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[RP] Four Winds

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~ Four Winds ~


It was a bright and sunny morning in Singspiel. A horn announced the first wave of boat departures down in the harbor. Car horns resounded as people in their vehicules stirred into action, heading for work. In fact, it was exactly what Maester Corneille was doing as he walked down the street with a skip in his step. Despite his somber appearance and morbid trappings, Maester Corneille was a man of unrelenting good cheer and on this bright morning he was unstoppable. He greeted and exchanged words with other passerby and waved at people on the other side of the street, exchanging smiles and so on. Why the unimpeachable happiness? Well, you see, earlier this morning Corneille, as he was enjoying his breakfast, received several carrier birds with little messages attached to them. They were Magic Guild-sanctioned jobs – the very first batch. In other words, Four Winds would be finally in business for real now.
“Guess what I have!” he boomed as he erupted into the guild hall, holding the few parchment rolls up high in his hand. He walked briskly to the mission board – a large board that was sadly empty bar a few pin-tacks and a drawing or two made by guild members. In a few moments, 4 missions were now posted on the board. Hearing the sound of Corneille’s arrival, Guildmaester Fran Boisse emerged from his office, dressed casually, a broad smile on his face.
“Well well well. The Guild sure took its sweet time. What did they send us?” he asked.
“From what I can see, they have sent us a nice little selection. An appetizer, really, but these are pretty standard for new mages.”
Fran Boisse rubbed his chin meaningfully.  
“Yeah. Ok. This should do the trick nicely. Too bad we didn’t get anything higher leveled. You and the others must be feeling the rust in your joints by now.”
“Not to worry! I keep fit regardless. Did I tell you about my new callisthenic routine in the morning? A real day-starter I tell you!”
“Please. Have mercy on this old man!” Fran Boisse pleaded playfully, his very well toned body barely hidden under his clothes.
“As you wish. Are any of them up yet?”
“I presume so. I saw a few of them heading toward the kitchen earlier today, so some of them have had breakfast.”
“Splendid. I wish I could spend more time with them. You have found yourself a terribly grim bunch, Fran. Where in the world did you find such a bunch of misfits?” He asked, without an ounce of self-consciousness. 
“Well… I didn’t so much find them rather than they found me. Some of them, though, I have my own reasons for bringing over. We’ll need to have a chat someday, Corneille.  You and I need to discuss what I have been doing during my travels. Believe or not, it was not mere sightseeing on my part.”
“That sound like a rollicking good time! Would you like to come over? I’ll make us a nice supper and we will chat all evening!”
“Not to be rude, Corneille, but whenever I come over, I leave half-starving. You eat like a bird.”
Corneille feigned insult, but quickly bounced back.
“My dear Fran, what are you saying there? Did you know that, corresponding to their size, birds enjoy feasts at every meals?”
“That’s nice. I guess.” was Fran’s less than enthusiastic response.
The two mages continued to chat as they walked out, leaving the board behind them.  But the room slowly started to fill once more, this time with our eager young protagonists taking a gander at their first, real missions as part of the Guild of Four Winds.

[Missions Posted]





Edited by Vafhudr, 13 July 2014 - 08:28 PM.


Wandering Rogue

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Roshan Alinejad - Mission 2


Roshan lay awake and still in her bed as she debated the merits of getting up versus sleeping in. Waking up early was a good precedent of course and would let her get more done in the day.  What did she really need to do though?  Ever since coming here she'd had nothing to actually do in the guild besides follow whatever her whims guided her.  Which had led her to that rather nice reading nook in the library where she'd spent more than a few hours.  She could make herself a cup and head there she supposed but she wasn't entirely sure that was worth it. However, it would be quiet this early.  She could sneak down to the kitchen and cook undisturbed.  All the pancakes could be hers...she wouldn't have to share with anyone!  Not that she minded sharing it was just that some of the others could eat a...lot.  With that decided Roshan kicked off the covers in single motion lest she drag it out and miss her window.  
Standing there in the oversized shirt that had served as her pajamas she took a deep breath and breathed in the new day along.  It came with another scent.  One that reminded her that she may or may not have bathed in the last day or two.  In her defense, the library did have a lot of books.  Shower first.  Pancakes second.  Books third.
Thirty minutes later she was down in the kitchen cooking up banana pancakes while singing softly to herself and thankful nobody was around to hear her.  "I like pancakes, yes I do.  I like pancakes, how bout you?" It was a little habit she got into over the years while traveling with Wilhelm.  Making up little songs as they traveled helped to fill in the lulls in conversation and help with the mind numbing chores.  They were silly little things that she never put much thought into and Roshan rather they remained unnoticed.  Imagine the embarrassment!  "Pancakes are so nice and yummy.  I can't wait to have them in my tummy!"  See? Cringeworthy stuff.  If anyone happened to notice her in the kitchen she hoped they'd have the decency to slowly walk away and forget everything they heard.  They should also be sure to ignore the fact she was decorating the pancakes with chocolate chips in the shapes of her favorite constellations.  
It didn't take long before she was carrying a plate stacked high to the near empty tables while hoping that just once she might get to enjoy it in relative peace.

Edited by Wandering Rogue, 17 July 2014 - 02:21 AM.


Johnny Paradise

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Felix -- Mission 2


Felix's day began with mixed feelings. Waking at the comfortable hour of later than everyone else, when he descended from his lodgings to the first floor, he saw that missions had finally been posted. With a cheery skip to his step, he looked over the mission postings, deciding that he was very much interested in taking on a job. After all, he had been staying here thus far for free, and he had received very accommodating living arrangements from the Grand Meister; he wanted to help bring in some money for the help he had received.


At this juncture, however, came the source of his mixed emotions--though he thought he was quite talented, Felix was most assuredly a novice practitioner of magic. The things he had seen during his travels had been acts of egregiously unfair and overpowered magical feats which had completely shot his confidence in himself as a powerful magical combatant. Indeed, he was pretty lame overall. Not the sort of guy that would strike fear into the hearts of children, not yet. If he were to take this mission, he would need assistance.


