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[OOC] Super-Powered

Heroes Villains Comic Books

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Shmuser Name

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Accepted applicants:

  • Oleander (Villain) Dr. Volante Vivianne Venturi
  • Rise (Neutral) Mathias Jude
  • Dynamo (Hero) Edgar Renfield
  • #29 (Neutral) Henchman #29
  • Acrux (Neutral) Raulin Crucis
  • Lillith (Villain) Layla Boden
  • Roger (Neutral) Joshua White






Alpha City, located somewhere on the eastern seaboard of the United States of America. It is the largest civilized location in the country. Alpha City is extremely modern, and is a hub for international tourism due to its polished, modern urban environment and status as the USA's new center of command. Alpha City is a massive location that connects to many rivers and the Atlantic Ocean. It possesses truly magnificent architecture, such as towering skyscrapers and bitchin' capital buildings. It has many separate districts, which behave like slices of the USA of old. For example: one district is a nexus for fashion and technology, while another behaves more like Hollywood, along with a separate district that performs heavy agricultural production. The local government of the area includes a mayor, governor, and finally a small senatorial committee that is superior to both figure-head political leaders of the state and township.

As expressed in the timeline, technology hasn't evolved much from current times. The relations between different nations remains the same as they always were, albeit slackened a slight bit due to the mass erasing of a massive chunk of the world's population. However, due to the blending of alternate realities humanity now possesses a plethora of superhumans ranging from all age groups. Discrimination is low, at least in the USA, but there are political and military complications with the arrival of these strange new human beings. For now, things are relatively stable and balanced. Legions and alliances have been cemented, and all good people desire for a peaceful existence. However, the flaws of humanity still provoke certain individuals or groups of people to commit violent acts for personal gain. Supervillains now add to the ranks of burglar, murderer, terrorist, and more.
The Roleplay

Create a character who fits into this universe, who shall be on the side of good, evil, or behave a neutral player. With the supervillain known as God having vanished, there are still powerful and evil superhumans who plot and enact harmful deeds upon society. Alpha City is home to more than its fair share of gangs and criminals, as well as supervillains. Mayor Hughemeyer has established a central command tower within a skyscraper that handles all superhumans related crimes. It is run by a special superhuman police division, that is well funded and ever ready to carry out justice, protecting and serving the people of the city. This division is headed by a man named Commissioner Arden, a very competent and well-aged man who handles the complicated matters of superhuman and normal citizen issues rather well.

Your character is new to the whole hero/villain business, but that does not mean they are naive or completely lacking of knowledge in their field. Express their backstories well, take care to touch upon contemporary events or issues in order to add that flavor of realism to your already inhuman personality. A strong supervillain is plotting from the shadows, behaving as an anonymous threat to a vast majority of the city.

Your character starts off in a district of Alpha City, creating their origin story by improvising from the setting they inhabit. I will assign where a hero or neutral is placed, as villains are allowed to choose their own district. I will also catalog the characters of this RP to their owners. Heroes generally work for the good of the citizens. Villains desire to satisfy their personal desires, and do not care if harm must come to the rest of society - they might even find pleasure in it. Neutrals have lesser roles in the overall events of the Roleplay, but still contribute solid influence to the direction of the plot. 

Alpha City - Fashion + Tech District: Criminal hackers are blackmailing and extorting private information as well as vast amounts of money from the various establishments of the region. One major company called "Varrion", known for its banking and vast amount of subscriptions, has invested in enormous cyber-security defenses to combat these expert technophile criminals. Still, the drug-ridden gangs and dramatic struggle of law enforcement against the flashy supervillains of the region persists and festers in this seedy district.


Main Plot - Skyscraper Heist


Alpha City - Glam District: Known for its amazing penthouse industry, beaches, and celebrity hotspots, this district has its fair share of organized crime units and collective supervillain groups. The number of psychologically disturbed criminals is on the rise, which harms even the most innocent members of society. There is a rise of public shootings and grotesque homicides, and some whisper that the work of demonic, satanic, or occult influences have a firm grasp in this district of sin.


Main Plot - Vampire Fight Club

Character Sheet below
No limit to characters

Power: (limited to three main super-abilities, must have a weakness on par with the strength of your ability)
Affiliation: Hero/Villain/Neutral
Physical Appearance:
"Super" Appearance: (costume/uniform)


Example Application






Rules (Standard Forum Rules apply)

1. Listen to me. You can dispute things with me, I have an open mind and encourage people to help enjoy the story as much as I enjoy making it. Just remember to listen, stay calm and be free to ask questions. If I put my foot down on something, then it is the end of discussion.
2. Do not have a bad attitude. Arguments or concerns are quite welcome to be discussed in the OOC thread. Still, trolling/flaming will result in a ban.
3. Do not abuse the leeway you have in creating super powers/abilities. Stay realistic and provide a decent explanation of the mechanics of your character's power(s). Provide weaknesses, and be self-conscious of the scope of abilities that allow people or objects to travel long distances.

4. Do NOT rip things off or copy a majority of other concepts or ideas. Inspiration and originality love each other, remember that well.

