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[RP] Four Winds

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Insane Soul

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Mission 3



After Marion asked, Riley answered right away.


"The answer to that is obvious. I'm far-and-away the most attention-grabbing person here, and my magic is geared for speed. Not even a primal dinosaur can resist my charms. One look at my body and he'll be tripping over himself to follow me!"

*Sigh* Marion knew right away Riley would be one of the first to pull the trigger. "Just...just be careful Riley" she was worried, the idea of Riley playing the decoy and the possible dangers she would be facing was unsettling, but Marion knew that no matter what she said, Riley wouldn't stop.

Edited by Insane Soul, 21 July 2014 - 12:50 AM.





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Yamanu Nightshade

Mission 3


“It seems we have a plan!” he said, with what could almost be thought of as false cheer


“Though a word of caution, T-Rex’s rely primarily on their entire arsenal of senses to track and hunt prey. All of its senses are far above the level of humans, their vision at par with eagles, they can hear low frequency sounds very well, but above all they have an exceptional sense of smell, capable of discerning foe over great distances. Unfortunately there is a high probability that he already knows we are here…  if he does smell you he will do so long before you see or hear him, so take care in hiding your scent. However it would be a great advantage if we could foul his sense of smell… Nevertheless it would be best practise to try to stay upwind from him”. Although Amanu still maintained his default smiling expression, internally he was slightly miffed, two of their number had abilities regarding ropes, making his buying and then lugging of the rather heavy coil of rope redundant. Though he was more annoyed with himself, it was an error on his front, he should have done at least a minimal background study on his team.


“I believe my skills are best suited for tracking and defense roles, for this plan.” He said, then with a thoughtful pause he turned to their neo-dinosaur chauffeurs. “Miss Nayla, do you have any information on the magical capabilities of the primal?”

Edited by Jodgod, 21 July 2014 - 09:33 AM.




Unbelievably Majestic

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Arthur Swizz ~ Mission 2

It had been an enjoyable, fast-paced day for Arthur so far. Much to his liking. It had all started when, much like most days, he woke up. He realized then that he had left his magic headphones switched on overnight. And they were still hanging around his neck. He decided to just go with it and put them on. Love Train was playing. Moments later he could be seen to be dancing his way towards the guild kitchen.

From there he ate some delicious food and went for a quick run. He much preferred running when he wasn't in his normal state. It was much easier in his lighting body. And faster too. But you've got to keep training if you want to get better right? So he did a few laps around the guild building on foot. And then a couple of loops as a lightning bolt, just for fun. It was around the time he was having a quick bath that he remembered the guild would be getting missions today. The second he remembered he bolted (Lightning-bolted) over to the main guild hall and began looking around for the mission slips. Sadly it seemed he couldn't find them all. There was just a mostly empty guild hall and a small piece of paper nailed to the board where a third mission seemed to have been torn off. He was left with three options. He muttered to himself as he read them. "Monsters in a forest, sounds quite fun. Stopping a train heist, also good. Community service... No." And so it came down to a rather tough choice. Fighting horrific monsters in a deep dark forest, at least that was how he imagined it. Or fighting off burglars, and maybe, just maybe, mages, whilst riding atop a speeding train. Both sounded fun. But he decided that the song he had woken up to was a sign he should take the train mission.
After frantically bolting back up to the bath and getting re-dressed he managed to catch up with the group on the train mission. He came zapping out of the sky just in time, because soon Corneille caught up with them in his hearse and let them know he was going with them.
A while later Arthur was still managing to ride the waves of his excitement without falling off into boredom. Which was a good thing, because if he fell asleep here he could miss the whole damn mission. And he was prone to falling asleep when he got bored. Corneille spoke to the group as they sat around a dinner table on board the train. "Anyway. First thing first – we need a battle plan. Show me what you have, my young friends – what would you do to stop this nefarious Rail Racer?”
It seemed nobody had any ideas. This was Arthur's time to shine. He had the perfect plan. It was unbeatable. It was a little complicated, sure, and they'd need everyone's skills. But if they worked together they could pull it off. And they'd certainly catch this rail rac- Roshan interrupted his train of thought. "Think they'd let me into the engine cars?  I've always wanted to see how they work up close...." Now that he thought about it, Arthur would kind of like to see a train engine too. He'd have to sneak a little look into the front carriage later. He hoped they were cool. He imagined they'd be cool.
"I don't see why not. They can't complain at us for doing the job they hired us to do...  Ah, about the job. This rail chaser guy has to get onto the train somehow, right? And then he has to make away with the goods. So what if I stand on the carriage roof and keep an eye out. If someone comes towards the train they'll surely be our guy. Then I can just rain lighting down on him and whatever vehicle he's using to transport the stolen stuff. Even if I somehow don't manage to stop him with that, you'll all hear the lighting. So it'll be like an alarm at the very least. What do you guys think?"

