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PItiful Boar

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23 hahaha 

VisionTek Radeon 5450 SFF 512MB DDR3 3M (3x DVI-D) Graphics Card - 900344 for $119 (dealnews.com)

i remember i bought this back in 2014? around $50 


money is not really money these days

anyways im not buying anything any more

i think the dollar felt like it depreciated by 50%



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Not quite that bad, but it's pretty harsh. Still, we're actually doing pretty well considering the pandemic and the effects of the war in Ukraine. There are worse ways we can come out of all this than "all slightly but noticeably poorer", in the grand scheme of things.

Old graphics card prices probably aren't indicative of anything, though. It could just be old enough that the price is noisy and random because there aren't many units on the market.


...also, shoot the 40-series have 8-bit floats and now I want one of those instead ~w~;;

(For context, 8-bit floats are super-low-precision floating point numbers that are "good enough" for a lot of AI neural-network weights and values, which in turn means you can do more—and faster, even!)

(And I do mean super-low-precision. There are, in fact, at most only 254 possible values—they're crammed into just a byte, after all!)

PItiful Boar

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 my open hardware monitor says 38C

Available October 12th, 2022, starting at $1599, the GeForce RTX 4090 is the ultimate GeForce GPU for gamers and creators, running up to twice as fast, using the same amount of power as the previous-generation champ, the GeForce RTX 3090 Ti




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Yeah, at 38 C the fans probably just aren't coming on because there's no reason to.

Like that's just 100° F. Without air conditioning, you could get that in a hot room with the PC literally turned off. :'p


Prices are indeed ouch for 40-series... I'm sort of hoping they go down pretty quickly because nobody's gonna truck that after the cryptocurrency crash and that maybe I can get a top-end one for two-thirds that price at most next year.

Amd that my current GPU lasts until then XD

PItiful Boar

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26 the into cinematics to bioshock infinite is prob the best i've seen for video games 

the only bad thing is that it makes me dizzy af since it's in first person mode, and i can't play it for more than an hour 

PItiful Boar

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i think my video card definately has some issues - when i try to install it on a brand new windows 11 os, it doesn't work (goes dark)


when i try to install it on a server 2022 standard using AMD's most recent graphics driver, it doesn't work, claiming the video card is not an AMD card. And the card would spin up its fan and then terminate (in a never ending fashion)


but somehow, it works on my windows 11 that was upgraded from windows 10, which has some weird issues (like onedrive doesn't work) but amazingly enough the card works (and the fan just stops, doesn't start/end endlessly like it does in 2022) 


But whatever, it works. I'm happy



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Now I will go through the bizarre experience of undergoing a medical sleep study, with bonus weird points for "during the pandemic".

Wish me luck!



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As I get older, I start to more and more often pick up an old game I used to play and have no idea how to play it.

I remember when I made fun of games that threw the buttons-to-push in your face at every opportunity. Now I sometimes find myself depending on them.

(I don't think it's actually a failing memory as such. I'm older, play more different games than when I was a kid, and are more likely to stop halfway through. So the statistical probability of picking up something I stopped playing in the middle three years ago is much higher. ~w~

PItiful Boar

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29 just curious whats the sleep study about (also, isnt pandemic over? )

i just wasted a lot of hours replaying sid meiers pirates! was really fun! i robbed ships and became a duke with the french/spanish/english/dutch 



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Pandemic over according to whom? The president's speech a couple weeks ago? XD

It's very slowly trailing off as a thing we care about and/or fear, but it's hardly gone (as epidemiologists pointed out bemusedly when Biden said that). But our feelings and our societal cost/benefit analyses don't really affect data of how dangerous it currently is in absolute terms (not quite as much as before but still remarkably so). Stanford Medical would seem to think so too; I was required to get tested 48 hours before the overnight and wear a mask a lot of the time.


Sleep study was about sleep apnea, which I have but which on my previous, lower-middle class insurance I was only allowed to get the cheapest possible test for.

