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Member Since 09 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2018 01:15 PM

#1750420 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by MaximaMentos on 24 May 2016 - 06:28 AM

CarryOnCrowe : https://carryoncrowesite.wordpress.com/



When Marcus, a deranged and spiteful ex-colleague decides to take out the frustration of losing the job that defined him on his old rival, James finds a lifetime of work gone. With his identity, Marcus took all the wealth he had acquired in order to fulfil his ambitions. The fort which he was so close to constructing were once again miles away and he has no idea who or why would make him the target of such a vicious attack.

As James restarts his life in the city of Nimbus as Crowe the blacksmith all he knows is that direct violence is not the answer. James had lived his previous life as a ranger and commander of formidable forces but the higher powers of the world have made it clear that wit and commerce is the best path to return to his former wealth and power. If simple beings could build cities with inventions like the Skyships that sailed the clouds, with his ideas it was an empire that awaited him.


Why am I recommending this?

I have worked with the author on previous projects as his editor and as good as his previous projects were he was not happy with them. Though I'm not personally involved with him on this since he seems to have a new team I understand this is a revival of one of his old projects though he's taking the story and setting in a slightly different directions while keeping the base concept and main characters the same. Even though the story is set in a virtual world, the author seems to be making efforts to make the reader forget it, since the protagonist prefers virtual reality to the real world where he doesn't have much to live for.

Judging by his previous works I can honestly say his stories seem to be a wild ride where he concentrates on character development and progresses the story through commerce, wit and intrigue rather than constant violence. I expect him to do even more so here since the protagonist seems to have set a challenge for himself to progress without using very little to no combat skills, offensive or defensive. I should warn prospective readers though that his work tends to be on the more mature side. Even though the first few chapters have been tame, they've had elements of torture, gore, nudity and a few sexual scenes.

#1742416 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by Bokuboy on 07 April 2016 - 06:12 PM

In case anyone is looking for a good sci-fi virtual reality story: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DFCNAPG


You can read it for free here: http://royalroadl.com/fiction/1193


I've been reading the series since chapter one and it really is great. 

Good story pacing, character progression, interesting and immersive plot, you name it, the book has it.

Author really deserves some recognition.


This actually is a really good story. Yeah, I read it all in one sitting. I went to the free version to compare with the book and saw there's a bit of a difference, especially at the start... and there's a couple more chapters after the book, where the author is working out how to handle the hacking aspect. I wasn't too fussy with that part, though. I won't give any details away! If you're curious, check it out. You'll enjoy it if you like rpgs, mmorpgs, fantasy, sci-fi, gaming, adventure stories. or any combination thereof.


Thanks for pointing it out, Sheltered_E!

One of the best reads I've had in a while. I can't wait for more to be released.

#1686595 Fake Batoto site warning!

Posted by Grumpy on 21 December 2015 - 01:02 AM

I've been getting notices from various users about fake Batoto sites that's out there.

It looks exactly like us (pretty sure direct copy of everything), but with their own ads.


DO NOT LOGIN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE on the fake site. They're stealing your id/passwords. If you end up on that site for any reason, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.

If you ever logged in to one of those sites before, change your password on EVERY SITE that uses the same password, not just here.


Our domain is bato.to. Anything else is fake.

#1650289 Batoto becoming registered only?

Posted by Grumpy on 20 October 2015 - 02:29 PM

I write this announcement about becoming private, meaning that only members will be able to browse this site (or a portion of it).
I post this with quite a bit of reluctance because it's something I wanted to avoid. Since pretty much the beginning, there have been requests to make this site private or to increase security of this site so that it doesn't become simply the source for all the other manga aggregates. But I have always said no because I envisioned this site being as open as possible and available to as many as possible. That principle is why, for basic reading, this site even runs without javascript, flash, or pretty much anything beyond most basic requirements--something few sites do today. These two goals of openness and security are both something we want to achieve but they are contradictory to the other and in the end I've chosen ease of use for the users. Times are changing though and it's getting increasingly difficult to maintain this site while being as open as it is now.
Currently, Batoto is undoubtedly the go-to source for hundreds other aggregates. Changes and additions made on this site gets automatically updated elsewhere, like this love of ponies (if that link stops working). People uploading here did not intend for their works to be copied everywhere else. Complete prevention of a copy is not an achievable goal, but making it inconvenient--creating a deterrence is possible. And that is making contents viewable by members only.
The change kind of scares me to be honest. From an administrator's point of view. Batoto is very optimized to be viewed by guests because guests make up roughly 90% of the visitors--and it's much easier to optimize for guests as they require less dynamic actions. When they all become members, many of existing optimizations made over the years become useless. I don't know if our current system can handle the increased load. I don't know if decrease in bot load will be significant enough. I don't know if it'll make more members leave us. I don't know if ad revenues will be enough to support the system once it's changed. There's quite a lot of unknowns.
I feel the change is (most likely) inevitable. However, the question of how it changes is not certain yet. I'm open to hear suggestions and ideas on this.


