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Tsuyokute New Saga

Alt Names: alt 強くてニューサーガalt Die & Retry: Tsuyokute New Sagaalt New Saga +alt Seja forte! Nova Saga
Author: Abe Masayuki
Artist: Miura Jun
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The Demon King led his army of demons to wipe out the human race. The Hero, Kail, and his allies attacked the Demon King's castle to defeat the Demon King. The Demon King is slain, but at what cost? Kail lost all of his allies throughout the war. Friends, family, lovers, comrades. All dead, and he is dying.

As Kail's life ebbs away in the Demon King's chamber, he notices a strange gem that the Demon King had coveted and approaches this relic to grab it; after an intense light glows, he is sent years into the past. After recovering from the initial shock, now in his younger body, he decides to avoid making the same mistakes of his first time through these years and to become stronger.

In Japanese, the term for New Game Plus is "Tsuyokute New Game".

Adaptation of the web novel series.

Original Webcomic: http://www.alphapolis.co.jp/manga/viewOpening/830000061/
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So she is a Demon or works for them? Interesting

If she is, could it be that's the actual reason behind Seran's Berserker-like constitution?

Kail, you know nothing. 

So she is a Demon or works for them? Interesting
Everybody that conplained about how the tournament arc ended looks like a fucking dingus now

Is she..?!

She could be a ..?!

Or maybe even a... ?!?!?

...BUT WHAT IF SHE'S ACTUALLY A ...!!!!??!?!?!?!?



Click on the link below for the SHOCKING LIFE CHANGING SPOILERS. (Page 1 of 50)


Is she..?!


fucking religitards!

Is she..?!

Yandere level is high in this manga... lel

Well, it isn't completely out of character I would say. He's battle hardened, yes, but the circumstances of such suppressed his social side, preventing maturation on that front. And now that he was able to keep his friends and family alive in this timeline (thus far), he's starting to open that side up again. And that's where he was vulnerable.

Plus you tend to have more options when 75% of humanity isn't dead lol

I feel like Kail is the one that's most inexplicably out of character here. He's supposed to be a battle hardened vet, and has done some pretty cold things up to this point, yet seemed so childish in this chapter.

Well, it isn't completely out of character I would say. He's battle hardened, yes, but the circumstances of such suppressed his social side, preventing maturation on that front. And now that he was able to keep his friends and family alive in this timeline (thus far), he's starting to open that side up again. And that's where he was vulnerable.

can someone link me what chapter kail meet his mom please? I am too tired to search it. Thanks in advance.

I mean if he had been fully focused on the fight and was taking it seriously

I feel like Kail is the one that's most inexplicably out of character here. He's supposed to be a battle hardened vet, and has done some pretty cold things up to this point, yet seemed so childish in this chapter.

Kail and Demon King can be in the same timeline. There can't be two dragon heart in the same timeline.


So far everyone he kills is evil.

You've already got the first point backwards. When his sword, Sildonia, explains how the Divine Dragon's Heart works for time travel, he explains two things:

1) It's not really "time travel" so much as "jumping branches." He did go backwards in time, but also hopped onto a new branch of time created at that moment. Doing so merged his soul with his own parallel soul. "Kail from the future" took over and got double the mana power from his soul being strengthened. However, "Kail from the present" is gone (merged). There are not two of that same soul in existence.

2) Sildonia explicitly mentions that now, there ARE two Divine Dragon's Hearts in the world. The one Kail came with and the one of the "present" world that already exists somewhere. "The catalyst for all this, the 'Divine Dragon's Heart,' came here with your soul." https://vatoto.com/reader#23bac4f77d1c9bed_24


As for the second point about Kail only killing evil people, that's a matter of your opinion. Kail has killed dozens of guards by this point only following orders. He's killed Zentos, also only following orders (which he's admitted he feels relief from that moral dilemma once the Kingdom of Zirgus fell) and already failed one objective of saving his friends. He failed that same objective again when he killed Goldar, the slave lizard, who was his friend in the future as well (though perhaps not as close as the others). He's killed a useful demon who helped the, via torture, and is clearly an older demon to boot seeing as he fought 300 years ago. Yulriga, the female demon, is also clearly dismayed at the idea of killing (or disobeyed the request of "no killing). Et cetera.


