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Member Since 05 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2018 02:27 AM

#1651226 Moving forward: Upcoming changes and schedules

Posted by Grumpy on 22 October 2015 - 03:19 PM

Other thread is so clogged, felt like a new announcement would be more visible. This thread is locked and purely for announcement only.


Bot Mitigation

I will be implementing some bot mitigation techniques. This will be the first of changes along with different reader. From the brainstorms, I've learned a few things that may assist in curbing bots, in addition what I thought of implementing. Some of it will be a bit more of an enterprise solution, some of it will be custom solutions, and some of it will just be basic changes that make crawling more of a hassle.


These will be added over a long period of time. Almost all of these are machine targeting machine. And you won't even see it.


Changes to Reader

To assist with the bot mitigation and reduction of resource usage, the reader will be changed a bit. It will look mostly the same, some might not even notice. But it is coded in a way that'll help me track the abuses more as well as making it lighter weight. So, the users should be able to hit next page faster too. Yay! This is already coded and being tested.


Unfortunately, this comes with new URL scheme. Old URLs will be shut down once new is fully operational and without issues.


Also, it will now require javascript & cookies to function. So... to the <1% that has it off. Sorry.


Membership Requirement

This has been a source of lot of controversy, but I do still find it almost certain it will happen. Yes, some users will leave. Ad revenue may go down, but so will operating costs. They always move together. I foresee no financial concern from this change. On top of that, kenshin has offered more help that's acting as a safety net in terms of cost issues. And if that means I get to have more horsepower to serve the members that care, I see no real concern. I believe what made Batoto into the giant that we have grown into are the contributors. And by contributors, I mean from people who's uploaded thousands of chapters and to people who's made a single comment about their thoughts. Contents are what makes this site, and they already are members.


There are no plans to close membership nor anything like a paywall. You can register anytime you want, and become part of this community.


Membership requirement will not be a sudden switch. It will be eased in. And what requires membership will slowly grow. The slow pace will give me the numbers to confirm/break my expectations. And that is from where I'll ultimately draw the final choice, not from guesses or what might be. I can't see the future, nor can anyone else from thin air.


Uploader's Private Direct Link

This is one change of direction I realized may be helpful after reading the feedbacks in various places. The uploader, optionally can generate a second URL to the chapter. It will not be mentioned anywhere on this site, but people coming to that URL from the source site won't need membership to view. That way, we can still provide a reliable way for uploaders to share without affecting the anti-crawl of our system.


I will likely add this sometime while membership requirement is being eased in. Hopefully in early stage.


Why are Changes Being Made Now?

Quite a lot seemed confused about this. I do apologize for lack of clarity initially. I've said before, but complete prevention of copying Batoto isn't the goal. It's just not possible. I know that some of them have humans to copy from Batoto in rare occasions that I troll them with fake contents. Goal is to reduce it.


Over the years of maintaining Batoto, I didn't do it alone. I have hired other professionals in the past occasionally to help. And their first reaction to my server is always that I'm getting DDoS'ed. If that were true, this is the longest DDoS in history of the internet. (They do eventually know that it's not) We just get crawled that much. We have to get it down to a reasonable level where it's manageable. This, is a viable goal.


It's not that Batoto's going to die tomorrow without making the change. Or a month or etc. It's an ever growing problem and has to be tackled sometime. Doing nothing is to just shut down.



Hopefully focus can be sent back to bunch of stuff that's like 80% done but never finalized... Like follows overhaul. Flattr/changetip that was started like years ago... So much in queue.


Self-Published Titles

None of this applies to self published titles. Except automatic bot mitigation.