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Member Since 16 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 10:20 PM

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

18 April 2024 - 01:32 PM

I remember there was a lad online who sad he just let the mosquitoes land on him and suck his blood because he was too depressed to squat them away

Morbidly, I wonder if that also leaves you too apathetic to want to scratch. And if it does, whether that's better or worse.

i need adult supervision 

I feel this so hard

Where are our nannies? (I never had a nanny I'm just saying it feels like one could be useful)


132 tired


I hope you are sleeping now.

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

16 April 2024 - 02:53 PM


What sort of help do you think you need?

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

13 April 2024 - 07:15 AM

I vaguely remember trying Gantz in the very long-ago and hating it but it's been so long I might not even be thinking of the right survival series :/

Seems a bit on the nose for someone nominally partially in charge of the current massacre, though, doesn't it? (Though it appears he's actually considered a moderate—open to some amount of negotiation instead of the current main admin's "bomb them into the stone age" classic war-crime approach. Like Vietnam but without any of the distance or detachment.)


I have this distinct feeling that the average quality of anime experiences has been going rapidly downhill since like, the mid 2010's. But I can't tell if it's like, just me getting old though?

Like if you show me something clichéd I'll not only immediately recognise it as such but, also, likely be bored with it.

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

12 April 2024 - 01:35 PM

I haven't watched any since my last post on it. It's best enjoyed in small bursts anyway IMO; they do tend to pack a punch.


"Big Boss" in above transcript read in Metal Gear voice in head (I never played anything metal gear really but people around me did) and this increased the entertainment value immensely.

I hope you do get a break, though ~w~

coz that's the future right? everyone going electric and burning coal/gas instead of petro instead? 
not sure if it'll delay the heat death but, yeah, at least its looks more aesthetic

Clumsy efforts at going green are probably better than no efforts. I mean given that we're screwed and it's just a matter of "by how much" at this point.

On the bright side I look forward to having both a navigable Northwest Passage and a settleable Antarctica. There's always a silver lining somewhere. Though sometimes it takes a bit of digging to find it.

Fun fact: IIRC Greenland apparently isn't succumbing to sea rise because it's getting so much lighter as the ice melts that the whole landmass is actually rising—"floating" higher on top of the mantle.

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

10 April 2024 - 10:40 PM

I have gotten many cheaply-done dental fillings over the past couple days and now it hurts to chew ~w~


you know how us treasury secretary janet yellen went over to china and talked about excess capacity of industrial goods etc... well, japan (and korea now) has been producing a flood of cheaply made webtoons (by brutalizing the rights of webtoon artists, giving them heart attacks no less) why is no body talking about that
yeah i think we should boycott them cheap entertainment
go back reading books and classics like doestevesky

Art doesn't have lobbyists, what were you expecting?

The U.S. asking everyone to "play fair, by nice-capitalism rules" is fucking hilarious FWIW.

highlight of my weekend i revisited high school maths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M2RWtD4EzI
that proof by contradiction is p cool... if A isn't the answer and B isn't tthe answer then only C is the answer

I thought proof by contradiction was like, "Assume A isn't the answer—now from that assumption, we must logically also conclude that 1 plus 1 may equal 3. That would be hogwash, so, that assumption can't hold and A must be the answer after all."

119 today i lead a discussion where i supervised and trained new staff - Im p tired but happy in a kinda tired way

I'm glad. :3 I hope they do well.