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* * * * * (4.71 - 329votes)

Sidonia no Kishi

Alt Names: alt シドニアの騎士alt Knights of Sidonia
Author: Nihei Tsutomu
Artist: Nihei Tsutomu
Genres: Action ActionAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaHarem HaremMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Risking his life to ensure humanity's survival, Tanikaze Nagate rides out in his silver armour, the Tsugumori!

Thousands of years have passed since the Gauna destroyed the Solar System.

The enormous seed ship, Sidonia, travels through space while propagating and producing humans.

Brought up in the lowest decks of Sidonia, a young man, Tanikaze Nagate, becomes a Guardian trainee, and is authorized to pilot the outdated but historically renowned Tsugumori.

The battle with Nagate's life at stake begins now!
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Agree with most of it, but I do take issue with space liberals.  That word have been so distorted by american politics that its meaning is all out of whack.  It would be fair to call space murdering psychos as space conservatives with that same line of thought.  For reference, LoGH's Wang would be a "liberal", but that still wouldn't feel right calling him that cause that term is some meant to be derogatory for certain types of people.  Just call them space dirtbags, wingnuts, fanatics, what have you.  You know, the type of people that ignore evidences and relies on blind faith blind faith instead.


 Blind Faith, huh?



:rollseyes: Even Stevie wonder would have seen that development coming a mile away.

if he doesn't take responsibility, I will.  I could use me a sexbo...  -cough- i mean robot girl.

Ichigaya is so tall, Yuhata's eyes only at the height of Ichigaya's boobs. I can smell scenes of face hug to the boobs.

really like this manga but the tentacruel  - penis - jelly fish tentacle  hybrid isn't easy on the eyes really hope they soften her features in the anime

really like this manga but the tentacruel  - penis - jelly fish tentacle  hybrid isn't easy in the eyes really hope they soften her features i the anime


Dear... God... A Eldritch Abomination...




Looks like she made a Gauna and put it in a bowl..

I thought the same thing... or to quote myself: "Is that Emrakul?"


Dear... God... A Eldritch Abomination...




Looks like she made a Gauna and put it in a bowl..


Agree with most of it, but I do take issue with space liberals.  That word have been so distorted by american politics that its meaning is all out of whack.  It would be fair to call space murdering psychos as space conservatives with that same line of thought.  For reference, LoGH's Wang would be a "liberal", but that still wouldn't feel right calling him that cause that term is some meant to be derogatory for certain types of people.  Just call them space dirtbags, wingnuts, fanatics, what have you.  You know, the type of people that ignore evidences and relies on blind faith blind faith instead.

Well, I reason it like this: 


The pacifists probably had their own organization that ran on donations or member's dues.  Once they lost their right to protest, there was no reason for people to contribute, so the staff of the pacifist organization had to get real jobs to support themselves.


Think of it as akin to a charity organization that has full time employees.  Just because it doesn't strictly operate to turn a profit, shareholders or donors of a charity expect to see results.  Instead of dividends, they want legislative action and public awareness through protests, that sort of thing.  The reason you want to pay a good salary, is because you want to attract skilled people to help the organization.  Not everyone can work for free in their spare hours.


The rescue operation and exposure of the deaths of the colonists swayed public sentiment away from the pacifist group.  And like most space liberals, they blame others while denying reality.



And Ichigaya is a tsundere robot.

At least what's inside the harem is "original" to say the least.

Well I'm still shocked with penis-monster-girl, I had no need for tsundroid who had to immediatly lose a limb.

If the author is married Im worried about what fetish his wife has to do...

Well he has a daughter....that prefers SNK over her dad's works...being Nihei is suffering.

what the heck just happened

i dont get what just happened

anyone get what just happened?


who the hell is she?

how long has she been stranded there?

how did she know Nagate?

why she hate Nagate so much?(i get this one somehow, but still stupid)

why is the old lady blame her for her shitty new job?

who? explained 3 chapters before

how long? since the first colonists made planetfall only to get devoured by the Gauna in the sea. (also shown several chapters ago)

Nagate is famous, he is the no1 pilote atm and killed Gaunas in massive numbers. (also show several chapters ago)

why did she hate him? stated several chapters ago

the old lady? why do we exist?


