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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

How was your day/week?

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    Russet Potato

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My week's been pretty tiring. Loads of exams and group craps project. I don't really get why uni has lots of those group stuffs and all -_-



Because I'm grounded and I'm not even suppose to use any entertainment except reading novels, working on homework, or doing chores. And usually my parents and older brother aren't home, so she watches over me. And whenever I'm not home on time, she calls my younger brother for more information. I've been a good girl for a week and she finds it suspicious that I hadn't done anything wrong, so she just starts lurking me all the time.

If it were me, I would have exploded. I wouldn't be able to stand people (aside from my sis, lol) calling me 'bitch', let alone with something as small as the issue of playing games.

btw, I don't even know what league of legends is. I only know it's a game :D 


shadow, by ponies~ <3




    Potato Spud

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I don't really get why uni has lots of those group stuffs and all -_-

in the real world, once you get a job you're always going to be working in a team.




my day was pretty bad. I pulled an all nighter tryna finish writing a paper that was due at 12:30pm. I finished at 12:25 so I was like "HELL THE FUCK YEAH, 5 MINUTES IS ENOUGH TO PRINT THIS SHIT OUT AND WALK TO CLASS." When I got to the printer, I guess there was something wrong with my account cause everytime I tried to log in I got an error. After 10 minutes, I was able to log in and print, but I was late to class and we had a guest lecturer from Burt's Bees so my professor sent me the dirtiest look ever for coming late like "FUCKIN RUDE, HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP LATE WHEN WE GOT A GUEST."


Then at work i spent the whole day packing because our office is being remodeled. I was asked to pack up someone else's desk and it had binders and binders of info from the 90's til now. My boss told me to trash them cause the person who used to sit at that desk doesn't work here anymore, but when I started throwing shit away this other dude was like "NOOOOOOOOOO, I WAS USING DAT EMPTY DESK TO STORE MY SHIT CAUSE I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH ROOM AT MY DESK." So I was like FUCKEVERYTHINGWHATAFUCKINGWASTEOFMYTIME.JPG


Then my professor scheduled a make up class cause we missed a day and it was from 8-10pm. Since I pulled an all nighter, tryna stay awake was a nightmare. It wasn't even an important lecture. what a waste of my life.



    Baked Potato

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Must have watched two dozen basketball games Thursday-Sunday. O^O  *round goblin eyes*  It's nice that I can. On the other hand it's not so good that there's nothing to stop me. I think one team I care about is still in the NCAA tournament, but I'll keep watching. Good games are mesmerizing. Bad games--well sometimes teams start to click in the 2nd half and then it gets good.


For someone who's as bad at playing the game as I am, you wouldn't think I'd be a fan. The patterns are fun to watch.



    Mashed Potato

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Going for my last road trip ever in the US.

Hope it's going to be a good one, if not the best.



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αɖα- ɕɧαɲ

αɖα- ɕɧαɲ

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Preparing for my sis graduation. Went to shopping and avail some nail and hair services in salon. All was fine except the fact that my mom got mad on how slow and unprofessional some workers in the salon are.. I pity them actually, mom being mad is like hell on Earth. Afterwards had pizza and ice cream as dinner. To wrap up, today was a nice day for me~



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I had tonsilitis a couple weeks back.  The doctor rated them 4+ which means they were touching, it was extremely painful.  Today my tonsils are acting up again and I really hope its not flaring up again.  I been feeling weakenend all day on top of that and I am getting hypoglycemia symptoms again ( I havent had them in months ) and yeah Idk.  



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Exams all weekdays.

Monday through friday last week... And now daylight savings claims to make me more productive... by making me get up earlier (winter time is the real time)

On a side not, I was already getting up around 6... so with daylight saving's that's 5...

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kinda boring. worked on my paper, hung out with a couple of friends, had pizza, gunter went to the dentist. 

 яαιηвσω яσ¢кѕ ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙| SlhbZiq.gif



    Baked Potato

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Today is aprils fool day so I planned my pranks




food wrap all the restroom in the  other building that aren't the science building and the entire floor restroom ( Thanks to all of them propping the restroom door, hearing the "Gahhhh!!!! and the WTF! and Mother%^&*( were delights to my sound receiver


food wrap my friend car and stole his his and trap somewhere in the wraping.


used a frisbee with food dye and added some foul smelling solution into it and slip it under doors of random people.


squirt warm conditioner on people sleeping. 