Felix quite liked many of his fellow guild members. They were friendly and amicable and mostly didn't say out loud that he made them uncomfortable. But Felix didn't have any friends, no one to ask to accompany him. He had an idea of a few who might humor him, but there was the possibility that they might want to choose a different mission, or worse, travel with someone else! How embarrassing that would be! Still, he would steel his resolve and find the courage to form a team, even if it was only a temporary thing. And he was of course not without his own tricks.


Calling upon the images of the mission postings he had read, they appeared within his magical grimoire. With a bit of altering to missions 1, 3, and 4, he took the book into the kitchen where he found Roshan, settling in to some fluffy, delicious, and moist banana pancakes. She was someone Felix had happened across frequently in the library. Although they often did not speak to one another, there was a sense of solidarity there. At least, Felix would prefer if there was some solidarity there, because she made very nice pancakes. When they did speak, she would often indulge the way he could go on and on about his stories and so, while he didn't know much about her generally speaking, she was near the top of his list for potential team members.


He sat down at the table silently, smiling in such a way that would make anyone doubt his intentions. Or maybe flee in a panic. At the very least, put a guard up around their pancakes. Felix had a very devious smile.


"Hello," he said pleasantly and without any hint of malice. "Jobs were posted today, you know? I was considering taking one, but I find myself at an impasse. You see, I don't think I can finish one by myself." He passed her his grimoire as though he were passing her some sort of narcotic, stealthily and without breaking eye contact. "These are the ones they brought in."


Inside, the text read:


Mission 1: Equine Terrors of the Deep -- Large and dangerous sea horses have risen from the depths off the coast of Freiburgs territory. Monster attacks and typhoons are ravaging the coastline and, worst of all, any mages that have made an attempt to stop such attacks have been dragged beneath the depths, never to be seen again. Please, don't even bother sending anyone to help, just save yourselves.


Large party recommended.


Mission 2: Rail Racer -- Train convoys in the region are being attacked by a mysterious foe who steals valuables and freight. Magic is suspected to be involved. We need a few mages to make sure the next load, which will contain gold, remains safe.


Small to medium team.


Mission 3: Travelers from Claszureme -- Powerful mages claiming to be from a world known as Claszureme have appeared in the countryside. Those who have stood against them have been trapped in what they call "chronospheres," in which victims are locked in stasis. Anything that tries to enter these spheres other than these mages of Claszureme are likewise paused in time. Dark portents ahead for any stupid enough to take on this mission.


Large party recommended.


Mission 4: We Hate Pancakes -- Farmers in the countryside need help cooking. However, they hate pancakes and will refuse help from anyone who even suggests that pancakes aren't the worst thing in the world.


"I was thinking about taking mission two. Would you like to come with me?"


Felix's smile only seemed to get more disconcerting.

Edited by Johnny Paradise, 17 July 2014 - 02:49 AM.

here's to a long life and dead friends




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Sunny Morning


Haruka’s morning was nothing short of mundane. Your typical waking-up in the morning, splashing your face in the water bucket, preparing a simple breakfast of grilled fish, rice, and miso soup. Then came the bath, where Haruka could relax in a wooden tub filled with hot water. Perfect way to wake up.


And then out into the sunlight! It was a terrific morning, and the breeze felt absolutely amazing as Haruka pulled his veil over his head and walked out of the wooden shack that was located between two rather luxurious apartment buildings. It was clearly a weird place to have a home, but Haruka was comfortable with that sort of lifestyle, hand-washing his clothes and cooking his meals over a fire.


Arriving at the guild, Haruka pulled his veil down under his chin and wrapped it around his neck and shoulders, making it resemble a scarf. Walking over to the bulletin board, Haruka kept the veil around his neck, snug and warm, as he read the board for missions.


Finding one that quite excited him, he tore it off the board and ran off towards two people he knew might be interested. Grabbing Riley’s hand and running off to grab Marion’s hand, he dragged the two of them to a table and had them sit there as he slammed the poster reading King of the Hill.


“Let’s hunt a Jaggi!”


…Clearly, Haruka was excited over some other reason, mistaking the T-Rex for some fictional animal found in some series in some media of some sort.




"Shurima, your emperor has returned."


El Phantom

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Zack Schwarzenburg



Zack ate early, just some toast and a good waffle sandwich with bacon and egg as the contents. Was good, Freiburg food was especially savoury, so the new experience of food was something to take out of his departure from home. It's been at least a week now, maybe two, but he didn't care, they can stay there and rot to an antiquated ideal. For now, he sat in a little hammock he made from connecting his chains in a particular way, looking down at the guild hall. As hearty as always, the old man Fran Boisse, and the excited Corneille chattered about. It seems there were now missions on the board, all the same the guild members were exciteable about this too, and based on what he was hearing, there were no high level missions, so basically, these were just something you could do in your spare time. He was going to take a look later, at least that was until someone grabbed one of the fliers with such enthusiasm he began to interest himself in it.


Moments after Haruka slammed the flier onto the table, Zack swung down and snatched it, then landed back in the hammock on the upswing, after which he slid down a single chain that hung over their table, as the hammock unravelled to provide the length. He began reading to them... Despite any protests to give it back.


"King of the Hill. A T-Rex has been spotted in the hills of Salsaburg. Many goats have been eaten already as well as one hunter. Looking for professional monster hunters or mages. Dangerous. You are fighting a feral apex predator.  Small to medium team... Interesting. I hadn't fought beasts before. You want another hand in this?", he was offering to join on this mission. To be honest he was just curious what a T-Rex looked like in the flesh. Supposedly they kept to themselves in rather rough and secluded areas of the continent, so he never happened across anything like them on his way into Freiburgs.


"Besides, we'll need a team for it", he reminded. This including him, Haruka, these two... Their names were Riley and Marion if he remembered correctly, would mean they have four people, which counts as a small to medium team.

Edited by Captain L Katsura, 14 July 2014 - 06:23 AM.




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Yamanu Nightshade

Mission - King of the Hill


There are morning people, and then there are night people, Yamanu’s annoyance at the light streaming into his eyes from between a gap in the curtains placed him firmly in the latter group. He waited for the butler to bring him some breakfast, and then remembered that he didnt have one anymore. Yes even after a few months from his spectacular escape he still hadn’t quite accommodated to this sort of life.