Few things.

  • We don't really care about SEO. Bare minimum of it is sufficient. It has never been a big thing for us. So, don't worry about that.
  • The easier the hurdle to pass, the less useful it will be, but more user friendly.
  • This change will break a lot of other sites and apps that rely on Batoto to function.
  • Opting for partial private may also be possible. Like newly uploaded are visible for few days without registration.
  • Objective: No more crawly crawly on this site.





Well, this is certainly the hottest announcement topic.


I want to clarify something. I post this now and here not because I want to play police, ego or some stuff like that. If it was, I would've changed a long ago. I post this now, I change my objective as someone who maintains this site. I want to shave off a few million page hits a day. With great thanks to kenshin, our bandwidth costs don't increase that much with increased traffic. I still maintain my original image source nodes, so it's not a big shave off in cost, but it is completely manageable. What's biggest (always has been) cost is the HTML of this site, processing the pages that needs to be served. These run on farm of really beefy CPU servers with SSD and I'm currently looking to see if it's necessary to purchase another to handle the load. And one of my ad networks haven't paid me in 3 months. So I'm running on a red.


We have over 10,000 comics. And over 300,000 chapters. When 100 other crawlers think they need this content, some of it on a few minute basis (to check for new chapters)! Numbers REALLY add up. Humans don't do this. Because there is follows. You don't need to visit 10,000 comics just to see if there's something new.


There are number of anti-crawl features on this site already. All of which I tried to make that doesn't hinder normal users at all. It has caught a few real people using download scripts too. But it's insufficient; it's too lightweight. Pretty much since year 1 of Batoto, other crawlers have been using IP distributed crawls. Without further tracking tools for me, they're just not possible to track.


Hitting some of the new chapters are less of a concern. It's the deep crawl that concerns me.




Edit 2:


For those saying just don't do it. The alternative is to shut down. Crawling is non-sustainable. Have to do something.

#1645147 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by Vex'd on 08 October 2015 - 03:05 PM

There should be a list of all the dropped/10 years after the last updated ones. :/ I get too excited just to find out that it's already dropped.

#1596469 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by voidpath on 08 June 2015 - 07:30 AM


Do you know how hyperlinks work?

hahaha did not notice that there was a hyperlink.  it was 3 am when i was posting that

#1549031 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by Bludflag on 19 April 2015 - 02:08 PM

I just need to know.

Did the main couple get together yet?

Volume 8 nearly finished of Dai DenYuuDen, and still very little progress there. It should start their relationship soon eonugh though( what happened in it). I will need to read volume 8 and volume 9 to really know, but it is strongly implied that they will( Ryner and Eris, to be sure we are talking about the same people).

#1538928 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by Omnimessiah on 05 April 2015 - 08:48 AM

I tried the Warhammer ones but I really can't get into the series.


What kind of HERESY is that ?!
Well, I guess going directly into warhammer crossovers isn't really that good without context.
You should first read a bit about it to get the fluff. Ghosts of Gaunt, Ciaphas Cain, Horus Heresy and Space Wolves series are really good, and if you need something http://wh40k.lexicanum.com hassome interesting info to fill in the blanks.

#1527576 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by Xagnam on 20 March 2015 - 03:10 PM



If you want me to add a recommendation to the list, make sure it is in a format that is readily available to read online/offline for free.

There has been a surplus of interest concerning web novels and light novels recently, and in the hope of providing everyone a portal in which they can find the most popular and interesting reading material, I have created this thread. Please be sure to bookmark and/or follow this topic as I will be updating it regularly to keep everyone and myself happy. I suggest you message me here on Batoto, Re:Translations' IRC channel, or Japtem's Chatango concerning new recommendations or what should be changed/edited/updated. Feel free to also use this thread as a means to keep everyone up to date on what's new. Thank you!
Titles colored in GREEN are 18+ in content (sexuality, nudity, strong language, violence and gore, or sensitive ideology or topics). Titles given the <15> and <18> warning from Syosetsuka ni Narou have also been listed with GREEN for 18+.

