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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Member Since 13 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2018 12:02 AM

#1791425 Whine here

Posted by danfare on 24 April 2017 - 03:54 AM

i NEED A DRINK, OR TWO OR 12 need alcohol help

#1791827 Whine here

Posted by Natureboy on 28 April 2017 - 12:44 PM

Wife is crying, saying she doesn't want to go to a doctor's appt. when we need to leave in a half-hour.  Meantime cat is attacking newly changed litter in litterbox like there's an injured mouse hiding under it.

#1771664 How was your day/week?

Posted by Vicmonananya on 06 November 2016 - 12:15 PM

awful hours and hours passing by me sitting in my room alone....its funny i still can put up a great happy face in front of others when im actually planing on killing myself


I will not pretend to understand what you're going through but I think smiling through the hard times is even more important than smiling through the good. Scientifically your brain sends chemicals that perk up your mood when you smile so that would be the specifics, but yeah baking alone can eventually make these worse so try (at your own pace) to find things that keep your feet on the ground.

#1720626 What do you hate? And Why?

Posted by Nepenthe on 11 February 2016 - 09:26 PM

I hate having to worry about underwear lines when I wear leggings/yoga pants/skintight whatever-you-want-to-call-them. I wear underwear, you wear underwear I hope. You know what underwear looks like, why does it matter that you can see visual evidence of my undergarments, jeez.

#1707921 How was your day/week?

Posted by Nepenthe on 22 January 2016 - 08:44 PM

Week has been strange. My mother is out in Oklahoma because we thought my grandma was going to die. She's been there all week sorting things out. So I stepped up to quasi-mom. Have cleaned, done dishes, taken care of the pets, made sure plants got taken care of, and made dinner. Which is cool, I actually really like taking care of people. And with my mom gone and me taking more responsibility...somehow, it's nice. I guess I actually missed being responsible? Or maybe I missed being more independent. Work has been busier. But still had its boring stretches, for sure (which is why I'm on here right now). Did some cool editing, found a free download of Photoshop. My tumblr senpai still notices me :'D

#1701169 How was your day/week?

Posted by ThatYellowFever on 11 January 2016 - 12:05 PM

Woke up to find that David Bowie has passed away from his battle with cancer, the world is a far less magical place. I'm heartbroken

#1314752 How was your day/week?

Posted by Shrimpeh on 10 July 2014 - 09:53 PM

a week filled with concentration problems,


should've finished some work. but couldn't because i really can't concentrate on anything anymore...


and nothing could help....

#1313983 How was your day/week?

Posted by osakaki on 10 July 2014 - 01:07 AM

Information you'll need to know for this story:  I am a type 1 diabetic who uses an insulin pump very similar to this one.

Sunday I woke up feeling kind of blah, and I had really high blood sugar. Anyway, I went to work and started feeling more and more nauseous as the day went along. I took extra insulin, then around lunch/dinner time at work I got hungry, so I ate what I brought. Then after an hour or so I continued feeling worse and around 9pm with an hour left of work to go, I threw up A LOT in our garbage can in the office. Like seven heaves until almost nothing came up. So I felt a tiny bit better after that, and after I got home, I laid right down. I threw up again around 11 pm, same intensity as previous but with much leses left in the stomach... then checked my blood sugar with a result of over 500 (target range is 70-140). Took a bunch of insulin to lower it, then laid back down. Got up to check it again at 1:30 am, and it hadn't gone down. Then I threw up in the same way again right after checking. And I finally realized that in the tube that went from the pump to me, there were holes. The insulin was leaking out of the tube instead of reaching me. So I'd spent the whole day not having any insulin at all.

So at that point I realized that it was diabetic ketoacidosis and that I had to go to the ER to get fluids/insulin through IV and to get my electrolytes rebalanced. So I ended up getting admitted around 2:30 am and was out around noon later that day. Anyway, what happened was that overnight Saturday/Sunday, the kitten got beneath the covers while I was in bed and bit holes in my insulin pump wire. And I didn't notice it until it was way too late. So my kitten put me in the emergency room. Without even actually touching me. Now I need to go find some sort of waistband or something to wear to protect my insulin pump while I sleep... :|