Edited by Unbelievably Majestic, 22 July 2014 - 03:04 PM.

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Dumitra Nuanţă



As more of Leyla's drinking buds slowly joined the breakfast table and expressed interest, things starting to look up for the group. But still, the numbers weren't enough according to the specifications requested for the job. Apart from the girls a guy by the name of Franz too introduced himself, he was quickly assigned the role of a 'meatshield' by Rory who seemed upbeat after Clover relieved her from her hangover. Dumitra was given a few glances but ignored otherwise, which made her feel a bit unwelcomed seeing that most of her team already had a working bond or rather a drinking bond but she didn't voice that. Meanwhile, others too had decided on their teams and looked set for their goals. The fact that none of them was even interested in talking with her made her feel like a painting, hung on a decrepit wall of a forgotten castle, out of view of the people. She had hoped that the warmth she had felt from the Grand Maester and Maester Celisier would be replicated by her comrades but that was still a distant dream.


A few moments later, their teacher arrived, the one assigned for their job. Azi Raodati. To say he had a mysterious charm would be an understatement, for that was just a layer most visible. He had an air of mystery around him and while other Maesters had interacted with the new recruits on some occasions, he had strangely maintained his distance. He quickly put out the order of things and asked their group to prepare. Dumitra, who had been ignored till that moment was thrilled with this opportunity to go into the woods again and quickly made into her room using the shadows around the compound. Once inside, she opened her cabinet and took out the tools of her trade that were gathering dust for the good part of last three weeks. Packed in deer's skincloth were two bone knives, her only offensive equipment. She packed her other essentials in a bindle and changed into her black cloak from her plain black oversized t-shirt that she wore a few moments before. She took out the redstone pebbles and sandalwood that she had been keeping and quickly mixed them to make her war-paint. Since she was going on a monster hunt, she put on her pain in a pattern usually used by the hunters of her tribe, with all things set she moved out.


If before she was ignored, then know she was curiously glanced before being dismissed as an oddball by her colleagues. She silently settled into a cozy seat near Azi and quietly observed the scenery that flew by her window pane as they took the train to the Black forest. While the other girls chatted, she mostly stole glances at the handsome teacher and watched the landscapes in other times. From afar, their destination didn't look that much dangerous, apart from the smoke that wafted from the town and the occasional trained that passed; full with people. They didn't see much until they closed in on the town when destruction from the monsters began being apparent.


By the time they arrived at Schwarzwald, they were among the last left on the train as people didn't seem to be willing to go near the town. but, Dumitra was very eager. Never before, had she seen such a massive construction, her eyes lit up with awe as she continued staring at it slack-jawed. On Azi's command they walked into the town, countless people lined up for treatment near the clerics that were patiently dealing with them. They made their way to the town hall only to be pointed towards the west wall where the breach occurred. The man they were to meet exuded an aura of a commander. He inquired of their motives and was appalled by the sparse force that their guild had spared for this endeavor scowling at every member to which their teacher responded giving his real name.


The Red Dragon! Apparently, it was to bring things under control but the man, Caellach only became more miserable, ridiculing their teacher further. Dumitra just stared at him murderously, had it not been an ally, she would have given him a painful death. meanwhile, other parties too gathered up, among them an especially cocky brat. Calling them names, without even knowing them and boasting off himself. While Azi pricked him further with a non-challant barb, things mellowed down as an older man presented himself. Identifying himself as Maester Tetsu, he was the one in charge of the hothead and two more. Dumitra felt her confidence rise a bit knowing that there were atleast two Maesters on the scene now. Till now, she had only closely followed Maester Selena and if everyone were near about her level then, that meant that two Maesters meant a lot of firepower.


