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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 04 Sep 2013
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#1394846 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by Kannade on 01 November 2014 - 11:31 PM

Dare btw: Draw a manga/anime character you like as an anime potato.
Add characteristics like hair/scars/eyes/whatever the character has to make it "recognizable"

okay I'mma do that
truth or dare


EDIT: here we go y'all kkkkkkkk



#1394718 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by Shrimpeh on 01 November 2014 - 09:10 PM

Dare: Write a poem (6 or more lines) about batoto/something or someone batoto-related. Must have rhymes.

dibs on that.




It sux, i know, but here it is:


It was one day while waiting for doto

That i found a place called Batoto

Meeting the Khrazy Potato

Kannade called it BABOBO

Frenchy is a permanent Potato

24 searches for a chick Potato

While Bon is the Yuri Potato

And Ravena is the Sidah Potato

It is fun being in an alive Batoto

#1400443 That Awkward Moment When...

Posted by Natureboy on 09 November 2014 - 03:55 AM

TAMW your 8-year-old great nephew asks "What's an anaconda?" and he refuses to accept the explanation that it's a giant semi-aquatic snake living in South America. (I assume he's heard the song chorus: "My anaconda don't!") Somehow I don't feel like telling a sweet little mixed-race boy about rappers calling their big dicks "anacondas". Am I a coward for wanting to postpone that conversation?

#1400858 That Awkward Moment When...

Posted by The Illuminati on 09 November 2014 - 02:41 PM

Am I a coward for wanting to postpone that conversation?

He's only 8yrs, wait until he's 10 yrs to have the talk with him.

In the meantime, lie to him and say that they are talking about their pet snakes.

when getting up to get some green tea but instead you caught your roomate's friends getting intimate ..... and just leave without the tea :/

I don't care if they were having sex on the counter, I would have still gotten my tea. Then I would have stood there and watched them until THEY left the room embarrassed.

#1400024 Dreams!

Posted by Kannade on 08 November 2014 - 01:08 PM

man last night I really couldn't sleep well. like I fell asleep at 9pm and then I woke up at 2am. then I was like awkwardly laying in bed tryna get some shut eye before I had to get up a 5am to drive home, but like deep sleep didn't come until like 4:30am. I had like a super quick dream while I was laying there trying real hard to sleep, and then in those 30 minutes of deep sleep I had like the longest dream of my life.


In the quick dream I opened my eyes and I was in a seafood themed restaurant, kinda rustic lookin like the Krusty Krab cause the walls and floor were all made from like rotten lookin wood, but the inside was more cluttered looking cause there was so much pirate/fishing memorabilia thrown up on the wooden walls. My sister was waiting there for her date to show up so I was just sitting there to wait with her in case he stood her up so I could give her a ride home. Then her boyfriend showed up and right when he sat down and I was getting up, he started like shit talking her about how he didn't like how she decorated his apartment or whatever and he also got a couple of really personal, mean digs at her. So like when he was done being a bitch, he threw his napkin down and left and my sister had her face in her hands cause she was crying. I was just standing there furious like ".........DID THIS MOTHERFUCKER JUST MAKE MY SISTER CRY RIGHT NOW?? HELLLLLLLLLLL NAAAAAAAAAW tylernasty.png". Then I woke up.


Basically in my second dream it was October, pre-halloween and I was back at home already. My dad had gone out and my job was to clean his room before he came back. It felt really nostalgic, cause whenever my dad was gone at work, me and my siblings would pile onto my parents' bed and watch videos and shit on his huge ass TV. Sometimes when everyone was outta the house, I'd be sitting on his bed by myself, then I'd open up the TV guide to read the descriptions of whatever was playing on the pay per view porno channels (couldn't watch them b/c we werent subscribed to them) and then I'd try to jerk off real quick to the porno summaries before anybody came back lol emot-circlefap.gif.


