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Tsukumo Yuma

Tsukumo Yuma

Member Since 19 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2018 02:50 AM

Hetalia season 6 is on it's way!

02 December 2014 - 09:40 AM

Hetalia season 6 has been confermed,and is now in production, the new season is titled Hetalia The World Twinkle.


Here is the link to the site for the new season

More info for the new season will be in the upcoming issues of Monthly Comic Birz.

What are the names of these manga?

18 October 2014 - 07:57 AM

I am trying to remember the name of two manga.
One is about a little girl who invented a box that has a bunch of features, some helpful some usless.
The box can do just about anything, as long as you put the right bolt in it.

The other one was about a rich girl and her butler, the girl is always thinking stuff like "if I shout p**** in the midle of class, what would happen?", then right before she does it, the butler does somthing weird and ether stops her, or averts atention from her.
What are the name of these manga?

Chapters are missing

29 September 2014 - 05:57 PM

I was going to upload some more chapters of Axis Powers Hetalia Original Web Comic, but then I saw, a bunch of chapters went missing, and only two random chapters still remain, could someone answer why they are all gone?

That's the Comic page


Otaku Tower Scans needs you! [Recruiting Redrawers, and Especially Translators]

18 August 2014 - 08:17 PM

Hello, I go by the name Tsukumo Yuma on many sites, I am currently trying to start a Manga Scanulation group, but before the group can start, of course there needs to be members.
There will be a large verity of manga that this group will be doing, just about any and all genres, maybe even korean manhwa in the future.

Here is the site for the group, though it's appearance might be edited later. http://otaku-tower-scans.tumblr.com/

Basically all positions are open, but what is in dire need of before any of these projects can be started, are Japanese to English Translators.
The positions open are…
  • Japanese to English Translators
  • Redrawer
  • Typesetter
  • Cleaners
  • Proofreaders
No past experience necessary, but if you do have past experience, that is cool as well.
The projects to start off with are.
  • Taishou Rouman Oni-san Yameteee!!
  • Live-A-Live fancomic
  • Metal Fight Beyblade
  • Advance! Kitakou Broadcasting Club
  • Live-A-Live fancomic
  • Chousoku Spinners
  • Barjona Bomber
  • Oira Sukeban
  • Devilman Saga
  • Loan Wolf
If anyone is interested, please do Apply

If you are interested in joining, ether post here, PM me, or go to the tumblr site and leave a message in the “Submit” box.

Also, if there are any manga that you want translated to english, that isn’t translated already in english, place you request in the “Ask” or preferably “Submit” box and you request will be considered.
Though it is best if you have the raw scans for the manga you are requesting, and is more likely to get picked up.

If anyone has questions, please post them here, PM me, or leave them in the “Ask” box on the site.
A chatbox has been added to the site, you may also use that if it is more convenient.

When I upload manga, it keeps saying it needs sorting

11 August 2014 - 04:05 AM

Hi, I was uploading manga chapters that is awaiting to be approved, but when I went to edit the Chapter name I saw that it says it needs sorting when it doesn't.



When I removed the 2 under sort order, and left is blanked then saved, I pressed edit to make sure it went through, the 2 was back there again.

I checked to see if it has done that with the other 4 chapters I submitted, and it did.

On every one of those chapters, it list the sort order as what ever number chapter it is.

It seems to only doing this for this one manga series, Axis Powers Hetalia Webcomic.


Why is it doing this?