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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Member Since 30 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2018 04:23 PM

#1854298 New manga site like bato.to

Posted by SushiAddiction on 08 January 2018 - 03:07 PM

Any site that Scanlators would choose to upload on is what is needed.


batoto is the only one that was used by so many.

#1527576 Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

Posted by Xagnam on 20 March 2015 - 03:10 PM



If you want me to add a recommendation to the list, make sure it is in a format that is readily available to read online/offline for free.

There has been a surplus of interest concerning web novels and light novels recently, and in the hope of providing everyone a portal in which they can find the most popular and interesting reading material, I have created this thread. Please be sure to bookmark and/or follow this topic as I will be updating it regularly to keep everyone and myself happy. I suggest you message me here on Batoto, Re:Translations' IRC channel, or Japtem's Chatango concerning new recommendations or what should be changed/edited/updated. Feel free to also use this thread as a means to keep everyone up to date on what's new. Thank you!
Titles colored in GREEN are 18+ in content (sexuality, nudity, strong language, violence and gore, or sensitive ideology or topics). Titles given the <15> and <18> warning from Syosetsuka ni Narou have also been listed with GREEN for 18+.

I am not liable for your exposure to their subject matter, you have been warned. Please inform me if a title warrants a rating change, I can not be expected to know each title's content.


アホ Updates  A directory of light/web novel translators, and updates.

REINCARNATION // the protagonist has been reborn...


TRANSPORTED // the protagonist has been transported to a different universe...

TIME TRAVEL // the protagonist has gone back or forward in time...

VIRTUAL REALITY // the protagonist experiences journeys in a virtual reality environment with role playing game characteristics...

#1627687 Something with: Tsukumogami

Posted by still on 29 July 2015 - 09:32 AM

It sounds like Tsugumomo. I could be wrong though it was a while ago since I read it.

#1513110 How The Four Kings Died.

Posted by A.B. on 05 March 2015 - 11:11 PM

I guess it's a one-shot... ?

A short ?

I dunno....

but I have somewhere around 3 to 5 thousand word in mind.

So I'll try to update this whenever I can.

Also, this thing is a bit gloomy, and could get really violent if I continue this....


So yeah... Discretion is advised





#1114673 Different art styles

Posted by You on 14 February 2014 - 10:54 AM


Something compelled me to share. This was a gruelling task. I put a lot of blood sweat and tears into this, as you can tell by my considerate attention to detail.