So with a groan he lifted off his bed, the life of a ‘free’ man wasn't exactly what he had expected, and not without its own intrinsic challenges. So with a sour mood he went about his morning chores, the brushing of teeth, etc.


Finally he was on his way to the kitchen, for the past month he had been subsisting of fruits in the morning, his cooking could still use a lot of work and he always woke up to too late to get breakfast made by their beloved cook.


In front him was a bit of excitement, a small group of four of his guildmates, Haruka, Riley, Marion and Zack. Then he heard the words


"King of the Hill. A T-Rex”


"Besides, we'll need a team for it"


Lighting raced through his spine, It was a job, after nearly a month of boredom, a job! This was an opportunity that he absolutely couldn’t leave alone. So with great conversational skill he inserted himself into the discussion.


“Exactly, and here I am, and yes I accept, Lets hunt this beast! Eh!”

Edited by Jodgod, 17 July 2014 - 02:46 AM.






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Riley Morgan



Riley had never been one to wake quickly. She would lay in bed slowly becoming more alert, and would then drag herself unsteadily to her feet, fighting to keep her eyes open.


Sleeping was wonderful. It was getting up that sucked.


Having been at the guild hall for almost a month now, she finally had a routine. The year before arriving at Four Winds had been filled with uncertainty - every night she had slept in a different bed and in the company of different people. During that time, she had been far faster when it came to waking up, but she had quickly sunk back into her slovenly ways after getting used to the fact that she was safe at the guild hall.


Running on auto-pilot, she lazily washed her face, brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, and got dressed. She had a dislike for clothing, claiming it was uncomfortable and restrictive. It was a lot colder in Freiburgs than it was in Sarrasand, though, so she had given in and had started wearing a hoodie. It wasn't that bad, she had to admit. The only thing that really bothered her is that she had to roll up the sleeves to put on her gauntlets. At least it kept her warm.


She would not wear pants however. No matter how much she wore them, she couldn't get used to them. Shorts were much better - they were comfy and easy to wear. 


Now that she was dressed and ready, she had to take care of her hunger. Being a Witch was intensive work, and to do intensive work one needed energy. Of course, that energy came from food. Like any teenager, Riley was hungry at pretty much all times. The mornings were when this hunger was at it's worst. 


Her legs took her to the kitchen, and she absentmindedly grabbed four pieces of bread and threw them in the toaster. Then she got to work on making herself bacon and eggs. She wasn't the greatest cook, but she could feed herself.


At least, she could when she wasn't completely out of it from having just woken up. Her toast popped up, burnt black because she had forgotten to turn it down. Groaning to herself, she grabbed them and put them on her plate anyways, alongside the bacon and eggs. It'd take too long to make more, and she just wanted to eat.


She munched away at her food as she went to sit down, wondering what she would do for the day. Maybe she could spar with one of the guild members, or get one of the Maesters to give her some lessons.


Her thoughts were interrupted by Haruka, who grabbed her hand while running by her, pulling her off with him. She fought to keep all her food on the plate she held in the other hand as she followed the excited boy, who she had decided was one of the nicer people in the guild.


Haruka gathered up Marion and sat the two down at a table, slamming down a piece of paper.


“Let’s hunt a Jaggi!” he said.


Riley's eyes widened, and she finally felt awake. It was a job. The guild had finally received jobs to do. She felt herself begin to shake with excitement as she leaned forward to read the details. Before she could find out any more, however, someone swiped the paper away, before leaping into a nearby hammock. She shot a disapproving glare at the man, whom she recognized as Zack, but she didn't say anything as he began to read out loud.


The job was to hunt a T-Rex. Riley perked up as she heard this, Zack's rudeness long forgotten. A T-Rex was far larger - and likely far stronger - than anything she had faced before. The job would be a challenge, but she definitely wanted to give it a try.


Zack offered to help with the job, and another guild member, Yamanu, quickly jumped in, also expressing his interest.


All the excitement was infectious. Riley jumped to her feet, bringing her fist down on the table as she finished off a piece of toast.


"I'm up for killing a dinosaur!" she said loudly and with a determined smile.

Edited by XLegs, 14 July 2014 - 08:11 AM.





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Chapter 1 - Halcyon Days

Mission #2 - Rail Racer


As always, Nyx woke up in a cold sweat revolver in hand. But there was no foe there, no assassin from his old guild, no old enemy baring a grudge, not even the odd mewling of a stray cat or old crow that woke him up many times before. It was his new home, the Four Winds guild building in Singspiel. The hustle and bustle of the noisy new guild was something Nyx was unaccustomed to, though not at all unwelcome. Despite his grim personality and general paranoia, he had to admit that it was...nice here. He was...happy. 


In the month he had been there, Nyx had learned that most of his fellow guild members were not early risers. It was rare to see so many people up so early, almost as rare as Nyx getting up so late after a full night's rest. Even without the threat of his old nakama on his trail, he had often found himself plagued by night terrors or general insomnia. The level of excitement was even more fervent than usual, which could only mean one thing - Four Winds had finally been approved for missions.


He scanned the listings on the wall. Hunting for demons and monsters was not really his style; his talents had always lent themselves to dealing with people or other mages, and labor on a quarry seemed awfully pedestrian. Defending a shipment of gold in a train sounded right up his alley. Unfortunately, with so few jobs available he'd have to abandon his hopes of doing his missions solo. His eyes scanned the room for possible allies.


He skulked towards Felix and Roshan who seemed to be enjoying a plate of pancakes in the corner of the room.


"I was thinking about taking mission two. Would you like to come with me?" Felix said to the young girl. Something about his smile was disconcerting, but Nyx pressed on anyway. He didn't hate that sort of person anyway.


"Oh my, you certainly know how to charm a lady, Felix," Nyx sneered, revealing himself from the cover of his Vendetta cloak. "But if you two are going to take on that train mission then I would love to tag along." Nyx stabbed at one of the pancakes with his stiletto knife and took a bite.

Edited by Mors, 17 July 2014 - 02:20 AM.


"The sun is new each day."