And yet which under my current poor-man's, county-run, socialized health insurance, I was conversely required to get (for free) the whole fancy sleep-on-site-with-machines test at, as it turns out, Stanford, so my doctors could have enough info to actually diagnose everything correctly.

It's a funny world.


Sid Meier's... I think I may own that somewhere but had trouble setting it up and gave up. I should try again sometime.

Swashbuckling sounds like an excellent way to wile away one's lollygagging times :'3

Edited by pokari, 01 October 2022 - 06:23 PM.

PItiful Boar

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31 well, good luck with that. hope they don't poke too many needles in you TT

it's fun once in a while... i don't think i'll be returning to it for some time

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 01 October 2022 - 11:14 PM.

PItiful Boar

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yeah i think im good w/ games

nothing more important than winning the hunger games called laifu




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No needles thankfully :'3



Good luck with defeating hunger beasts!



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I hate this modern era of internet game updates, where I can be playing a single-player game and have to restart for whatever reason and if a developer pushed an update Steam can go "Great! Let me just update that for you. Oh, no, I'm not asking, it's mandatory. It'll be done in a few hours! No you can't play again until then. Oh, we're not sorry, this is just the great service we provide!"

Some day I really may be pissed enough to dig into the guts and find the levers to tell it "no, fucking shut up and let me play my games"

(Oh, in this case it was an update with major/breaking changes so I also had to go through the process of reverting from the version it had just downloaded if I didn't want to drop what I was doing in-game to accommodate the differences. But part's that's not Steam's fault—well, except for the bit where rolling back a change in steam is a PitA, but at least that much is an option.)

Edited by pokari, 08 October 2022 - 08:01 AM.

PItiful Boar

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35 imagine if this was windoze... and you had a mission critical email to send... and it forces you to wait LMAO 

just curious what game is this



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In this case it was No Man's Sky. I lazily didn't name it because it complicated the narrative ("well, this particular game is multi-player, though you can play it single-player and I was doing so, but I've had this problem with strict single-player games before, but...") and the beef I have is instead with how Steam blindly demands one install updates before playing on any game whatsoever. ~w~

Now... as it turns out the update content also sucked, for mt purposes XD It reworked some things in a terribly obtrusive way that threw off my base-building zen. So, I rolled back the update (a pain), switched Steam to offline mode, firewalled them both so they don't get any ideas, and am now playing peacefully :'3


I've been there with Windows Update XD Most annoying I remember was something like "I just have to push out this last bit before I can finally go home for the"—while my back ia turned, windows update decides update time for major update is NOW—"Auuuugh! Foul betrayal!"

Edited by pokari, 09 October 2022 - 07:08 AM.

PItiful Boar

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37 i have not played that game so i can't comment

but yes, as someone who plays alot of fate grand order and fate emblem heroes, there are a lot of updates 

PItiful Boar

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from the net it looks like build/expand/conquest game? 



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(Yeah, gachas gotta update. The entire profit model is based on inundating new gambling options every week or so, after all!)


No Man's Sky?

Are you not familiar with it's (in)famous history? The once-extremely-hyped indie game from a decade ago that had promised a galaxy's worth of sci-fi exploration content and then delivered a handful of assets (randomly recoloured!) and thereby a few million approximately-identical planets and almost no gameplay? But which then somehow slowly turned into a decent and even quite respectable game over the following decade, despite having been the poster child for the betrayals of the proverbial hype train for at least half of that time?

...But no, it's a crafting sandbox/survival/exploration thingummy. :'p

Edited by pokari, 10 October 2022 - 11:23 AM.

PItiful Boar

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39 sorry not familiar with it but it sounds like a typical kickstarter story

at least it has a somewhat positive ending

i haven't spent too much coins on gacha personally, maybe tens here now and then, instead of the hundreds some whales spend on the games

some of them are actually capitalists and they've got quite a bit of money so eh

the economy in modern societies has been shifting to financialized models, so money is p much how much the government can print