On introductions, even more approached. Apparently, Monster hunter guilds had also committed troops in this situation as they met an all girl party of Huntresses.


As night came, the view got better. The dense forest began to earn its moniker. A place so dark that not even the beautiful moonlight could pierce through and as time passed, the forest lit up. There was an uproar, one could hear loud cackles and guffaws as monsters began approaching from the woods. The bell rang at night, Dumitra was in the hall already armed and ready as Azi went to wake others who weren't. They were sharing the place with Lazer Lotus who they had earlier met on the walls. The two Maesters were planning a counter-offensive and discussing the roles of the young magi in their charge.


They soon headed out with simple instructions from Azi. 'To not die', that was all he wanted from them or atleast that is what she understood. As they took the high road, they passed the reinforcements making their way to the walls. Carrying out artillery equipment and other weapons to make a stand. All was going well, when a tile landed near Leyla, who taking full advantage of a life honed in battle took evasive action. On the roof, stood a silhouette cut out by the dancing flames from the city below. With piercing glare and fine feline like movements, it landed in front of the party ready to send them to hell. Azi coolly identified the monstrosity as a 'Chimera'. with a Lion's head, a goats torso and a snake as the tail, it was as weird as it was terrifying. Dumitra looked on with interest as she recounted what all she had read on it. Apparently, its venom was real top quality, earning it's place among the pantheon of venoms. Just a few grades lower than Basilisk's and Hydra venom. Her eyes lit up as she slowly recounted all of it. If they manage to take this one down, she can harvest its fang and bottle the precious venom. She then can use it for her own use or even sell it for good money. It was a Jackpot that had landed right in front of them.


But, before she could request the party to kill it without damaging the snake's fang. Another one, tackled Azi and made things a bit tough. A normal party would be scared shitless and be massacred but it seemed that most of the members remained unmoved. As the first one charged at Clover, she quickly ran at it and slid underneath it with the help of her unique magic. Her bubbles soon started wrapping it's feet as he turned its attention on her. Dumitra took that chance to try and build a friendship with at least one of them. She quickly channeled her mana and from it's shadow a spear emerged, aimed right at its side. Should she succeed in this attack, the creature may suffer at least some damage. She could only hope that the Maester could handle his beast alone.



If you have the time: 





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Chapter 2 - Accept Your Place, Be a Shoe

Mission 2 - Rail Racer


Nyx lifted his hat from over his eyes. Somehow, despite the previous night’s terrors and a rather uncomfortable carriage ride with one of his new bosses, he had been able to catch some rest on the trip there. Being surrounded by his new guild mates put a sense of ease into him, an inner tranquility he hadn’t felt for years, if ever. Even the incessant ramblings of idiots like Lot were something he could eventually warm up to. In time. Fifty years perhaps.


He took a pack of cigarettes out from his coat pocket and pulled one out with his teeth. As he lit it and let the smoke fill his lungs his thoughts drifted back to his father. They were doing so more and more often lately.


“What is that? The stick thing you always put in your mouth,” a younger version of himself asked.


“It’s a cigarette.”


“Is it tasty?”


“Do you want to try?” His father asked and Nyx eagerly snatched it away. A moment later, a teary eyed Nyx was coughing up his lungs onto the floor.


“Heh. Don’t worry if you don’t like it kid. It’s a terrible habit anyway. Terrible habits are for terrible people…”


Nyx took another puff of smoke. He still hated smoking, and it was a terrible habit. But terrible habits, especially the ones you hate, are the ones that stick to someone the hardest.  His fellows at Four Winds were all good people, all smiles and laughter with the sun shining brightly upon them. Try as he might to fit in, Nyx never believed once he could become like them. Some stains were too deep to remove. The bloody kind. So it was probably for the best that he hadn't been paying attention to a word they had said, only catching a few words they threw around like "battle plan", "engine cars", and "lightning." Nyx was all for a good plan but he much preferred to work alone on missions.


"...so it'll be an alarm at the very least. What do you guys think?" Arthur had apparently finished speaking. Nyx stretched his arms and gave a wide yawn.


"Ah. I think that's a wonderful plan...you guys have definitely covered all your bases. Good work team! That dastardly thief won't escape your clutches!" Nyx acted as enthusiastic as he could with mixed results. "Alas, it looks like everything is taken care of here, so I'm going to take a look around the train. Arrivederci~ "


And so he was off to set a trap of his own. He did after all agree to work with them, but never said he'd work with them

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"The sun is new each day."