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Leyla, The She-Wolf

Leyla opened her eyes to the bright morning sunlight, and hellova headache. She closed them again and massaged her eyelids with her thumb and index finger, trying to remember what she was doing last night. No need for much effort there, it was business as usual. Or, better to say, getting drunk as usual.

Through the alcohol induced fog the images came to her mind. Early in the night she got drunk by herself, while she was still within the guild building. She had company, someone from the guild, she thinks, or was it a memory from latter in the night? No way to be certain. Then she mounted a horse and charged into the streets of Singspiel. She raided the taverns of the city just like she did Free Cities on the frontier, searching for a band that could play Trabazon music, each time taking another bottle or two of raki as a punishment for being a mediocre establishment. Did she find a band? Possibly, she remembers the music playing as she chased down someone… Who? They wore peculiar clothing, almost like a uniform… Suddenly the haze cleared and Leyla stood up from the bed only to be greeted by the interior of a jail cell.

“Have you sobered up a little?” The police officer standing at the opposite side of the bars looked at her disapprovingly.

Well, now she didn’t have to browse through her fuzzy memories to know how the last night ended…


After she left the police station, painfully aware of how lighter her purse felt once she paid for all damages she caused, Leyla made straight towards the guild building. She arrived just in time to see the Guildmaster Fran and Master Corneille set up the guild’s first missions on the mission board. There was already some commotion about it. Seems some of her guildmates have already decided on a team for a specific mission.   

Leyla gave the board a glance, memorized quickly details of each mission and then went to kitchen. It was still relatively early in the morning, there is bound to be a lot of people there so finding a team would be easy.

“Good morning, everyone.” Her polite greeting was decorated by her thick Trabazon accent. She sat at the closest free seat at the table. “Pancakes? How wonderful! Can I, please, have some?”

Leyla ate slowly, with impeccable table manners. “Good manners in every occasion” was one thing her master was particularly strict about. You may have been born a simple peasant but, by God, that doesn’t stop you from learning to act like a proper human being.  So he driller her pretty hard, taught her how one should eat at the table, how should one greet his social equals, superiors and inferiors, which clothes one should wear, and so on. There was only one thing he couldn’t change about her, no matter how hard he tried- her hillbilly Trabazon accent which gave away her roots to any Byzance noble the moment she opened her mouth.

Fortunately, Freiburgs people aren’t familiar with Byzance accents and dialects and don’t bother to discriminate people based on their origins, so Leyla could speak freely.

“I have seen that we finally received missions. I am interested in taking the one titled ‘Beasts of the Black Forest’, but it appears to be a difficult one. Would anyone do me an honor of being my teammate for it?”

“Oh, and these pancakes are delicious!”



Diabolical Rhapsody

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Dumitra Nuanţă


It had been nearly a month now since Grand Meister Fran granted her shelter and an opportunity to improve her skills. In that time, she had become a regular at the massive library that the guild housed. Spending much of her time reading theories on magic, herbology and anatomy. She had managed to list out what all the tomes and books she needed to read to consider herself a good initiate for the guild and though she had shared the building with many others looking to do further their magic careers she knew very little about them and vice-versa.


Perhaps, her unusual get-up and hobbies were a turn-off or perhaps they didn't want to associate themselves with her because she looked a bit primitive than themselves. Regardless, she haunted the halls and library often really late at night reading or collecting books to know more about the world.


This morning had brought a wave of energy and enthusiasm about it and she couldn't help but be touched by it. Amidst, the activity that looked energetic almost frantic. She managed to take her time reading the new missions that had been assigned to them by the guild. She quietly observed how others took it and what interested them. The one she was excited about seemed to have no takers until Leyla walked in. Dumitra had entered the kitchen close on her heels hoping to get some food when she heard her declaration. Though the mission looked fairly dangerous and demanded a large group to carry out she was thrilled by the enthusiasm that the she-wolf displayed.


She took out a carton of milk before turning to face Leyla, having decided not to grab a bite from Roshan's pancakes like everyone else despite how mouth watering they looked. Taking a big gulp, she wiped her face before speaking, her voice really soft almost song-like.


"I would love to work alongside you, Leyla-san. It would be really fun to walk into a forest again."


She paused to take another gulp before continuing with a smile, "I am up for it if you'll have me." she said with a bow.



If you have the time: 




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Lorelei Weiss

Mission 1 - Beasts of the black Forest

Rory thumped heavily on the closed dormitory room door, while rubbing her temple with her eyes tightly scrunched. “Goddamn it Leyla, how much alcohol did you feed me last night?” Rory's morning had begun with one leg still in her evening pants, a dry and half eaten sandwich on her night-stand atop two wallets (neither of which actually belonged to her) and a resounding headache. Her last properly lucid memory was sitting in Four Winds' dining hall teaching a basic Three Card Monte to a small group of her guild-mates, when Leyla had brought over a pint and told her they were heading out. The rest was a rather hazed jumble of pubs, drinks and music. With another thump Rory pushed her way in, only to find an empty and undisturbed bed and room. Backing out slowly and shutting the door, she slowly made her way back to her own domain for a bath and some fresh clothes.

Drying her hair whilst pulling on a new pair of slacks, a clean buttoned shirt and a vest; she eyed last night's takings with an air of suspicion that they held some answers to her questions. Unfortunately, the dried sandwich was inedible now, so Rory used her magic to switch it with some air from the next room over. She wasn't sure who, but someone was going to return to a rather unpleasant surprise. The sandwich was merely an obstacle though; the wallets were her real target. Finding strange items not of her own was nothing surprising for her. Rory would have found it more surprising had she not come home with any souvenirs; the challenge of lifting items while inebriated was particularly alluring. They did however (more often than not) provide an insightful chronology to the antics of her evening. One belonged to some stranger who Rory could vaguely remember having seen at several of the pubs they visited. The other however, contained a policeman's badge.

Usually Rory would steer clear of the law at all costs, let alone attempt to lift the wallet of an officer. By trade they were usually more alert and actually seeking out such behaviour. She was undeniably smashed that evening, meaning she would have been unable to have pulled off the little heist without a shill to run a distraction. Rory had a sneaking suspicion that Leyla's current disappearance and the apparent meeting of this police officer and subsequent pilfering of his wallet were all entwined. With a sigh, she relieved the wallets of money and made her way down to the dining hall, placing them in the first bin she came across.