5. I acknowledge that players might want to have personal plot events to add more life to the story. Be sure to clear it with me first through a PM, and educate the other players as you see fit. Just don't wrestle control of the plot away from me and create something that affects the story in a massive, irreversible way. Obviously I won't let that slide, so moderate your aspirations.
6. Extended leaves of absences, the limit being a week and a half of no activity with no prior warning will result in a ban. I'll handle how your character(s) plays into the Roleplay.

Submit your characters and have fun.


Final Words:


As a nice way to introduce characters to the OOC thread, I recommend:

  • Using spoiler tags
  • Having a nice little preface to the application itself possibly something that may reflect the current state of certain aspects of the RP, or perhaps some praise and and honor for a new character (as they do in the comic-book hero genre graphic novels and manga)
  • Adding music or a soundtrack that represents your character!

Edited by Shmuser Name, 25 April 2015 - 03:53 PM.




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Feel like stretching my roleplaying legs. I'll make a character if this gets some more players.

Diabolical Rhapsody

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This seems very interesting, but I have a question of how will you scale the powers that most would try to bring to the table? What can be considered god-modding and if there happens to be PvP in the story, will you be the judge?


Also, can we make a villain or are only heroes allowed?



If you have the time: 


Shmuser Name

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Here's a knowledge drop! Thanks for the questions, I really appreciate the feedback.


In this RP, you can create a Hero, a Villain, or a Neutral character. The former two are both immerse conditions a person places themselves into for the sake of roleplaying. Neutrals are for the more casual players who want to have fun, not invest themselves too much into character creation.


I ask that people scale powers to more reasonable limits after checking over their application. I do not accept applications where the player has ignored my requests to tone down to beef up their abilities - I do not ask that they change their powers, just to alter the thresholds and limits of them. I enjoy suggesting things and assisting in creating plotlines as well.


I keep fair PvP in mind a lot, and therefore I keep these main categories in mind a lot:


  • Hyper-extreme Strength of the Gods (I don't really like the concept of someone having the ability to kill another person with a light tap, but increased strength is still allowed)
  • Speed-ability abuse (Increased reflexes are allowed based on circumstance of power origin)
  • Portals and Pocket Dimensions (these can get annoying if people abuse them or don't balance their uses out)


PvP is based off of the receiving player's reaction to the conflict's exchanges. I expect players to be reasonable when they PvP, and to also be fair. As for when the GM (myself) brings forwards world-conflicts for the players, I expect them to not just KO all the NPCs in a single post or anything of that unsavory fashion, but to think realistically and not egocentrically.


I also do updates.

Edited by Shmuser Name, 30 March 2015 - 08:48 PM.



    Russet Potato

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I will read this tomorrow, my brain can't handle many words in the same post


<lurk mode activated>



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Fatal Blood

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 I really like the setting for this one. I'm so gonna make a character for this, but a question. If somebody has a picture of a character that's in and out of costume, could they put those up instead of a description?

If it ain`t broke... go back and rob it again.

Shmuser Name

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Alcruid, I hope you return and can get a handle on things, feel free to lurk to your heart's desire. It wouldn't hurt to join the fun as well.


Fatal Blood, pictures > text descriptions

Hell yeah you can use images.

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Thanks and though I'm a bit late in this. But welcome to our little world. I, as my name suggests, am the Fiend that resides in this microcosm. Shall work on a CS soon.


Skeleton of CS underway. Will make major changes to adapt to the story. Bringing back an old favorite.



Edited by RP Fiend, 03 April 2015 - 03:14 PM.



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    Russet Potato

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Just to avoid confusion it's probably best to put {OOC] in the title


I keep thinking it's the actual RP when I see this in [general]



I'll get to it tomorrow, atm I'm still procrastinating something orz



My webcomic (action | fantasy | adventure | mystery) on Batoto (image)


Hear me sing and help me grow and improve! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGBxlhBeruObuKrVkQaTRtw

Alcruid | Al | Alc | Altan | Alcchan



Shmuser Name

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What a sadistic villain, good one! I see she's mostly likely from another RP that I skimmed over when first testing the waters for myself of this place. Thanks for the warm welcome, Fiend. Shawty u da bes...u da u da bes


Alcruid, this is the OOC thread and I do regret not putting [OOC] in the title...but I think my point speaks for itself. I'll get to it right away though.

Edited by Shmuser Name, 31 March 2015 - 07:49 PM.

Diabolical Rhapsody

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What a sadistic villain, good one! I see she's mostly likely from another RP that I skimmed over when first testing the waters for myself of this place. Thanks for the warm welcome, Fiend. Shawty u da bes...u da u da bes


Alcruid, this is the OOC thread and I do regret not putting [OOC] in the title...but I think my point speaks for itself. I'll get to it right away though.

Yeah sadly, she never got a chance to shine in that one.


I'll be tailoring it to this storyline to fit better. When the changes are finished, I'll put for your final acceptance.



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Neutrals are for the more casual players who want to have fun, not invest themselves too much into character creation.