I am not liable for your exposure to their subject matter, you have been warned. Please inform me if a title warrants a rating change, I can not be expected to know each title's content.


アホ Updates  A directory of light/web novel translators, and updates.

REINCARNATION // the protagonist has been reborn...


TRANSPORTED // the protagonist has been transported to a different universe...

TIME TRAVEL // the protagonist has gone back or forward in time...

VIRTUAL REALITY // the protagonist experiences journeys in a virtual reality environment with role playing game characteristics...

#1491577 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by rei_hunter on 13 February 2015 - 02:42 PM

I just had a genius idea; how about Re:Translations tries to have a steadily release schedule instead of espreading all the people in even more projects? You can do that when everything is in it's rights place, everyone knows what to do, and you can search for a team for one new project or have it as a side project for some people of the old team. As things are I believe that Re:Translations is waaaaaay too stretched. No ill feelings here. Just a random leecher opinion.


Hi random leecher we dont give a fuck about.


Tensaiz has been searching for a Web Novel to ease out into after TNS Volume 01/02 for a change of pace. So I recommended this one. 

But if you really want to know, translators translate whatever they want to get tranlsated, meaning, its their own choices. Still dont get it yet? :D Good, then forever bang your head into a wall.


As for staff, I think it was mentioned a few posts ago but here's a summary.


Solistia (Head for Yuusha Party, Shinka no Mi, Jashin Tensei... and Manga works + her team) is currently writing a sort of novel (original) on her own. She'll get back to translating those novels as soon as her writing rage dies out.


Indra (Head for Slime Tensei, and 2 other novels mentioned...) is currently job hunting.


Laverdy (Used to be on re:Monster, now works on Gun-Ota with Ronald and Max) is slowly translating due to work.


Xz (The dude who is listed under Spirit Migration, did 2-3 lines.) is zooming around and waiting for a chance to work with laverdy or koutaro


Koutaro (ex re:monster translator) has emailed me that he'll be stopping for a while after the PROzess rant, so he can become better in translating. and also writing eronovels.


Sumguy (ex re:monster translator) is working on EC, still helps around, but never for re:monster. Why? Leechers. Leechers who beg. Leechers who worship fucking machine outputs of Google/Bing and w/e. He still helps around other novels though, mostly on Soli's.


Tensaiz/Honor (Head for Tsuyokute New Saga) like i said, they picked up Spirit Migration seeing as its a complete novel, and its shorter than TNS in terms of chapters.


Tom (current re:Monster translator) has been translating re:Monster in his basement and pretty much drops by from time to time to give us a very very badly formatted translations of re:Monster. (One of the reasons we dont have editors that stay too long. '-' )


Blesser (Project Head for Master of Monster) has been re-working the earlier chapters of MoM so its streamlined to his quality. There is still someone translating, just not as fast as he does.


Did i miss any project?

Oh right.


Eh!? Heibon desu yo!? - Vidar - Currently waiting for his monster PC so he can really up translation releases. If you haven't checked, he finally uploaded Chapter 01 of Heibon, that's from the Light Novel. He doesnt want to go back to re:Monster due to reasons.

Souen no Historia - Endo - Is currently crying due to his laptop dying. He's currently translating from his phone. He also translates Arifureta too. (Or so i've heard from him.) And i'm currently editing his earlier chapters (and also proofreading them). He still helps in proofreading Gun-Ota and Master of Monster


Is that a good enough status report?


Please tell me if missed any of our projects so that your feeble mind can understand. 


so tl:dr :


We translate whatever feels good/great to translate. Or challenging in terms of Sumguy and Vidar.

#1459356 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by perspherspley on 19 January 2015 - 11:48 PM

Don't know if it amounts to much but I really recommend No Longer a Game myself.

It's one of the better ones.


Also, unless you're into comedy, avoid Hardcore Online like a plague, there's nothing serious about it.

Hey, Hardcore Online was a serious FF, the name says it all.


#1411696 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by Farmerbob1 on 27 November 2014 - 06:11 PM

Well,I was almost out of stuff to read a few days ago and then Xagnam came back and and all hell broke loose.
I have a lot of free time,but not that much,it'd take years to read all of this...