Entering the hall her senses went into overload as she was smashed in the face by the delectable scent of what she determined to be banana pancakes with chocolate. 'Not today' she thought after moments of deliberation. Bacon. She needed that satisfyingly oily chow of the gods to settle her stomach for the day, and juice for the obvious fluid deficiency. She hadn't noticed it at first, but her attention was now being drawn to how much the hall seemed to be buzzing with excitement. It was verging on palpable. As the half dozen pink strips sizzled and browned in the pan, Rory scanned the room. Several people had congregated and seemed to be discussing something animatedly. Since there had been literally nothing to do in this town of late (since they had arrived to be exact) but sleep, drink and just generally debauch, it seemed a pleasant change of pace.

Turning her bacon over in the pan, Rory heard the echoing click and drawn out creak of the excessively large wooden main doors opening behind her peering over her shoulder she watched as a visibly seedy Leyla strode over to the tables and helped herself to the pile of pancakes in the middle. Plating up her own meal, she too made her way to the table. Seated on one side was somewhat reserved, dark haired girl named Dumitra whom Rory hadn't yet had a great deal to do with. Taking a seat on Leyla's free side, Rory shovelled a mouthful of bacon in, and after a moment of chewing she rested her head on The older girl's shoulder. Several sentiments ran through her head as it rested there but after a hesitant moment of thought, all that made it out her mouth was a pained mixture of a groan and a sigh, which oddly enough aptly expressed nearly everything she'd wanted to say anyway.

Edited by Ecko, 17 July 2014 - 07:39 AM.




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Mission #1 - Beasts of the Black Forest [Monster Hunter]

The habit of waking up before everyone else was something that Franz had carried over from his past. Specifically, his days in the circus. The only difference now was that he wasn’t forced to clean up after some random elephant or a creature he has never heard or seen before. Preparing breakfast for their entire troupe, which comprised of over a hundred individuals was no longer his responsibility. This time, he had the luxury of savoring his mornings; to simply stare at the horizon from atop their guild’s rooftop whilst watching as the sun rose. Sadly, it was a horrible way to start the day. The rays of light were more blinding than magnificent as they seared through the young wizards eyes in an instant.

“Why do I keep on doing this every single day?” thought Franz as he averted his eyes from the god forsaken sphere of fire and gas, blocking out as much sunlight as he could. Before he could regret this lousy habit of his, his attention was redirected towards the mess hall located just below him. For some odd reason, the scent of freshly made pancakes had suddenly surged through his nostrils; they were indeed scrumptious and captivating at the same time. It almost seemed, well, magical.

With haste, Franz quickly descended from where he was with the greatest of ease, flipping and swinging his way back down. Eventually, he ended up inside their guild hall instead. It was a large place and he still had not gotten used to it considering that he had only been a member for not over a week now.

Setting aside his apparent lack of direction, he immediately turned his attention back to his priorities. Proceeding with looking for the source of the heavenly smell, Franz's eyes had locked on to a towering stack of pancakes. However, around the said stack, were a few of his fellow mages. He knew several of the guild members but had never had the initiative to start a conversation with most of them due to him being new and all.

“Well, I better start sooner rather than later.” he thought as he shrugged his shoulders while making his way towards the kitchen, hoping to grab some breakfast before he started mingling, socializing and whatnot. He had new goals now, thus the quest for pancakes, was suddenly put on hold.

With a sandwich in one hand, a glass of milk in the other, and a doughnut dangling from his mouth, Franz entered their mess hall hoping to grab a seat but as he continued walking forward, he couldn't help but over hear the conversation of some of his guild members. Recalling the information he had gathered over the past week, he quickly identified the ones that were in front of him.

“I have seen that we finally received missions. I am interested in taking the one titled ‘Beasts of the Black Forest’, but it appears to be a difficult one. Would anyone do me an honor of being my teammate for it?”

"I would love to work alongside you, Leyla-san. It would be really fun to walk into a forest again."

"Difficult huh?" Franz thought to himself as grinned. Although he wasn't as competent in terms of wielding magic as the others, the idea of taking on such a challenge excited him. Also, in situations like this, despite the high risk, Franz knew well enough that the reward and experience he'd receive from would definitely be worth it.

However, his attention soon shifted towards the people who were potentially going to be with him during the said mission. He had thought that they looked like an odd bunch but what made them more unique was the information he had already gathered regarding them.

"Hmm. The She-Wolf, Leyla. A Trabazon native skilled in the art of combat. She's certainly going to be useful." thought the young mage as his eyes turned towards another. "The witch from the forests of Nuanta Balaur. I haven't heard much about her and know little about that part of Tellus. She's supposed to be an assassin of some sort; that makes things interesting." And there was the one named Rory. "Lorelei Weiss, huh? Not only a former acrobat, but I heard she uses a unique style of magic. She's probably the most similar to me in terms of upbringing."

A smile suddenly appeared on Franz's face. In his mind, he thought that this group was definitely worth getting into. Luck was on his side, since they were finally given missions to carry out, Franz had the perfect excuse to start a conversation with them.

"Sup ladies? Not sure if you guys know me. I think I'm the newest member in Four Winds; the name's Franz Palladino. Nice to meet you." enthusiastically said Franz as he took a seat beside the three witches. He clearly failed to notice Rory's current condition. Hopefully, she would let this slide.

"I heard you guys are planning to go on a mission. If you have room for one more, I'd be more than happy to tag along."

Edited by Juro, 17 July 2014 - 02:40 AM.



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Clover opened her eyes, attempting to stretch out her limbs, only to realise that her arms were tightly wrapped up in the arms of someone else. And now that she paid a bit of attention, she was leaning back on something uniquely warm and soft in a way a pillow couldn’t come close too…


Ah, now came the fun of figuring out just what she got herself up to the night before…there was a slight buzz, nothing much but then that said nothing about how much she actually drank when one considered her magic. Clothes were all still on and the grip felt something more along the lines of the snuggle grips she got when people couldn’t help themselves around her. Sometimes being small was a bother.


