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Where is Nana to Kaoru (+ Arashi) ?

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    Potato Sprout

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I understand not hosting black label, but i still maintain NOT hosting this here is ridiculous. I have to goto a mangafo** affiliate or some shady site that Firefox swears is an attack site every 3rd trip i go.


Let me put it to you guys like this...


why would you NOT host this but be totally fine Hosting KissxSis? I think there's maybe 2 chapters in ONE HUNDRED AND THREE that have maybe 2 panels showing ANYTHING and they're usually inside a magazine Kaoru and his friends are pouring over.


i would say meanwhile, (and i shouldn't have to mention anything other than the series) shows the sisters topless multiple times, simulating sexual acts practically every chapter, and you say N2K is offensive? I've frankly seen more graphic short mangas hosted here...and mind you I'm not complaining about what IS on here, I'm complaining about what's NOT on here. you have tags for ecchi and even smut, most people on here tag things appropriately, so what? you can't set filters to make people log in and have a 18+birthdate set on their profiles?  Most of this stuff that is being stopped isn't even R-18 in japan! On top of all this, I hate telling people to goto a site OTHER than Batoto to read a manga I love and is ongoing.


I understand the community you're trying to foster and the powers that be you're trying to please. I'm annoyed by the not just double, but seemingly even triple standard applied when using your current rule set. You should probably think carefully about that, because doing something like applying stricter standards based on your rules, will nuke such a huge volume of manga from the site that you will be unlikely to maintain traffic. Obviously letting all the limits go is too much, but seriously, showing fully clothed S&M? that's hardly measurable against the string of violent fighting mangas, and it's only sexualized in the context of it's specific fetish. like what was commented before, nobody's getting a handy in this series, and there's almost no fondling, rarely any foul language, and not even a single line so far of anyone even talking about having intercourse with one-another.


feel free to ignore me, I'm just sad that sometime, somewhere along the way, something was said somewhere to one-another that allowed one of my favorite series to be removed from my favorite manga site.



    Sweet Potato

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^^ Meh, you're really making a mountain out of a molehill at this point. It's been said repeatedly that batoto doesn't restrict all mature content out of hand and that the issue with NtK is the depiction of underage characters in an S&M  relationship specifically. 


This is just beating a dead horse, the powers that be who control batoto (read as do all the work) can choose not to rehost whatever they darned well please..........it's their business, no one else's to try and demand they do what anyone else says. They've made a judgement call, you'll just have to live with it. 




    Potato Spud

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Wow, you guys still haven't approved this one? How childish. You have much worse mangas allowed on your site. I last looked at this like 2 years ago and I kept seeing mangas on Batoto which were much more graphic and sexual so I figured you had allowed this one back. You have mangas with rape, nudity, and extreme gore. But no softcore S&M from this harmless series?


What a joke.



    Sweet Potato

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just some interesting info is all.....






    ~A Majestic Ray of Light in the Dark of the Internet~ ☼_☼

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This is a reminder for everyone.


Wow, you guys still haven't approved this one? How childish. You have much worse mangas allowed on your site. I last looked at this like 2 years ago and I kept seeing mangas on Batoto which were much more graphic and sexual so I figured you had allowed this one back. You have mangas with rape, nudity, and extreme gore. But no softcore S&M from this harmless series?


What a joke.


This manga features underage characters engaged in sexual acts; hosting this comic is a violation of our policies and of  the laws of the country of residence of the owner of Batoto. http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/1286-offensive-material/page-2


It's as simple as that.


If you notice any other comics on Batoto that violate our policies, please report them, or contact a moderator.

Edited by ♫The Manta Rays-Alright!, 10 June 2014 - 08:04 PM.



    ~A Majestic Ray of Light in the Dark of the Internet~ ☼_☼

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Small update, in case you were getting restless:


We will have an official announcement about our adult content enforcement in the near future. We have come to a policy decision, and are currently in the process of reviewing many of our series. Future uploads should be vetted by contribution mods much more consistently. A longer explanation will accompany our announcement.


I can say, unequivocally, that we will not be allowing depictions of underage sexual content, as it is a violation of Canadian law, which is one of the countries' laws we are required to follow. If you absolutely must have your Nana to Kaoru, or anything else we've decided we can't host, simply go to another site. I do it too; we really won't be offended.


