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Member Since 13 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2012 08:39 AM

Ad: Buy Manga tab

06 May 2012 - 08:23 PM

Why does it randomly keep popping up and then disappearing?

I'm assuming Batoto gets the referral money if we buy off the link, but how will the money be distributed?

Or am I just insane and the tab has always been there/I'm just seeing things?

Garzey's Wing!

13 April 2012 - 07:34 PM

Earlier this week, I was at AnimeBoston 2012 and I went to one of the events cleverly titled "Bad Anime, Bad!". It featured some of the most horrible dubs I have ever heard, but they were so bad that it was hilarious to watch. XD

Here's a bit of it on youtube. What do you guys think of it? And if you have watched all three episodes, I feel your pain.

Hey Everyone!

13 April 2012 - 01:26 AM

What's up? :D

My name's Hiroku, and I've been reading manga since '07. Back when Onemanga used to exist as one of my fav manga websites. Ever since it shut down, I was stuck on mangafox until my friend told me about Batoto (because i was too ignorant to read the credits about mangastealing or whatnot).

I'm a senior in high school, so I have lots of free time now. Love to hear about any awesome manga, I can't wait to start new ones!

See you all on the forums!


P.S. My favorite genres would be action and psychological, but I also really like shounen/seinen with female leads :P