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Broken compability with Webcomic reader

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    Potato Spud

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Might aswell since we already have another thread like this :P



I tried to find the cause by following https://web.archive.org/web/20140222212439/http://userscripts.org/topics/86377 and my little knowledge, however I failed >.<


Using http://vatoto.com/reader#6e80d970d861431d_8 as an example:

URL: Bato.to - not much to say there


<img id="comic_page" style="max-width: 100%;" src="Okasu%20Bekarazu&amp;%2333;&amp;%2333;%20Junketsu%20Tokku&amp;%2333;%20-%20vol%201%20ch%201%20Page%208%20_%20Batoto%21_files/img000008.png" alt="Okasu Bekarazu!! Junketsu Tokku! - vol 1 ch 1 Page 8 | Batoto!" onerror="imgError(this);" onload="adjust_page_width();">

should be fine

Back & Next:

should find the buttons since the titles are the same

<a href="http://bato.to/reader#6e80d970d861431d_9" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="Okasu%20Bekarazu&amp;%2333;&amp;%2333;%20Junketsu%20Tokku&amp;%2333;%20-%20vol%201%20ch%201%20Page%208%20_%20Batoto%21_files/next.png" title="Next Page" border="0&quot;"></a>

Rest seems to be useless / optional

Maybe Custom CSS/ Action is required, but my knowledge is way too bad for that. So if anybody else who uses the script knows what exactly goes wrong, please tell!

Edited by Surted, 06 November 2015 - 03:12 PM.



    Sweet Potato

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So.......you're basically saying that you're using some sort of add on/script thingy to operate while on batoto then, is that right? If I'm understanding you right, I'd just assume whatever it is you're using is no different than what all the other people have been talking about, in that it's been affected by batoto's recent changes specifically done to defeat those sorts of things.


Abandon ship, matey, and just quit using it here. If this is the case, it just isn't going to work.........and more attempts at getting it to work here might well get you banned on top of it  :)




    Potato Spud

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So.......you're basically saying that you're using some sort of add on/script thingy to operate while on batoto then, is that right? If I'm understanding you right, I'd just assume whatever it is you're using is no different than what all the other people have been talking about, in that it's been affected by batoto's recent changes specifically done to defeat those sorts of things.


Abandon ship, matey, and just quit using it here. If this is the case, it just isn't going to work.........and more attempts at getting it to work here might well get you banned on top of it   :)

It's a userscript which just changes the reader to be more userfriendly: Jby4jLO.png

It gives you the option to resize images to match your viewport, makes it so when you change pages you start with the image (so you wont have to scroll down everytime), lets you remember pages etc.

From what I've read in the announcement those changes were made to handle bots, not changes to the reader.



    Sweet Potato

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It's a userscript which just changes the reader to be more userfriendly: It gives you the option to resize images to match your viewport, makes it so when you change pages you start with the image (so you wont have to scroll down everytime), lets you remember pages etc.

From what I've read in the announcement those changes were made to handle bots, not changes to the reader.


Mmmm...........well, I'm no expert, I'm not staff, but it sure does sound a lot like what's in these two threads to me......






But good luck with it  :)




    Fingerling Potato

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I was taking a look at it while I was doing something else but sort of wandered off since I wasn't sure what it was for. What in particular was not working? All of it?

I have come to warn you of the things beyond the wall and the men behind the machines.



    Potato Spud

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Mmmm...........well, I'm no expert, I'm not staff, but it sure does sound a lot like what's in these two threads to me......






But good luck with it   :)


Never used amr, since I hate chrome, however unlike it webcomic reader doesn't check for updates. Got no clue about its refreshing tho.

But thanks ^^



I was taking a look at it while I was doing something else but sort of wandered off since I wasn't sure what it was for. What in particular was not working? All of it?


Thanks alot!

Yes. It doesn't even appear at all, no buttons, no saved pages etc. :s




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Want to migrate to my script? It's a bit different but it works. There is a 3sec timer per page request so it shouldn't get you banned.

Tired of halved double page spreads? Want to read manga like an actual tankoubon? Just want to load all pages in a chapter at once?

Try Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode+ Now!!!!



    Potato Spud

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Want to migrate to my script? It's a bit different but it works. There is a 3sec timer per page request so it shouldn't get you banned.


Thanks alot for the suggestion, I gave it a shot, however it seems to only load the same page: g7FXosb.png :P

But unlike Webcomic it can only resize if the width is too large, not the length, which is the main problem here since my monitor is relatively small and it being in fluid mode makes it so you still have to scroll down which were the main reasons i used it.


I'll try to relearn js and look into the script code maybe I will be able to find something. Many comments are in spanish ^^ If i manage to fix it I'll post it here so others can use it too.

Edited by Surted, 08 November 2015 - 04:34 PM.




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Thanks alot for the suggestion, I gave it a shot, however it seems to only load the same page: g7FXosb.png :P

But unlike Webcomic it can only resize if the width is too large, not the length, which is the main problem here since my monitor is relatively small and it being in fluid mode makes it so you still have to scroll down which were the main reasons i used it.


I'll try to relearn js and look into the script code maybe I will be able to find something. Many comments are in spanish ^^ If i manage to fix it I'll post it here so others can use it too.

So you want to limit it by window height and not width? You can also set the default zoom to auto resize as well as using the zoom buttons. It shouldn't be too hard to add a function to limit by height. I could also add additional default zoom levels for you to choose.


Also what is the url you are trying to load? I haven't had that problem since I finished changing the code for Batoto.



Same chapter(?) English Kagamigami ch 1 on Batoto no problem whatsoever:


Edited by sneezemonkey, 09 November 2015 - 12:36 AM.

Tired of halved double page spreads? Want to read manga like an actual tankoubon? Just want to load all pages in a chapter at once?

Try Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode+ Now!!!!



    Potato Spud

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Think i found the issue


it seems to be trying to access only /reader and not the rest of the URL, which also explains why you get redirected to /reader after changing settings. Now it's time for me to continue learning so I can solve how to fix this >-<

Maybe one of the .split('#')'s in the script is causing this? :S


Edit 2:


No clue why but now I get the right url in console, however it still doesn't work maybe just glitched out before? The userscript only doesn't work when either the Image or the Layout Container can't be found, which it should so no clue what exactly breaks it =/



I could also add additional default zoom levels for you to choose.

Appreciate the effort alot, tho the only way it'd work out for me is the way Webcomic reader is atm, with full sized images and arrow keys to switch pages. So I'd rather try to fix this script than make you do alot of work :S

Btw i reinstalled the userscript and that fixed it... no clue what I did wrong >.<

Edited by Surted, 16 November 2015 - 11:45 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Just in case you didn't notice, Batoto compatibility for webcomic reader has been fixed.


You can grab it here:




    Potato Spud

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Just in case you didn't notice, Batoto compatibility for webcomic reader has been fixed.


You can grab it here:


Thanks alot! :D

I failed pretty miserably at fixing it myself, glad somebody else managed to do it! Now I can finally read all the saved up mangas! =)