The End


Sadly no one left they laptop open for me to do my master piece. I like April Fool days since this is the only day I ever really make an effort to move




    Baked Potato

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Best AFD in quite a while. Thank you Batoto!



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I've been sick starting last friday, and I'm getting really sick despite taking different pills to help me. And yet, none of it helps me. And I wish there was a magical cure at this moment.

Third year of college


groups I work for:




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Very terrific fail....




    Russet Potato

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Very enjoyable, except needing to wake up very early every day




    Russet Potato

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This week: Repetitive, uneventful, boring, headaches every single day, feeling bad about one thing or another most of the time, but somehow my moods pretty good? @_@

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

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I have a few to say but I'll leave that for later because y'all have NO IDEA WHAT IVE JUST BEEN THROUGH!!!

So as a Jap growing up mainly in Vietnam it's always been hard to find real Jap food. I mean sure, it can be made and all but there is no "JAPANESEness" in it. Like, as a restaurant, you can cover up your walls, dress the ingredients and make it look like the real thing. BUT it's just not the same... I guess one of the thing that brings it down is that, the lack of ingredients and the way how they change the flavouring to fit the foreigners taste for more customers. the lack of UMAMI ;n;

So anyway since the beginning of this year, because my mums been going out with friends more and doing lots of charity work my dad and I have these daddy-daughter sundays where we go Japanese food hunting at least twice a month. I happen to ask my dad about the best ramen place in HCMC and my dad says none of them are as good. Theres more than 200 Japanese food stores in the city and even my dad hasn't eaten in all those places. Though since he has Japanese customers here and there, they often take him or recommend some new places. So he found a new place today and I was surprised once we got there. 

See, most of the Japanese food shops are down town in the first district on this certain road. My dads been to most of the stores there and it's either "okay" or SOOOOOOOPER expensive. (Since its the main district and all the foreigners etc = expensive -_-) But my dad turned into this small alley... Then he kept turning here and there (the alleys are so badly constructed here in this city) and we went past so many more Japanese stores all over the place. So many that I've never seen or even heard of. They all looked like those shabby family-business restaurant in Japan. Nothing like those fitting-the-high-standard stores outside of the alley. My dad stopped and it was seriously a tiny store. Looked something like this on the outside and this on the inside. The inside was so cramped though. Could only fit 9 customers total on the counter and the space we had to move in was just fit for two people standing sideways. Only 3 staff, tea is self served, menu of less than 20 options, not even translated into any language. The customers were all Japanese. Saw few scruffy guys. The typical possibly-in-their-30s-living-a-none-exciting-life-with-average-pay-that-you-see-in-animes kind of males too. It was even quite odd since the place screamed to me as TESTOSTERONE. It felt sorta odd being the only female. Everything was homemade. Since there was only the counter table I could see what was happening behind. EVERYTHING was made from scratch. After listening to my dad make small talk with the tenchou, he said he wanted to spread his teacher's ramen to other parts of Asia. Interesting since he'd gone through the ramen training ^^ 

The ramen came. And I could tell it was made from scratch. Not like those bought-from-japan in the other shops. What surprised me was the renge they used. It was huge! Prolly from my wrist to my elbow. I tried the soup. .......














Welp, now I'm taking my half Jap bro/friend, Yoshi on a back-alley-Japanese food tour after his graduation. It's set perfect. I'm gonna make sure we both starve for the whole saturday and we'll chow down on the following day. Yup. 



Also I challenged myself in making a mille crepe. It turned out great ^^

Edited by Rukapi-, 06 April 2014 - 03:20 PM.



    Baked Potato

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^ I can relate in a way

As a Chinese living the U.S you see a lot of fake Chinese restaurant and even fewer Vietnamese restaurants there is no real Pho resturant ! D: 


i`m back from my science conference , it was very fun and sad. and hopefully it will be my last cause i am graduating :P *hi five Kanaade*  grads in 4 year where this programs takes 6 years,




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just got 5 project due next week TT^TT

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want to study mandarin



    Couch Potato

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I slept a lot and I chatted it up with all my friends here on Batoto. All in all, a pretty damn good day if you ask me ^_­^

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