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Member Since 06 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2013 06:45 AM

In Topic: Damn.

13 November 2012 - 03:05 AM

GINTAMA. Hardcore trolling and comedy throughout the whole damn series. Watch it. Nao. (the manga is the original but the anime's quality is much much higher).

First 30 episodes aren't as good but it starts getting better at like episode 30, and honestly from like episode 100 most of the episodes r absolutely hilarious.

Its the anime with the most amount of trolls ever in manga/anime history.

In Topic: Bitter sweet ending

13 November 2012 - 02:56 AM

seems a bit cliched, but Ichigo 100%'s the best for that. http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/ichigo-100-r655

I couldn't stop thinking about it for at least 3 days

In Topic: Real first person manga.

13 November 2012 - 02:54 AM

Try Saiki Kusuo no Sainan http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/saiki-kusuo-no-psi-nan-r6987

it perfectly fits your ideal lol

In Topic: Comedy / Romantic.. searching for title

13 November 2012 - 02:31 AM

idk that one but i do know something thats sort of similar to it.

its called "kono kanojo wa fiction desu"

the main character draws an "ideal girl" on a notebook and makes a setting for her spending 10 long years. then one day, when he went to a shrine, a bolt of lightning struck his notebook, and when he regained consciousness, there was his ideal girl standing in front of him.

In Topic: What is the anime or manga that make you depressed a whole day?

10 September 2012 - 04:01 AM

Talk about the whole day, if you read these two, you'll spend at least 3 days depressed for "Ichigo 100%", and everytime you remember a touching scene from "Karakuri Circus", you'll feel a bitter pain in your heart; in a good way though.

Ichigo 100%. It was an ordinary harem manga till like volume 14, but then the story made a complete turn to a serious plot, and I almost broke into tears for a few scenes.... after I finished reading this series, couldn't stop thinking about it for a few days.

I really don't like harem love comedies too much, ONLY BECAUSE this was the first manga I've read thats in the genre "romance". Every love comedy manga I read seems inferior to this one.

I highly recommend this one, if you haven't read it yet. It's only 19 volumes. And btw the anime sucks so don't watch it.

Karakuri Circus: I broke into tears for alot of scenes in this manga..... and I don't cry too often in mangas (separating reality from manga). btw this is not a romance manga, it's about a quest to destroy these puppets that are trying to kill every person in the world (out of rage, but you can't blame the main bad guy cuz its really understandable...). Literally every death scene of a character, be it an ally sub-character, an enemy, doesn't matter. If you have a normal human soul, then you would definitely spend a good 5 minutes crying for each characters death...

But however, the strongest point is that it's not really depressing (the last parts only though; the past arc that explains why this all happened is extremely touching in a depressing way), it's just extremely touching. And there are some quotes that really pierce my heart. Honestly I think using this thing in literature isn't so much of a bad idea...

This author (also author of Ushio to Tora) is really good at expressing "smiles" and "despair" in his art, so even though some parts of the whole series was cliched and predictable, I still broke into tears anyway. (there was even a part where I was spoiled by google images and still cried anyway)

This series ended with 43 volumes in 2005, but honest opinion, I don't think a series that is near touching as this will come up for at least another 50 years, not even mentioning something that'll surpass it.
My opinion is that the volume that shows the past arc which started all of this mess, and the last volume was GOD. But don't get me wrong, there were at least 15 scenes that made me tear up...

These are my two recommendations for "depressing". Hope this helped you! (but sadly Karakuri Circus in batoto is only up to volume 12...)