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Genre filter

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    Potato Sprout

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How about a genre filter so i dont have to stumple upon yaoi content? not like i can tell from the TINY thumbnails in the first place.



    Discord King

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I'm just going to assume you mean the front page, since the Comic Search doesn't have thumbnails unless you click the blue (i) button (and those aren't really that small). Just in case though, gonna leave this here: http://vatoto.com/search?advanced=1


Now, on to the topic at hand:

I'm not going to lie, it would probably be fairly easy to implement (depending on Grumpy's setup... it might actually be hard. idk), but there are many reasons why such a thing wouldn't be feasible. It's 3am right now, so I'm a little too tired to explain much beyond "It's probably not going to happen". Sorry :(


P.S. the little (i) button is there on the front page as well (on the left of the title), and it gives you genres + a bigger thumbnail; no need to "stumble" into genres you don't like, check the info before you click.

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^



    Sweet Potato

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How about a genre filter so i dont have to stumple upon yaoi content? not like i can tell from the TINY thumbnails in the first place.


This has been brought up so many times already.......


* http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/10478-list-of-community-suggestions-we-are-going-over/















Edited by svines85, 04 May 2014 - 07:57 AM.




    Potato Sprout

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I'm glad it's been brought up so many times and that I followed the sticky's advice and checked before starting a new thread. It really would be incredibly useful to have a content filter. There are so many releases every day that I often lose the comics I'm interested in. Having the content filter would let me cut down on the genres I don't like (horror, yaoi, shoujo...etc.) and give the attention to the scanlators doing the hard work for the genres I do! Seeing as how there's already a language filter, I imagine adding a content filter wouldn't be incredibly difficult...maybe painstaking, but not difficult...Thanks for all the consideration so far though. :D



    Discord King

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Since this has been brought up again, I'm going to point out something nice:


Okay so, we all know that the front page is just a giant list of the last updated mangas, yeah? Well there's an option to search by "last updated" in the comic search! In your case specifically anmire, you might do something like this:



Now on to the bad sides of this:

- You don't get to see the thumbnails of the series without clicking the (i) button, but as somebody has mentioned the ones on the front page are TINY anyway >.<

- There is currently a known bug in the Comics search that the "Last Updated" column doesn't follow your global language filter. It seems to be isolated to the search page only and should be fixed by grumpy sometime after the follows overhaul ^.^

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^