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Member Since 26 May 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2017 07:42 AM

In Topic: I was banned from EGScans lolol

30 June 2013 - 07:51 AM

Wow that really sucks! >.< Claudia deserves a punishment!

In Topic: Manga and its' future.

29 June 2013 - 05:35 AM

I seem to remember someone else complaining about these same things in some other forum. But it's true, these days it seems all you see is bad manga. And not just bad manga, but worse: the same old stuff...


Manhwa and manhua are better, right now, since they still have creative force behind them, they are younger, fitter. Or maybe we've just grown old...


Anyway, it's not that bad though... since if the quality of manga is low, it just means a good and refreshing work can suddenly become very popular, and there are always people who like to question all the old rules and try to something revolutionary. These are, strangely enough, also good times for that kind of works.

'we've just grown old' you're making me cry  :batoto_012:

I agree to some extent but, the amount of good and refreshing work isn't at a satisfactory level, the amount seems to wither and wither.

In Topic: Personality Disorders Test

20 June 2013 - 10:51 PM


The flaw in this exam is, it forgot to ask if i'm a liar.

In Topic: What was the 1st manga you ever read?

20 June 2013 - 08:05 PM

My first was some hentai manga i randomly stumbled upon LOL this was way back in like '05, after i found out about hentai manga it led to manga. I can remember the name even now, but i'd rather not. ._.

In Topic: Manga and its' future.

20 June 2013 - 05:25 PM

I'm starting love read a lot more light novel and a lot less manga these days (sorry if it's out of topic)


I still prefer manga to manhwa though.. Even though there are a lot of bad cliched ones, I still think some are very good.

Korean manhwa on the other hand.. I still haven't found a manhwa that is to my liking, maybe except for Shin Angyo Onshi

Any suggestions? :)


P.S. The manga I like are:


The World God Only Knows

Hayate no Gotoku

Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko

Yandere Kanojo

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san

(and most 4-koma manga there is)


Mahou Shoujo of the End

Minamoto-kun Monogatari



EDIT: I'm gonna try Feng Shen Ji and Blood and Steel, thanks :)
EDIT: Is chinese comics also named manhwa? Because I think those two are chinese, not korean :)

Chinese comics are named very similar but only different in two letters, Korean is 'Manwha', Chinese is 'Manhua'.

You're going to love Feng Shen Ji, read the first volume first don't start from the second, some websites distinguish each volume.


Some popular webtoons you've probably heard of and also some that i'd recommend as their popular for a reason. 

My descriptions are horrid but i try not to spoil anything so worry not, you haven't been spoiled. 

Noblesse (Vampire and human collision, external forces included),

Tower of God ( Boy follows this girl, tries to climb a very tall tower for her, unfortunate events take place ),

God of High School (If you like crazy fights and OP moves then you'll like this ._.),

Green Boy (Boxing Manwha, typical nerd gets bullied, does something about it eventually.)



off topic:

I've read a lot of the ones you read and continue to read some of them as well but i have a question, you seriously went through 231 chapters of 'The world god only knows ' ? My god, your patience level must be master class.