#1307560 [Serious] Suicide

Posted by Yaomo on 04 July 2014 - 08:45 AM

the worst kind of pain a person can go through is being ostracized by society, with no friends to talk to, and a family that rejects them completely. people can get through all kinds of horrible situations if they just have one single friend who cares about and understands them (or at least tries their best to understand). but even the richest, luckiest people in the world will soon start thinking of suicide if they don't have anyone with whom they can just be themselves.


poverty isn't fun in itself, but you often see poor people who do their best to help each other out and support each other. and this somehow makes many poor people much happier than lots of rich people who always feel like they're on their own, with nobody in this world who cares about them. because it's all about the money, the status, and the person themselves doesn't even matter and will often feel like they need to wear a mask pretending to be as happy as everybody thinks the riches should make them.


happiness can be measured by how many friends you have that you can both cry and laugh together with. any other factors only decide how long a person is likely to live if accidents don't happen.


telling suicidal people how many reasons they have to be happy (all material, huh), doesn't help at all. if those were good reasons to be happy, they wouldn't be feeling suicidal in the first place, so obviously people's reasons for happiness lie elsewhere.

#1305319 [Serious] Suicide

Posted by Joker V. Phantom on 02 July 2014 - 10:32 PM

Uh-huh. So why did you mention it? You want someone to pat your head? Not like we can do anything for you all the way over here.
Shouldn't you try to find a 'reason to live' instead of going emo drama over whatever's bothering you? There are plenty of people in much worse situations that aren't crying their eyeballs off.


That's easy, because no matter how much people want to keep their problems to themselves they can never do it entirely. When they can't depend or rely on someone around them where else will they turn? The internet is always there and loaded with people crying out their problems where no one can tell who that person is, and they can get over their feelings for a moment. This thread is about suicide where else should they go post this then? Post it in the thread "Things that make us smile" ? Get off your high horse, not everyone can be strong enough to control their emotions. You don't know what they had gone through to post that. Yeah there are some that are out there just for attention, but not all of them are like that. Deep down everyone wants someone there to pat their had when things get hard. It isn't some childish want. Sometimes they aren't even asking for help or someone else to do something, they are just getting their emotions out. No one's asking you to do anything, if someone's posting something let them post, and if it's something serious as a suicide then why are you trying to make them feel worse than they already are? Everyone has their weak moments where they can't help but cry over shit. You've never had a weak moment? Not all people are that strong to keep a fake smile 24/7 to fool everyone that nothing is bothering them. If they aren't crying their eyeballs out then they are just strong or went through enough to where they can't/won't cry anymore about it, it doesn't mean they don't want anyone to pat their heads, it would probably mean the world to them if someone did in their hard times. As for those that do, then just let them express themselves and try to be bit more sympathetic and get them over it, not be an ass.

If nothing good or helpful is gonna come out, then it's best to just keep your mouth shut instead of making it worse.

#1295291 What would you do if your loved one cheats on/betrays you?

Posted by Guest on 25 June 2014 - 06:40 PM


What if your loved one cheats on/betrays you? 

It happens, we all have our weak moments. Only the unlucky ones get discovered



How will you resolve this?

Pretend that I don't know



Would you leave them?

I doubt it



Would you give them another chance? What would you do?

I would give a life time worth of chances



Please also explain your reasoning behind it as to why you will take this course of action.

If I care about them, I won't be able to handle not seeing them again

#1295553 What would you do if your loved one cheats on/betrays you?

Posted by Guest on 26 June 2014 - 01:01 AM


Cheating is always intentional


I never said ''planning it was ok'' and is cheating only about sex? my answer was based on ''what if'', I'm not sure how I would react, since it never really happened to me and I don't see it happening *hmph*


If you got betrayed, you are most likely the one to blame anyway : P ..............................keep the one you love happy ^^ 

#1249366 If you were a criminal, what type of criminal would you be.....

Posted by Ran★Moonie on 16 May 2014 - 09:20 AM

I'd be an assassin. If I'm gonna get my hands dirty, pay up sweeties~ :3

#1219899 Love & Dating

Posted by Angelo. on 24 April 2014 - 04:31 AM

the only time i'll tell a girl she looks hot is when she's naked ^-^ hahaha im just kidding :P 


if your scared of love then you'll never see the right person thats in-front of you or in back of you or maybe 2 degrees north haha

#1163570 Make a Wish~

Posted by Joker V. Phantom on 17 March 2014 - 12:24 PM

I wish the next 2 weeks starting today pass by as quick as possible. If they become 2 long weeks I would almost die.