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Jim Eisenberg

Jim Eisenberg

Member Since 16 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2018 10:06 PM

In Topic: Lets branch out a bit, shall we?

14 June 2015 - 03:15 AM

Okay, a lot of good suggestions above. Here's a few more that I consider to be all-time classics:


Ares : great fighting manga. The art is wierd but it grows on you, a must-read overall.


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer : hard manga to describe, but once again, just a great work overall. It's a tight story without filler, strong and unpredictable characters. 


Onani Master Kurosawa : This is my favorite manga. It's perfect length, with a simple message kept pure, and the best "growing up story" I've come across in any medium (books, movies, anything). Just need to get past the "unique" concept :P .


ID : its subtitle says it all: "the greatest fusion fantasy". It's a great mix of all sorts of fantasy concepts. I'm adding this one even though it's not complete and nobody is translating it at the moment, because even incomplete it's 1000% worth reading.


I'm trying to keep this list short and sweet. If you like these and want to chat about them or want other manga, feel free to msg me.