4/10 made me reply

what the heck just happened

i dont get what just happened

anyone get what just happened?


who the hell is she?

how long has she been stranded there?

how did she know Nagate?

why she hate Nagate so much?(i get this one somehow, but still stupid)

why is the old lady blame her for her shitty new job?

Since When?? Sidonia Has HAREM Tag????




New Vocab added.......


New Harem Member Confirmed......


Harem Tag Affirmative......

I can't wait to see the robot "repaired" at Toha Heavy Industries.

Huh something fucked up with the uploading. The versions I downloaded from the links in /m/ had much nicer image quality.

Nice Thanks for Update.

May 12 2014 03:51 PM

TAKE RESPONSIBILTY!!  Get them all ^^.




Ohh i laughed so hard.

That tsundere rules ^^.

Man Its gotta suck when 2 of the girls in your Harem have larger penises than you..smh..(Of course im talking about Tsumugi, whose whole body is a penis and Shinatose). Negate better watch his butt. Nihei has some serious issues and comes up with some fucked up shit


Earth has been destroyed. Humanity is facing extinction. Sidonia might be the single lone surviving seed ship. The Gauna are both more powerful and more numerous than the humans they relentlessly attack. Divisions in Sidonia threaten to tear society apart from within.


In spite of all this, Tanikaze can form a harem. In SPACE. From Gauna, fellow pilots, command staff and a robot girl.


Respect, bro.

you forgot a bear and the top dog of the whole ship

Man Its gotta suck when 2 of the girls in your Harem have larger penises than you..smh..(Of course im talking about Tsumugi, whose whole body is a penis and Shinatose). Negate better watch his butt. Nihei has some serious issues and comes up with some fucked up shit

Don't care if this isn't Blame-era Nihei Tsutomu, I find this manga fun as hell.

Man this series has turned into a joke... I already had a tough time reading it cuz I cant stand Izana and now its just back and forth between a totally awkward Harem with a Hermaphrodite, an Alien, A robot, and im guessing a normal girl but you can never be too sure with this weird-ass series. Oh and Tanikaze is a clone, I forgot about that lol.. Anyway, my overall impression of this series is that it is okay, but like I said before, it is totally weird.. It started off good, but has slowly declined. I really can't stand the characters all that much, but the story is interesting enough to keep me reading.. I hate the fact that the Author even decided to make a weird character like Izana.. I felt like I was reading Yaoi at times.. And I think it would have been better if Izana was killed instead of Hoshijiro and Hoshijiro was now in Izana's place.. Hoshijiro was the one character I liked. Izana is soo friggen annoying and should just die lol.. I was also curious why Hoshijiro, even tho so many others were also killed just like her, was the only one to become a Gauna.. I never got that. Anyway, while its def not the greatest series and is kinda awkward and annoying to read at times, I am still a fan of this genre(mecha, not harem) and I def wanna see how the story turns out (the plot, not the harem). At this point the Harem is more than annoying and IMO is a stain on the series. I wish the Author would just focus more on the plot, but I guess they are trying to attract more readers(mostly girls Im guessing) by ramping up the Harem to this extent. I'd give it a 5/10 overall so far... Average series as a whole, but if you just focus on the plot it is actually a good mecha/sci-fi story and is interesting. I Would probably have rated this a 6-7/10 if the harem and Izana werent so involved in the Authors telling of the story. Just my thoughts and opinion of what I have read so far. 

Doesn't matter how much I read this manga, my brain can't accept Nihei doing a harem.

At least what's inside the harem is "original" to say the least.

Well I'm still shocked with penis-monster-girl, I had no need for tsundroid who had to immediatly lose a limb.

If the author is married Im worried about what fetish his wife has to do...

Earth has been destroyed. Humanity is facing extinction. Sidonia might be the single lone surviving seed ship. The Gauna are both more powerful and more numerous than the humans they relentlessly attack. Divisions in Sidonia threaten to tear society apart from within.


In spite of all this, Tanikaze can form a harem. In SPACE. From Gauna, fellow pilots, command staff and a robot girl.


Respect, bro.

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