As she slid out of the woman’s grip and headed out of the room, more events spun through her mind. Ah yes, yesterday was the day where she did her good deed for the town and attempted to mitigate the damage that Leyla managed to cause on her bar raids. Somewhere between the first and third bars she probably should have done something to keep the party in check but…well they looked happy enough and frankly Clover didn’t see much reason as long as they didn’t hurt anyone. That and she did remember to do a basic cleanup when they left so at worst Leyla shouldn’t have that much damage to pay for this time. Probably.


Ah, and about when that police officer showed up, she made sure that Rory made it back to the guild, and ended up snoozing away with another person – she might not have liked being alone, but drunk people tended to make poor bedmates and she wasn’t feeling in a nursing mood last night. It took a bit of effort to get herself cleaned up and ready to actually start the day, but food would finish waking her up.


All of the food.


She noticed the pancakes but she wasn’t quite in the mood for sweet just yet so she proceeded to take a crate of eggs and a lot of sausages and start frying up some scrambled eggs with enough meat to keep her going for a bit. Given some of the guild members’ ability to function in the morning, it was probably best to just make a large amount; it wasn’t as if it would go to waste.


She walked back out to the table just in time to catch that they had finally gotten some missions to go on. She slipped between…Franz was it? And Rory, which may or may not have involved making a chair’s grip to the floor extra slippery, dropping a platter of eggs and sausage and the mug of fruit juice she remembered to grab.


“Noisy……a spawn point though, that sounds fun. And I’ve never been in a forest….” In between talking Clover had at some point swiped some of the eggs, a few sausages and a few strips of Rory’s bacon. On the good side, she did also flick a bit of bubbles her and Leyla’s way to remove that hangover part.  “Last night…was fun. A bit destructive at the end….but still fun.”




Insane Soul

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Marion Belrose


Marion woke up that day very early in the morning, It is a Habit she got before she moved to Singspiel, with the difference of the environment being a lot calmer than the one she used to live, allowing her to enjoy a cup of coffee as she watched the Sunrise, It was one of those things Marion enjoyed the most at the start of each day. As she slowly started to get dressed, Marion looked one last time to her reflection in the Mirror in front of her, it was time to start the new day.


As soon as Marion arrived to the Guild, she made her way to the Kitchen, there were some of the guild members enjoying their breakfast, but Marion could spot Riley from the distance, as she throwed some bread into the toaster.


"Geez, why is she always in a rush?"  she thought as she slowly walked into where the toaster was, she also wanted to eat bread.


Marion has known Riley ever since she joined the guild, for someone like Marion, joining a new guild and making friends was something you could define as an impossible task, and it would have been if it weren't for a particular person. As Marion made some toast for herself, she went to the table Riley was currently sitting, but as soon as Marion tried to sit, she got pulled by a new person




It was Haruka, one of the very first friends Marion made as soon as she joined the guild, thanks to him Marion met Riley. It was another of his overexcited reactions, as he pulled both Marion and Riley to a nearby table, and slammed a piece of paper.


“Let’s hunt a Jaggi!” he said.


Shortly after that, Riley followed with a happy expression


"I'm up for killing a dinosaur!"



Another Guild members were gathering near Haruka's table, it seemed  they wanted to participate as well. Marion stared at Haruka and Riley for a couple of seconds, they were waiting for her response,


*Sigh* I get it I get it... can I go and eat my breakfast now?. She said as she closed her eye.

Edited by Insane Soul, 15 July 2014 - 03:21 AM.




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“Faron,” his mother called out to him enthusiastically, her eyes shining with energy and excitement. “Some time in the future, I’m going back out into the world and go on a journey! There are so many things to learn, so many things to see! While I adore living in Leton, I’ve grown tired of this monotony!”


Faron didn’t look up from his meal as he sat in his seat at the dinner table. He already knew his mother probably standing on the table posing dramatically. Only when he finished the rest of his food did he glance over at his mother. She remained in some ridiculous pose. The young mage cocked his head to the side and sleepily asked, “Eh, I guess that’s fine, but do I have to go with you? It sounds like a hassle…”


His mother relaxed, smiling knowingly at her son. “Hmm, you’re so lazy like your father…”


He shrugged. His father died before he was born, and there were no pictures left behind to compare his appearance to. It probably wouldn’t work anyway. So many people already say he looked like his mother.


“But you know, one day you will have to leave the house and go out on your own. Staying here where it’s nice and comfortable will only stagnate you, my little tailor.”


“True…” Faron nodded in agreement. “That isn’t now though…”


His mother grinned.




Faron kept his eyes clothes, refusing to believe he was awake. Unfortunately, he was already made aware that he was no longer asleep, and fighting it would just be wasted effort. Sighing, he opened his eyes to stare at the familiar ceiling of his new home.


“That dream again…”


For days now, his subconscious was replaying the memories of the evening before his mother left on her grand adventure. He had known for quite some time that she felt restless in their little shop in Leton, but he never thought she would just up and go. Rationally, Faron knew that his mother left so that may grow as both a tailor and a mage, but a part of him wished that his mother had taken her with him. Wasn’t he her apprentice?


He sighed. “No use dwelling on it…”


The young tailor left his bed to start his morning routine, using his magical ability to control fabric to make the bed as he brushed his teeth in his bathroom. As he returned to the bedroom, a messy place with materials for clothes strewn about the room unkemptly, Faron marched right up to the long mirror that projected his reflection.


“What should I wear today?” He asked himself.


With his magic, the threads in his pyjamas began to reconstruct themselves into other colours, fabrics, and shapes. No longer was he wearing a silk shirt and pants, it was instead replaced with a black and grey ensemble that was both stylish and fitting to his form. However, as he inspected himself in the mirror, he couldn’t help but feel something was missing. With a snap of his fingers, he soon realised what he needed to complete the outfit. Magical threads began to form around his head before it restructured into what was a black hat that matched his attire.


Faron began dropping into different poses. With a satisfied grin, he announced to himself, “I look good…” With his clothes of the day chosen, it was time to head to the guild.


