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* * * * * (4.71 - 329votes)

Sidonia no Kishi

Alt Names: alt シドニアの騎士alt Knights of Sidonia
Author: Nihei Tsutomu
Artist: Nihei Tsutomu
Genres: Action ActionAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaHarem HaremMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Risking his life to ensure humanity's survival, Tanikaze Nagate rides out in his silver armour, the Tsugumori!

Thousands of years have passed since the Gauna destroyed the Solar System.

The enormous seed ship, Sidonia, travels through space while propagating and producing humans.

Brought up in the lowest decks of Sidonia, a young man, Tanikaze Nagate, becomes a Guardian trainee, and is authorized to pilot the outdated but historically renowned Tsugumori.

The battle with Nagate's life at stake begins now!
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nihei should make.. the title... Sidonia no Kishi... Heart Warming Spacenoid Love Stories.. lol


next chapter


Romantic Scene Between .......



... _


Inside giant space vaginas, exists a magical place, filled with a girl and a bunch of bushes...


Yeah, its inside out.

yep, sounds like something Nihei would do.


... _


Inside giant space vaginas, exists a magical place, filled with a girl and a bunch of bushes...


Yeah, its inside out.

That looks like a really nasty... *beep* I think I need some brain bleach.

CH. 55 - The Mizuki looks like Sajuk from Homeworld 2.

CH. 56 - Gauna go around abducting people.

CH. 57 - Now you can rage incoherently because of what will probably happen later.

Sun go supernova? Is Sidonia fast enough to get out of blast range?

They want to use the energy that the supernova releases to power a weapon... So if all things go according to the keikaku, the supernova won't leave containment.



Also, we get another infected ^_^


Here's to Hoshijiro returning!

You havent been listening to the rules. Disappearance of "things" cannot affect the players directly if it leads to an auto-loss. So Coulumb Force disappears everywhere, except their own bodies, cause that would lead to auto-loss. They can be killed indirectly by the lack of Coulomb force though, as the environment dies around them into a supernova.

Ohhh. Thank you for that. It's been a while since I've read it, so. Yeah, lame excuse.

Well, he got rid of the Coulomb force, so they should have all disintegrated as well. Actually, even before then he got rid of oxygen, which, if applied to their bodies, would have killed them. Unless what he said was actually molecular oxygen. Regardless, removal of the Coulomb force should have killed everyone instantly.


You havent been listening to the rules. Disappearance of "things" cannot affect the players directly if it leads to an auto-loss. So Coulumb Force disappears everywhere, except their own bodies, cause that would lead to auto-loss. They can be killed indirectly by the lack of Coulomb force though, as the environment dies around them into a supernova.

"Just try and survive that, Flugel!"
Pisses me off how he said a hyper nova only occurs when a super massive planet collapses... A super massive planet is not even close to our suns size, and not even that will go super nova, let alone hyper. Also, only the core of the planet was left when it went hyper, which I find even more hilarious. But still, it was FREAKING RADICAL.

Well, he got rid of the Coulomb force, so they should have all disintegrated as well. Actually, even before then he got rid of oxygen, which, if applied to their bodies, would have killed them. Unless what he said was actually molecular oxygen. Regardless, removal of the Coulomb force should have killed everyone instantly.

No game no life?


"Just try and survive that, Flugel!"

Pisses me off how he said a hyper nova only occurs when a super massive planet collapses... A super massive planet is not even close to our suns size, and not even that will go super nova, let alone hyper. Also, only the core of the planet was left when it went hyper, which I find even more hilarious. But still, it was FREAKING RADICAL.

Sun go supernova? Is Sidonia fast enough to get out of blast range?

Normally I would call bullshit...

But I just saw someone troll an angel with a hypernova... So... I have to say this idea could work.

No game no life?

OH! I see! They are going to try and make the sun go supernova, so that they can fire off that huge gravity-beam thingy.

Normally I would call bullshit...

But I just saw someone troll an angel with a hypernova... So... I have to say this idea could work.

