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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 30 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2018 04:23 PM

#960727 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 10 November 2013 - 08:41 PM

"Hey! I know! I should practice how to draw hands! Yeah, that'll be great...And just to subdue my primordial getting-pissed-off, neanderthal instincts I'll put something random to distract me!"


"This is either a very weird hand or I completely forgot why I opened photoshop...Shit..."

#957703 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 08 November 2013 - 08:05 AM

@Watsu, I have to say I am surprised. I never once agreed with someone on everything one had to say. 
And peeps, take note of Osiris; Don't pretend anyone has a sense of authority in here...Just as much a poet cannot control how his/hers work is being deformed to or read as once s/he released it to the public. An instance of that is the comedic trio/duo above non-sequitur drawings. Alas, I don't want to start poking at anyone for no good reason. Take it or leave it as something non-personal for posterity.

Just to keep some speck of a genuine approach:


P.S: @Nevernown; After you wrote "My pet dragon" I could only imagine that animated flick with the dragon so cute it overdosed fangirls. How about you try to give it some more eye-definition, like highlights for an instance? I'm just messing with that approach, what you drew is not really going for "cute", hm?

#953182 Holidays A.W Contest(s) {monthly}

Posted by Solipsist on 05 November 2013 - 06:51 AM


#940270 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 24 October 2013 - 06:58 PM

Ever heard of determinism?  who you are is merely an algorithmic consequence of environmental conditions and what you as a person carry with you to filter out what you receive; how open you are to certain "experience", how you judge from the "experience" you already received by pure luck or by looking for it due to past experience.
Even though what "you are" or what "your drawings are" is an intrinsic property of your existence, it is inherently what you managed to accomplish by observing the world by looking for answers. You're merely a reflection of something else, something which you continuously develop as you age. The definition of your style will develop and progress with or without your current concession.

On an other note, I can understand the lack of interest in cold and "boring" mathematical equations put into the artistic process. Most of it is intuitive anyway, right? You don't really think about it too much; you just "do it". That part of drawing I can understand, as when I was in your age a few years back I also hated when people started shoving anatomy on my arse. Only when I graduated from school I became a lot more interested in my own hobbies, It's both funny and depressing how easily one can lose a sense of self within a linear, authoritarian, hierarchical system to the point motivation seems like a pointless waste of energy.
Right. *cough* .. You're doing fine, though. Apparently. I'd say you'll do what I did : Look for answers only when you need them, not when a guidebook tells you to follow its own flow and path.

#940152 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 24 October 2013 - 05:50 PM


#938522 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 23 October 2013 - 06:48 PM

The eyes, man. The EYES. Also the hair.
Your sense of depth went a bit gunky at that character, the face seems to be structured to turn sideways to the right (or, our left) yet the eyes and hair look dead-center. This is mostly due to the shape and direction of the nose, yet the left eye (or, from our perspective her right eye) is submerged into the ear without any regards to the face's anatomy or decent proportion. Given, it's a minimalistic, comic-esque style and anatomy does not really apply most of the time (No realistic chin-mouth-nose proportions at all, the chin is non-existent in anime); but in this instance, it just irks the viewer with a warped sense of perspective.

When you draw a character's face, try to "seal off" any part of the body with a square so you can tell how long or tall that particular part of the face is. Essentially, for the eyes -- draw 2 squares, and within those squares draw the eyes.

Also, avoid drawing the nose that way which makes it either facing to the left or to the right...I never liked that style.


That being said, your understanding of the body and clothing slightly annoys me; you beat the snot out of me in that regard :3 Kudos.

#936025 Anime/manga that made you realize how useless we are, and how shit the world is.

Posted by Solipsist on 21 October 2013 - 07:07 PM


Dog Days,
Sword art Online,
Bukowa Tomodachi Ga Sakunai,
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
To Love-Ru (Holy shit, that show)...And I'm sure there were a few more terrible, terrible anime and manga that were so horribly written and executed it made me cringe and cry for the stupidity of humanity.. Especially Sword art Online for that matter, at least the anime.

And yes; I am being highly belligerent.

#932845 Holidays A.W Contest(s) {monthly}

Posted by Solipsist on 18 October 2013 - 10:07 PM


Not that inspiring, and I am aware some if not all of the muscles / body parts make no sense. Especially those glorious biceps. I'll probably give it another go with something more...Interesting. <_<
Enter some excuse why it isn't fully complete here < - >
EDIT: I guess it would be alot more sensible to have 'him' pulling his shirt up to expose his illogically exposed rib-cage rather just ... Pose...Faggotly.

#929499 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 15 October 2013 - 04:58 PM

Themed contest huh...Sounds good. ~v~ 
Reminds me what I did last year, it's not really "creepy"; I was going for the 'anime look':


I think drawing that took me about 3-2 hours...That was 100% without any reference what so ever. Making up clothes on the spot is fucking hard.

#929431 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 15 October 2013 - 03:17 PM

A couple of your sketches make me think of Horn's style.

Update:  Just kidding.  His stuff is weirder.

Is that a challenge? It feels like a challenge. Drawing eldritch abominations is my thing.


Now tell us if you have taken art before or self-taught?!

Whenever that comes up I like to answer it with this: 


It's pretty old, but the general idea is: I'm self-taught. I started from the basic of basics and did what "felt right". Tried to deconstruct the human face into basic geometric shapes and it worked out. Of course, the idea that "practice makes perfect" was pounded into me, I drew the same skull over and over again until I figured out the basic fundamentals. Any starting artistic who's reading this probably hates me right now for confirming that old saying.
I'm currently working on NSFW / 18+ stuff like this 

Because I found that porn is good for anatomy and human on human interaction. Alas, I'm having issues with drawing without a reference. How many times had have you guys heard that?

#928108 Different art styles

Posted by Solipsist on 14 October 2013 - 05:47 PM

Man...I should really start drawing again ._.




Sketch to digital : 

Or alternatively:

Among others.