Johnny Paradise

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Felix -- Mission 2


Felix scowled at the noise around. Roshan had yet to even accept his offer, as the stack of pancakes was seemingly a focal point for the guild's attention, detracting constantly from their rather pleasant conversation. The coming of Nyx and Lot added to this frustration, but at the very least they were interested in the same thing. Perhaps Roshan would be more inclined to come along with Felix if they were in a group. Whether or not that influenced her choice, she indeed decided to take up Felix on his offer.


"Perhaps we should take our leave, hm?" he said to the group, wanting nothing more than to leave the raucous building. Enjoy it though he might once in a while, the excitability of the place was usually at odds with his sensibilities.


The group left, but were soon intercepted by one of the guild's many Maesters, Corneille. Felix liked him and his funny car. He didn't even mind when he was stuffed into a casket for the trip. It was more comfortable than one might expect. Still painfully, horribly, unpleasantly uncomfortable, but not as bad as Felix had imagined it being.


Once at their destination, they began to scheme and plot and do other such things so as to guarantee the success of the mission.


"Splendid ideas, all of you!" he said to Roshan, Nyx, and Arthur, who all had things they wanted to do. "I support you fully in these endeavors. I, however, will be heading to the cargo myself." Much like Nyx, he excused himself from the present company. "You'll know where to find me!"


Felix had little conception of the abilities of his comrades and the abilities of the train's assailant, and as such had little idea of what to do as a group. He had his own ideas in mind, of course, but none which required his guildmate's assistance. Reaching for his Grimoire and thumbing through the pages, Felix began to read aloud.


The moon pulsed in the desert sky, spilling midnight upon the high dunes and caravan tents. The guard was vigilant, keeping watch over their precious cargo, but it would be of no consequence. The silence of the night was so complete that Semir could hear only the sound of his own breath as he surveyed the desolate landscape. That would be the last sound he ever heard.


From Felix's shadow came four shadowy figures, fully cloaked in black and a dull, rusted red. In their hands were wickedly curved blades, which seemed to be the only substantial thing about them. As Felix looked over them, they seemed to flicker in and out of existence. With a terse command, they melded into the shadows and made their way to the cargo. They would watch over it from within and without, making sure no one would reach the gold.


Not satisfied, Felix turned the pages of his Grimoire.


They told her the forest was dangerous, but the scent of belladonna and hyacinth invigorated Vela. She bundled them up and brought them home, hanging the poisonous bouquets in her garden. Children and small animals quickly fell ill.


Various flowers seemed to grow from the doors and walls. Felix bundled them together and carried them to the cargo room, intending to lace the gold with dangerous powders and poisons.

here's to a long life and dead friends


Officer Judy Hopps

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Jeanne d'Luc

Mission 4

Waiting into a period that tested even her own patience, Jeanne bit her lip and her tongue as the leader for their mission finally arrived in a cloud of noxious smoke. Watching observantly, the Magi couldn't help but see an air of what seemed to be desperation; whatever it was over was something she could not perceive. Lightly tapping her steel toed foot with a touch of impatience then, she happily boarded the cab and got underway.

It seemed at first thankfully that such an adventure was going to be uneventful.

That was until they received company of the rather uncouth sort.

What was supposed to be a simple quarrying mission soon grew to a new variation of conflicting parties. Of which there were two: first, there were those of the village who had abandoned the mine due to Se superstition? And second: two twin-like men who were obviously magi of some sort. Their capabilities and threat however, were an element that was very much still unknown.

Yet there was no time to decide how to act, only to utter a hastened order.

"Chase, I'll push back the one with a driven heel. Retrieve our paycheck. Faron, Sabra, you have the other. Good hunting my friends." Her voice had changed, it was no longer whimsical or musical.

It bore a terse and harsh demeanor.

They had the head of a villager, their paycheck as Tanya had so aptly put it, being pressed into the dusted earth and shards of glass. Such a dishonorable act was something that Jeanne was not willing to tolerate, and she reached behind her, slipping her shield onto her forearm, and her opposite hand placing her face plate down before drawing her one handed sword in a flash. Then, and only then did a new light emerge from her.

