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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Russet Potato

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Well, this certainly marks the end of an era for the manga scanlation community. I wonder what the new batoto will be like...

Edited by AnimeManga272b, 17 January 2018 - 10:31 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Guess I'll stop lurking now



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for your hard work keeping Batoto going, I wish you the best



    Potato Sprout

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As many people before me this will be my first and last post, i really enjoyed reading manga here, there are other sites yes, but this site was special, i will really miss this site i know there's always an end and maybe someone will bring us a new begining but what matters more is to say THANK YOU! Thank you to every one that made batoto, we really enjoyed the experience we will miss you alot! ....


I wish you luck in your future endeavors!



    Fingerling Potato

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May your rest be peaceful, Batoto-san*. I beg whatever merciful gods may exist: Don't let Logan Paul come across Batoto-san in the Aokigahara Forest and take video for lolz. ( ; _ ; )


* - For reference, I'm not literally referring to any single living human. I'm only metaphorically referring to the community as a person.


Maybe You can coppy all stuff to Madokami or to some other site?

There are a lot of manga with missing chapters here or some non uploaded manga but at the same time this was the only pace for some other manga chapters that are only here and even manga it self. i have found some other nice gems that can't be found anywhere else.

Please don't just delete all manga, give all that to someone trustworthy.

And at the end take care, You did a good job.

Sorry, but strong indications are that all with the power to do otherwise have decided to take their ball and go home (i.e. nothing will be publicly-available except maybe the forums). Your mileage may vary on how hundreds of scanlators' work became their ball.


(Your mileage may also vary on how keeping forums publicly-available, but not the manga, jibes with the claim that doing it this way is necessary to protect accountholders' personal info.)



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you, Grumpy. Hope you find a more tranquil project in the future. 


Thank you also to the Batoto team in general. For those planning on carrying the torch, I look forward to new projects.

Edited by tehapoc, 17 January 2018 - 11:00 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Thank you, Grumpy. Hope you find a more tranquil project in the future. 


Thank you also to the Batoto team in general. For those planning on carrying the torch, I look forward to new projects.

I hope that this is indeed the case. The last person I saw offering to help in any fashion got a staffer replying it had been filed in the suggestion box, followed by an image of crumpled paper in a trash can.



    Potato Sprout

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Dang, this was my favorite reading site. Any chance of having someone else take over the reigns? 



    Equine non grata

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how keeping forums publicly-available, but not the manga, jibes with the claim that doing it this way is necessary to protect accountholders' personal info

protecting info = nuking user data (logins, passwords, emails, PMs, etc.). also has ZERO relation to manga, don't make stuff up.


forum posts are something public (like pinning a note on town's notice board or you talking in a bus; and this applies to pretty much every other non-private forum you will find), and at least some users want to keep their posts (or informative posts (or otherwise nostalgic or interesting posts)) alive for longer (and the forum part was always zero burden on the site and lightweight (not counting IPB borking up on having too many forum entries at one point)); can't see how they're part of private data unless someone was dumb enough to post their address or irl name in one of their posts (in which case it's freely available in places like google caches and was crawled by bots aeons ago).




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    Fingerling Potato

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protecting info = nuking user data (logins, passwords, emails, PMs, etc.). also has ZERO relation to manga, don't make stuff up.

That was exactly my point. I'm surprised to get public agreement.



    Potato Sprout

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12 pm here, one more look at batoto before going to sleep – possibly my last look…


you are one of the places I could rest my heart and mind


~thanks for everything~

goodnight & farewell big one



Edited by blacky, 17 January 2018 - 11:33 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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12 pm here, one more look at batoto before going to sleep – possibly my last…


you are one of the places I could rest my heart and mind


~thanks for everything~

goodnight & farewell big one


I hope with all my heart "last" was intended to refer to "look".


If not, please call or text (877) 870-HOPE (4673).



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for all your hard work over the years. Enjoy your sleep, and maybe we will meet again someday.



    Potato Sprout

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Bye :(



    Potato Sprout

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Came back from vacation and really sad to hear about that. Thank you, its been pleasant 4 years for me.



    Potato Sprout

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I hope with all my heart "last" was intended to refer to "look".


If not, please call or text (877) 870-HOPE (4673).


thanks - I edited my post, did not realise it sounded so suicidal



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for all *sigh*



    Potato Sprout

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Like a lot of others this is my first and last post, but this site has been brilliant for all time i've been on it, take care.



    Fingerling Potato

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thanks - I edited my post, did not realise it sounded so suicidal

My apologies for my tendency to hyper-worry... I know from experience that being worried about needlessly can be aggravating and stressful. And thank you for checking in to let us know everything's okay. m(_._)m


Suicide has become far too common a cause of grief for everyone involved. Thaaaaanks, sick and twisted society that places zero value on life for its own sake (versus to make someone a profit).



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for your work I only been using this site for jojo but thanks to batoto I finish part 5 to 7 !