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Mama Smurf

Mama Smurf

Member Since 01 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Private

Obsessions (updated rules)

29 June 2011 - 04:31 AM

We all have them. Some call them quirks. Others, idiosyncrasies. But by any other name, these little obsessions illustrate a little something about who we may be. They make us different from the crowd.... makes us special. Gives us "personality".

Anyway, what is/are your obsession(s)? And State a Reason Why It Is.

I'm obsessive about cleaning my ears. I clean them like three times a day. I'm also obsessive with jewelry. I can't get enough. I even like ugly jewelry. I have a thing for collecting. I can't just get one. I need one of each color, size, type, etc. And it doesn't matter what it is. Be it nail polish or Mr. Potato heads. I'm also an obsessive reader. Once I start a book, I don't put it down until I'm done.

PlaystatioPSN has ruined my life!

16 May 2011 - 02:59 AM

I love to play Black Ops online with my sisters. But my nightly routine, after the babes are in bed, was ruined because PSN was forced to go down. Fine. Sh*t happens.... I can deal with that. I'm a patient person. Okay, so the forecasted date when it was going to be up kept being pushed back.... Fine, I understand. It's fine.

Today, I'm at the hospital with my dad ( heart issues) & I get a call that the PSN is up, and that my brother in-law was playing already. I think "NICE!", Patience makes rewards that much sweeter. I was so excited, I couldn't wait for my adorable babies to go to sleep. So, now, the twins have been in bed for hours and when I go to log in... I get a "maintenance" disclaimer. Oh for the love of god!

REALLY!!!!!!!!! Really? really. Sigh....

There is nothing worse than a tease.

What do you read besides Manga?

05 April 2011 - 06:35 AM

I love reading epic fantasy novels. Favorite authors are David Eddings, Robert Jordan, George RR Martin (off the top of my head... There are more though). I also like classic literature like Jane Austin, John Steinbeck, Edgar Allen Poe... I guess I like a good story.

I can not stand Romance Novels. I just want to reach my hand in the book and slap a stupid girl. I also can not read Horror. My imagination is so vivid that I scare myself to pieces. I tried reading a couple, but I read it with expectation that something so horrifying is going to happen, that I can't turn the page and I hide my eyes (makes reading hard). Mystery is okay, but I always feels something is missing. I like Scifi, but I rather watch it than read it.

Fantasy has a little bit of everything and makes me happy. The hardest part is finding something new and good to read. Anyone book reccomendations would be great. :)

What do you want to be when you grow up?

13 March 2011 - 04:09 AM

I'm a 33yr old mother of two. All my life, I always just wanted to get married and have kids. Never once did I consider "then what?"

I didn't get married until I was 30 and had twins a year and a half later. I'm a stay at home mom and the worst house wife in the world. Before that I wandered around many fields of work. I was an ER tech, and an EMT/firefighter. I worked in retail, broadcast television, advertising sales... I even had a stint as an interior designer. Basically, I was all over the place with too much skill and not enough focus.

I guess I'm bringing this up now because I just applied for a nursing program. If I get in, potentially in 2 years I will be a nurse, and I will stop asking my self "What will I be when I grow up?" and I will finally have to admit that I'm an adult. The finality of that kind of scares me.

Anyway, when I grow up I will be a nurse?... or a nursing school drop out. :rolleyes:

What will you be? and what are you doing to become that?

What do you hate? And Why?

10 February 2011 - 04:14 AM

I'm in a piss poor mood and want to share it with everyone (well, misery loves company...and I guess a quiet rumbling anger does too.). Why am I in a piss poor mood??? I am a girl, so that question doesn't matter. I am cuz I say I am. angry.gif So, I thought it would be a fun past time to list things I hate no matter how insignificant and I encourage anyone else to do so.

ahem... I hate the following:

  • mayonaise
  • eye boogers
  • toilet paper that is placed with the paper coming from below rather than above (of course it is more asthetically pleasing to have the paper come from the top!)
  • pee on the toilet seat
  • fruit crap in my cake
  • asparagus
  • mean people
  • smelly people
  • listening to people that use too much detail to describe a simple event. (my attention span is only so big people)
  • mother in-law's that think I should not go to school to get my nursing degree because I need to stay home with the twins and have dinner ready for my husband when he gets home.
  • mother in-law's opinions ( I get it, I'm a bad housewife... I rather read manga.)
  • lint
  • when really good stories are dropped before they are done.
  • holes in my socks
  • when someone eats my icecream
  • abstinence
  • Bad sequels to great movies
  • people my friends hate
  • cleaning
  • waiting
  • my first ex boyfriend and my 4th ex boyfriend
  • sharks
  • taxi cabs
  • horror
  • granny panties


EDIT: Tell about what you hate and why (reason) do you hate it?

And now, I feel better. biggrin.gif