Your journey begins with but a single page :)

I'll throw some gasoline on your problem though, I hope you don't mind!
Two of the most highly rated web fiction efforts out there are written by a fellow named Wildbow:

Worm. A completed work of around 2 million or so words. Superpowers, rather dark.

Pact. An ongoing work of around a million or so words. Urban Fantasy in a modern setting.

Wildbow has been writing blogfiction since June 2011, and as far as I know, he has not missed a single Tuesday or Saturday for a story update, except, perhaps, during the transition between stories.

#1392489 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by Solistia on 29 October 2014 - 04:32 PM

(Actually we just released chapter 7-9!)

I wonder if there's a better place on Batoto for us to post updates on Yuusha Party. I hate hijacking this thread everytime we have a release >_>

#1382006 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by reanseih on 14 October 2014 - 11:03 PM

someone know a manga/ff/book mainly about dragons? (lie reincarnated in a dragon, or be a dragon that can change humanoid,etc)

さようなら竜生 こんにちは人生 - World's strongest dragon and individual, reincarnated as a human boy after essentially suiciding. Really interesting, but the author had a tendency to go off forever on how beautiful his harem members are. Especially noticeable in recent updates. The kind you'd read in one go and not notice it too badly, but soon as you finish and start waiting for updates... You'll notice it's filled mostly with repeated praises.


ドラグーン - Boy who's dream was to become a dragoon, or dragon rider. Later on has a former goddess reincarnated as a dragon, the boy's contracted dragon. Really, really good. The "normal" protagonist, is now a side char. You know, the one who reincarnated into a fantasy world? Well, the main char is actually someone who should have been the rival role.


盟約の花嫁 - About a dragon family, who became the kings of a country. Their contract with humans was that so long as humans can find them a human bride, they will continue to rule their world for them. Romance story as you'd expect.


ドラゴン・ライフ - A Japanese girl reincarnated as a human-eating Earth Dragon I believe. She can transform herself into whatever she ate, but prefers the first human she ate.


There's plenty of mangas, look under the category. Off the top of my head I can think of a few.


Eru (not translated) - Dragon, pet of the god of sea and his son lol.


My Sweet Dragon - Uh... don't remember, another one of those dragon love stories.


Ryuu no Hanawazurai - ...Again, don't remember.


Ryuu no Yuigon


Ryuu wa Tasogare no Yume o Miru - Something about a dragon on I think an island, with a girl and her dad...? And... okay, I dunno.


Shiro no Koukoku Monogatari (also novel on Alphapolis) - Dragon as his wife. The country consists of four dragon families as Dukes. He the crowned prince, essentially the king, contracts and marries one of their daughters.


Shui Shen Qi Hui Juan (not translated) - Dragon, also a local river god. But the humans just had to forget his efforts... Now he's angry, and the humans sent a young female sacrifice up his way. I have the raws and can scan if requested.


Ten no Ryuu Chi no Sakura - Another dragon love story. And heir battle. Well, the brothers themselves get along well, just the other peeps can't stand their heir to be without most of his powers.


Utsurowazarumono - Breath of Fire IV - Dragon as god I believe.


Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata - Dragon King and the human's new hero. Fell in love, contract, new kingdom, etc.


And there was one anime... what was that name? > < Something about Koharugawa turning into a dragon. Uh... Anyways, it's really famous so just look it up yourself.


They say Ciel is also on dragons, I haven't read it in a long time so dunno.

#1380781 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by Bagelson on 13 October 2014 - 06:49 PM

I have a question for translators. What's your level of proficiency in Japanese? I'm currently studying it and want to help out but I'm still at the very basic level.

I can't speak for Japanese, but I'm currently translating Douluo Dalu from Chinese. I went into it with barely a basic grasp on the language, enough to grok the elementary grammar, but with a dismal vocabulary. Since I wanted to improve my language skills while translating, and since I've seen the mess that machine translation can make of even simple sentences, I've been translating with a dictionary app, checking through the multiple meanings for each word I don't recognize and puzzling out the sentences from there. When I'm stumped or need a second opinion on a sentence I'll use machine translation, and even though I usually don't agree with the result I can often figure out a different meaning of parts I was uncertain of.


Consequently, over translating the first volume my reading comprehension has improved immensely, judging by the comments it seems the readers appreciate the result, and I'm satisfied that my translation is (mostly) accurate. 


My recommendation is to pick a project that seems interesting and nobody else is doing and start translating to the best of your ability. You'll learn a lot, you can go at your own pace, and if you like the story you'll be driven to continue.