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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.49 - 230votes)


Alt Names: alt İntihar Adasıalt 自杀岛alt 自殺島alt Pulau Bunuh Dirialt Suicide Islandalt Остров самоубийствalt جزيرة الإنتحار
Author: Mori Kouji
Artist: Mori Kouji
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Treating non-successful suicidal patients requires a lot of money and resources. With low budget and a personal respect argumentation, a doctor will ask a non-successful suicidal patient if he/she still wants to live on or not. If not the government will respect his/her wish. However, the government doesn't just simply kill them...
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Plenty. First of all the crimes of the parents should never be equated to the crimes of the child.


Second of all that's just a bullshit excuse. You fucking Americans just raped because you could, and felt like it. Did you think all of them were guerrillas or some shit? I can tell you that plenty of anti-communists basically got treated to the same atrocities because the reason this happened is simple;


they were rapists.


It wasn't because the victims were guerillas, or because they were in the wrong. It's just because the soldiers were dirty, fucking supremacist opportunistic pigs. In this case, American pigs.


So fuck you. Seriously, go fuck yourself. I hope you fucking die of dick cancer you fucking piece of trash excuse for a human being.


(And if you're a troll, you got me hard, bro :/)


Meanwhile in Japan, the Japanese government continues to deny the fact that hundreds of thousands of Chinese women were rounded up and systematically raped, that POWs were used as test subjects for biological and chemical weapons and that Okinawan civilians were forced to commit mass suicide at bayonet point.


But please, blame America for all of the world's atrocities.

When the 15-year-old girl's guerrilla parents tortured their friends, left them tied to trees to die as examples and then committed suicide to avoid capture; whats wrong with raping her?


Theres a reason why you have to dig DEEP to find the fucked up shit.


So, by that logic, it's okay for police officers to rape criminal's daughter? 


And since you guys like to come to other people's land, kill their men, rape their women, and torture thei children, can their survivors come over to your country and rape your women? What you did to their countries are no better than what they did to you.

For some reason I just love Cap's character development.  I mean yeah it's not shown as much as others but it's there and by god is it glorious!

Oh dear, they've got a reporter/Journalist on their hands. At least, that's my best guess.

I don't really get what the hell is going on in these comments, but merry holidays everyone.

When the 15-year-old girl's guerrilla parents tortured their friends, left them tied to trees to die as examples and then committed suicide to avoid capture; whats wrong with raping her?


Theres a reason why you have to dig DEEP to find the fucked up shit.

Plenty. First of all the crimes of the parents should never be equated to the crimes of the child.


Second of all that's just a bullshit excuse. You fucking Americans just raped because you could, and felt like it. Did you think all of them were guerrillas or some shit? I can tell you that plenty of anti-communists basically got treated to the same atrocities because the reason this happened is simple;


they were rapists.


It wasn't because the victims were guerillas, or because they were in the wrong. It's just because the soldiers were dirty, fucking supremacist opportunistic pigs. In this case, American pigs.


So fuck you. Seriously, go fuck yourself. I hope you fucking die of dick cancer you fucking piece of trash excuse for a human being.


(And if you're a troll, you got me hard, bro :/)

When the 15-year-old girl's guerrilla parents tortured their friends, left them tied to trees to die as examples and then committed suicide to avoid capture; whats wrong with raping her?


Theres a reason why you have to dig DEEP to find the fucked up shit.


Such a big mouth. You never ever stand in the middle of a real war so you should just shut up.

Do they also have no qualm raping Japanese/North Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese?

Sure wouldn't sound as cool when they told you their glorious story of raping this recently orphaned 15-year-old girl whose guerilla parents they just killed?


Because, you know, people have been raping people (and non-people, lol) ever since there were people.


When the 15-year-old girl's guerrilla parents tortured their friends, left them tied to trees to die as examples and then committed suicide to avoid capture; whats wrong with raping her?


Theres a reason why you have to dig DEEP to find the fucked up shit.

@Shintaigo...1st off people have been killing people since there were people, so don't feed me that "giving up your humanity" bullshit.  I'd say it varies from person to person.  My grandpa had no qualms with killing N.K. / Chinese soldiers, and neither did my Uncle mind killing the Vietnamese communists.  The only thing my grandpa regrets is the torturous nature of the north koreans...bastards...It's one thing to kill a combatant, but to torture him is a whole different matter..