His new home was a little house in town situated comfortably in an alley. It had used to be an old shop of some sort, but the old couple that used to run it decided to move in with their daughter and her husband. However, the spot wasn’t exactly a great location, meaning the price was rather low.  With the funds left behind him by his mother, Faron decided to buy it for himself. Although it was rather big for one person, it felt too much like his old house in Leton to pass up.


“Good morning, Faron!” A cheery voice greeted him as soon as he stepped out into the alley.


Turning to his left, Faron glanced at a small girl sweeping up the sidewalk at the entrance to the main street. Her name was Mary, the sweet, young daughter of the bakers that were his neighbours. Every morning, she never failed to greet him. It was refreshing in its own way. After making sure he locked up, he glided over to her with the grace of a fashion model.


“Good morning to you as well, Mary,” he replied in turn. “You look really cute today, is that a new dress?”


Little Mary beamed brightly and spun, her dress swaying from the movement. Although the colours were rather bright (it was pink, after all), he thought the white polka dots on the skirt meshed well with the solid pink colouring of the top. However, there was something missing that would have made Mary’s clothes even better. With a wave of his hand, a bow was formed on top of her head. It too was pink with white polka dots.


“Now you’re even prettier than before.”


Mary blushed heavily at his compliment and hugged his leg. “Thank you! I’ll show it to mama and papa then!”


Faron patted her head lightly. “You do that. Now I’m off to my guild, little one.”


She nodded understandingly and waved him goodbye. Normally, he would stop by inside to greet Mary’s parents (and get free food that was fresh), but Faron had a feeling something big was going down in the guild.




Faron floated into the guild, his magic that allowed him to manipulate clothes gave him the illusion that he could levitate. Judging from the energetic conversations happening about the place, Faron wagered that his suspicions were confirmed. After listening in on a few conversations, he learned that the guild now had jobs they could do.


“And here I was hoping we wouldn’t get any…”


He had enjoyed the past few days since joining of doing absolutely nothing. Well, there was no time to dally. Faron wandered over to the message board which now hosted the four jobs that were open to his fellow guild members.


“Beasts of the Black Forest… looks too much of a hassle. Rail Racer… this has moral dilemma written all over it. King of the Hill… don’t need T-Rex drool all over my clothes. New Quarry in Everbrest…” Faron stopped and stared at that one. “Hmm, this sounds like the least amount of work…”


Faron turned and faced the tables that contained the other members of Four Winds. They all seemed rather tiring. He never did understand people that were so energetic. His mother was one thing, but since meeting these people, he was almost tired just watching them half the time. Still, he supposed he should interact with them…


As he floated by the various people, one girl in particular caught his eye. He floated above her, holding himself upside-down. With a sleepy face full of indifference, he nonchalantly said, Excuse me. You’re Riley, correct? You’re rather beautiful. Your eyes sparkle like a beautiful spring pond, your pink hair cascades like rainfall, and you have the body that women all over the world would envy…” He stared at her dispassionately. “However, your clothes are rather lacking in style. May I change it for you?”


His mother did say he could never leave a fashion disaster alone.

Edited by Liar, 15 July 2014 - 06:29 AM.

El Phantom

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Zack Schwarzenburg


"Ever poetic as always Faron. For someone so lazy you put so much effort into talking to people", he stated. At this point, Zack was hanging upside-down like a certain superhero. With a slight heave he swung himself forward, doing a flip and somersault and landing behind Faron and Marion. With little hesitation he put his arms over their shoulders in a friendly manner, and leaning on them forcing them to slump a bit.


"So we're going to go hunting a T-Rex Faron. You think you can make us a few outfits?", he began. Suddenly he pulled from his coat a magazine that Haruka would soon notice is missing from his inventory. He opened the pages, and it turned over to the armours section. It was just a whole bunch of armours for the game Monster Hunter, female and male armours, he began to speak as he slowly flipped through the pages.


"When hunting, or doing anything, you have to look the part, am I right?", he commented. There were a lot of good designs here, he knew Faron can't resist. From elegant to the strong, there were all kinds here.


"So what do you say?", he asked again.

Edited by Captain L Katsura, 15 July 2014 - 12:16 PM.

Officer Judy Hopps

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Jeanne d'Luc

The Archangel's Beginnings

As the sun began to glisten through the curtains of her room, Jeanne shot upward excitedly out of her bed. With a frantic toss of her covers across the floor, the sound of her feet hurriedly making their way to the shower were shortly accompanied by the squeak of a faucet being turned on. Soon before long, steam and the scent of lavender filled her room and the nearby hallway as the door to her bathroom swung wide and she appeared just briefly wrapped in a warm towel as she tip toed to her closet.

With a brush through blonde strands and the buttoning of a simple white blouse with the fastening of a skirt's clasp, Jeanne carried a pair of shoes in her fingertips as she bound her way downstairs upon bare feet.

Usually she wasn't necessarily a morning person, but today was a day to rejoice! Today would be the first day she'd get to go on a mission! Lightly brushing the tattoo that lined the side of her neck, the girl's touch would lightly brush the texture of her skin while observing in a mirror at the end of the hallway. Never had she ever understood the need for branding a Mage, but she supposed it was necessary to differentiate from those who might be enemies; especially when uniforms were generally out of the question.

Paying no mind to any further similar thoughts, Jeanne simply strode out of the hallway and into the gathering place of sorts by the mission board. People were already very much awake, and many had begun to make their choices for whichever mission they wished to partake in. So, the knightly girl would stride towards the board and meticulously review her options.

There were only a few choices where she thought she might be of use, being either the one with community service for a quarry or the train laden in gold; so she carefully reread both of them. Sighing, she reached inside a sleeve and pulled out a lucky coin. More often than not, she found that her fate was best discerned by a coin flip when it came to events events like these. So, with a resounding chime, the small circle of metal arced up in the air and once it drew to eye level with her she snatched it deftly out of midair. Settling the coin atop her hand with the other covering it, Jeanne would slowly reveal it for her eyes to see.

Tails? That means I'm going on...

Mission Number Four.

With her decision made, she turned as brightly as a star for all to see with a brilliant smile. "Looks like I'm going on mission number four! Who's going with me?" She curiously inquired loudly to the gathered crowd with a slight tilt of her head. "Anyone? Anyone at all?"


