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Member Since 16 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 09:25 AM

#1854794 [Trump thread]The worst day in Western history since Adolf Hitler

Posted by pokari on 09 January 2018 - 08:11 AM

Thanks for helping me out! If I may, why exactly is so much media anti-trump?


As for why the media is disproportionately disfavorable of Trump, compared to the votes cast... any answer to that is going to be very controversial depending on your political beleifs.


I think the simple and relatively unbiased and uncontroversial (inasmuch as that's possible) version is, Trump has very low support among those living in cities, and higher support among rural areas (though still low, as far as many voters were concerned this was a race to the bottom). And journalists live in cities.


Anything else that can be said on the matter will get heated pretty quickly. There's a genuine problem in that we don't know for sure why people elected him; neither polls nor common public discourse would have suggested it was likely before the fact. And most of us (in the cities, I guess?) were bloody confused, even before then, as to how, well... not to put too fine a point on it, how a grotesquely offensive raving idiot madman was doing so well in the polls. Actually, a lot of us still are, though we've come up with some very good post-facto rationalizations as to why and how our opinions differed so much without us noticing.


(As for the media being biased against Trump, a lot of us don't think they are. We think he's genuinely horrifying enough to merit the tone of coverage he usually gets. It just inevitably sounds melodramatic when you cover the guy in a normal fashion, because he's a very melodramatic guy who does melodramatic things, and unfortunately often right in the middle of delicate situations. But I'm not going to get into that here. I'm just trying to outline, somewhat shakily and at a very high level, the sort of national discourse dysfunction we're having right now.)

#1854785 Greetings of a Procrastinator

Posted by pokari on 09 January 2018 - 07:41 AM

I believe I haven't introduced myself yet. I've been here for about six years, but nowhere in the rules does it say only newbies can post.


I came here after seeing The Company's notices on Tower of God about a mystical land where my beloved Manhua webtoons could be read in uncompressed strip format.


After a while I decided to create an account, just because I desperately wanted to say something in a comments section.


I've never interacted very much with fellow Batotonians one-on-one, but I hope a few of things I've said in the comments over the past several years were memorable enough that a few of you have some vague idea who I am. If not, I hope enough of you genuinely thought I'd said something insightful, funny, or just generally agreeable, at some point over the years.


(As an aside, my username and avatar should not be taken to indicate that I actually enjoy the taste of the referenced sports drink, but rather that I find it terrifically amusing when things are beautifully lost in translation. It is kinda tasty, though, I suppose, in that weird off-putting gatorade way.)


So yeah.





#1854761 New manga site like bato.to

Posted by pokari on 09 January 2018 - 05:59 AM

[ ... ]

Note why grumpy not just give all this batoto to some one else to maintained T.T even he birth this i dont think he will mother whos kill his own child T.T maybe better just let this child grow up them self with some one care


While there may be emotional reasons, I assumed from the text of the closure notice that one of the reasons Grumpy wouldn't hand over the site itself is to fulfill his responsibility in ensuring the private parts of the database (private messages, for example?) stay private forever.

#1853865 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by pokari on 08 January 2018 - 07:40 AM

Y'know, as someone who has lived solely amongst the comments section for the past six(!??) years, I always thought I should maybe see what hanging out in the forums was like.


So, to cross this one off the list while I still can... Hi.


(uh... And good night. I'm beat x.x)

#1853709 Batoto will be closing permanently

Posted by pokari on 08 January 2018 - 04:17 AM

But... but this is my home. *cries*


...I mean I'm technically an adult and can understand and do respect Grumpy's decisions, and it sounds like they're the right ones, but dammit this is sad. (Yes, none of you know me except maybe a few who've seen me in the comments if I'm lucky, I'm seriously an introvert okay?).

#1853690 Uploading scanlated manga

Posted by pokari on 08 January 2018 - 04:02 AM

Diagram 1: A Batoto veteran explains how to upload to a Noez site.


...Wow, things do get really weird right before the apocalypse.

#1853670 New manga site like bato.to

Posted by pokari on 08 January 2018 - 03:42 AM

To the very best of my knowledge Batoto is the one and only scanlator-centric manga hosting aggregation site.


It's a very special unicorn. *cries*

#1535758 Random button is rick-rolling me (Just to be clear, I'm not kidding)

Posted by pokari on 01 April 2015 - 04:27 AM

I think it's obviously an April's Fools feature to annoy those who like to use the random button...


Ah... I'm thrown by the fact that it won't be the 1st here for another 3 hours. I'm not used to dealing with these matters until I look at my calendar and see the word "April" :'p


Feature, not bug, then. Ah well. My random-button addiction will have to go unsated for 24-hours. Oh dear...


Edit: Dammit, I'm unconciously clicking the random button every five minutes on average still. It's how I navigate Batoto.

Edit 2: It's also the page by which I normally enter Batoto. Maybe it isn't so surprising after all that I was the first to fall for this.

#1526361 Tags and Genres you'd like to see implemented.

Posted by pokari on 19 March 2015 - 05:37 AM

Returning to the violence tag... Rather than having such a tag, in a perfect world I would think the ideal thing would be to allow for the "mature content" advisories to have explanatory clauses, à la MPAA film ratings (with details such as "Graphic Violence", "Drug Use", "Sexually Explicit Scenes", etc.)


I realize that's almost certainly not going to happen, because suggesting more codebase is very different from suggesting more tags in terms of implementation cost. Forgive me for going subtly off-topic.