Do they also have no qualm raping Japanese/North Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese?

Sure wouldn't sound as cool when they told you their glorious story of raping this recently orphaned 15-year-old girl whose guerilla parents they just killed?


Because, you know, people have been raping people (and non-people, lol) ever since there were people.

Merry Christmas from Illuminati, and I can think of no other series I want translated more for Christmas! Keep it coming!

@Shintaigo...1st off people have been killing people since there were people, so don't feed me that "giving up your humanity" bullshit.  I'd say it varies from person to person.  My grandpa had no qualms with killing N.K. / Chinese soldiers, and neither did my Uncle mind killing the Vietnamese communists.  The only thing my grandpa regrets is the torturous nature of the north koreans...bastards...It's one thing to kill a combatant, but to torture him is a whole different matter...

Regarding this quote...



Completely different to the scenario in Suicide Island. That said though, I'm of the opinion that on average, the Japanese are just less proactive and independent. You can call it being social, or you can call it being cowardly, but they generally don't take independent action and are careful not to tread on the toes of others.

On the other hand, you can look to the USA and the West, and as much as you want to talk about how killing a man isn't as easy in the films, there are plenty of cases of vigilante action. I'm not sure if you guys want to sound mature and adult or something, but there are plenty of Americans willing to kill as long as they believe that they're on the side of justice. As for me though, I don't think I'd be able to kill someone without significant morale.


Anyway, the Japanese are generally different. Not to say there are no Japanese who could do such a thing, (since Japanese are still people and thus varied) but I'd say that kind of disposition would be much less frequent than in the USA where they've been doing vigilante stuff for ages. I mean you guys even have guns for "self-defence". They rarely even execute their death row prisoners.

Thank you Illuminati and Kango.

(edit) Merry Christmas.

@Shintaigo...1st off people have been killing people since there were people, so don't feed me that "giving up your humanity" bullshit.  I'd say it varies from person to person.  My grandpa had no qualms with killing N.K. / Chinese soldiers, and neither did my Uncle mind killing the Vietnamese communists.  The only thing my grandpa regrets is the torturous nature of the north koreans...bastards...It's one thing to kill a combatant, but to torture him is a whole different matter...


2nd Having others make the judgement is totally OKAY.  When you're arrested in the U.S. (and any country you want to live in) you have a group of people completely separate from the force that did the arresting make the call.  Thus providing multiple inputs, and not the selfish desires of the one.


3rd Sei is letting him walk free.  His actions have immediate impact.  Of course Sei is partially responsible.  He's an enabler, it's clear as day.


It doesn't vary from person to person, in times of war the public is desensitized to the idea that the people they're fighting are human. That's why Koreans have "a torturous nature", what kind of human being is capable of torturing like that? No, not possible. They can't be human, they're monsters, and I have to defeat these monsters for the sake of my country.


That's how they get people into war. It's ridiculous to think that all North Koreans would be capable of torturing combatants for the fun of it, just as it's ridiculous to think that the average American would be able to throw a baby down a well to laugh at her mother..

@pipaton, yes I'm the fool who said I would lynch someone for wrongs that I perceive.  Yes I'm the fool who can magically punish people through the internet for there misdeeds.  I'm very foolish aren't I?  Snicker to yourself, or respond seriously to a serious person who is also foolish.  What can a fool tell which is which? Snicker or serious reply? Text can be interpreted so many ways, it's ridiculous.  Context is very important.  From your previous statement, I have the impression that you're mocking me.  And then you respond by starting off with "Interesting".  I've known MANY people who mock others who start off by saying "Interesting".  So, what fool can tell if someone is being sincere or not?  I'll tell you I'm being sincere to the best of my ability, but that's for you to decide.  I am a fool.  I have beliefs and values, and I state such values open heartedly on the internet where any stranger can see.  What a fool I am.


Good day to you sir, this 'discussion' between us is over.  I don't like causing a scene in front of the audience!

@pipaton, I might lynch you if you murder, rape or torture, I'm more of an anti-hero type personality.

Interesting, when I was younger and more foolish I made a lot of jokes at the expense of someone else, it looked harmless at the time but after being in the receiving end I have found that that can be pretty stressfull, so I have basically psycologically tortured an innocent man; so were do I get my lynching.