Just saying.. I dont think I have EVER read a Harem that isnt Hentai where the MC actually got laid by ANY of his harem... so dont worry about it LOL


Yeah, well, the human race is declining...and I am sure Kunato will force Tanikaze in to a sealed room with Tsumugi, at some point, and tell him to create baby chimerae for him. So, yeah, I'll be downright *amazed* if he doesn't sleep with one of them, in any fashion, even if it is off-screen, by the end of this manga.


Then again, the power of friendship...


harem in war ?

so are you ready for muvluv ending ?

It's not much of a harem when you can't even have sex with half of said harem. Unless Teruru goes Pinocchio on us and becomes a real girl...

Just saying.. I dont think I have EVER read a Harem that isnt Hentai where the MC actually got laid by ANY of his harem... so dont worry about it LOL

Man this series has turned into a joke... I already had a tough time reading it cuz I cant stand Izana and now its just back and forth between a totally awkward Harem with a Hermaphrodite, an Alien, A robot, and im guessing a normal girl but you can never be too sure with this weird-ass series. Oh and Tanikaze is a clone, I forgot about that lol.. Anyway, my overall impression of this series is that it is okay, but like I said before, it is totally weird.. It started off good, but has slowly declined. I really can't stand the characters all that much, but the story is interesting enough to keep me reading.. I hate the fact that the Author even decided to make a weird character like Izana.. I felt like I was reading Yaoi at times.. And I think it would have been better if Izana was killed instead of Hoshijiro and Hoshijiro was now in Izana's place.. Hoshijiro was the one character I liked. Izana is soo friggen annoying and should just die lol.. I was also curious why Hoshijiro, even tho so many others were also killed just like her, was the only one to become a Gauna.. I never got that. Anyway, while its def not the greatest series and is kinda awkward and annoying to read at times, I am still a fan of this genre(mecha, not harem) and I def wanna see how the story turns out (the plot, not the harem). At this point the Harem is more than annoying and IMO is a stain on the series. I wish the Author would just focus more on the plot, but I guess they are trying to attract more readers(mostly girls Im guessing) by ramping up the Harem to this extent. I'd give it a 5/10 overall so far... Average series as a whole, but if you just focus on the plot it is actually a good mecha/sci-fi story and is interesting. I Would probably have rated this a 6-7/10 if the harem and Izana werent so involved in the Authors telling of the story. Just my thoughts and opinion of what I have read so far. 

Have to agree with almost everything you said.. Plot itself is interesting.. Harem is totally annoying (probably not to most girls tho).. I def felt awkward at times reading this. And the same as you, Izana freaks me out lol.. And I think someone below said that Tsumugi was cute??.. Well that means I have something on my lower body that you will think is cute as well... Ill let you check it out whenever you like!

Are the pages in ch54 out of order? it seems to be jumping around more than usual....


I wrote about if below. Read the posts. I think now they are in the right order. 

I feel like the author left something out on purpose to taunt me... it should have been "I tried cooking this to see how well my new arm worked." It's not like I made it just for you or anything.


Why is this tsundere android so endearing to me?

Are the pages in ch54 out of order? it seems to be jumping around more than usual....

lol tsumugi was wearing a dress, so adorable

Yes it belongs to that sequence: http://vatoto.com/read/_/199406/sidonia-no-kishi_v10_ch49_by_anonberg/31 ... but curiously the page is not there in ch 49, and the first panel from that page in ch 54: (http://vatoto.com/read/_/244321/sidonia-no-kishi_v11_ch54_by_habanero-scans/32) was included in ch 50 (http://vatoto.com/read/_/241402/sidonia-no-kishi_v11_ch50_by_habanero-scans/4). Is it some mistake? (The page from ch 54 doesn't have the signs of a flashback like black margin or anything.) Are there missing pages in Ch 49? 


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = flashback~~ As long as a character is capable of recalling what happened the author can inform the reader at their leisure.

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