Heeeey. Don't write off neutral characters like that, they're a lot more believable than straight-forward heroes and villains. Unquestioning do-gooders feel either naive or outright divorced from reality, and the only characters that would self-identify as villains are one-dimensional caricatures and psychopaths in it for the evulz.


Is this is intended as a standard good versus evil combat story, or is there room for moral complexity?

Edited by Seikah, 31 March 2015 - 08:56 PM.

Fatal Blood

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Done, I think.

Edited by Fatal Blood, 11 April 2015 - 08:36 PM.

If it ain`t broke... go back and rob it again.

Shmuser Name

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Seikah, I apologize for my poor word choice. However, you shouldn't write off Heroes and Villains as characters who are condemned to always possess a one-dimensional, stock profile.


I was saying that story-wise, Neutrals don't swing as hard as a Hero or a Villain when it comes down to establishing plotlines and character interaction (at least, from the two times I've done this RP in the past it didn't turn out that way). Neutrals are for people who don't want to play as a caricature, but at the same time a Hero or Villain doesn't need to be portrayed as a caricature either.


I believe that any character, no matter what alignment they are, can be written into a morally or psychologically complex character. Seikah, I don't force a "Good v. Evil" playground type of theme here, I love seeing what people think of when they have their character(s) develop through the story. I love reading believable characters, but I also understand the use and enjoyment in playing as an unbelievable caricature from time to time.


@Fatal Blood


Good-looking application so far. I'm eager for the completed product.




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I didn't write off any character, though I do think the examples I provided aren't ever believable; the unquestioning do-gooder, and the evil-for-the-sake-of-evil-villain, both extremes of the good-evil spectrum. Maybe I'm just too quick to classify a character as 'neutral' by your definition - hence my shock when that group seemed to be delegated to the sidelines!


It's just that the typical superhero story doesn't really tackle morally ambiguous issues, which makes it twice as interesting to do in a roleplay. The particulars of your setting offer that exploration extra depth - it'd be a shame to just use it as a backdrop for a brawl.



Edit: I realized my message may look as if I'm telling you how to run your RP. This is not my intention; I'm just trying to avoid making a character that doesn't fit in with 1) the other characters and 2) the intent of the story. What use is an outspoken stance on morality if my character is going to have to talk via his fists? (And it's not like I don't see the appeal of a nice psychopath.)

Edited by Seikah, 31 March 2015 - 11:48 PM.

Shmuser Name

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...You did write off the category of Heroes and Villains if you only used extreme examples as an argument without crediting how there's room for more than caricatures. I totally can see your concern about Neutrals, and about how a Good v. Evil plotline is dull if it's just utilizing pure caricatures and discourages room for development on the moral scale.


I title these classes Heroes, Villains, and Neutrals not because of their mental and moral standing - but their role in the plot. The best part is that it's up to the players of these three classes to develop their own roles in the plot!


Fucking cash money marijuana cigarettes right there. Lovely excitement, very happy big sex all around.




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But to clarify, it's mostly fighty fighty, yeah?


Or to put it in manga terms, is this supposed to be shonen or seinen?

Edited by Seikah, 01 April 2015 - 12:17 AM.

Shmuser Name

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Manga terms, huh?


This is Shoujo.


LOL jk, it can be a synthesis of Shounen or Seinen depending on the players' decisions/actions. Not everything needs to be solved with fists, some characters have the possibility of not being offensive at all. I would welcome more intellectual things with open arms.




What is this "trying to avoid making a character that doesn't fit in" nonsense? The beauty of RP'ing, at least to me, is crafting a way to make your character an organic piece of the realm you're in, no matter how out of place they seem to be.


The story of this RP is intent on making sure people have a good time and develop their own well-constructed and natural sub-plots while the main plot goes on in the background - I'll try to constantly link it to the foreground as time goes on. I also appreciate player PMs with concepts or ideas they'd like to try out, and most of the time I'm the one putting forwards the idea to the player because I just love what they thought up by themselves and I want a piece of that fucking cake, mister

Edited by Shmuser Name, 01 April 2015 - 03:10 AM.



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Can we make non-super powered charas as well?

I'm thinking of making either a reporter or an info broker if that's alright



My webcomic (action | fantasy | adventure | mystery) on Batoto (image)


Hear me sing and help me grow and improve! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGBxlhBeruObuKrVkQaTRtw

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Shmuser Name

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Characters who don't have powers are allowed, although I personally fail to see the appeal of them - I'd prefer if every playable character had an ability, but I also love creating NPCs and I endorse the creation of non-playable human beings or super-humans.


You're not the first to think of creating Information Brokers as characters, and let me tell you they can get so annoying if people abuse their ability to "know things". I'll allow it, I mean then there'd be two information brokers in this RP, just a heads up.


I plan on submitting four (five when you think about it) of my own characters as Plot-glue devices, and one of them is an Information Broker. To tie this to my first statement, I have a character who specializes in hacking and knowledge accumulation but also has a small telepathic spec.

Edited by Shmuser Name, 01 April 2015 - 09:33 PM.