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Member Since 25 May 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2016 12:22 PM

#1636543 victorian maid :3

Posted by svines85 on 08 September 2015 - 10:06 PM

Mmmm.......you're interested in the maid/s being the focus, eh? Not just a maid (and yeah, a real maid is what I mean, not a cosplayer or whatever) being a character, is that right?


Mmm...yeah, if that's the case I probably don't have much......Shitsuji Shoujo to Ojou-sama probably fits that, maybe Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane and The Voynich HotelShounen Maid probably fits but its scanlation efforts are dead........


anime I guess I'd suggest Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de ........I think I remember it (fairly) seriously revolving around maid/s

#1512601 I can't be the only one who still wear watch...

Posted by Yan Q on 05 March 2015 - 01:16 PM

I used to wear watches quite a bit.
But I never buy anything for myself, so most were gifts from others. I broke the glass of my most recent one, and never got a new one to replace it. Otherwise I never left home without it and had the worst watch tan hahaha

Leather straps don't work well for me, because I sweat quite a bit.
Fancy ones with rhinestones or diamonds are fiddly and usually mean the actual clock face is smaller.
Metal ones are heavy, but they're nice.
I don't know why, but Rolex with their sweeping hands bug me. But at the same time, I hate the sound of ticking, so it has to be very soft.
I use it a lot for work. Pastries, chocolate, caramel, all have to be very precisely measured. Having an analog watch just helps and is more practical than taking out your phone (or in my case, a tablet).

#1512466 I can't be the only one who still wear watch...

Posted by Natureboy on 05 March 2015 - 10:14 AM

Not only have an analog watch that I wear when I go out, but I also have an "analog clock" widget on my desktop. If it's just the numbers on the task bar, I lose track of time too easily.

#1321091 Game like manga?

Posted by sentry on 17 July 2014 - 07:55 AM

If you want read light novel i can recommend some to you ( not manga):

-Legendary moonlight sculptor



-Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou

#1024957 Looking for the name of the series

Posted by 3Nokta on 28 December 2013 - 10:14 AM

Thank you my lord.You are the heart of my heartless world,you are the soul of my soulless condition,you are the shining hope of my situation.You are my great  super big endless wise graceful helpful wise ultimate  savior.

#979274 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Maia on 24 November 2013 - 10:22 PM

Actually, I think Liar and I were talking about turning BOF into an actual published work. Who knows, it might happen. >.>

#978784 [RP] Blades of Fealty

Posted by SliceAndDice on 24 November 2013 - 10:46 AM



It never rains, but it pours. 


Markus hadn't even wanted to be on that airship. The vaunted Third Crusade could have gone halfway around the world, found the source of the Dusk, destroyed it, killed whoever was making it run, killed their family and close friends, forced some resulting eldritch horror back into the bowels of space and time, then returned with trumpet sound and he would have never paid it any mind beyond "Oh, there won't be Dusk anymore? Good." It would be quite nice if the Dusk were to vanish however; then the only things he might have to be wary about would be common things. Bandits, robbers, wild animals, drunken and pissed off Officers of the City Guard, normal things that weren't constant threats against your very existence.


Well, that last one might need to be taken off the list after three weeks prior.


It all occurred around midday in a city called Gormenia, a reasonably sized trade hub in the northern reaches of the Empire. The day was a sweltering hot one, so it was no surprise that most people had fled indoors and found themselves some cold drinks. Mostly it was water and occasionally some chilled tea or juice, out of respect for the time of day, but it seemed that for a man such as Lieutenant Jaffens there was no time too early to begin getting drunk. He was a large pig of a man who spent more time in his bed and in bars than on his post. Why he hadn't been fired was anyone's guess; most assumed it was because he had connections to some official in the legal system who maintained his employment. Given how much respect and deference the man demanded of the citizenry on a regular basis, that was likely to be the answer. Whatever the cause, Jaffens thought himself far more important than his station warranted. Such an attitude, combined with a hot day, far too much to drink and someone as callous as Markus, makes for a bad day for somebody. As it happened, Jaffens had the bad day first. When Markus had walked into the pub to get out of the heat, the officer had demanded the Nomad buy him a drink as some kind of tax for being in the same building as he was. When Markus told him to, quote, "Go kiss a Cliff Viper," Jaffens had lost what little temper he possessed and shoved him into the bar. Markus hadn't enjoyed that.


Neither had Kryssa. The second the shove had happened she had taken off from her owner's shoulder and raked Jaffens across the face. That had solved the immediate problem, but created several more when the man's drunken cohorts had gotten up with weapons drawn. A massive bar fight had followed, and it ended with Markus standing over the unconscious forms of around eight or nine City Guards. That hadn't gone over well once Jaffens had convinced somebody in the local judiciary system that Markus had started it, and soon enough he had been branded a bandit and put in prison for a decade. Naturally, when somebody mentioned a royal pardon for anyone who got on a flying galleon and helped kill Dusk creatures, he took it.