Arcing from her back then came a surge of magic which bore a righteous defense as fierce as the wrathful sense glowering in her eyes. This surge however took shape in a glorious ensemble of wings. It was a magical technique known as Devout's Shield. Shimmering just briefly, both soon folded behind her back and the Magi dug her toes into the ground and launched herself forward. With her, wings of brilliant gold spread and the girl almost seemed to take flight while her shield rose with her charge across the short distance.

The oppressive monster with his foot on the Villager's head beneath his foot would suddenly find himself the target of what appeared to almost be an archangel. With her surge forward came her shield, a wall of steel that was backed by her strength as she sought to literally slam him with it. With such force to push him off the poor villager, the Angel spun about for a second strike with the same shield, only to be followed then with a vicious uppercut using the edge of defensive tool.

Her intention was to free the man from the cruelty of this Magi, and to do it as quickly as possible.


Me, according to a Hero:




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Lorelei Weiss

Mission 1 - Beasts of the black Forest


Usually a leisurely trip through the gorgeous Freiburgs countryside on a train would have appealed to Rory. Growing up her troupe had a dingy old steam locomotive that they used to transport all the animals and equipment, and travelling from city to city was one of the many parts of circus life that she loved. Today however her gaze was completely absent as she stared obliviously at the rolling green hills, lush pastures and quaint farms that passed them by. Even the solid rhythm of wheel on track beneath their feet did nothing to dull the anxiety she was feeling, given the predicament she'd placed herself into. In all seriousness she was a scam artist, not a combatant; now rushing forth to clear out some magical breeding ground of savage beasts. It was quite the absurd situation really, and a direct result of her own avarice and pride. There was undoubtedly a lesson to be learned in all of it.


When Azi introduced himself to the group Rory had little doubt in her mind that this man was powerful. He exuded a certain quiet confidence in the way that he spoke and in how he held himself; the sort of confidence that could only be spawned from a wealth of personal experience. He now sat across from her next to Dumitra; pensive and relaxed, while Rory quietly remained in her little pseudo-trance, incessantly tapping her foot and rolling a coin back and forth across her knuckles. It was an old habit from when she used to prepare for a performance; a trick her father taught her to take her mind off the daunting task at hand. Now it had become little more than a nervous reflex.


Her gaze was broken at the first of the smouldering ruins passed the window. Ash and crumbled stone lay where a house once stood, and in the distance was the dull glow of fields on fire. Crashing back to reality with a quick glance around at the others, Rory turned towards the direction in which the train was heading to see a rather concentrated mass of smoke approaching. "Is that it?" she queried, "Schwarzwald?" As they rapidly closed in on the locale the damages became increasingly apparent, while jutting out from behind the city and then off into the distance was a forest thicker than any she'd seen.


From the station to the city's centre was a short walk yet solemn, as Rory took in the immeasurable damage around them. Fires still burned and rubble littered the streets dotted with personal effects; equally scorched and trampled. Ash and smoke still hung thick in the air, giving many areas a grey snow-covered feel. Using her gloved hand to cover her mouth in an attempt to keep a little of the ash and smoke out, she continued with the rest of the group from scene of carnage to scene of carnage. It wasn't just buildings and objects though; no amount of rubble and ash covered the deep crimson stains splashed around, and the white sheets covering what were clearly the freshly deceased weren't uncommon either. Parts of Schwarzwald literally looked like warzones, and as the largest of the city's walls loomed above them, she realized that it was unlikely to change.


Passing through the wall's gate, they were hit instantly by the smell. You can always, always smell a refugee camp. A tiny area like Schwarzwald's inner city was never designed for the sheer volume of extra bodies that now inhabited it, and the first thing to go was always hygiene. Baths were an unneeded luxury and sewage invariably breaks down with the additional surge, and no-one really has time to fix it. To say it was a welcome change from the smoke infused stench of death and destruction was a lie, but it was an unfair comparison anyway. Passing through all the refugees, the group finally met with the man leading the city's defences, and the one who had requested assistance in the first place.