@pipaton, I have no qualms with vietnamese or korean people.  I have several friends of each nationality in fact.


@pipaton, I might lynch you if you murder, rape or torture, I'm more of an anti-hero type personality.


@pipaton, I realize that you're likely mocking me, but I'm very serious in many cases.  My face is always in pokerface mode, even when I'm expressing joy.  It literally hurts to smile.


@pipaton, "People have been torturing people since they were... lol." completely different argument man.  You're sad.

@Shintaigo...1st off people have been killing people since there were people, so don't feed me that "giving up your humanity" bullshit.  I'd say it varies from person to person.  My grandpa had no qualms with killing N.K. / Chinese soldiers, and neither did my Uncle mind killing the Vietnamese communists.  The only thing my grandpa regrets is the torturous nature of the north koreans...bastards...It's one thing to kill a combatant, but to torture him is a whole different matter...


People have been torturing people since they were... lol.

Anyways, I sure hope I don't ever get on your bad side, thankfully I'm not Vietnamese nor communist, is there something else I should watch out for?

Why do the Japanese gunboats have to shoot them?  They should just play Britney Spears to scare them away.  It's worked against African Pirates (in real life) for oil cruisers...

@Shintaigo...1st off people have been killing people since there were people, so don't feed me that "giving up your humanity" bullshit.  I'd say it varies from person to person.  My grandpa had no qualms with killing N.K. / Chinese soldiers, and neither did my Uncle mind killing the Vietnamese communists.  The only thing my grandpa regrets is the torturous nature of the north koreans...bastards...It's one thing to kill a combatant, but to torture him is a whole different matter...


2nd Having others make the judgement is totally OKAY.  When you're arrested in the U.S. (and any country you want to live in) you have a group of people completely separate from the force that did the arresting make the call.  Thus providing multiple inputs, and not the selfish desires of the one.


3rd Sei is letting him walk free.  His actions have immediate impact.  Of course Sei is partially responsible.  He's an enabler, it's clear as day.

Kai and Sawada.  The worst possible combination.  And here I was hoping, like Oubliette that Kai would be inserted into the Kingdom and slowly cause it to fall apart by convincing its members to off themselves.  But since Kai just willingly admitted everything to Sawada, he won't be able to do that at all.


I sort of saw Kai as this dangerous virus that slowly eats away at whatever community it is in.  Sadly, Sawada's community is already fundamentally diseased so long as he is in charge, so it seems there's no hope that two cancers would just eat away at each other...

Sei has officially taken his place as one of the greatest wusses in the history of manga. Seriously. Kai just tried to kill him, his friends and his crush. Kai shows no sign of regret, and is highly likely to try again given the chance. And Sei just lets him walk. If you don't have the will to kill another human, at least shoot the SOB in the leg or something. Drag him back and let people with a greater sense of moral duty finish the deed. From my point of view, when Kai eventually succeeds in killing more people, Sei is also partially responsible.

It's not so easy to kill another person unless you've given up a part of yourself. Sei still has that virtue and I'd rather not see him lose it. There are no easy answers but to say "Drag him back and let people with a greater sense of moral duty finish the deed" is just ridiculous. What you're saying is that it's okay if you ask someone else to do it for you. That's not okay. If you're going to blame people in degrees for partial responsibility as well, you have to blame everything in Kai's life that has led him to be what he's become. 

Sei has officially taken his place as one of the greatest wusses in the history of manga. Seriously. Kai just tried to kill him, his friends and his crush. Kai shows no sign of regret, and is highly likely to try again given the chance. And Sei just lets him walk. If you don't have the will to kill another human, at least shoot the SOB in the leg or something. Drag him back and let people with a greater sense of moral duty finish the deed. From my point of view, when Kai eventually succeeds in killing more people, Sei is also partially responsible.

Except Kai had a knife and threatened to kill himself, which would probably have been the best solution for all concerned. But then, neither Sei nor the rest of us would then find out how he went from caring to homicidal.

Great! Thank you very much Illuminati and Death Toll...



Thanks for the huge update, scanlators!

I really love watching Sei's growth and him being the most sensible one out there, except...

Damn that Kai!

I really hope Kai causes mayhem in Sawada's group too instead of coming back for revenge...

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