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Member Since 31 May 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2015 03:50 AM

#1588991 MangaUpdates-like site for following light novel releases

Posted by fake-name on 31 May 2015 - 07:05 PM

I've been working on a MangaUpdates-like site for following a large number of light/web-novel series. It's user-editable, and has reading list functionality so you can check and see at-a glance if you have available releases.




In particular, one thing it actually does (that MangaUpdates doesn't) is sort releases properly, e.g. by volume, chapter, and sub-chapter-fragment.


I don't host any of the content locally, and each release has a direct backlink to the translator's page where the release is.


The whole project is also completely open source.




Questions people probably have:

The releases so far are provided by scraping and doing some guesswork with RSS feeds. It's.... not ideal, but it's functional. Users can also add releases, but I don't have a lot of them at the moment.

The western language stuff is also just TBD stubs so far, because I haven't completely decided how I'm going to implement it.

Yes, lots of the data is partial, and there are some duplicate entries with slightly different titles. A mechanism for merging duplicates is near the top of my todo list.

In any event, I hope some people find it useful.


I realize it looks a lot like I'm trying to step on Aho-Updates toes, and I really want to be clear that I'm not trying to displace it, just provide another resource. I specifically have no advertising, nor do I plan to add any.

This is actually a project that the early groundwork was laid for well back in 2014, it just took a while for me to decide to redesign everything from my silly internal tool to something I'm willing to let be web-facing.

Mostly, it was both something I wanted, and a good excuse to experiment and learn a bunch of new(er) web technologies.