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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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It's sad...VERY SADDENING. I really enjoy this site for reading manga. I don't think I'll find any other site quite like this. :( :( :(


Truly the most predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.


I'll remain with this site up to the last possible minute. So thank you for holding out until now. Rest well, knowing that at the very least I really appreciate this site you managed for so long. :batoto_012: :batoto_019:

Maybe if we all stay on after the close date we will be trapped in the world of manga like in Overlord.

That would be even better than Overlord.

Then again, Overlord was the worst Isekai since SAO.




    Potato Sprout

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What is preventing you from giving management to someone else? Being site owner doesn't mean you have to keep eye on it all the time.


I fail to see how this is a problem with bato.to and not a problem with your mindset. Bato.to seems to only cause your life problems because you are making so that it caused you problems, by wanting to be omnipresent and setting alarms for crashes and everything.


You don't need to do that. Hire someone to take care of site and stay as owner of the site who simply owns the place. Hiring people or finding someone else to keep this place up should not be a problem.

if he literally hired a sysadmin or two this could've been solved lmao

Comrade Cam

Comrade Cam

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Damn. I haven't been here super long, but I really appreciate all you have done.


I don't know if anyone knows of any decent alternatives or anything, but giving me suggestions besides the garbage that is mangafox/here/etc. would be much appreciated.





    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for building such a platform, and I hope you can take a break and enjoy your time now o/



    Potato Sprout

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    Potato Sprout

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i never really thought about who had to maintain the site, you deserve this well earned rest. thanks for everything!

Comrade Cam

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Damn. I haven't been here super long, but I really appreciate all you have done.


I don't know if anyone knows of any decent alternatives or anything, but giving me suggestions besides the garbage that is mangafox/here/etc. would be much appreciated.





    Potato Spud

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I'm really feeling down from this.


I thank all the team for 7 years of hard work, but... Fuck, I didnt needed this in my life right now.

Edited by Baldulf, 07 January 2018 - 10:10 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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You people have no spines. His poor management skills and selfish pity party to avoid giving over the site is the marked death of the entire system. Don't take this rolling over, let him know what a mistake it is.



    Potato Spud

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Grumpy, I've been using this site since 2011 and it's been one heck of a ride these past 7 years.  Best of luck to you and your future endeavors!




    Fingerling Potato

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Well, this sucks. :( Checking Batoto daily was part of my life since I found it way back when... Now I don't know where I'll find the rogue funny doujins, or smaller scanlations.




Your number one source for video game walkthroughs, and Visual Novels. :P






    Potato Spud

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Thank you for everything, Grump. Without you, this site that has been - in a word - integral to the last seven years of my life wouldn't have existed and my life would be the poorer for it.





    Potato Sprout

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thanks for hard work, I've been using this page for years and is sad to see it go

Edited by rashurk, 07 January 2018 - 10:12 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Fucking hell...



    Potato Spud

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Thanks for everything.  Enjoy the break, and take care!  :)



    Potato Sprout

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What is preventing you from giving management to someone else? Being site owner doesn't mean you have to keep eye on it all the time.
I fail to see how this is a problem with bato.to and not a problem with your mindset. Bato.to seems to only cause your life problems because you are making so that it caused you problems, by wanting to be omnipresent and setting alarms for crashes and everything.
You don't need to do that. Hire someone to take care of site and stay as owner of the site who simply owns the place. Hiring people or finding someone else to keep this place up should not be a problem.

Absolutely this, I can understand not being up to the task of continuing being in charge but there's gotta be a whole number of alternatives to shutting things down altogether. This site is nothing short of perfect for reading manga especially compared to every other site out there. I appreciate and thank you for making this site come to be and hope you luck in moving on past your time here but I think it absurd that killing it off is the only option left for it.



    Potato Sprout

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First and last post. 




    Potato Sprout

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Shutting down the whole site instead of just giving it to someone else just sounds like you're going "if I can't have it then no one can". I sympathize with how much effort you've put into this site and how it must have burned you out. But if it's too much for you, then hand it over to someone it isn't too much for.



    Potato Sprout

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You people have no spines. His poor management skills and selfish pity party to avoid giving over the site is the marked death of the entire system. Don't take this rolling over, let him know what a mistake it is.


The way you're goin about it is wrong. No one can tell another person what they should do, we can simply advice them. It's ultimately their choice.

Now, if you read my previous post, I did suggest that he should consider hiring some sysadmins to help him with the work and that donations could cover the cost because if the site benefits we all users benefit. Else, an e-hentai decentralized kind of thing could also work while being cheaper to maintain.



    Potato Sprout

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Really sad to see you go but thanks for the time you've invested into the site and the service you've provided us manga fans with. Best of luck to you and any future endeavors you choose to take on!


But out of curiosity, is there nobody trustworthy within the staff willing to pick up the mantle for running the site? Even if you'd like to quit it doesn't have to mean the abolishment of the entire site and the community it has built up.

Edited by Elbow, 07 January 2018 - 10:20 PM.