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Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2020 11:05 PM

#1497862 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 19 February 2015 - 05:35 AM

Of everyone's crappy theories, Rob's is closest to the truth. Go figure.

#1497749 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 19 February 2015 - 02:25 AM

Quick story chapter is out. Will probably do another one to follow it up after I update Dragons.

#1497745 [RP] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 19 February 2015 - 02:25 AM


"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separate from law and justice he is the worst."

- Aristotle 


Chapter 6 – A Price to Pay


The term “Eye for an eye” can trace its origins back to the Code of Hammurabi from Babylonian law, referring to equal compensation to the value of loss. Just as one inflicts an injury upon another person, so shall it be inflected upon him. It was a ritual of absolute justice and equivalent exchange, such was the vindictive nature of mankind. It wasn’t until centuries of bloodshed later that the phrase would be more commonly replaced with the saying “an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.”


Laika woke up in darkness. The floor was damp dirt, a chill draught across it making her shiver. The place smelled of mud and shit. They had blindfolded her, and marched her lurching across the dry field into the trees, crops tangling her feet, bushes clutching at her tattered clothes. They had crossed water on a creaking boat, a river perhaps. Then she had been shoved in here, heard a door wobble shut and the clattering of a bar on the outside.


And she had been left there in that dark cage, to wait for who knew what.


As Laika slowly got her breath back the pain began to creep up on her. Her scalp burned, her head thumped, her neck sent vicious stings down between her shoulders whenever she tried to turn her head. She wondered if Lune had made it to safety, but forced the thought away. For how many minutes or hours she waited there, she did not know, but eventually she heard voices outside.


“How do you know about her? This doesn’t concern you!” Caldina hissed.


“I have my ways,” Dante, the Warlord of the Forest, grinned at her. “I think I’m being very reasonable here, given that Grey has yet to give me his tribute for this season. If I could I would have you also, Caldina.”


“He has been busy fighting a war!” Caldina growled, “And that woman in there is a war criminal. You should hear of the atrocities she committed under the orders of those vampires!”


Fiona cleared her throat loudly, and their heated discussion came to an end. “Warlord, if I may have a word in private with Caldina.”


“Of course.” Dante grinned as always and left the two alone.


“You can’t be seriously thinking of giving her away, Fiona. You saw with you own eyes what that woman has done!”


“Calm yourself Caldina,” the old lycan responded. “Though he has some odd notions, he’s still the Warlord and we must follow him. What he said about the tribute was true, because our tribe has grown so large recently we owe him a large offering. Giving up that woman is a cheap price to pay. Besides,” Fiona gave Caldina her best Dante impression grin, “You know what happened to Dante’s last few wives don’t you?”


The door swung open and Laika was left blinking into the light. A man stood in the doorway, for someone the others called “Warlord” he was much shorter and thinner than she expected. He was also one of the most handsome men she had ever laid eyes on, if she was one to judge such things. Fiona followed close behind him, her claw darted out and slit the rope between Laika’s wrists in one clean motion. “Remember there’s a price to pay for everything.” The old lycan whispered in her ear. The man dragged Laika up by her armpit and flung over his shoulder.


“Your name is Laika, yes? The old witch told me so, and she is rarely wrong. You are to be wife number eleven!” He said cheerfully. As she passed the doorway Caldina snickered at her. “Wait until you hear about wives one through ten.” And then she pulled a bag over her head and Laika was once again in the dark.




Luka woke up but had the common sense to stay quiet. He could hear the human laying next to him snore softly. The woman nearby sat lazily in her chair scratching Dullahan behind its neck stump.


“You sure love that disgusting thing, Arachne,” the man in black addressed her.


“He makes better conversation than you, Johan, that’s for sure, and he’s a lot better looking too. Aren’t you, my darling?” Dullahan nuzzled closer to her in response. “My favorite creature in this whole organization.”


She felt a tap on her arm. “Miss Arachne?” It was Sven, looking straight at Luka.


“No, Sven, I’m afraid to say you’re nowhere near. In fact you need to work hard at not being my least favorite creature –“


“Not that.” Sven sighed. It seemed he did that a lot. “It’s the vampire we brought. The one from the courtyard. He’s awake.”


The woman called Arachne turned her head towards Luka and frowned. “Oh right. Dio’s new pet.” Johan chuckled and Sven shook his head.


“Hey man, have a nice sleep?” Sven asked sympathetically. “It’s a long story, but you, me, and sleeping beauty over there,” Sven pointed at the man lying next to Luka. “We’ll be going on a little trip. Welcome to Carte Blanche.”

#1497674 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 19 February 2015 - 01:07 AM

Don't be gross. 


To set the record straight, this RP will have its fair share of treachery and violence but will never touch upon things like rape or other subjects I find profoundly distasteful. 

#1496973 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 18 February 2015 - 04:43 AM

Update for Dragons tomorrow, followed by Story Update soon after. Second missions for those who already completed I'll do after Pitou finishes her Culling update...

#1496939 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 18 February 2015 - 03:51 AM


That aside...can we change the topic. ._.; I don't like being seen as one of those "gun-toting nut" peoples. :(


Too late. You're already basically Hitler. 

#1496557 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 17 February 2015 - 07:41 PM

Deeper than an orphan's butthole.

#1496543 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 17 February 2015 - 07:34 PM

Just a muzzle.

#1496520 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 17 February 2015 - 07:08 PM

So in other words...you're delusional. 

#1495435 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 16 February 2015 - 07:56 PM

I play pokemon on a simulator, I don't bother with breeding.

#1494750 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 16 February 2015 - 03:43 AM


#1494585 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 15 February 2015 - 11:51 PM

Nah his heart is so plastic he swings from chandeliers.

#1494042 The RP Lounge

Posted by Mors on 15 February 2015 - 03:57 PM

Besides you're plat in Europe...that's basically NA plastic league

#1493703 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 15 February 2015 - 05:06 AM

I think our GMs are beings of fairness. I don't think they'd torpedo the characters so soon because of some silly non-canon goodness.Now how about that ship listing? :3


#1493267 [OOC] The Crimson Century

Posted by Mors on 14 February 2015 - 11:26 PM

What's soon?
