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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for this great site, JoJo is the one got me into it, truely thankful!



    Couch Potato

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Dear Grumps and staff,


Since reading Tower of God and Kubera many, many years ago, when you were still translating it, you guided me towards this beautiful place. A place where I discovered a love for manga/manwha/webtoons and a place where i could share that love. Then, and now, none of my friends are interested in these asian comics and left me with no one to talk to about the hobby and passion i spend a large portion of my life on. That changed in 2012, when i decided to make an account for Batoto. A new world opened before me, packed with people who shared the same interest, albeit with different tastes, a lot of which are pretty trash. But still, it allowed me to inspire and to be inspired by others, which have led me to many hours/days/weeks/months/years of well spend time. 


Back when I made an account, I was 18 and started college. I wasn't in the healthiest of mindsets at that time and I still am not. Reading manga amongst other things let me pass my time fast, calm down and just take it easy for a bit, which was something I really needed when i was confused about my place in the world. Many summer breaks were passed by just opening Batoto in the morning and closing it in the evening before i went to bed again. I was a big time user of the forums, and the random thread alone has been blessed by more than 20.000 posts from me. I wouldn't be suprised if you saw my name pop up in like 50% of the threads on the forum. I just passed my time doing dumb shit, posting cringy random garbage, creeping on people on the camwhore thread, play all kinds of forum games and above all get to know a lot of cool people, which i could discuss literally everything with.


Looking back on it, I took Batoto for granted, never crossing my mind that this too would someday fade away. After all those years, I was desperately clinging on, refusing to let go. This was the same for a lot of things in my life, warring change and being naive enough to think that some things would last forever. Nothing does. I guess I am still childish for believing and hoping this would be different. I never stood still by how much this place meant to me, as i was fading out more and more, being busy getting beaten down by life and not nearly posting as much as i used to. All the contacts i made over the years watered down as well and now that im staring down at this site's oblivion, I'm left with a lot of regrets. I should've followed more manga, talked to more people, join comment sections under manga and not take all these scanlated manga for granted. But alas, after trying to type something profound and meaningfull here for many tries and redoing it for even more times, it must come to an end. Batoto has helped and entertained me more than I ever gave it credit for and for that I am grateful.


I hate you for taking it away from us, but I love you dearly for even giving me and others this oppertunity in the first place. I guess as it all fades away, I'll try to make decisions for myself as you have, hoping to improve myself so that in 5 years, or even 20 years, when Im filled with nostalgia and a hint of sadness and lonelines and I decide to look up Batoto one last time, greeted by a 404, I will be able to look back happily and filled with a sense of purpose, hope and laughter. You and the staff are responsible for a lot of good times for every single member and I don't think you give yourselves enough credit for that.


As the clock ticks away, and im scurrying along, typing my final goodbye, it feels like I'm at the funeral of a good friend. Let this post be my last boguet, a ray of light in the dark times ahead, bringing no regrets for ever spending the time together. 


As the music swells one last time, and people start to turn their backs and walk away and you dissapear out of sight, I'm left with tears in my eyes, air in my lungs but a lump in my throat, leaving me with no more words to say.



Thank you, and goodbye, old friend.

Edited by 2hot4you, 17 January 2018 - 07:56 PM.




    Potato Sprout

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Farewell and thank you :)



    Couch Potato

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tl;dr lol

The opinions expressed by this user are solely their own and do not express the views of Batoto and its staff.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for all the fun and the inspiration. Batoto has been one of the bastions of manga in the internet. Please enjoy life and farewell.


Signed: A lurker, speaking for so many.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for the memories, passion, time, effort and for all you have done for us lurkers to read manga. I hope you know you made several peoples life better and if the sites making yours hell you should quit. Have a good life. And to everyone else see you on the next one hopefully.



    Potato Sprout

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Batoto for me was a website that holds a special place in my heart. Before Batoto exists i was wondering if was it truly good to read manga in a manga reader that profits from a scanlation and even putting watermarks without even notify the scanlation itself?Then someday in a credits page of a scanlation i read that there's going to be built a website that were made for supporting the scanlation the way it supposed to be. Ever since then i always read at Batoto. I always use Batoto because it was really convenient in so many ways i can appreciate a scanlation works and read it at the highest quality as possible in which other website really lacking. I always  wanted to support Batoto by donating however i doesnt have the means to do it and now the opportunity has vanished. These 7 years have been great, No amount of thanks would be enough for you and everyone who  contribute to Batoto. Thank you for all the hard works that you gave us. Once again, Thank You!



    Potato Sprout

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Sad news. I will remember this website fondly.



    Potato Spud

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It's a shame you're closing the site but I understand your reasons. It was very good source of manga for years since I registered. Well, good luck in your life.




    Potato Sprout

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Been with this site for 5-6 years. This is my first and last post. Thank you for all your hard work, it has been a pleasure.



    Potato Spud

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    Potato Sprout

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well shit i only have less than 12 hours to download the stuff i want. just discovered batoto was shutting down i was taking a break from the internet

Edited by Dninja, 17 January 2018 - 09:14 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Only discovered this site about a year ago but have already really enjoyed it. As many others have said thank you very much for all you did, it was not unappreciated :) have a great time and hope you get to relax now. Goodbye and thanks  for all the fish



    Potato Spud

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well shit i only have less than 12 hours to download the stuff i want. just discovered batoto was shutting down i was taking a break from the internet

Aaand you can go right back to taking a break from the internet - since with the departure of batoto a great source of procastination leaves this world, too.


Once upon a time the world of scanslation was up in arms against Mangafox & co. - at that time I have made my way to Batoto.

That was in a land far-far away - called the past.


I will miss the site it and the manga I have found here have kept my spirits up when the world was bleak.

Yet all good things come to an end and life still goes on.  But who knows, maybe there will come a time when batoto will turn fiery red andrise from the hard drives like the phoenix from the ashes!


With this being said I have but one thing to add:


There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good
sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more.
-- Woody Allen



    Potato Spud

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So many hours on batoto...

farewell and hank you ! 



    Potato Sprout

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Maybe You can coppy all stuff to Madokami or to some other site?

There are a lot of manga with missing chapters here or some non uploaded manga but at the same time this was the only pace for some other manga chapters that are only here and even manga it self. i have found some other nice gems that can't be found anywhere else.

Please don't just delete all manga, give all that to someone trustworthy.

And at the end take care, You did a good job.



    Potato Sprout

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meh im just going to give up downloading. too much work with so little time im just gonna read until the servers drop for these few hours... :( and also i just visited a few aggregator sites and they have wrong chapters for lots of chapters on some manga.

Edited by Dninja, 17 January 2018 - 09:36 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you so much for all your efforts in running this site, and more, for all these years! It will be missed but wishing you and the team the very best going forward!!!!



    Potato Sprout

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thanks for everything, time here was enjoyable, take care :) 



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for all that years when we could read all manga(even the trashiest one) sometimes not even found in the deeps o internet, add manga/webcomics in many languages,read user comments that many times make me laugh or give some of our own comments.

Hope you luck and hope that someone would help all those lost manga fans by reviving idea of batoto.