Her first impression? Asshole.  At his behest they had come to risk their own safety in his war that he was clearly losing; he might have behaved a little more grateful. Given his position though it was understandable, and even forgivable to a degree. He even seemed to lighten up a little when Azi introduced himself, but the atmosphere was still remarkably grim. Beside the city's armoured militia, there were two other aberrant groups present. There were a group of women who identified themselves as huntresses, and another team of mages from a rival guild who were particularly unhappy by their arrival. One of their number in particular; and outspoken young man berated Azi immediately over his recent introductory claim, garnering the contempt of the entire party. He was shut down immediately by Azi's sharp tongue, and then again by his own team leader; a Maester from their guild of Lazer Lotus.


The group was ushered to an abandoned apartment located on the edge of the inner city closest to the forest. It seemed that given the state of the siege, the refugees avoided the area due to its newfound proximity to the forest. The beds were soft and warm, and there were even a few provisions spared for them, but Rory couldn't relax. She sat cross-legged precariously on the window sill with an untouched apple resting beside her. In her breast pocket were 46 playing cards, while four aces and three queens floated eerily in the air in front of her, each spinning slowly on its own axis. They were a part of a deck of 53; her own personal set of enchanted metal playing cards. Sturdy and sharp as anything, they were enchanted to disintegrate when removed too far from the deck for too long and reappear wherever the joker happens to be, hence the 53rd card. So when the alarm rang, Rory simply allowed the seven cards to fall to the ground, while she spun around to see Azi in the doorway, rousing them to action.


Dumitra was already ready and waiting for the rest of them with Azi and the Lotus Maester as the pushed into the hall, so Rory stood by her as they were briefed by their respective leaders. Their objective was to assist the militia at the new breach in the Inner city wall, while the Lotus crew provided support in the lower city. Without a further word, the groups dispersed into the city in their respective directions. They hadn't made it a block though when the first assault found them.


A falling roof tile was their first warning, landing beside Leyla. Rory first looked at her companion, then after registering that a roof tile obviously came from the roof, she looked up. By then it was too late. Had the beast chosen her as its target, she'd have been completely at its mercy, but Leyla's quick reflexes were another story. She swiftly moved from its path as it landed on the ground between them, readying itself for another attack. Azi calmly identified the grotesque amalgam as a chimera, seconds before a second beast tackled him to the ground. The first had already set its sights on clover as it dashed forward. She too sprung straight into action sliding forward on a slippery bubbly surface that expanded a little behind her.


The beast in eager anticipation of its next meal had already leaped at Clover while she (further anticipating its leap) slid harmlessly beneath it, well out of its reach. It landed on her newly prepared slippery surface; the soapy texture giving it very little traction, and by extension little opportunity to evade. Rory's mind finally moved to action. If they didn't capitalize on the opening clover had provided, they were all just wasting her magic. Dumitra too had taken note of the chance they'd been given, and Rory saw her magic manifest in a spear protruding from the Chimera's shadow. Unsure of the exact mechanic of Dumitra's magic, Rory couldn't know for sure if this spear was going to be thrust into the beast, or if she was waiting for the beast to fall on it. Either way, Rory opted to give her a hand. The beast was fairly large, so Rory didn't know how well her magic would affect it directly. On top of that, it would mean she'd have to get closer to it, and she felt it just wasn't worth the risk. Instead, she drew three cards from her pocket into her left hand, while using her right as a visual medium in gripping a largish piece of stone debris with her magic.


Throwing playing cards was a simple trick, even without magic. Rory flicked all three as accurately as she could; two to slash across the eyes and face, and third to cut the tendon at the back of its lower front leg. At the same time she flung the uneven piece of rubble (barely a foot long at its widest point) with as much might as she could generate with her magic. Though it appeared to spontaneously accelerate from its position towards the cat, Rory felt her magic surge as it moved. The cards were merely a distraction; if they were to hit, then all the better. Her main plan was to smash the rubble into the cat, forcing it back on to Dumitra's spear, hopefully compounding the damage it would have done on its own.




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Hana Palladino - Mission One

Beasts of the Black Forest [Monster Hunter]

The Red Dragon.

