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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.7 - 929votes)


Alt Names: alt キングダムalt Chiến quốcalt 王者天下alt El Reinoalt History of Qinalt Il Regnoalt Kaharianalt Karaļvalstsalt Karalystėalt Kerajaanalt Kongerigealt Koninkrijkalt Krallıkalt Królestwoalt Royaumealt Tsardomalt مملكةalt Кралствоalt Царствоalt ממלכהalt امپراطوری
Author: Hara Yasuhisa
Artist: Hara Yasuhisa
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Millions of years have passed since the times of legends, when the worlds of man and gods were still the same. In these times it was the desires of man that moved the world. It is the era of the 500 year war: The warring states period. Kingdom is the story of a young boy named Shin who grew into a great general and all the trials and bloodshed that lead him there.

Won the 17th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award Grand Prize.


> Kingdom one-shots:
1. Li Mu
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/li-mu-r9692 )
2. Meng Wu and Chu Zi (Note: Contain spoilers to future events of the main story)
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/meng-wu-and-chu-zi-r10078 )
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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That's right you ass man, you heard me.

Then the shit about horses [...].  This is starting to complete a picture where you are quite full of shit [...] Some of the shit that happened in WW2 [...] Say random BS [...] Then complain about it when people call out your BS and throw random BS back at you

Oh, wow, look at how often you use the word “shit”. The only logical conclusion is that you’re into coprophagia, you feces-loving pervert!

There, I can be an idiot just like the rest of you. Happy now?

1)  Next to no knowledge of the relevant history related to Kingdom and complain about it.

Where do I complain about the specific historic events of Kingdom? Have you even read my criticism or just skimmed through it? Methinks you’re the one with more than lacking reading comprehension after all.

2)  Have no knowledge of the historic fiction genre, yet insisting that the manga is somehow wrong and complain about it.

Errr, where do I use the word “wrong” in this context? All I said was that this manga is pretty (read: unusually) casual in its interpretation of the historic events and takes some serious liberties with them. Nowhere did I say that this approach is “wrong”. I merely dislike it.

3)  Can't comprehend (or refusing to, which is even worse) things that people are explaining to you.

I don’t see where I did not comprehend what people “explained to me”. What I do see is people apparently not understanding what their own words mean and subsequently crying foul at my (impeccable) reading of their posts.
Either express yourselves properly or stop bitching when I expose your nonsense for what it is.

4)  Nitpicking without context or even reading what's written, complaining about basic things like artistic license.

Uh, I think at this point it has become quite obvious that the one deliberately misinterpreting people is you. I did not complain about the basic concept of the “artistic license” but about the extent to which it is employed in this particular instance. Can you be any more dishonest? 

I do have issue with you talking out of your ass as though you actually know wtf you are talking about.

Unfortunately, you failed to show where this is the case. Instead you did just now what you’re accusing me off.


You didnt call it first, chapters been out for ages, and since you're an idiot, someone definitely called it out before you did. GJ being an prick.

Good job being Lord Buzzkillington. I was making a joke, you dunce. Of course I’m not the very first reader on the Internet (let alone the Japanese readers) to make that prediction. Duh.

How about you take that stick out of your ... (you guessed it) ass?

Uh, guys. Let's not be bullies, aight?

Incoming love triangle involving Shin, Kyokai and Ten. I called it first, peeps!

Yes, soldiers cleaving multiple enemies in half could’ve really happened. Or horses riding down slopes with with a 70° incline. Or walls over one hundred feet high. Or ... [and so on and so forth]. Yeah. Totally. Fiction definitely takes a backseat here. Uh-huh.
Well, in that case everyone seems to be a childish moron.
You’re exaggerating, that is the issue here. The English language simply has a lot of idioms using the word “ass”, that’s hardly my fault. Besides, I only used two of those in the past couple comments or do you see something that I don’t?
Today Batoto, tomorrow the world!

Seriously though, I don’t write a lot on the forums (check my content). What are you talking about?


You didnt call it first, chapters been out for ages, and since you're an idiot, someone definitely called it out before you did.  GJ being an prick.


Uuuuuh...he's THIS close to be called Scarface


At least cut on other side, make it an X

Yes, soldiers cleaving multiple enemies in half could’ve really happened. Or horses riding down slopes with with a 70° incline. Or walls over one hundred feet high. Or ... [and so on and so forth]. Yeah. Totally. Fiction definitely takes a backseat here. Uh-huh.