And now that the aforementioned ship was on fire and rapidly losing altitude, he was preferring the old dingy cell more and more. The fact that the Captain had taken the only thing resembling a lifeboat didn't help matters. He ran to the edge of the railing, scanning the skies for anything that he might be able to use to ensure his own safety. He looked down and saw a tall cliff, just a few dozen yards away, below them and coming up fast. If he could drift toward it in midair and then slide down it, he could make it. The odds were pretty slim though, and for all he knew it was a topographical illusion. However...


"Better than waiting for the crash. Here goes noth-"


Before he could finish his sentence and jump a chunk of debris from the crashing ship had broken loose and struck him on the back of the head. His world turned to black, and he fell...




He woke up to the sound of fluttering wings and a sharp cry. As he strained to open his eyes, the world came back into focus and he saw Kryssa standing beside him, her head turned sideways. It was hard to tell with her predator eyes, but it looked like she was concerned for him. That was typical. He grimaced at an ache he felt all over as he heaved himself up. Not far off, a voice started calling to him.


“Markus, are you awake?”


It sounded like it was Alexander. Theirs was a funny little relationship, one based on curiosity rather than shared interests. Alexander was a maker of strange little devices that created large blasts of flame and smoke with only a tiny bit of flame magic. They were strange objects, but Markus had found them quite interesting and had asked questions about them from time to time. Most of the jargon that was involved were things he couldn't understand, but he was able to acquire a decent grasp of the concept. Questions had given way to sharing stories, and the two boys from the imperial outskirts had grown to be fast friends.


"Yeah, I am."


Sitting up all the way, he looked around and noticed that their current place of residence was like nothing they had flown over in the airship. Something was wrong.


"But what happened? And where are we?"


“That’s what I also want to know, how’s Medea?”


Markus looked over to the third body in the room. It was Medea, another traveling companion from the airship. She seemed to be unhurt, despite her unconscious state. 


"Still sleeping happily. I'm going to go wake her up now."


“Hurry and let’s find an exit out of here. I don’t like this place.”


"You and me both."


Standing up all the way, he found himself needing his trusty quarterstaff, thankfully still attached to his back, to brace himself while his equilibrium recovered. Kryssa immediately fluttering to his shoulder and adding weight to one side didn't really help. After a few seconds' steadying, he walked over and gave Medea a few light pokes with the end of the stave.


"Rise and shine sweetheart, we've got a problem or three."

#835163 Hello!

Posted by Maia on 14 August 2013 - 06:30 AM

Hello and welcome to the Insane Asylum! My name is Maia, the resident Neko of Batoto, and I will be your tour guide! neko%20012.gif


Would you like one of our complimentary straight jackets? They're quite comfortable!


Now, I can assure you that while most of the potatoes here, including myself, are quite insane, we don't bite...... often.


Over here, ~points in one direction~ we have the General Discussions, where you can talk about any number of topics.

Over there, ~points the other direction~ is the Artsy corner, containing writing, art, and those kinds of things. neko%20036.gifneko%20049.gif

This, ~points in another direction~ is the Entertainment section where you can talk about games, music, movies, manga, anime, and many more. neko%20022.gif

Here is, ~points in what looks to be a random direction~ is the Role Play section where we join in on several(so far three) different types of roleplay games. The ones we have running at the moment are: Blades of Fealty, The War, and Batotia City.

That, ~points in yet another direction~ is the Forum Games, where we do just that, play endless kinds of fun games!neko%20010.gif

And finally, ~holds out her arms.~ we arrive here. Potato Hell, where you can visit The Bar and have a drink or have yummy tea at the Tea Partyneko%20029.gif, throw potatoes at other potatoesneko%20055.gif, talk about random nonsense, or even join the Batoto Family.


Aaaaaaaaand this concludes the tour! I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a comment in the comment box near..... um... hey.... WHO TOOK THE COMMENT BOX!?!?!?!? neko%20056.gifI swear, every freaking time! You meanies!!!

Aaaaaaanyway......... yeah.... so.... have fun! And................. can I lick you? neko%20031.gif

#972486 [OOC] Blades of Fealty

Posted by Faye on 20 November 2013 - 03:15 AM

I see everyone is expecting Hadrian x Alexander. My Alex hasn't even introduced yet :P

That's what we do, Ouji-kun

The storyline and all the fighting is just an excuse to keep the RP normal looking from outside

It's the shippings that we actually do here XD

#835032 Number of Chapters in Advanced Comic Search.

Posted by Lazy Moe on 14 August 2013 - 04:13 AM

     Pretty much exactly what the title says. I think it would be pretty useful to be able to search for comics based on number of chapters as well as the other criteria in the advanced comic search, giving people the ability to limit the results to short or not short comics due to personal preference, time constraints, momentary whims, etc.

#731648 Favorite Quote

Posted by Rebel Bonhart on 22 June 2013 - 04:19 PM


#728716 How was your day/week?

Posted by Horripilating Sea Cucumber on 20 June 2013 - 12:40 PM


food at the restaurant that we prepare at the place i've been working for 2 days