the Warring States make Roman's campaigns look like kindergarten brawls in comparison.


Well, it was the most brutal era in china history closely followed Northern and Southern dynasties era.


A female baby born in amazon like tribe? How? What if they got a male baby?

when kyoukai thinking about children, i wonder if she's thinking about making a children with shin or something :P

definetly with shin uuuuooooooohhhhhhhhhhh

Damn, the Warring States make Roman's campaigns look like kindergarten brawls in comparison.

when kyoukai thinking about children, i wonder if she's thinking about making a children with shin or something :P

Make a live-action movie now!

Poor Heki-bro :D

Calls for celebration!





Dat feels ;_;

I’d assume they skipped it or if they did capture it then Moubo probably already reclaimed it when he pursued the coalition army.


@halfie: Cool video.

so, what happen to the strategic city of sanyou? or what ever the new name they gave it. did they skip it or did the coalition also reclaim it on their way back?

from me to all of you people arguing


Nobody wants you, you're an egocentric dick. And the more you defend yourself, the more stupid, narcissistic, and repulsive you seem to others.

Speak for yourself, you big fat meanie :3

I’m not the one who started all the insults and personal attacks. At least in the beginning I for one was looking for an actual debate of the topic at hand.

But speaking of public masturbation, the circlejerk that you and others engage in on these very comment pages actually fits your description of my alleged behavior to the letter. Making shitty memes, exaggerating your feelings towards the manga, sharing your autistic views on the plot and so forth. “Ego-stroking mental wankfest” indeed. It’s a mess of utterly irrelevant and moronic comments that no one other than the respective poster gives even the tiniest of flying fucks about.

Are you quite sure you weren’t thinking of yourself and your kindergarten buddies here rather than me when you wrote that?

Oh and if you really wanted me to cease commenting then you’d simply shut the fuck up yourself and stop replying to me. I don’t want this to continue any more than you do since by now it has lost any point that there has been to it and devolved into a slugfest of me countering the daft attacks coming from the lot of you.

Four chapters? More like three and a tenth :P
Chapter 265 to be precise (for those who care).
Ah, yes, the “meaningful” comments. That rare, mythical species of comments told of in the legends of yore. Pray tell, what does such a comment look like? All I see for the most part are retarded memes and inane fanboi behavior.

The actually meaningful comments are those that evoke discussions like the ones you criticize in our posts. Admittedly, what they devolved into right now isn’t meaningful anymore but their beginnings certainly were. More so than the prevalent kind I described in the previous paragraph anyway.
Projecting much? The universe does not revolve around YOU either. We don’t have to censor our own discussions just so you and your ilk may post your little may-mays unperturbed by our debates. Three mouse clicks is truly not asking much, you drama queen.

Please, grow up.

@featherblade, well...I guess. I'm just going to stick with my guns here and state plainly that I simply am not a fan of hers. Sure her actions make sense. But I don't have to like her do I? It's all good, I mean, I read this comic for the chinese fiction, the action, and Shins character development. So a very realistic girl can cry all she wants, but from my reasons right there, as far as I'm concerned...she's a waste of panels. (I'm sure you could say she influences Sei, thus influencing Shins development, but ehh, I don't even care if that argument is used. Or any other for why she matters while I'm on the subject.) Peace.

Honestly, I can't connect to the girl pregnant with Sei's kid. It's nothing personal, but she's always crying, it's okay to cry. But when 3/4 of the panels your in are tears or being in a state of fear? I don't know how you're supposed to be likable.


Put yourself in her place for a moment - you are stuck inside the palace, which is under attack by an enemy who wants to wipe out everyone you've ever met; the man you love (even to the point of sacrificing your own life for) is heading out into uncertain death; you're pregnant with the king's child, which is an absolute death sentence if the enemy finds you; the only information you have is third-hand rumors; and you are absolutely powerless to do anything about any of it.


Being in a constant state of fear is perfectly reasonable, and that much stress has to go somewhere - better that it goes out your tear-ducts than stays in your system.

I love Kingdom so much. 

Damn this certain General named Tou

Rokuomi just got pissed LOL


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