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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Couch Potato

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It was really weird lol

At first it wqs something like a zombie survival, where i was together with people holed up in a store i think. Other people looked the same but faster and stronger, they called themselves apex predators. Things were good but the world was fucked and people from our group were dying. Turned out that someone who was in our group from the start betrayed us all, even though we trusted him. He said it was just all so futile and left. Only me and a woman were left, and we couldnt hold. We eere probaly one of the last humans remaining. We decided to kill ourselves bij jumping of a tower in a silo or something. We were followed by some shapeshifting being, and ran for our lives up thw tower, cause we wanted to go on our terms. Shit happened, fight happened, i pushed it down and was stuck on a rope and almost fell after it but the woman cut me loose. We held hands and jumped off, but then gravity shifted and we fell to the side, surviving. Turns out the creature was god, and his sole intention was eating every single human being, as he had done many times before. We werent gonna suicide on his watch. We somehow got in gods realm, which was a giant room, where he was with another being. The woman tricked god by wishing for ultra fast growing plants/flowers, as i was caving in. She got me back up, i wished the ppants were magic immune as well. In turn god got overflowered, and had to forever cut the plants to stop them from going out of hand, and was too busy to predate on us. In turn we ran to another room, where we lived happily after.

A lot more weird shit happened but this is the basis of what i remember xD


PItiful Boar

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2Hot your dream tells me that you are a pacifist and relies on hippy flower power...
Another hs dream for me....


So I was cycling through the neighborhood. I ran into an old friend, and the friend of the old friend, from high school (all these high school dreams...) For some reason the usual entrance to the entire block was closed, and I had to go in from the behind. For some reason, the entrance from the back is this weird tree trunk. So I tried climbing onto the tree trunk with one hand, while holding a bicycle in my other hand. I struggled to gain a foot-hold in desperation,  but I keep on slipping off. In the meantime I see my friend walking past with me. Frustrated I woke up.


This one is so easy even I analyze  - I'm at a stage in my life where I feel quite alienated. I want to know how my other friends are faring. Am I keeping up? Are they happy? 

Edited by Fishy No Moar, 17 June 2016 - 04:18 PM.

PItiful Boar

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After rewatching Lies for Your April and going to bed rather satisfied, I had one of the most disturbing nightmares where one family member bludgeons another family member to death, and I had to discover evidence of her treachery and force her to admit she done it. 

PItiful Boar

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I am monopolizing the threaaaaaadddd


Aliens have landed with their spaceship and we were experimenting with some kind of atomic weapon. The experiment involved attaching some kind of quantum spin to humans. There were 3 humans subjects - one carried a neutral spin, one carried a positive spin, and I carried a negative spin. The "spin" comes from the direction of the spiral trajectory as the subjects accelerate - the positive/ neutral go right, and the negative go left. Its like Flemming's left-hand rule. Carrying a spin gives us super powers. So the three of us try to goto the roof by turning into smoke and escaping through the air vents. But the air vents are closed. It was at this time we saw the spaceship swoop down and go over our heads - it was like a giant floating citadel. We decided to just leap - right there and now. We were expecting to crash and burn as we hit the ceiling of the building, but by a miracle we were able to leap through and attach ourselves to the spaceship.




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dreamed i was married to this blonde guy with blue eyes who was the owner of a restaurant. i was pregnant with twins and i worked in a big business not sure as what. i'd find myself going to protests and marches and i ran from the police wearing tall effin' heels. i wore pretty dresses tho. i also had a lover who was a 40+ man with graying hair. all we did was go to different restaurants and eat and talk about literature and movies. i remember the first thing i told him was that i had scammed a receptionists and got free shoes and he laughed. wild af. 


also i dreamt of an primary school classmate (*cough*whomihadahugecrushon*cough*. she went missing and the whole town was looking for her. it turned out to be this huge conspiracy where agents from the future were killing off people who would cause major revolutions in the years to come. again really wild. 



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What i dream last night has gone from my mind, i even don't remember any scenses right now.



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The surroundings randomly changed (dreams are so random and weird) and I was then in a jungle fighting this blonde wearing a full body brown suit. We were on a hand-to-hand combat. At first she was trying to put into choke hold but in my dream, I was aware that the surroundings changed so I tried to search for the long blade that I used to defend myself against the guy who attacked me. I stopped resisting and tried my best to get the long blade that's only a few reach, calmed down and stabbed the blonde's right leg. She let go and when I turned around to face her I stabbed her stomach and she was dead. I encountered a few more and managed to defeat them. The feel of this part of my dream was more like Hunger Games because the me in my dream kept thinking that I have to be alive and come back home. I guess I defeated them all because this first part of my dream ended, I was walking on this road that I use when I going home. But it ended there. 


I woke up and I looked at the time. That day I was going out to do few things and since I thought it's not time yet I decided to sleep more. My dream resumed on the part where I walking on this familiar road on my way home. I tripped and I kept telling myself, " I am going home. Finally, I am going home." But as soon as I was about to get up, a group of foreigners (from the way they talked they're Americans) pointed their guns at me and told me to give them what I have. There were five people, two are girls. I raised my hands and told them I have nothing many times. They paused for a moment, they exchanged glances then they looked at me and spared my life. They took my long blade and continued walking.  


This part of my dream, the place where I live is also deserted, I knew but for some weird reason I was feeling rather safe for my family's lives. But when I did my last turn before I walk straight to our house I saw the group who spared my life. There were only 2 of them outside. I knew that moment the others were raiding our house so I silently ran towards one of them, grabbed the tactical knife hanging on his waist, rode on his back and slit his throat. My dream stopped there.  

Wish, there's part three~ Wonder if I died or what. Hm.


Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran


PItiful Boar

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wow that's pretty violent. well, what can you expect from murican culture where racist cops shoot people at traffic stops.


Dreamt about a roundtable discussion with a professor who used manga to illustrate ideas. I wanted to say something cool trying to tie in postmodernism with cultural nihilism and asking if the professor's own manga work would be unaffected by it. It sounds like kind of thing that would get me into trouble IRL. 

PItiful Boar

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Dreamt about going back to my old job and talking an old colleague about wanting to build a server, but no one can teach it to me. 


Also IRL I just bought an ITX server board and will try to play with RAID a bit... maybe

PItiful Boar

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I dreamt I was going to a fancy dinner in a casino. The tour guide was explaining to us how to cut the fish up? I hate fish

PItiful Boar

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I was playing street fighter against the computer. In Round 1, I picked Ken and the computer picked Ryu and kicked the crap out of the computer. In round 2, the computer swapped and chose Ken and forced me to play Ryu. I put up a most valient fight but lost. I lost the game and put in another quarter - with the same outcome. 

its kind of a funny story

its kind of a funny story

    Potato Spud

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i dreamt i got kidnapped and i fought my way to freedom. i killed people like i was killing bugs. it was so easy. now i am more confident that i could kill people if i felt like it.



    Russet Potato

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This was from 2 nights ago.


I was a vampire (wut).

I broke into the basement of a restaurant because a few of my kind were held captive there. I busted them all out of their cells and we killed all the humans in the restaurant. Then we held siege in there while human police and SWAT surrounded the whole place. I became the de facto leader of the coven since I was the one who rescued them. One of the members sneaked out one night without my knowing and brought two little kids back with her. She said they were her little brother and sister. I was really mad because she had endangered the safety of the entire coven. But I woke up before I could do anything about it.

PItiful Boar

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I dreamt about taking a spiritual class (with candles no less) and the teacher asked us the meaning of the three words that we have in front of us - I said something to the effect that the first word was related to salvation, the second word was related to Islam, and the third word was "Indrajt" which is Hind. 

As I woke up, I realized I might have invented the Illuminati.



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Had two nightmares last night.


First one: I was teaching some grade schoolers English, but the class was completely out of control. I started confiscating the students' phones and game playing devices, but they kept talking and chatting. I yelled for them to shut up, but they only got even noisier. The headmaster was sitting at the back, evaluating my lesson, but he left halfway through.


Second one: There was, for some reason, a white tiger at home. It was huge and fierce and it started wandering around the flat. I left my safety blanket on the sofa, which it sniffed, then declared (don't question dream logic) it liked the smell and would eat the person to whom this scent belonged. I climbed onto a chair immediately and it pawed at my legs. My brave little Chihuahua started growling and barking at the tiger fearlessly, and I scooped her up from the floor to stop her from being snapped into two by the tiger's jaws. The pawing turned into actual clawing and my legs were quickly being gored. Then I woke up.

PItiful Boar

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whoa how do you remember two nightmares in a row .... very impressive... it seems like the first one was basically what happens in underfunded public schools in the US, maybe your nightmare is our norm, who knows.


I remembered going back to school and I was going to do take a placement test, something computers related. We were lead into this huge yard and everyone seated. For some reason our batoto handles were etched on the chair that we are assigned to. 



    Russet Potato

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I was dreaming about something that looked a little like a steampunk world, but more plain, and more pipes. I think a lady was trying to figure out the answer to a mystery. She realized that the people behind the incident were trying to stop her, and she was trying to avoid them and head towards where she could find answers by going through a tunnel (with a lot of copper pipes). She thought she heard people up ahead and stopped suddenly, apprehensive. Then I woke up. I felt like my chest near my heart was stuffy, and I worried that something might be wrong. I got up and tried to switch on the light to stop myself from panicking. I clicked the switch a few times, but the light wouldn't turn on. I went to the next closest room, where my dad was sleeping, and tried to switch that light on. *click click click* It wouldn't work either. I started feeling worse and worse, similar to the feeling right before I faint, and I was walking wobbly. I woke my dad by shaking his shoulder. He asked "What's wrong" and I said, "Hey dad, somethings wrong, and I've been trying to turn on the lights but none of them work." and I was feeling weirder and weirder, so I put my hands on his cheeks to make sure he wouldn't go back to sleep. And then he said "That's right, you should haaaaavvvvvveeeeee" (as in, should have turned on the lights) with his voice fading out creepily, (like voldemort's voice in the harry potter movies, when he's not actually there.)

And then I woke up for real, went and switched on the light.

I had had all my senses in my dream, which creeped me out a little.


The thing about the lights reminds me of the movie inception, or other stories about illusions. It's the one thing that always signals that I'm not in reality when I think that I am. Even if I try to light a match, it won't work. Once I start trying to create light in any way, I feel weird, and my movements become sluggish, and sometimes when I try to get light too much, time around me also becomes sluggish, and things have long, stretched out afterimages.

Edited by shelly, 27 July 2016 - 03:49 AM.



    Russet Potato

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I had two dreams last night.


First one: Nothing much happened, but two girls from my high school were in it. They were grown up, pretty, and very well-dressed. I think they agreed to meet each other wherever it was in my dream. It's pretty strange to have a dream about them, since I haven't been particularly close with either of them.


Second one: I was resting in a dorm with four girls. They were all asleep. I remember the one sleeping in the bed right next to mine was really tall - at least 185 cm tall - and looked pretty athletic. She was sleeping on her back, with her hands clasped on her chest and one knee pointing upward, the blanket covering only her midsection. Again, nothing much happened.



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darn it I was hoping to see some GL purest form of love



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I have a girlfriend and lost my virginity.....and then i woke up. :mellow:
