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Naver Titles

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    Fried Potato

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If you're complaining about the size, tC fixed it.


I've written a userscript for that https://greasyfork.org/scripts/3552-webtoons-com-for-desktop/
But it's an early version and I didn't get it to work on FF yet, so Chrome + Tampermonkey and that userscript is a solution too.

Meow Zorg

Meow Zorg


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gg naver you fucked yourself

To be honest i believe that fan service is terrible



    Potato Spud

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just read the work from webtoons.com and the http://thcmpny.com/naver.html(though they're just the same)... one word that i could describe their work, F***... the hell with the translations and such... my level of hatred to naver just gone 9000!!!



    Potato Sprout

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They even took away NoNameD :( , i was really interested in that one.



    Potato Sprout

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Now we all slowly die from hate of Naver and lack of nutrient rich webtoons.



    Fingerling Potato

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Meh, I never really read that many webtoons anyhow... and I can always wait years for the next chapter of something I do read. <_<




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what a sad news...although I can read (and translate) korean so it doesn't affect me at all :P


Loli is justice



    Russet Potato

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i don't hate Naver, i don't hate Batoto, but i hate this news. :( 

lol roll lol



    Fingerling Potato

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While I am not personally affected by this message as I've yet to like any of their manwhas, I find the blatant stupidity of such moves astonishing.


PS: Of course I am talking about Naver's move, not Grumpy having to go along with it.

Edited by Gnah, 24 July 2014 - 04:50 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Read them on the official website? Please, have you even been on that website? The design is awful



    Potato Spud

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Meh, I never really read that many webtoons anyhow... and I can always wait years for the next chapter of something I do read. <_<

  because DVerde, unlike us, is a first gen vampire who lives forever... time has no effect...






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Rest in rip, ToG =/

Oh well. Thanks The Company for all your work.

Minamoto-kun is now on the first place in the Popular Series list. Gross. Hate Naver for that.

Edited by Halo, 24 July 2014 - 06:35 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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That's what an RSS reader/downloader is for.


Worst of all, only Batoto will lose these comics. Everyone else will keep hosting them. Does naver truly expect people will stop reading them while waiting for their shitty translations and won't instead go to other aggregator websites? That's ludicrous. The only loser is Batoto, just like onemanga.com was years ago, in being one of the few sites to actually comply with the DMCA. Meanwhile, the chinese syndicate behind *****fox and the like will keep reaping illegal profits beyond belief.

It's also funny to hear scanlators say "just visit our website", considering the average reader follows dozens of different series from different scanlators, which may or may not be updated for weeks, months or years. The vast majority will end up using aggregator websites and that's the truth.

When it is obvious that the only losers are Batoto and the international koren manwha culture themselves, it is also obvious that Batoto should find a way not to comply with the DMCA, if at all possible, since it would be best for everyone.

Will of NGE

Will of NGE

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We have been requested by Naver to remove all titles specified by them for all languages.


Please do not upload any new chapters which have been removed. The comic pages themselves have been left there as a notice to not upload.


They have also expressed no interest in setting any type of presence or promotion on Batoto.







Gif Response Unit




    Fingerling Potato

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That's what an RSS reader/downloader is for.

I will not let somebody who puts the answer above the quote tell me what to do! :D


But honestly, people are lazy. They don't want to visit a dozen different scanlation groups, set up a RSS for them and read on their sites, even if they (unlike webtoons.com) don't have a cringeworthy design and a bad reader. They want to go to their one favourite side and have everything presented to them. Humans are beings of habit, change is evil.



    Potato Spud

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So... I know it seems rude but any of the scanlation groups willing to update on my question? If they would be willing to group together all of their downloads for one season into one easy to download file? So say tower of god would have 2 files since it's 2 seasons while noblesse would have 6 so far? I've been downloading TOG's first season and when I finished doing it one by one I found it they were already archived into 3 seperate files altogether. Spent a ton of time doing that. Is anyone at all interested in grouping them together? Sorry to sound rude but it would be great if you guys could do it. 



    Sweet Potato

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aww man
every single one? or just some specified title?


No, not every single one. Though given some of the exceedingly obscure titles they did request be taken down........yeah, I can only assume the handful of ones that weren't removed were an oversight on Naver's part.



OH WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O so it means thatI will no longer typeset FAMOUS MAN, WINDBREAKER, and BLACK BEHEMOTH???



Well, both Famous Man and Black Behemoth are Daum titles, and as of yet neither have been affected........all the chapters are still there. And Wind Breaker strangely enough is one of the odd exceptions.........a Naver title they apparently didn't ask to be taken down as all its chapters are still up. 

Edited by svines85, 24 July 2014 - 08:22 PM.




    Potato Spud

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Worst of all, only Batoto will lose these comics. Everyone else will keep hosting them. Does naver truly expect people will stop reading them while waiting for their shitty translations and won't instead go to other aggregator websites? That's ludicrous. The only loser is Batoto, just like onemanga.com was years ago, in being one of the few sites to actually comply with the DMCA. Meanwhile, the chinese syndicate behind *****fox and the like will keep reaping illegal profits beyond belief.

It's also funny to hear scanlators say "just visit our website", considering the average reader follows dozens of different series from different scanlators, which may or may not be updated for weeks, months or years. The vast majority will end up using aggregator websites and that's the truth.

When it is obvious that the only losers are Batoto and the international koren manwha culture themselves, it is also obvious that Batoto should find a way not to comply with the DMCA, if at all possible, since it would be best for everyone.


Best way I believe is to use mangaupdates.  It provides notifies when series updates.  Also gives links to scanlators website.  Sorry if this is advertising, but this is dark times and this is certainly better then some of the alternatives sites imo.

~This message is Eeyore approved



    Russet Potato

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Damn. Gutted. ToG was probably my favourite current manga/manwah. The Quality on Batoto was definitely a part of that. I can't really believe this has happened... Oh well, manga fox or whatever it is...

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    Potato Spud

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i somewhat understand their need to ask to remove the english versions...... but why did they have to go and ask to remove the other languages!!!!!! in my situation it would be the spanish versions i mean why did they ask to remove those if there's no equivalent of a naver for spanish!!! all i gotta say to this is CHINGA TU PUTA MADRE naver. oh and grumpy i got something to tell you too................ you did what you had to do, oh well, i respect that.