Well, in that case everyone seems to be a childish moron.


If they don't hook up, something is definitely wrong here.

Incoming love triangle involving Shin, Kyokai and Ten. I called it first, peeps!

[i]t's fiction but somewhat believable, it's the feeling of "holy shit that awesome (and could've really happened)" that captivates a lot of people.

Yes, soldiers cleaving multiple enemies in half could’ve really happened. Or horses riding down slopes with with a 70° incline. Or walls over one hundred feet high. Or ... [and so on and so forth]. Yeah. Totally. Fiction definitely takes a backseat here. Uh-huh.

As you've noticed, I've decided to add some asses to the reply since everyone seem to agree you are an ass man.

Well, in that case everyone seems to be a childish moron.

You are vulgar, Moloch. I just pointed the same thing that Portgas D. Itachi, you mention ass in most of your comments.

You’re exaggerating, that is the issue here. The English language simply has a lot of idioms using the word “ass”, that’s hardly my fault. Besides, I only used two of those in the past couple comments or do you see something that I don’t?

The problem is, Moloch is already doing this on the forums, I guess its not enough for him and also want to conquer the comments section.

Today Batoto, tomorrow the world!

Seriously though, I don’t write a lot on the forums (check my content). What are you talking about?


Uuuuuh...he's THIS close to be called Scarface


He was THIS close to being a Scar nockoff.

oooooh yotanwaaaaa

Don't forget the Indian Mahabharata and Ramayana... Awesome battles as well, specially Mahabharata.


Mahabharat is a mythological epic, not a historical chronicle. It's more like the stories of the Greek demigods if anything. Gothmog was discussing the superhuman warrior as depicted in historical chronicles and exaggerated by fiction writers adapting those chronicles into HISTORICAL epics, not the literally superpowered magical children of gods battling for universal supremacy. 


The Indian contribution would be the Chandragupta Maurya Chronicles or the Tales of the Ashoka, I would say.


Uuuuuh...he's THIS close to be called Scarface

These last few chapters are full of so much epic win.

Oh it's helicopter time!

WOW!! what an Tremendous Fight! it's incredible the satisfaction that i feel after reading each and every chapter of this manga! Now, on to the Kyokai saga!

Kyokai praying for Shin's safety


So kawaii ~


I think she's just meditating for her training. Of course, you can also see how connected they are spiritually when you see her smile right after Shin displayed that epic strike. If they don't hook up, something is definitely wrong here.

I think this fight is mostly about Shin awakening as a general and being able to add much weight on his strikes like Ouki or Renpa.
About him being to exhausted, well, that's why he's resigned to one strike. Yes, Shin is probably covered from head to toe in plot armor for this fight, but so has been Houken.
I disagree on the on the last point though, without Shin we would have a far worse story without good character(i.e. the first few chapters where the main character might as well been Sei because Shin was pratically reduced to a side character).
Oh, and if you claim that Shin turns this into a shounen, then Houken turns it into a crappy shounen, he just comes out, kills one of the best characters, then fucks off to the woods to train. I guess that his point in the story is for us to fear him, but, if anything, he just annoys me, because he kills my favourite characters as soon as they start getting in on the action.


Oh no doubt Houken and Riboku are a bit ridiculous as well, but at least they are from the very beginning presented as extremely powerful whereas Shin- still a teenager- becomes significantly physically(not mentally unfortunately) stronger each fight. It's kind of silly to see a teenager going toe to toe with a guy who was a huge threat to Ouki and Hyou. My favorite characters are the side characters/generals as well, many of which who have been killed off by Houken. 


I just keep wishing to see SOME sort of maturation or character development with Shin. That maybe he'll learn the most basic of tactics and not just blindly charge in all the time with no regard for his troops. He's developing like a shounen character- no real substantial changes, just changes in power level. Lots of his mentors die? No real reflection or maturation at all, he just gets angry and more powerful. Lots of "I fight for my friends" shounen stuff too.


I already like this manga but if Shin actually matured and developed as a character....this manga would be fantastic. Sei and Kyoukai at least appear to be developing into decent characters.

