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Tags and Genres you'd like to see implemented.

- - - - - tag genre request unified

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    Potato Sprout

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I think a tag for all those living/playing/transported in a RPG world works would be useful (for me, to read them all :P ).


Examples that would receive the tag:










    Potato Spud

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I’d really like it if there was a "heartwarming" tag, as I often feel like looking for this kind of manga, and based on comments there I think I’m not alone =D
I know that shoujo-ai and 4 koma are usually a good source for that kind of manga, still they are not the only source so...

Edited by ROTFLMAOMAGNETS, 02 February 2016 - 09:16 PM.
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    Potato Sprout

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I would like to request an educational tag to be added. Example of series for which it could be used for:







    Potato Sprout

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Personally I'd like to see a "Transgender" tag. In my opinion using the "Gender Bender" tag for that is rather incorrect and could easily be taken offensively.



    Fried Potato

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Personally I'd like to see a "Transgender" tag. In my opinion using the "Gender Bender" tag for that is rather incorrect and could easily be taken offensively.


Anybody thin-skinned enough to be offended by that deserves to be offended.  Japanese manga comes from a different culture that does not suffer from that damnable disease of "Political Correctness" and we should not try to infect this site with that vile disease.

Always yield to temptation, it may not come your way again!

Thank you for your attention.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled manga, already in progress.



    Potato Sprout

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Crime - Sometimes might overlap with mature, action, martial arts, sci-fi and seinen/shonen among others but seems distinct enough.
Chanbara - Mostly the same as above, with slightly different overlaps.

Green Donut

Green Donut

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Tags: Gore, Explicit 


The mature filter doesn't discriminate between the various types of mature content, so similar tags should be added. Seinen, Horror, Tragedy, and Ecchi don't seem to cut it for some content.


I agree with adding transgender and RPG tags to seperate fantasy and reality, and accommodate for the increasing content. 



Types: Manfra (Fr), Comic (Int) 


There seems to be an influx of original english Webtoons being translated here, so why not.



    Potato Sprout

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"Military" tag.

There is a lot of manga like that: garupan, Upotte, Takeshi Nogami works, etc. And it refers to the pretty popular army otaku content.

It would be a lot of help for /ak/ scanslations.



    Potato Sprout

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some kind of tag for people looking for the genre of people entering a new world of some kind. being reborn or sent there or whatever, as long as its a new world.
the fantasy/supernatural tags are way to wide to find that kind of stuff efficiently :P



    Potato Sprout

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Ay yo there should really be a change in the definition of the Gender Bender tag to add an exception to series that actually explore transgender issues and experiences. It's kind of fucked up to equate, say, a series depicting the actual life events of a woman in her transition to fucking Ranma 1/2.

I'm reasonably sure this wouldn't come up too too often and wouldn't involve a significant amount of re-tagging.

Edited by ROTFLMAOMAGNETS, 11 March 2016 - 08:34 AM.
moved from QA

Gala Lion

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I would like to see a Thriller Tag I mean horror and Thriller are 2 different things after all.



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    Potato Sprout

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Ay yo there should really be a change in the definition of the Gender Bender tag to add an exception to series that actually explore transgender issues and experiences. It's kind of fucked up to equate, say, a series depicting the actual life events of a woman in her transition to fucking Ranma 1/2.

I'm reasonably sure this wouldn't come up too too often and wouldn't involve a significant amount of re-tagging.

Adding onto this, I'd think that Crossdressing is distinct enough from Gender Bending to warrant its own tag.



Agreed, especially given how popular the isekai genre has gotten so far. I'd even put reincarnation stories in their own separate category.



    Fingerling Potato

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I'd like to suggest to add a tag named "platonic relationships" to use for manga that are "focusing" [since platonic relationships are not really in the focus of the story but rather a side-element, focusing isn't a very good word to use, but the meaning should be clear with this statement xD] on relationships between 2 people below a certain level of intimacy (i.e. the characters share a special bound but don't have any physical relationship[i.e. no kissing,hugging,etc;holding hands is ok because it also is used between friends and relatives]).

I believe it would be good to differenciate platonic relationships and romantic relationships.


The main reason is that the focus of those two kinds of "romances" is generally different.

While normal "Romance" mangas mainly focus on how two characters meet, get attracted to each other and share a more or less physical relationship with each other throughout the story, those featuring a "platonic relationship" mainly focus on the interactions, thoughts and happenings of the two involved parties.

The story mainly revolves about how the interaction between the two parties change them and how they grow with each other and overcome certain obstacles rather than "how to confess", "how to kiss" or "how to get into their pants".


The other reason is that the Romance tag alone will/may mislead people looking for platonic love stories rather than "erotic" love stories and vice versa and promise them something they might not find inside the story, making them feel disappointed reading dozens of chapters for something that will never happen or drop the story disgusted if the cast is not so pure as the tag might suggest.


Good examples for stories that could get this tag would be Card Captor Sakura (Sakura & Shaolan) or Mamotte Shugogetten (Tasuke & Shaolin).


P.S.: It would also be good to add this since there is no differentiation yet for "straight" stories (homosexual relationships have, per definition on Batoto, a differentiation between more and less physical relationships via tags[Shounen/Shoujo Ai and Yuri/Yaoi] in addition to the smut tag, while romance doesn't have this yet).

Edited by Theoderich, 03 September 2016 - 01:15 PM.




    Potato Spud

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Batoto exclusive tag for obvious reason pretty sure at one point that number of exclusive title will increase (putting a new button in between the comics and the random button would also suffice) got to think big lol

tbh my reason is because i just recently knew about this thing bellow the page, batoto didn't even announced that they had one, and as a free user I would like to support this site more so one day batoto could make that 18+(not hentai just those that they remove cause of to much nudity or something) site they said they'll make one day, still waiting btw




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I suggest Game to be a searchable tag since it's mainstream and there's a growing number of manga with this theme. Survival game and death game fall under this category, along with RPG, video games, and other non-sport games.


Another tag that I assume people would want to include or exclude in advanced searches is Apocalyptic. A great number of readers follow manga with the theme centered on any apocalypse event such as plague/virus, civil war, natural catastrophe, alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, or the world after destruction, so this includes post-apocalyptic and survival as well.

Edited by raveysas, 07 September 2016 - 05:06 PM.



    Potato Spud

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My two cents, don't add more tags.

Too many tags makes chaos not order.

E-shuushuu has this problem bajillions of pics it gets too hard to filter down and enter all the tags.

so what happens in most of them don't get used even if appropriate.


We have a problem of not using them enough here.  Heck i just tagged 10 titles with doujinshi, that had the tag right in the title...


You can have a more tags but i don't think its going to help improve things.  plus the old stuff doesn't get tag added in most cases.


either way good luck.


Now if you could cure all the 5 star stuff that isn't....


If i had one tag to add it would be [Year Released] field.



    Potato Sprout

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Know how there is school life...shouldn't there be an equivalent of work life/office life or something...



    Kraftwerk Potato

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Id like to suggest "Axed"

I read it in some comment under an axed manga and I think its a good tag 

since some people may want to avoid axed mangas

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    Potato Spud

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Quite a few mangas I've read are marked as using the romance tags (yuri, yaoi, etc) with same-sex couples that contains very little romance and being more like a close friendship. A similar situation exists for those mangas with male/female couples that don't evolve into romance.
Thus I'd like to suggest "Friendship" as a new tag for friendship type mangas.

Edited by ROTFLMAOMAGNETS, 14 December 2016 - 06:26 PM.
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    Potato Spud

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I would like to propose a "Years/Time/Moment " tag.Something as 60's,80's,10's¿?


Sometimes,I just want to read some good oldies,or,most precisely,avoid things like the nowadays shitty Light Novels adaptations.There are to many "Kirito's" or "Tatsuya's",which are,rightly, in the shounen tag,buuuut...it's feels unfairly that real "machos" like the JoJo's,Kenshiro's,Space Cobra characters and such have to be in the same group as the previously mentioned.