Anyway, so I was cleaning the room out and suddenly my oldest sister came in the room with a pumpkin. She asked me to help her carve it for halloween (that's how I knew this dream took place pre-halloween), I don't know why the fuck we were carving the pumpkin upstairs/getting orange pumpkin shit all over the carpet cause it makes more sense to do it in the kitchen but I just went with it. I cut the top off and when I was about to scoop the pumpkin seeds out, I told her to get me a bag so we could keep the seeds and roast them later cause dat shit taste gud. So then my sister ran downstairs real quick and when she came back she handed me a brown paper sack (the kind you use to pack lunches) to dump the orange pumpkin goop and the seeds in. For some reason the fucking bag was already rolled/folded over at the top, and I was already holding on to a fistful of pumpkin guts so I was like "....why did this bitch close the bag for? how the fuck does she expect me to open this shit up when I only got one free hand KP4IM_zps781905c6.png" So I unrolled the first fold (the opening of the bag was folded over 3 times to close it) and there was a fucking maggot nestled into the crease of second fold she made in the bag. This shit had me so shook, I was like "YOOOOOOOOO MYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD void0-47_zps5ddcd0ed.gifvoid0-47_zps5ddcd0ed.gif" as soon as I saw that shit. so I threw the pumpkin shit back into the pumpkin and ran downstairs with the bag. I was gonna dump it in the trash can but the maggot was crawling too close to my hand so I was like "FUCK ITTTTTTTTTT" and I just threw the brown bag down on the kitchen floor. The maggot went flying cause the paper bag opened when it hit the ground really hard. Like when I was holding it, it felt empty, but when it hit the floor it sounded like something crazy heavy was in it. Then a fucking spider, a baby crab, and a medium sized crab crawled like crazy fast (like faster than the girl in the ring moves) right outta the opening of the fucking paper bag so I was like "YOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKK HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CATCH AND KILL ALL THESE?? AREWEINTHETWILIGHTZONERIGHTNOW.png"


Then I looked up and at the kitchen table was my friend (this girl's older sister) and her middle school boyfriend and I was like ".........WTF ARE THEY DOING IN MY HOUSE?? jackiewtf.png" Then I looked down and I saw that I was only wearing a ratty t-shirt and some old ass underwear that prolly had a million brown skid marks on the inside and was turning yellow from all the farts it's filtered. So I was like "Damn this is real awkward, lemme go back upstairs to change smallthurnis_zpsc9632441.png." I woke up when my dreamself was in the middle of climbing up the stairs. The end.

#1391695 Gifs Only!!

Posted by OMGWTFBBQPONIES on 28 October 2014 - 11:45 AM


#1399548 LPW (last post wins) v4

Posted by Horn on 07 November 2014 - 07:31 PM


#1391376 Photography

Posted by Kannade on 27 October 2014 - 11:19 PM

on friday I was on some animal planet shit. as soon as I stepped outside of the office I saw a shit ton of geese honking and waddling around in the green piles of shit they made.



#1384599 Photography

Posted by Flare77 on 19 October 2014 - 09:37 AM

Oh snap a photography thread ;-;


Hi guys, I'm new to the forums... Anyway I'm a figure photographer. Here's my best work yet :D




Here's my personal fave tho



You can or cannot check me out in deviantart :)http://morph8.deviantart.com/

#1399394 Describe how you feel right now in one word

Posted by Natureboy on 07 November 2014 - 03:24 PM


#1337175 Appreciation of the Bottom

Posted by Kannade on 05 August 2014 - 02:52 AM

This is fuckin magnificent but at the same tie wtf her fashion sense?


she borrowed it from your closet joshu

#1398649 Different art styles

Posted by advarcher on 06 November 2014 - 10:17 AM

It shall be done.


2. Draw something below knee level




10. Draw 10 4 things that should not exist but do




23. 180 degrees




8. Make a spaceship out of a cereal box




loool that Ramen Guard made me laugh pretty hard xD




Been pretty tired lately so I can't draw as often now x__X



#1397674 Different art styles

Posted by Kannade on 05 November 2014 - 05:14 AM

A senpai of mine goes to Parsons school of design. She just posted her homework assignment and it's so cool.

anyone want to try some of these in their own art styles? : D


It shall be done.


2. Draw something below knee level




10. Draw 10 4 things that should not exist but do




23. 180 degrees




8. Make a spaceship out of a cereal box



#1398522 What do you hate? And Why?

Posted by You on 06 November 2014 - 05:15 AM

I hate opening anew box of tissues, and I cant get that first tissue out perfectly. Instead, I end up tearing the first few tissues to shreds :/

Also, I hate when someone asks you a question -or directs a comment or something towards you- and before you even have the chance to reply, someone else answers for you. That irritates me so much.

#1398631 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by You on 06 November 2014 - 08:35 AM

Dethklok - Bloodrocuted