Oh, poor Houken. He was so flustered he lost his Bushin-style cool and said something typical of antagonists.

I may add something about that point. It is very hard to draw a rationalized military commander. Clausewitz gave us a good appreciation of the role of each rank of officer. Low rank officer are to be versatile and ready to fight, middle rank officer organize the operation on the tactical level while the upper echelon rule from behind, like Napoleon, ordering the grand tactics of the battle. In history, rare brilliant general lead from the front, and my main exemple here would be Napoleon. 

The kind of warfare depicted in Kingdom is the one we can read in ancient book from all around the world in pre-gunpowder era. Superhuman warrior, capable of great feats, intelligent and commanding the battle from the front. In Japanese medieval Chronics ( Heiji Monogatari, Heike Monogatari, etc), Medieval France song ( Guillaume d'Orange, Raoul de Cambrais, la Chanson de Roland) and the Wartime China novel you can see a classical depiction of a mighty warrior : he is so strong he can defeat thousands of enemy, he is mainly depicted has "worth of hundred/thousand/ten thousands men" and is capable of slashing is way through numerous enemy and finally he is fighting against heroes of the same might and win. 

In Kingdom, we just get another classic depiction of epic warrior. It does not, in any way, depict the fashion in which war were fought during that time :)

Don't forget the Indian Mahabharata and Ramayana... Awesome battles as well, specially Mahabharata.



Dat Kyoukai appearance was really nice ^^

Actually, under the military law of the Zhou a commanding officer engaging in a duel got lashed (the exact number of lashes escapes me at the moment). A general abandoning his command post (in the rear) would have been executed unless given amnesty by the King. Leading from the front at the time really meant behind three layers of troops. We can see this from the way the battalions of the Terracotta Warriors have been arrayed in their pits. Officers are clearly positioned way, way back in the ranks, mounted on command chariots. 


Communication technology in the East was extremely advanced at this time. We already saw one way this was employed by Ouki in his campaign against Zhao, but in real history even the commanders of "barbarian" tribal armies like the Xiongnu were fully capable of commanding from far behind the lines with signal arrows, drums, gongs, and flags, and even they employed laws that declared harsh punishments for those who recklessly charged enemy formations personally.


The style of warfare shown in Kingdom, with mobile generals fighting on horseback, only appeared much later in the Han dynasty (although the daring Xiang Yu and Han Xian did fight this way during their rebellion against the Qin dynasty) and only formalized under the reign of Emperor Wu, who needed brave cavalry commanders to fight the Xiongnu. 

I may add something about that point. It is very hard to draw a rationalized military commander. Clausewitz gave us a good appreciation of the role of each rank of officer. Low rank officer are to be versatile and ready to fight, middle rank officer organize the operation on the tactical level while the upper echelon rule from behind, like Napoleon, ordering the grand tactics of the battle. In history, rare brilliant general lead from the front, and my main exemple here would be Alexander the great. 

The kind of warfare depicted in Kingdom is the one we can read in ancient book from all around the world in pre-gunpowder era. Superhuman warrior, capable of great feats, intelligent and commanding the battle from the front. In Japanese medieval Chronics ( Heiji Monogatari, Heike Monogatari, etc), Medieval France song ( Guillaume d'Orange, Raoul de Cambrais, la Chanson de Roland) and the Wartime China novel you can see a classical depiction of a mighty warrior : he is so strong he can defeat thousands of enemy, he is mainly depicted has "worth of hundred/thousand/ten thousands men" and is capable of slashing is way through numerous enemy and finally he is fighting against heroes of the same might and win. 

In Kingdom, we just get another classic depiction of epic warrior. It does not, in any way, depict the fashion in which war were fought during that time :)

Kind of wish I didn't read this update cause now I'm walking around at work with an enormous erection that won't go away






that is all


Wait where did Houken's horse come from? I thought Shin's horse tore its throat out? And don't just say it was a reserve because how many Houken sized horses with that particular mask do they have?


It used revive then bWNb28l.png.

The horror. That old general (What's his name again) has no teeth. 

Wait where did Houken's horse come from? I thought Shin's horse tore its throat out? And don't just say it was a reserve because how many Houken sized horses with that particular mask do they have?


Did you miss the panel it where it woke up just after breaking Shun's leg.

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