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Member Since 10 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2017 05:17 AM

#17741 Boooooookmaaaaaarrrrks! (Please?)

Posted by HereticWilson on 06 October 2011 - 09:26 PM

this is a good idea but i think it could be only implemented for members only

and to help with you memory why don't you make a document and edit it with you chapter information which i do so i know where I'm up to and it is easy to edit and look up :)

Why only members (not that I mind if that's true, being a member and all)?Also, yes, there ARE workarounds, but why do that when I could just read manga at another site? I WANT to make Batoto my main place for reading manga online, so I'm taking advantage of the Suggestions to point out one thing that could make the experience better.

though the idea is good , i dont really want to see it implemented

the reason is because we have this wonderfull site called mangaupdates , that holds the biggest repository of information related with manga/manhwa/manhua and other comics , i dont really see the need to be so big as to have every online reader implementing something that just 1 site gives us the best possible solution

But adding features users want is one way for sites like Batoto to grow and maintain a user base. I'm not saying to cater to every whim, either. Also, the fact that some OTHER site has a feature is not a very good reason for Batoto to not implement something similar. Those other sites have those features for a reason: they WORK, and people appreciate them.Actually, re-reading your post, I'm not entirely clear on whether we're even talking about the same thing... I'm not demanding more manga titles be added, I'm talking about a way for users to track their progress through the chapters of the various titles they are reading here to make it easier to pick up where they left off, either because several new chapters were added or because they had to stop reading in the middle of one.

#17569 Boooooookmaaaaaarrrrks! (Please?)

Posted by HereticWilson on 04 October 2011 - 02:24 AM

So, yeah, some sort of way to keep track of the last page we've read of various titles we're in the middle of would be awesome. Something like the Bookmark function of MangaFox, only perhaps added to the watchlist feature? I don't know how it would work, all I know is that my memory sucks, and I read multiple titles, and it SUCKS trying to remember what the last chapter I read was after waiting a month or two for a couple chapters to be added.

#16123 Site Features TODO List

Posted by HereticWilson on 04 September 2011 - 08:55 AM

I think you're referring to the watchlist which keeps track fo newest chapters for select comics. It has been implemented, though, will change due to IPB3.2 changes.

I'm referring to something like a bookmarking system, where you can mark where you left off when reading a title, to resume at a later date.