In the end, my biggest concern is with Yulriga. Despite showing she doesn't want to hurt the girls, it's unclear why. She's now either 1 of 2 things in the story as to answer that "why":

1) She's already fanatical about the current moderate Demon Lord and to go against his wishes of "don't hurt anybody" is something she cannot stand. In reality, she could very well be the most blood-thirsty, human-hating demon in existence...she just doesn't want to disrupt her emperor's wishes. In this case, Yulriga will become an enormous problem.

2) She's truly pacifistic and being honest. In this case, Kail is wrong. Demons aren't evil beings that are enemies of humanity. The Great Invasion is a brainwashing and Kail's revenge story is founded on a mistake and Kail himself is going to have a HUMONGOUS crisis when he discovers this. So much so, it could cause him to abandon this Hero plan altogether, join the ranks of the demons, and become the hornless-black-winged emperor himself wishing his revenge story on the humans this time...or perhaps just use half the continent's human population to refill the Divine Dragon's Heart so he can travel back and time and fix this timeline's mistakes.

What the hell is with that completely out of character fight? Seran's mom is all about warrior's pride and contests of strength, yet she uses a dirty tactic against a child who just bested her own son in a honorable duel. Her own honor and respect can't even measure up to that of children. Can she really feel good about beating her own pupil in such an underhanded way? She already crashed their tournament, now she's just being a dick.
It's like a professional soccer player joining a highschool team's match and then diving for the entire duration of the game. The crowd should've booed her and Kail should stop speaking to her respectfully.

yknow i had a similar thought after first reading this, but now looking back at it, I think maybe we should look at what kind of reasons she might have held for doing this, and I think it DOES make sense. I feel like its likely that Seran was trying to teach him something here, that there are many strategies and possibilities in fighting, and not all enemies will be honorable. If the MC gets overconfident, even a battle he had the potential to win, could become unwinnable. I mean if he had been fully focused on the fight and was taking it seriously, he woulda just ignored her and kept at it, I feel like it was his own overconfidence that led him to that loss, she saw his weakness and exploited it, not because she was being underhanded, but because he LET her exploit it, in a way that is entirely his own fault.


I agree with you, although I dont recall her showing honor - she joked that Kail could use her son as a human shield, and just look at how dirty Seran fights - he must have learned that somewhere...

I was expecting MC to win, because he has to, with that same tactic using past life knowledge; kind of nice to be surprised.
Her reasons and the plot implications of losing will determine whether it was solid writing or just a troll.

It not the news of his mom being pregnant that got him distracted but the mental image of his parents having sex.


If my parents were as cute as his, I'd probably be even more motivated to win.  

If you told me that my parents were pregnant in the middle of a fight, I'd probably be even more motivated to win.
I still don't understand why he gave up.

It not the news of his mom being pregnant that got him distracted but the mental image of his parents having sex.

He told the ninja to bet on him so.... now what?

he is rich so he could manage.

He told the ninja to bet on him so.... now what?

Boooooooooooooooo. That was awful, worst thing they've done in this manga.

I thought that was the reason why he was distraught not because of the mental image of his parents, seems a little out of character.

I believe everyone died when the village was attacked by demons in the old timeline.


I don't know about you, but the imagery of blood relatives shagging, especially your parents, is distracting for most people, and you only need a couple seconds in a high-speed fight like that.

Wait, if Kail's parents were shagging at this point and she already was pregnant, does that mean his mom died with a newborn child in the "bad" timeline?

I thought that was the reason why he was distraught not because of the mental image of his parents, seems a little out of character.

Can anyone explain how he got his expensive armor repaired so quickly? His gauntlet was blown into bits, right?

He had extra I guess. Or he bought more or even the artist forgot it was broken.

What the hell is with that completely out of character fight? Seran's mom is all about warrior's pride and contests of strength, yet she uses a dirty tactic against a child who just bested her own son in a honorable duel. Her own honor and respect can't even measure up to that of children. Can she really feel good about beating her own pupil in such an underhanded way? She already crashed their tournament, now she's just being a dick.
It's like a professional soccer player joining a highschool team's match and then diving for the entire duration of the game. The crowd should've booed her and Kail should stop speaking to her respectfully.

Isn't he like a son to her? Regardless of how serious a parent can take their child in their own professional, they're gonna treat them like a child.

Can anyone explain how he got his expensive armor repaired so quickly? His gauntlet was blown into bits, right?



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