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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Fingerling Potato

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I had a dream I couldn't find a top that fit me and I was going around in hundreds of dressers throwing clothes all over looking for something that fit me to no avail



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I was nadal pkayong tennis match with federer. I was 19? And we were playing on a small miniaturized court like 6x6. I evened out the score and head to lunch



    Potato Spud

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i dream of myself waking up from a dream.
swear to god TRUE STORY, almost always.


PItiful Boar

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Woke up 4 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep; Dreamt about seeing tiny spiders on the bed ... imagined using my fingers to push them. Was awake enough to know I'm only semi-awake so I told myself to go back to sleep.

its kind of a funny story

its kind of a funny story

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i dreamt that i found myself tied up in the living room and my friend was pulling off my nails from their roots saying that i dont need them 



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Just last night i had a dream where team instinct took over the entire city. Like, not a single gym was valor or mystic. 


I dont even play pokemon go.


its kind of a funny story

its kind of a funny story

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i have something that i value alot ... the place it has in my heart is the same as that ring from lord of the rings to gollum's 

i dreamt that someone broke my precious ..one of the top 3 worst nightmares i've ever had



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I dream about of having all the Heros from Anime,Cartoons,Comic Books,Video Games,etc fighting all the villains



    Potato Sprout

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Of waking up... really... i was still sleeping... i had...a dream about sleeping ... and waking up.



    Baked Potato

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I dreamt some time last week that I was swimming with dolphins.

It was an oh so pleasant dream. It lifted my spirits for practically the entire day.




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You can swim me with me horn - I'll lift your spirits too


Last night I had a dream involving two high school jocks who were border-line delinquent. I used to be alright with them - knowing them from elementary school and then middle school. I wonder whatever happened become of them. Did they join a gang? Did they settle down and become drones like the rest of us? I started googling their names in search of something, but I couldn't find anything. 




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The dream I had a few hours ago involved zombies and a house and a creepy family. I took shelter in a mansion where a married couple lived with their 3 children. Everything seemed normal inside. The family went about their day as if there was nothing wrong even if there were zombies trying to get in. We kept going from room to room, locking and barricading the doors. Yet we were all strangely calm. We reached the attic, which had a lot of space. There was no bathroom so the kids would just do their business in another room. There was a kitchen and several locked rooms. When I headed to the kitchen, i noticed one of the rooms had the door opened and the lights on. I saw the shadow of a man inside. I asked the wife if there was someone else living here and she reassured me that no, nobody else lived with them. I went into the room, the man was going through the drawers, picking out clothes. we talked and while we did his face and hair kept changing. he kept telling me to go with him and to get out of the house because the family was psychotic af. they were the only family left in town. i woke up b4 anything else happened. 

PItiful Boar

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Maybe I was sleep deprived the past couple of days and I was not able to dream, but today was the first time waking up that something jolted me and I recall something from the night -


It was a student council meeting, and I was walking with someone from the council, I was told that there was a debate whether there a violation of rules, whether someone of poor academic standing who happened to be in one of the meetings was allow to attend. 


I also remember something about picking up my clothes from the seats of the meeting room and leaving. I'm not sure if that was me in both first and third person? 


Strangely enough that was probably the one of the best sleep I've had in a while, and I felt pretty refreshed. 

PItiful Boar

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For some reason the only time that I seem to sleep deeply is when I don't get enough sleep, like when I sleep at 1AM or 2AM


When I sleep at a normal time like 10, I would wake up easily and remember my dream, and it's usually something troubling.

This time was physical education back at high school. For some reason, they put the male and female student lockers right next to each together and boys and girls had to change into their uniforms next to each other. Very orderly. I was wondering - wouldn't it make sense to at least put all the men's in one row and all the women in another row? The PE teacher was checking everyone to make sure the students are dressing correctly. And for some reason I was missing the shorts underneath my sweatpants. And I was panicking because the P.E. teacher was checking beneath everybody's sweatpants to make sure they had their shorts. 


Most disturbing elements in my dream - it was strangely asexual. The missing shorts could be a missing phallus. Might be my subconscious questioning if I'm missing a dick. 

Edited by Feisty Bit Moar, 06 September 2016 - 04:28 PM.

PItiful Boar

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I woke up three times last night and each time I remembered fragments of the last dream but for some reason I only remember the first one. This was the one when I woke up at 2AM -


I remember two boys in a school (maybe a boarding school or a monastery, can't remember). One of them was getting kicked out because he was caught reading a banned book. He was on his knees and crying while saying good bye to his friend. That was when the other boy recognized bruises on the hands of his friend and realized he got physically abused. Maybe the friend refused to rat out his friend? It was like BL purest form of love, something from a hollywood movie.

PItiful Boar

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I wish I could sleep better so that I actually don't remember my dreams. 


That said: I was some kind of super hero and I could transform into a tin man or something. My partner and I are hunting some kind of evil creature called the Baboon King (It's like Abarai Renji's bakai mascot or whatever) with the power to brainwash you through touch. My partner transformed into a giant bear, and I transformed into a tin man. Somehow my partner got infected and he was squeezing my hand trying to infect me I guess. I held on and was trying to see if anything happens. Then I woke up.


Maybe I'm no longer me. I'm the baboon king.

PItiful Boar

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I remember something about jaywalking across the street and my friend spotted a police car going passed us on the other side. He turned to me and asked if we'd be alright. That's when we saw the second police car parked and the police started jaywalking too. I said something to the effect that if we get arrested we'd have to pay our way through court, but if the police get arrested, they'd use public funds to defend themselves. 


Much cynical.

PItiful Boar

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So I was going to take a physics test and the morning class apparently had their exams graded back in record time. The first question was "What's gravity?" And I remember thinking to myself "Gravity is the phenomenon where by objects are drawn towards each other by the square of the distance away... blah blah blah" (How do I even remember this in a dream?) I then found myself getting on a bus and they were dropping students off. I was panicking because I have an exam to take and the bus was going the wrong way. I asked the bus driver to dropped me off, and I barely missed the bus that I was suppose to take. Frustrated.

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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There was a war with two opposing sides, and the losers were about to get taken over. Some guy wanted to turn the last stash of ammunition into a trap and plan take himself out along with as many of the enemies as they can. The second guy wanted to just get rid of the weapons but not leave any casualties. The first guy pretended to be crazy and was talking to the soldiers. Then the second guy disappeared and then smoke came out from the building. The crazy guy was one of the last people to leave. And the whole thing blew. No bodies were found.

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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It seems like I'm the only one who posts and icee is my faithful audience - i luv u icee


So this one was interesting one. I was actually Link playing zelda and doing both the dark temple and light temple.I had the master sword. In the dark temple the creatures are hiding in the shadows, so I have to use the shadow of my sword to poke other shadows. Kinda weird. In the light temple it was the reverse - i think I had to use the reflections of my sword or something. Couldn't remember.