Me, according to a Hero:




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A not so sunny morning


Haruka was slightly iffed.


First, the poster was rudely torn from his hands by some kid trying to look cool, hanging from that hammock. And now, that magazine Haruka got from one of the kids in the playground Haruka would sometimes go to play with the numerous children there was also taken from Haruka’s stuff. He was planning to return it to Billy too.


Haruka hates it when people takes his stuff, but taking a deep breath, he tried not to get too angry. But, in retribution, he tapped Zack’s head with his stave.


“Don’t be taking other people’s stuff, that’s what bullies do!”


With that said, Haruka also took the magazine back and stuffed it away in his clothing. He sat down and turned his head, showing that he wasn’t interested at all with the outfits that Faron could possibly make. But, he will allow Zack and Yamanu to go, although he didn’t like Zack too much already. Yamanu was cool though. He was a chill guy.


“Riley, you don’t have to worry about what Faron says about your clothes, you look great as you are! And feel free to eat, Marion. Just bring it over here so you can join the talks!”




"Shurima, your emperor has returned."




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Riley Morgan


As Riley's excitement for the mission continued to build, a boy approached her, floating and upside-down.


“Excuse me. You’re Riley, correct?"  he said as she stared at him uncertainly. She recognized him as Faron.


"You’re rather beautiful. Your eyes sparkle like a beautiful spring pond, your pink hair cascades like rainfall, and you have the body that women all over the world would envy…” Riley felt herself blush slightly at the shower of genuine compliments. Usually when men complimented her, they had ulterior motives and said far cruder things. But this bored-looking boy almost sounded like he was simply stating facts.


She quickly regained her composure, putting on a confident smile and puffing out her chest, ready to tell him that he was exactly right.


“However, your clothes are rather lacking in style. May I change it for you?”


She deflated instantly, face going red again. Despite the fact that he was completely right, she felt incredibly insulted and angry at him. She fought the urge to punch him. Hitting people when they upset her was kind of a bad habit that she needed to break.


"W-what?" she sputtered. "I have plenty of style, kid, I just didn't feel like dressing up today! And I prefer not wearing anything at all, anyways! I have more style than I'd ever need!"


As Zack spoke up, asking Faron if he could make them all outfits, she continued to ramble on incoherently - more to herself than to anyone else.


“Riley, you don’t have to worry about what Faron says about your clothes, you look great as you are! Haruka said to her after she had stopped ranting and instead moved on to pouting.


She looked up at him and gave him an appreciative smile, instantly feeling better thanks to his words. She was convinced he was the nicest person in Four Winds.


She then looked towards Faron. He had only been trying to help, and she had acted as rudely as she did. It almost physically hurt her to admit that she was the one at fault, but she was in a guild now. She had to at least try growing up. Feeling guilty, she decided to try and right her wrong in her own way.


"I... I guess you could try making something for me if you feel like it." she said quietly, looking away. "Just make sure it's comfy."

Edited by XLegs, 16 July 2014 - 12:49 AM.




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The young tailor turned his head to Zack Schwarzenburg, apathetic to the man’s comment on his behaviour. When asked if he could make a few outfits for his posse, Faron’s curiosity was piqued. Zack pulled out a magazine that showcased a variety of different armour. If he hadn’t thought it was a waste of energy, the boy would have frowned in distaste. Instead he chose to stare at the older man blankly, crossing his arms and righting his posture.


“I make clothes, beautiful ones…” Faron drawled stiffly, offended by what Zack was suggesting. “What you’re asking of me is a blacksmith’s work. I am a tailor…”


Fortunately, Haruka had taken the magazine, stuffing it away into his clothing. He nodded approvingly at the gesture. He didn’t want to be offended any further by whatever dribble Zack was suggesting. Of course, being the nice person Haruka was he complimented on Riley’s appearance and advised her to dismiss what he said. Faron rolled his eyes. As if he knew a thing about fashion.


Thankfully, Riley was a smart girl and appreciated what he could provide for her. Although she had acted offended (to which Faron had no idea why that was), she shyly gave her permission to let him do his magic. Pun not intended. Perhaps for the first time since entering the guild hall that morning, Faron flashed a gentle smile at the pink-haired witch.


“It shall be both comfortable and make you look even more beautiful than you are now,” he stated with complete confidence.


Faron cupped his chin in thought as he floated around the tomboy. Her hair was a bit of a mess, but it did give her a wild look that complemented well with her fiery personality. He couldn’t put a dress on her considering both her occupation and how she tended to act. No, if he was to make her beautiful, the clothes he needed to make for her had to be practical as well. He also noticed she had a sizable chest for a teenager, but that only meant he had to make sure the top wouldn’t be too tight.


“I know exactly what to do with you…” Faron whispered sensually in one of her ears.


He reached out to lightly grasp her shoulders, a gesture to show that he was manipulating her clothing with her permission, and brought magic into the threads of her top. Her hoodie transformed before her very eyes and the eyes of her friends into a purple sleeveless coat that stopped just above her waist. Underneath it was black nylon body armour that had long sleeves, but incredibly form fitting that it wouldn’t get in the way of her movements. It would act as a second skin that wouldn’t make her feel uncomfortable, but it would act as an insulator that would help keep her warm.


The dilemma was her shorts. They were much too fight and constricting. Not to mention the material wasn’t exactly the best for combat situations. It also didn’t match the top that he had given her. Instead Faron changed her shorts’ material to be the same as her open coat. He also made it less constricting, making it more breathable and have more slack to do kicks. As for the details, he had decided to make the outfit dark to complement her pink hair. Though her sleeveless coat and shorts were purple, he lined the seams with gray. As a finishing touch, he placed the guild’s emblem on the back of the coat.


“There,” he said, signalling the completion of her new outfit. “Now you’re both gorgeous and stylish.” Faron glanced at the other people at the table, smiling confidently at them. “If you need a new wardrobe, feel free to ask me anytime. No need to thank me, Riley…”


Without giving anyone a chance to respond, Faron floated away with pride welling in his chest. He overheard one girl announcing she planned to take the community service mission, so the tailor decided to move to where she was.


“I was planning to go by myself, but I suppose we could team up, Jeanne…”