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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 11 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2017 04:22 AM

#1349951 [OOC] Codex Regius

Posted by Liar on 25 August 2014 - 09:49 PM

You poor, unfortunate souls that will never be a part of the greatest party ever to grace this or any other game.  TEAM CRIPPLED




They're too broken.

#1317381 [RP] Four Winds

Posted by Vafhudr on 13 July 2014 - 08:21 PM

~ Four Winds ~


It was a bright and sunny morning in Singspiel. A horn announced the first wave of boat departures down in the harbor. Car horns resounded as people in their vehicules stirred into action, heading for work. In fact, it was exactly what Maester Corneille was doing as he walked down the street with a skip in his step. Despite his somber appearance and morbid trappings, Maester Corneille was a man of unrelenting good cheer and on this bright morning he was unstoppable. He greeted and exchanged words with other passerby and waved at people on the other side of the street, exchanging smiles and so on. Why the unimpeachable happiness? Well, you see, earlier this morning Corneille, as he was enjoying his breakfast, received several carrier birds with little messages attached to them. They were Magic Guild-sanctioned jobs – the very first batch. In other words, Four Winds would be finally in business for real now.
“Guess what I have!” he boomed as he erupted into the guild hall, holding the few parchment rolls up high in his hand. He walked briskly to the mission board – a large board that was sadly empty bar a few pin-tacks and a drawing or two made by guild members. In a few moments, 4 missions were now posted on the board. Hearing the sound of Corneille’s arrival, Guildmaester Fran Boisse emerged from his office, dressed casually, a broad smile on his face.
“Well well well. The Guild sure took its sweet time. What did they send us?” he asked.
“From what I can see, they have sent us a nice little selection. An appetizer, really, but these are pretty standard for new mages.”
Fran Boisse rubbed his chin meaningfully.  
“Yeah. Ok. This should do the trick nicely. Too bad we didn’t get anything higher leveled. You and the others must be feeling the rust in your joints by now.”
“Not to worry! I keep fit regardless. Did I tell you about my new callisthenic routine in the morning? A real day-starter I tell you!”
“Please. Have mercy on this old man!” Fran Boisse pleaded playfully, his very well toned body barely hidden under his clothes.
“As you wish. Are any of them up yet?”
“I presume so. I saw a few of them heading toward the kitchen earlier today, so some of them have had breakfast.”
“Splendid. I wish I could spend more time with them. You have found yourself a terribly grim bunch, Fran. Where in the world did you find such a bunch of misfits?” He asked, without an ounce of self-consciousness. 
“Well… I didn’t so much find them rather than they found me. Some of them, though, I have my own reasons for bringing over. We’ll need to have a chat someday, Corneille.  You and I need to discuss what I have been doing during my travels. Believe or not, it was not mere sightseeing on my part.”
“That sound like a rollicking good time! Would you like to come over? I’ll make us a nice supper and we will chat all evening!”
“Not to be rude, Corneille, but whenever I come over, I leave half-starving. You eat like a bird.”
Corneille feigned insult, but quickly bounced back.
“My dear Fran, what are you saying there? Did you know that, corresponding to their size, birds enjoy feasts at every meals?”
“That’s nice. I guess.” was Fran’s less than enthusiastic response.
The two mages continued to chat as they walked out, leaving the board behind them.  But the room slowly started to fill once more, this time with our eager young protagonists taking a gander at their first, real missions as part of the Guild of Four Winds.

[Missions Posted]