These words continued to flood the young mage's thoughts, rippling throughout his subconscious ever since he had heard them. It was not as if he knew what this title meant nor did he know how significant this actually was. Regardless, the reactions that it had gathered just by merely being uttered were definitely noteworthy to say the least. The fact that it was associated with their fellow guildsman, Azi Raodati, just piqued Hana's interest even more that it already was. However, it would seem that Hana's late-night pondering would briefly be put on hold as a bell-like siren echoed throughout the establishment that served as their makeshift quarters. Despite his train of thought being broken, the grin on his face had yet to leave. Hana was well aware that the current situation they were in only meant one thing; their mission, for some reason, had already started. Thrilled with what was about to come, he hastily made his way out of bed, and proceeded to where the rest of the three-guild coalition had gathered.

“Bad new everyone. The monsters have moved first. We are to go and provide support at the breach. Stay together and try not to die.”




What was previously a quiet and chill-winded night abruptly turned into a fire-lit evening, revealing a city that was armed to the teeth, appearing as if they were about to enter a state of war. As they continued to make their way across the city of Schwarzwald, their advances were halted by an unexpected encounter. From the shadows, a towering behemoth the likes most of them had never encountered had entered the scene.

“Chimera.” Azi remarked cooly. “A powerful magical creature. I did not know the spawn point had already become this bad.”

This creature was something Hana had heard of before but other than that, he had little to no knowledge regarding the magical beast’s capabilities. However, the same couldn’t be said about Azi. Remaining calm and collected, it was obvious that he either had significant information regarding the capabilities of such a beast or he had encountered one sometime in the past. Before Hana could make use of this, from out of nowhere, a second Chimera had appeared, tackling the young maester. In a span of a few seconds, a thick layer of magic had quickly filled the area along with bubbles, playing cards, flying debris, and shadow-like constructs. In such a scenario, despite keeping his guard and being mindful of the events that were taking place, Hana was in no position to enter the fray haphazardly. Not only would he be caught in the crossfire, rather than providing any sort of assistance to his allies, he would just become a liability for the entire group.

With this in mind, Hana did that only thing he could do that would reap the least amount of detriment for their party. Believing that his fellow journeyman wizards could fend for themselves, the young mage left them and ran towards the side of their leader. However, given the proximity of the second Chimera and its possible attacking range, Hana wasn’t able to get too close.

“Maester Raodati, are you okay?” he yelled not out of concern, but with the purpose of making others believe that he was.

“I know the timing isn’t appropriate, but you need to tell us what you know about the capabilities of these Chimeras?”

Edited by Juro, 01 August 2014 - 11:56 AM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Sabra Lynne Alistor
The Worst Team
Mission 4

Waiting for Tanya was a pain in the you know what. Sabra did not like to wait. She was dead set on leaving and just say "Screw the mission". But, you know how things go, soon as you move, that one thing you were waiting for happens. Well, just as Sabra stood up to leave, Ms. Tanya showed up in a very noisy fashion. Sabra watched, mouth open in disbelief, as Tanya showed herself to be as disfunctional and dim as a Baka shounen hero. And broke!! She was extremely broke. Plus she had the nerve to call Sabra broke. "I'll show you broke." The ice Mage said at low breath as the group finally left the guild building and headed towards their job.

Transportation was....erratic at best. The details of the trip are unnecessary. Nothin really happened but everyone being annoyed by such an mentally incapable leader.

Once the group arrived, the mission of clearing out the quarry seemed to turn into a rescue job. Two sissified looking guys were assaulting an old man. They seem to be part of some gang and wanted the man, who was apparently the person who asked for help, to leave the quarry alone. Sabra did not like cowards. They were not cute at the least. How can you act tough when it takes two young men to take down an old, defenseless man? Not attractive at all. "What a bunch of loser boys." She said scoffing at the situation. "I can easily ta...." Before she could finish her sentence, Jeanne decided to start barking out orders and went on the attack.

"What? Did that idiot knight just give me an order? Has this woman lost her mind?" The event pissed off Sabra. It was crazy enough she had to take orders from those stronger than her but of someone on her level? The nerve. Anger spread across her face as magical energy gathered into her hands and took the shape of two fun made of ice. "Stupid knight!! You dare fix your mouth to give me an order?!" With a burst of frozen ice, Sabra let loose a flurry bullets that was shot just as the lady-knight leap into the air. All the bullets were aimed at the two men and away from the man on the ground. It should cause the men to move from their position and free the old man of his pain. What happens to the knight though, was of no concern to Sabra. The girl shouldn't have opened her stuffy little mouth. Sabra was getting Trigger Happy.