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Visual Novels

Visual Novels Eroge otome game

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It seems the general theme in that thread is : "Tsukihime is less predictable, it's script is more mature and dark than FSN."
And that does not make any sense to me what so ever. As mentioned above, the characters in Tsukihime are such an obvious "moe" cast that makes no sense, I have no idea why anyone would think Tsukihime is...MATURE. It fawns over the protagonist with overly passionate character for no particular basis simply to catch the attention of the male demographic dick's attention.
In short, Tsukihime feels like a rushed Fate/stay night, really. So if you tried Tsuki first, you might like it better since Nasu loves to paraphrase.

P.S: This is not even about visuals, sound or length. It's about narrative, character-development and establishment. The difference between them is just too great to seem marginal (not that I'm saying that FSN had incredible characters, some of them were REALLY stupid, like Shinji / Shirou at some cases. Mostly Shinji.)




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I heard some people favor Tsukihime over Fate/stay night. Can someone explain this bizarre phenomenon to me?

P.P.S: @gyokuran

I heard that you get a special ending if you collect all of the stamps, any luck?


I loved both Tsukihime/Melty Blood and Fate Stay Night.


Taiga's Tiger Dojo episode: Please Teach me Ciel I mean Gyokuran Sensei!


Upon completing the tiger stamps. 3 extra scenes will be available + the Hot Spring Scene!(lol). Its the h-CG of Taiga and ILya. (lol) (lol)


Completing tiger stamps + getting all the Endings, good and best gets you the Final Chapter of FSN. 

Edited by gyokuran, 20 January 2014 - 07:40 AM.



    Fried Potato

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I was playing memo,

but I stopped playing it a quarter though the game

is it a good game?

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VNDB says it's "decent" according to votes...



    Russet Potato

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No sexual content? What are you, a casual?




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I doubt anyone playing "Clannad" is a ... "Casual player".
Now that I think about it, it would actually make more sense to call Nukige casual VNs since they are generally incredibly light on story and more intense on sexual narrative. And we all know how elaborate porn is.



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Hoodsome, I was replying to Miki_Sempai's post... I never said I'd play it, did I? =/


Oh and Sol, so far, there hasn't been any problem with Grisaia. There's just obviously the drama-esque impact when you figure out the "conditions" of the girls (I'm still on my first heroine's route, Makina's) and a lot of jokes regarding sex and other things, but it's otherwise not that bad (lol, I don't know if they do that when you pick up a route, but shortly after you take up Makina's, the girls group up and discuss how they feel about the MC's relationship with the girl, it's quite hilarious :P ).... The MC sort of changes somewhat throughout the narrative, but retains his "know-it-all" attitude. =/ So far, no H-scenes. =/

Edited by Phil777, 30 January 2014 - 02:56 PM.




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Oh no, he is...Brooding! To the bomb shelter!
Sounds fine, I already accepted the opinion that Grisaia will be an alright VN regardless of the protagonist's personality. Hopefully it will NOT be unveiled that he acts that way due to a flawed self-defense mechanism to keep people away from getting hurt~~!

That poor, delicate, quasi-twilight flower.



    Fried Potato

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Heh, amusing. There's the slight "beep"ing when a character mentions genitalia... :P And yeah. Makina's route is rather dramatic. But I shan't divulge any more! >.>

Oh no, he is...Brooding! To the bomb shelter!
Sounds fine, I already accepted the opinion that Grisaia will be an alright VN regardless of the protagonist's personality. Hopefully it will NOT be unveiled that he acts that way due to a flawed self-defense mechanism to keep people away from getting hurt~~!

That poor, delicate, quasi-twilight flower.

Well, like I mentionned, you understand his character better as the story goes, and such (his past, etc.). =/ And I can't say yet if it will be the same for the other girls, but you can detect a change in his personnality somewhat once you get on a girl's route... ^.-

And the first H-scene I got is pretty far after you made the choice to get on that route. So at least there's some "development" and the sex isn't just for the sake of sex... At least IMO. o.O For what it's worth. >.>

But yeah, sadly for Makina, I'm not really into lolis. >.> Now, the next girl on the menu though... Is Amane. :> Now that should be slightly more amusing, I hope!

Edited by Phil777, 31 January 2014 - 06:09 AM.



    Fried Potato

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Omg, so much H-scenes. *_* And in such rapid sucession, no less... o.o




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Achievement unlocked : Orchard Cum Prison.




    Fried Potato

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Actually, we were discussing this yesterday in the random thread, and it doesn't mean what you think it means...


"cum 1  (ko͝om, kŭm)
Together with; plus. Often used in combination: our attic-cum-studio.
[Latin; see kom in Indo-European roots.]"



Honestly though, Amane has 5 H-scenes (the most), and the first one is unlocked the next day right after you get on her route. :o And you get the rest pretty fast, too. o.O

Small spoiler, but they don't always go "all the way". =/



    Fried Potato

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Oh, and Amane's backstory is helluva sad and scary. ; ; Seems like everyone in this school has a traumatic past or some psychological issues. =(

Won't spoil it for you, but let's just say the part that covered her backstory took me pretty much up to right now to read... >.> Ever since this morning.

The stories are definitely not for the faint-hearted. =.= Expect quite the FEEL trip. >.>



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Omg, that Amane's ending. ; ; I wanna cry, I feel so sad, but my tears won't come out. WAAAAH ; ;



    Fingerling Potato

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Amane's ending is ok. I really hated Makina ending though. Sachi's ending is meh, Michiru is worse then Sachi is and Sakaki is a standard ending i guess. Just comparing to g-senjo main arc and tomoyo after which have good story telling imo. Now playing through white album 2 and will most probably play through the other 2 parts of Grisaia once I have time.

Edited by atdy587, 03 February 2014 - 03:19 AM.



    Fried Potato

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Wish I could read Japanese so I could play the next 2 parts of Grisaia. ; ;

I mean, you start picking up some words with the voices, but... =/

Amane's ending is ok. I really hate Makina ending though. Sachi's ending is meh, Michiru is worse then Sachi is and Sakaki is a standard ending i guess. Just comparing to g-senjo main arc and tomoyo after which have good story telling imo. Now playing through white album 2 and will most probably play through the other 2 parts of Grisaia once I have time.


And yeah, Makina's ending was kinda meh. Her bad end was kinda disturbing too... @.@ Amane's the best girl so far. o/ Now going on Sachi's. :o




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Oh give me a break, that's like the worse excuse ever to insert an innuendo. They did that shit on purpose!



    Fried Potato

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Oh give me a break, that's like the worse excuse ever to insert an innuendo. They did that shit on purpose!

Whatever could you mean?




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Actually, we were discussing this yesterday in the random thread, and it doesn't mean what you think it means...


"cum 1  (ko͝om, kŭm)
Together with; plus. Often used in combination: our attic-cum-studio.
[Latin; see kom in Indo-European roots.]"



That's why I don't like TheFreeDictionary, it's not very straightforward and tends to present uncontemporary defs.



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*just passing by*

That's why I don't like TheFreeDictionary, it's not very straightforward and tends to present uncontemporary defs.







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